Hacer frente a los trastornos alimentarios

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Hacer frente a los problemas personales / Hacer frente a los trastornos alimentarios (358)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Familia y salud Eliminar filtro Hacer frente a los problemas personales Eliminar filtro Hacer frente a los trastornos alimentarios Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Dr. Savvy Speaks
    Denise Whitney
    Why do you need Release & Redefine?  Are you feeling stuck?  Are you feeling smothered? Are you feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders? Are you frustrated, sad, angry? Are you on the rollercoaster of life? Then, you need this book!  Release & Redefine is for you…to allow yourself to grow, to walk through fear, to think of your unlimited possibilities.  I have designe...

    14,83 €

  • Confissões De Dezesseis Anos
    Fernanda Souza
    Em formato de poesia, a autora traz autenticidade aos seus versos retratando assuntos da adolescência: transtorno alimentar, depressão, ansiedade e o primeiro amor. ...

    9,88 €

  • Body Wisdom
    Lisa Glazebrook
    Are you ready to give up calorie counting, punishing restrictive diets, and rigorous exercise programs? Body Wisdom aims to help you heal the root causes of your desire to diet and change your body shape or size. It is a roadmap to moving beyond notenoughness toward deep self-love and acceptance. You will learn to cultivate your innate body’s wisdom through wellness practices, ...

    19,05 €

  • Cutting Yourself on the Inside
    Shannon Michelle
    Have you struggled with a loss of appetite for several months now? Do you remember the last time you ate without thinking about a scale? When was the last time you looked in the mirror without grimacing? I can help you.This book is dedicated to those suffering with an eating disorder called Anorexia Nervosa. I am writing based on my experience with the disease. The personal acc...

    22,64 €

  • Inner Anchor
    Shannon Michelle
    Have you struggled to keep food down for several months now? Do you remember the last time you ate without feeling weighed down and guilty? When was the last time you looked in the mirror without grimacing? I can help you. This book is dedicated to those suffering with an eating disorder called Bulimia Nervosa. I am writing based on my experience with the disease. The personal ...

    22,59 €

  • Parent’s Guide
    Shannon Michelle
    This book is dedicated to helping parents understand an eating disorder called Anorexia Nervosa. I am writing based on my experience with the disease. Too many parents go through the motions of work, home, small talk and repeat with their daughters. This book can help identify the patterns and pitfalls of anorexia in your daughter. Twenty years ago, I was caught in the grips of...

    22,61 €

  • Parent’s Guide
    Shannon Michelle
    Is your daughter struggling with an eating disorder? How can you be sure? Do you remember the last time she ate a meal and didn’t seem unhappy or preoccupied? How long is she in the restroom after dinner? Can you be sure she’s alright? I can help you. This book is dedicated to helping parents understand an eating disorder called Bulimia Nervosa. I am writing based on my experie...

    22,66 €

  • Meu Caminho
    Camila Santos
    Uma história de superação, amor e autodescoberta.Uma jovem negra que enfrentou o abuso, a distância e a perda, mas nunca perdeu a esperança. Camila é a prova de que a vida pode ser uma dança complexa, com passos incertos e melodias inesperadas.E, no final, talvez seja a própria jornada que nos transforma em quem realmente somos. ...

    7,80 €

  • A Cobra No Copo
    Paul Mccullough
    Este livro se propõe a ser mais do que uma mera fonte de informação sobre o álcool; é uma ferramenta para a jornada de autoconhecimento e reflexão. Ao fornecer insights e estratégias, busca não apenas esclarecer a relação com o álcool, mas também promover o entendimento de que ambas as atitudes reconhecer a necessidade de ajuda ou perceber a necessidade de ajudar alguém são m...

    14,51 €

  • The Power to Change Everything
    Casey Elkins
    One man’s real-life epic reveals the unstoppable path to personal growth and next-level living.At the age of 27, Casey Elkins almost lost his life due to complications from obesity. Despite being a nurse practitioner, he had not taken the warning signs seriously until it was too late. In The Power to Change Everything, Casey offers personal stories exploring how to overcome lif...

    14,47 €

  • Healing Emotional Eating for Trauma Survivors
    Diane Petrella
    More and more, studies show a distinct link between emotional eating and trauma. This book offers a trauma-informed approach to overcoming emotional eating through mindfulness, self-compassion, and neuroscience principles. With this gentle guide, readers will come to understand the emotional weight of their trauma and cultivate a healthier relationship with their emotions, food...

    30,02 €

  • Overcome Emotional Eating and Stop Cravings
    Mario Waldecker
    Food and emotions - you may be wondering what the connection is. It may not be immediately obvious to everyone, but for many people, emotions are closely linked to their eating behavior. Whether consciously or unconsciously, regular emotional eating often leads to a high level of suffering for those affected. Emotional eating usually manifests itself in the form of frustration ...

    9,37 €

  • The Death of A Diet
    Debbie Rae Triplett
    In a genre-bending book that blurs the lines of fiction and nonfiction, the author challenges the reader to identify their own truth about weight loss, diet, and body image by experiencing the truth of others.Fitness professional Renee knows all the stories, the secrets, and the struggles of people working toward fitness goals first-hand. Through her many clients, she’s witness...

    17,10 €

  • The Death of A Diet
    Debbie Rae Triplett
    In a genre-bending book that blurs the lines of fiction and nonfiction, the author challenges the reader to identify their own truth about weight loss, diet, and body image by experiencing the truth of others.Fitness professional Renee knows all the stories, the secrets, and the struggles of people working toward fitness goals first-hand. Through her many clients, she’s witness...

    27,20 €

  • Hipnosis Para Perder Peso y Vivir más Feliz Consigue Adelgazar sin Esfuerzo Gracias a la Autohipnosis y a la Programación Neurolingüística (PNL)
    Dr. Álvaro Serrano Belmonte
    ¿Estás cansado de luchar contra la báscula, de probar dietas que prometen mucho y entregan poco? ¿Te has preguntado alguna vez si la clave para un cambio real y duradero en tu peso podría residir no solo en lo que comes, sino también en cómo piensas y te sientes respecto a la comida y a ti mismo? Imagina por un momento que existen herramientas poderosas, utilizadas por expertos...

    11,01 €

  • Accept That You Are Imperfect
    Jade Grantham / Sarah Michelle
    'I believe the more we talk about our own stories, the more people will see their own similarities and differences and develop the courage to speak out and seek the help they need and deserve.'Jade GranthamEmbark on a journey through resilience and vulnerability as the author unveils the truth behind her battle with bulimia. In a world fixated on recovery, this book challenges ...

    19,01 €

  • Nurture
    Heidi Schauster
    Confused about the conflicting recommendations about how to feed children well and prevent eating and body image problems in teens? Reading Nurture is like having a conversation with a compassionate fellow parent who has done decades of fieldwork on the subject. Heidi Schauster writes from her nearly 30 years of experience treating people with disordered eating, her own lived e...

    22,12 €

  • Anorexia and other Eating Disorders
    Eva Musby
    The most effective treatment for eating disorders is family-based, and parents play an essential role. Yet most struggle to know what to do and how to do it.With a wealth of practical examples and tips that have helped many tens of thousands of relieved parents, Eva Musby guides you through each stage of your son or daughter’s recovery. She provides solace and confidence, while...

    31,78 €

  • The Constant Dieter
    Caroline Wiseblood Meline
    In THE CONSTANT DIETER: A Philosopher’s Guide to Conquering Chronic and Compulsive Overeating, author Caroline Wiseblood Meline shares her 25-year history of disordered eating, as well as her process of overcoming the disorder permanently. Combining self-help, memoir, academic philosophy, and psychology, this unique book helps readers address four major obstacles to conquering ...

    15,28 €

  • Muscle Alchemy
    DescriptionIn the realm of physical transformation, 'Muscle Alchemy: Transforming Sweat into Strength' stands as a beacon for those who seek not just muscles, but a profound metamorphosis of body and mind. This book is not merely a guide; it is an odyssey into the art and science of sculpting a powerful physique through the alchemical fusion of dedication, discipline, and deter...

    34,09 €

  • Alimentação Dos Quatro Elementos
    Amelia Novaes
    Na Alimentação dos Quatros Elementos, o leitor irá encontrar o caminho perfeito para fazer uso da alimentação adequada para cada organismo. É resolver de forma prazerosa sem sacrifício o problema de saúde. A alimentação dos quatros elementos corresponde ao que cada pessoa é de fato. Seus hábitos, costumes e os sabores. Ainda são poucas pessoas, que têm o privilégio de usufruir ...

    16,12 €

  • When Wisdom Arrives
    Rosalyn Rourke
    If thoughts and feelings were truth, they would be called facts. In the pages of this fable and companion memoir, we learn about truth and the simple way we can transcend the lie of unworthiness. Imagined unworthiness shows up as a tyranny of thoughts and feelings that cause psychological suffering.Eleven-year-old Gem struggles with looping thoughts and feelings of self-hate be...

    20,95 €

  • Awakened Wellness
    Jeremy Sims
    Integrating your spiritual motivation into your daily life is a lifelong practice. It requires commitment, mindfulness, and a willingness to evolve. By weaving the insights and balance you’ve gained throughout this journey into the fabric of your existence, you create a life that reflects your newfound awareness and deep sense of equilibrium. Your holistic approach to living wi...

    9,79 €

  • My Struggles with Constipation
    Stephanie K.L. Lam
    Imagine a life where even the simplest bodily function becomes a daily struggle. For Stephanie K.L. Lam, this was her reality. Frustrated by conventional treatments that offered little relief, she embarked on a quest to find a natural solution that would restore her well-being and quality of life.In a world where the simplest bodily function can become a Herculean task, 'My Str...

    15,67 €

  • DBT Workbook For Emotional Eating
    Barrett Huang
    Quit your food addiction and uncover powerful emotional coping mechanisms with this complete Dialectical Behavior Therapy blueprint.Do you struggle with emotional eating or binge eating? Are you worried that your overeating is damaging your health or stopping you from enjoying life? Do you want to heal from anxiety or depression, rediscover your self-confidence, and learn to lo...

    24,21 €

  • DBT Workbook For Emotional Eating
    Barrett Huang
    Quit your food addiction and uncover powerful emotional coping mechanisms with this complete Dialectical Behavior Therapy blueprint.Do you struggle with emotional eating or binge eating? Are you worried that your overeating is damaging your health or stopping you from enjoying life? Do you want to heal from anxiety or depression, rediscover your self-confidence, and learn to lo...

    16,08 €

  • Rainbow Girl
    Livia Sara
    Autism and Anorexia - a 'Perfect' ComboAt just 15 years of age, Livia was tossed out of the Dutch eating disorder treatment system with the message: 'You’re just going to have to accept the fact that you’re never going to get better.'Growing up unknowingly autistic, Livia spent the majority of her young life seeking worth and validation in external achievements. She excelled in...

    16,87 €

  • Addicted to Energy Deficit - Your Neuroscience Based Guide to Restrictive Eating Disorders
    Helly Barnes
    When a restrictive eating disorder has had a destructive effect on your life or the life of someone you care about and you haven’t been able to understand why it’s so hard to overcome, Addicted to Energy Deficit is the book you need.Bringing in neuroscience and research evidence, as well as personal and professional experience, Helly Barnes provides an explanation for restricti...

    24,19 €

  • From Stuck to Limitless
    Dr. Vanessa Howard / J.L. Campbell / Marie McKenzie
    Do you still harbor hurt and pain from past experiences? From Stuck to Limitless is an anthology featuring individuals who share their harsh truths about trauma and survival—from childhood sexual and mental abuse, adult traumas, and debilitating health issues. Through such truth-telling, we learn we are not alone and that it is only by sharing that we can heal ourselves and giv...

    13,27 €

  • Help Your Child Overcome Bulimia and Binge Eating
    Klish T. Kinderman
    Are you concerned about your child’s well-being as they battle the destructive cycle of Bulimia and Binge eating? As a caring parent, you hold the power to help your child break free from these debilitating disorders and guide them toward a life of health and happiness.  And that is where "Help Your Child Overcome Bulimia and Binge Eating" comes in. This book is an invaluable r...

    14,53 €