Ingeniería: general

Tecnología, ingeniería, agricultura / Tecnología: cuestiones generales / Ingeniería: general (8909)

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  • New Approaches, Methods, and Tools in Urban E-Planning
    Carlos Nunes Silva
    Recent advances in information and communication technologies have enhanced the standards of metropolitan planning and development. With the increase in mobile communication, this will help to deliver innovative new services and apps in the field of urban e-planning. New Approaches, Methods, and Tools in Urban E-Planning is a key resource for the latest academic research on rec...

    269,29 €

  • Microbial Cultures and Enzymes in Dairy Technology
    Microorganisms are an integral part of the fermentation process in food products and help to improve sensory and textural properties of the products. As such, it is vital to explore the current uses of microorganisms in the dairy industry. Microbial Cultures and Enzymes in Dairy Technology is a critical scholarly resource that explores multidisciplinary uses of cultures and enz...

    347,66 €

  • Design Solutions for nZEB Retrofit Buildings
    Construction projects, once they are completed, are intended to exist in the skylines of cities and towns for decades. Sustainable technologies seek to take these existing structures and make them environmentally friendly and energy efficient. Design Solutions for nZEB Retrofit Buildings is a critical scholarly resource that examines the importance of creating architecture that...

    308,82 €

  • Androids, Cyborgs, and Robots in Contemporary Culture and Society
    Steven John Thompson
    Mankind’s dependence on artificial intelligence and robotics is increasing rapidly as technology becomes more advanced. Finding a way to seamlessly intertwine these two worlds will help boost productivity in society and aid in a variety of ways in modern civilization. Androids, Cyborgs, and Robots in Contemporary Culture and Society is an essential scholarly resource that delve...

    268,90 €

  • Surface Engineering Techniques and Applications
    Loredana Santo / Paulo Davim
    Surface engineering includes many facets of materials science that help regulate the function, quality, and safety of products such as automotive, textile, and electronic materials. New technologies are developing to help enhance the surface performance. Surface Engineering Techniques and Applications: Research Advancements provides recent developments in surface engineering te...

    282,08 €

  • E-Logistics and E-Supply Chain Management
    Deryn Grahman
    Business models rely on the development and use of technologies in logistics and supply chain management in order to continually improve business processes. E-Logistics and E-Supply Chain Management: Applications for Evolving Business explores the creation of integrated supply chains, the developments of virtual business, and the processes of re-engineering for business develop...

    242,87 €

  • Technological Solutions for Modern Logistics and Supply Chain Management
    Technological Solutions for Modern Logistics and Supply Chain Management highlights theories and technological growth in applied research as well as advances in logistics, supply chains, and industry experiences. Aiming to enhance the expansions made towards an efficient and sustainable economy, this book is essential for providing researchers, practitioners and academicians wi...

    243,04 €

    Sergio E. Serrano
    An integrated coverage of probability, statistics, Monte Carlo simulation, inferential statistics, design of experiments, systems reliability, fitting random data to models, analysis of variance, stochastic processes, and stochastic differential equations for engineers and scientists. The author for first time presents an introduction to the broad field of applied engineering u...

    134,56 €

  • Pattern Recognition Technologies and Applications
    Brijesh Verma
    The nature of handwriting in our society has significantly altered over the ages due to the introduction of new technologies such as computers and the World Wide Web. With increases in the amount of signature verification needs, state of the art internet and paper-based automated recognition methods are necessary. Pattern Recognition Technologies and Applications: Recent Advanc...

    236,67 €

  • Agent-Oriented Methodologies

    84,39 €

  • Advanced Instrument Engineering
    Measurement technologies and instrumentation have a multidisciplinary impact in the field of applied sciences. These engineering technologies are necessary in processing information required for renewable energy, biotechnology, power quality, and nanotechnology. Advanced Instrument Engineering: Measurement, Calibration, and Design presents theoretical and practical aspects on t...

    255,95 €

  • Principes fondamentaux de l’ingénierie biochimique
    Bhavana S. Karmore / Shraddha N. Zanjat / Vishwajit K. Barbudhe
    La biotechnologie est l’art et la science de la conversion de réactifs (substrat) en produits utiles par l’action de micro-organismes ou d’enzymes . Les micro-organismes ont toujours été au service de l’humanité. Ainsi, tout processus dans lequel des microbes ou des organismes vivants jouent un rôle vital dans la transformation des aliments en produits utiles est appelé BIOPROC...

    94,95 €

  • EINBAU einer dünnen ZINNSCHLEIFENSCHICHT in eine Teichsandschüttung
    Anoop Narain Singh
    Das indische Straßennetz wird im Rahmen zahlreicher behördlicher Projekte wie Bharatmala zur Anbindung diverser Häfen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, dem Ausbau landesweiter Autobahnen, staatlicher Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen kontinuierlich erweitert. Damit die meisten dieser Straßen problemlos befahren werden können, besteht die Möglichkeit, eine große Menge an autom...

    60,52 €

  • Incapsulamento di uno strato sottile di scorie di zinco nel riempimento di cenere di stagno
    Anoop Narain Singh
    La rete stradale indiana è in continua crescita grazie a numerosi pacchetti di autorità come l’iniziativa Bharatmala per il collegamento di diversi porti all’interno degli Stati Uniti d’America, la crescita di autostrade nazionali, autostrade statali e superstrade. Per agevolare il movimento dei visitatori sulla maggior parte di queste strade in costruzione, può esserci un’imme...

    60,52 €

  • Encapsulamento de uma camada fina de escória de zinco em aterro de cinzas de lagoa
    Anoop Narain Singh
    A rede de avenidas da Índia está a aumentar continuamente sob numerosos pacotes de autoridades como o empreendimento Bharatmala para ligar diversos portos nos Estados Unidos da América, o crescimento de auto-estradas nacionais, auto-estradas estatais e vias rápidas. Para facilitar o movimento dos visitantes do local para a maioria dessas estradas que estão sendo construídas, po...

    60,52 €

    Анооп Нараин Сингх
    Сеть автодорог в Индии постоянно расширяется в рамках многочисленных государственных проектов, таких как проект 'Бхаратмала' для соединения различных портов в Соединенных Штатах Америки, строительство магистралей общего пользования, автомагистралей штатов и скоростных автострад. Для обеспечения беспрепятственного движения посетителей по большинству из этих строящихся дорог суще...

    60,58 €

  • Estabilização do solo com fosfogesso e ensaio de material Surkhi
    Anoop Narain Singh
    A estabilização de uma massa de solo é um fenómeno através do qual a estabilidade e de um solo é avançada e elevada, os métodos que são normalmente adoptados para a estabilização são a estabilização mecânica e química. A região de estabilização do piso é uma região completamente crítica na engenharia mecânica do solo porque onde as necessidades de infraestrutura são enormes ou ...

    60,20 €

  • Vom Funken zur Skulptur
    Jarnail Singh / Kaushal Kumar / Rakesh Kumar
    Willkommen in der faszinierenden Welt des Schweißens, einem wichtigen Prozess bei der Konstruktion und Herstellung von Haushaltsgegenständen bis hin zu Wolkenkratzern. Dieses Buch soll Anfängern die Grundlagen des Schweißens nahebringen und behandelt verschiedene Methoden, Geräte, Materialien und Sicherheitsverfahren. Ganz gleich, ob Sie eine Karriere als Schweißer in Erwägung ...

    84,16 €

  • Des étincelles aux sculptures
    Jarnail Singh / Kaushal Kumar / Rakesh Kumar
    Bienvenue dans le monde fascinant du soudage, un processus essentiel dans la construction et la fabrication de tout, des articles ménagers aux gratte-ciel. Ce livre est conçu pour initier les débutants aux bases du soudage, en abordant les différentes méthodes, l’équipement, les matériaux et les procédures de sécurité. Que vous envisagiez une carrière dans le soudage, que vous ...

    84,09 €

  • Stabilizzazione del terreno con fosfogesso e test sul materiale Surkhi
    Anoop Narain Singh
    La stabilizzazione di una massa di terreno è un fenomeno attraverso il quale la stabilità e la stabilità di un terreno vengono aumentate e incrementate; i metodi solitamente adottati per la stabilizzazione sono la stabilizzazione meccanica e quella chimica. La regione della stabilizzazione del suolo è una regione completamente critica nell’ingegneria meccanica del suolo, perché...

    60,20 €

  • Das faíscas às esculturas
    Jarnail Singh / Kaushal Kumar / Rakesh Kumar
    Bem-vindo ao fascinante mundo da soldadura, um processo crítico na construção e fabrico de tudo, desde artigos domésticos a arranha-céus. Este livro foi concebido para apresentar aos principiantes os princípios básicos da soldadura, abrangendo vários métodos, equipamentos, materiais e procedimentos de segurança. Quer esteja a considerar uma carreira na área da soldadura, a real...

    84,03 €

  • От искр до скульптур
    Джарнаил Сингх / Каушал Кумар / Ракеш Кумар
    Добро пожаловать в увлекательный мир сварки - важнейшего процесса в строительстве и изготовлении всего, от бытовых предметов до небоскребов. Эта книга предназначена для ознакомления начинающих с основами сварки, охватывая различные методы, оборудование, материалы и технику безопасности. Независимо от того, собираетесь ли вы строить карьеру в области сварки, заниматься проектом ...

    84,16 €

  • Dalle scintille alle sculture
    Jarnail Singh / Kaushal Kumar / Rakesh Kumar
    Benvenuti nell’affascinante mondo della saldatura, un processo fondamentale per la costruzione e la fabbricazione di qualsiasi cosa, dagli oggetti domestici ai grattacieli. Questo libro è stato progettato per introdurre i principianti alle basi della saldatura, coprendo i vari metodi, le attrezzature, i materiali e le procedure di sicurezza. Sia che stiate pensando di intrapren...

    84,03 €

  • Bodenstabilisierung mit Phosphogips und Surkhi-Materialprüfung
    Anoop Narain Singh
    Die Stabilisierung eines Bodens ist ein Phänomen, durch das die Festigkeit eines Bodens erhöht wird. Die Methoden, die in der Regel zur Stabilisierung eingesetzt werden, sind mechanische und chemische Stabilisierung. Die Region der Bodenstabilisierung ist eine völlig kritische Region in der Bodenmechanik Engineering, weil, wo die Infrastruktur Notwendigkeiten sind riesig oder w...

    60,20 €

  • Stabilisation des sols à l’aide de phosphogypse et essais de matériaux Surkhi
    Anoop Narain Singh
    La stabilisation d’une masse de sol est un phénomène par lequel la stabilité d’un sol est renforcée et augmentée. Les méthodes habituellement adoptées pour la stabilisation sont la stabilisation mécanique et la stabilisation chimique. La région de stabilisation des sols est une région tout à fait critique dans l’ingénierie mécanique des sols parce que là où les besoins d’infras...

    60,20 €

  • Активизация инноваций
    Прабхакар Бхандари
    Книга 'Энергичные инновации: Важнейшая роль машиностроения в энергетической революции' - это всестороннее исследование ключевой роли машиностроения в стимулировании трансформационных изменений в энергетическом секторе. Книга, написанная ведущими экспертами в этой области, посвящена фундаментальным принципам, прорывным технологиям и инновационным приложениям, которые выдвинули м...

    60,32 €

  • Anwendungen der numerischen Strömungsmechanik (cfd)
    Gulnaz Daloglu / Hasan Koten
    In diesem Buch werden die Anwendungen der numerischen Strömungsmechanik (CFD) für die Bergbautechnik vorgestellt. Zunächst wird das Programm ANSYS kurz erläutert und die Literatur untersucht. Die Gesteinsmechanik ist ein wesentliches Thema für den Bergbau. Sie wird modelliert, um die Materialeigenschaften zu ermitteln. Als Beispiel wurde ein Tuffstein genannt. Die Grubenbewette...

    60,38 €

  • Applicazioni della fluidodinamica computazionale (cfd)
    Gulnaz Daloglu / Hasan Koten
    In questo libro si parla delle applicazioni della fluidodinamica computazionale (CFD) per l’ingegneria mineraria. In primo luogo, viene spiegato brevemente il programma ANSYS e viene esaminata la letteratura. La meccanica delle rocce è un argomento essenziale per l’ingegneria mineraria. Viene modellata per conoscere le proprietà dei materiali. A titolo di esempio, è stata prese...

    60,38 €

  • Applications de la dynamique des fluides numérique (cfd)
    Gulnaz Daloglu / Hasan Koten
    Dans ce livre, nous avons mentionné les applications de la dynamique des fluides numérique (CFD) pour l’ingénierie minière. Tout d’abord, le programme ANSYS est brièvement expliqué et la littérature est examinée. La mécanique des roches est un sujet essentiel pour l’ingénierie minière. Elle est modélisée afin de déterminer les propriétés des matériaux. Une pierre de tuf a été d...

    60,38 €

  • Aplicações da dinâmica de fluidos computacional (cfd)
    Gulnaz Daloglu / Hasan Koten
    Neste livro, mencionamos as aplicações da dinâmica de fluidos computacional (CFD) para a engenharia mineira. Em primeiro lugar, o programa ANSYS é brevemente explicado e a literatura é examinada. A mecânica das rochas é um assunto essencial para a engenharia mineira. É modelada para informar as propriedades do material. Foi dado como exemplo uma pedra de tufo. A ventilação da m...

    60,38 €