I Ching

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Prácticas de adivinación / I Ching (15)

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  • O Tao Do Wing Chun Tao Chuan
    Marco Natali
    Os estilos de Kung Fu modernos têm sua origem nos Templos Shaolin, de onde veio NgMui que era a mestre mais avançada dos poucos sobreviventes da chacina do templo.Ela ensinou sua arte à Yim Wing Chun e do nome dessa discípula surgiu o nome deste estilo.Mas os Templos eram Templos budistas e NgMui também era uma monja budista.Portanto, ela não ensinou à sua discípula apenas as t...

    14,04 €

  • I Ching. Consulte el antiguo oráculo
    Esta versión del antiguo oráculo chino utiliza cartas ilustradas. Cada hexagrama muestra un paisaje para ayudarle a comprender su sentido y su relación con los demás. * Comprenda las leyes universales que determinan el curso de nuestra existencia. * Descubra la naturaleza de los trigramas y hexagramas. * Use el oráculo como guía y consejero. Puede cambiar, ampliar y combinar lo...

    18,67 €

  • I Ching. Consult the oldest oracle
    This version of the ancient Chinese oracle uses picture cards. Each hexagram is a natural scene to help you understand its meaning and relationship with others. * Understand the universal laws. * Discover the nature of trigrams and hexagrams. * Use the oracle for guidance and wisdom. ...

    18,67 €

  • I Ching of a Thousand Doors
    James R Olsen
    Written for ordinary readers, based on scholarship, I Ching of a Thousand Doors is an authentic illustrated guide to the I Ching ­­— 96 Illustrations and Graphics.• Step-by-step process for the beginner; Advanced techniques for the devotee.• Explains how the I Ching is the great synergy Daoism and Confucianism.• Explains keywords and phrases.• Explains how the I Ching relates t...

    34,01 €

  • Lost Science of The Stone Age
    Michael Poynder
    The I Ching is the written spiritual language of the Stone Age. Ten thousand years ago the subtle energies of life were widely understood by an enlightened neolithic priesthood, and eventually recorded to pass on to succeeding generations. Stone Age people also had an instinctive understanding of the magnetic currents that run through the earth. They used dowsing and rock art t...

    37,95 €

  • The Power of Yi
    Dejun Xue
    Yi was created 6,500 years ago. Around 500 B.C., Confucius and his disciples compiled ten commentaries on Zhou Yi, one of the branches of Yi.In 200 A.D., Zhou Yi and the commentaries were combined into what is known today as “Yi Jing”. In 1924, Richard Wilhelm translated Yi Jing for the western audience, entitling it “I Ching” or The Book of Changes, which provides instruction ...

    31,17 €

  • The Power of Yi
    Dejun Xue
    Yi was created 6,500 years ago. Around 500 B.C., Confucius and his disciples compiled ten commentaries on Zhou Yi, one of the branches of Yi.In 200 A.D., Zhou Yi and the commentaries were combined into what is known today as “Yi Jing”. In 1924, Richard Wilhelm translated Yi Jing for the western audience, entitling it “I Ching” or The Book of Changes, which provides instruction ...

    23,08 €

  • Abundance by Design
    Karen Curry Parker
    Do you want real sustainable life-changing abundance?Do you want to learn how to create abundance in all areas of your life? Abundance by Design teaches you how to make the RIGHT decisions that will take you where you really want to be in your life. Learn from 13 experts who use Human Design to help guide and motivate them to achieve personal success. Through their autobiograph...

    19,84 €

  • Book of Changes (I Ching)
    Zhi-Lin Chen / 陳智臨
    本書的理論是提出閱讀《易經》的一套完整學理,經由此學理原則的運用,就可以理解這千古不易的奇書《易經》,並且從中得到實質而有用的人生觀念。若能確切的革心易行,終有利於本元純真,造化再生。◎序文:《易經》上典,遠古文明,流傳至今,其文義理本質,實為教導人們修道行德之書,探究深熟,知行合一,可再次啟發天資人智。《易經》的基本涵義是為「簡易、變易、不易。」而其中的「變易」是經文的中心思想。在《易經》六十四卦中,共有四百五十道卦爻辭,卦辭衍繹爻辭。《易經》傳達了為人處世的基本道義。學易至熟,通達了四百五十道人生觀念,可以確實革心易行,必有利於本元純真,造化再生。 千古以來,學《易》者眾,而其研《易》成果,往往總是一得己見,言之成理,自成一家之說,最後終究是真相不明。閱讀《易經》爻辭,意欲明白其中道理,一開始就讓初學者望之卻步,因為各式各樣的論點說法,聚訟紛紜,...

    44,32 €

  • Introduction of the Book of Changes
    Jian-Nan Zhuang / 莊建南

    16,16 €

  • Holy Bible and the Book of Changes - Part One - The Prophecy of The Redeemer Jesus in Old Testament (Traditional Chinese Edition)
    Chengqiu Zhang / 張成秋
    我本來為了信徒和慕道友的需要,想寫一本《聖經》的節本。後來因為舊約部分字數太多,所以就單獨成書;而新約部分,也想寫成一冊。《聖經》(新、舊約)介紹完畢,我還想把中國人最重視的《易經》介紹一下,並且把《聖經》和《易經》作一比較。名稱就叫《聖經與易經》。因為《易經》是中國文化的最高點,信奉的人也多。如何引導懂《易經》的人信奉我基督教,一直是我在主前的負擔。願主給我力量,能完成這個工作,並祝福他的話,使千萬靈魂歸主、得永生,阿們。所以本套書包括四個部分:一、舊約摘要(兩部)二、新約摘要(一部)三、易經摘要(一部)四、聖經與易經之會通(一部)Holy Bible《聖經》有絕對的權威《聖經》有絕對的權威。原因是:舊約部分,是猶太教認真保存下來的經典,預言或預表到耶穌基督;新約是最接近耶穌基督的門徒、使徒或認真的歷史家記下的信仰資料,經早期教會認定的。整本《聖經...

    36,26 €

  • Holy Bible and the Book of Changes - Part Two - Unification Between Human and Heaven fulfilled by Jesus in New Testament (Traditional Chinese Edition)
    Chengqiu Zhang / 張成秋
    聖經與易經(上冊):舊約聖經,救主耶穌的預言或預表(簡體中文版) 我本來為了信徒和慕道友的需要,想寫一本《聖經》的節本。後來因為舊約部分字數太多,所以就單獨成書;而新約部分,也想寫成一冊。《聖經》(新、舊約)介紹完畢,我還想把中國人最重視的《易經》介紹一下,並且把《聖經》和《易經》作一比較。名稱就叫《聖經與易經》。因為《易經》是中國文化的最高點,信奉的人也多。如何引導懂《易經》的人信奉我基督教,一直是我在主前的負擔。願主給我力量,能完成這個工作,並祝福他的話,使千萬靈魂歸主、得永生,阿們。所以本套書包括四個部分:一、舊約摘要(兩部)二、新約摘要(一部)三、易經摘要(一部)四、聖經與易經之會通(一部) ...

    32,17 €

  • Holy Bible and the Book of Changes - Part One - The Prophecy of The Redeemer Jesus in Old Testament (Simplified Chinese Edition)
    Chengqiu Zhang / 張成秋
    我本来为了信徒和慕道友的需要,想写一本《圣经》的节本。后来因为旧约部分字数太多,所以就单独成书;而新约部分,也想写成一册。《圣经》(新、旧约)介绍完毕,我还想把中国人最重视的《易经》介绍一下,并且把《圣经》和《易经》作一比较。名称就叫《圣经与易经》。因为《易经》是中国文化的最高点,信奉的人也多。如何引导懂《易经》的人信奉我基督教,一直是我在主前的负担。愿主给我力量,能完成这个工作,并祝福他的话,使千万灵魂归主、得永生,阿们。所以本套书包括四个部分:一、旧约摘要(两部)二、新约摘要(一部)三、易经摘要(一部)四、圣经与易经之会通(一部)Holy Bible《圣经》有绝对的权威《圣经》有绝对的权威。原因是:旧约部分,是犹太教认真保存下来的经典,预言或预表到耶稣基督;新约是最接近耶稣基督的门徒、使徒或认真的历史家记下的信仰资料,经早期教会认定的。整本《圣...

    37,11 €

  • Holy Bible and the Book of Changes - Part Two - Unification Between Human and Heaven fulfilled by Jesus in New Testament (Simplified Chinese Edition)
    Chengqiu Zhang / 張成秋

    33,01 €

  • Lighting the Path
    Nigel Peace
    The I Ching offers profound spiritual and practical advice but it is not easy for the beginner. Lighting The Path - How To Use And Understand The I Ching - demystifies the process, giving down-to-earth guidance and many real examples of forming the question, the methods to use and interpretation of the answer. ...

    14,23 €