Generación y distribución de energía

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  • EHT Transmission Performance Evaluation
    K. Srinivas / KSrinivas / R.V.S. Satyanarayana / R.V.SSatyanarayana
    Electricity has become a basic requirement in today’s world. Interruption free electrical energy and availability of surplus power are entwined in improving consumers quality of life. EHT Transmission Performance Evaluation: Emerging Research and Opportunities provides emerging research on reliability aspects of components, transmission lines, and substation designs. While high...

    190,02 €

  • Reliability in Power Electronics and Electrical Machines
    Hashem Oraee / Shahriyar Kaboli
    In modern industries, electrical energy conversion systems consist of two main parts: electrical machines and power electronic converters. With global electricity use at an all-time high, uninterrupted operation of electrical power converters is essential. Reliability in Power Electronics and Electrical Machines: Industrial Applications and Performance Models provides an in-dep...

    334,82 €

  • Green Hydrogen Engineering Guide
    Pedro María González Olabarria
    This guidegives the readeran overview of how green hydrogen producton facilities are engineered. It covers the entire designcycle., from the high levelfunctionalduty to the detailed design.This volume is focusedon electrolysis technology( AEM, PEM..).auxiliary services andthe detailed study of the engineering cycle.Each engineering taskis described and illustratedwith documenta...

    28,60 €

  • Handbook of Research on Recent Developments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
    Technological advancements continue to enhance the field of engineering and have led to progress in branches that include electrical and mechanical engineering. These technologies have allowed for more sophisticated circuits and components while also advancing renewable energy initiatives. With increased growth in these fields, there is a need for a collection of research that ...

    374,28 €

  • The Problem of Increasing Human Energy
    Nikola Tesla
    2019 Reprint of 1900 Edition First Published in The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, Volume LX, June, 1900.  Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition software.  In this short essay Tesla speculates on the nature of man and energy.  “Though we may never be able to comprehend human life, we know certainly that it is a movement, of whate...

    8,70 €

    Explosive Ferroelectric Generators: From Physical Principles to Engineering is an exciting new book that takes the readers inside the world of explosive ferroelectric generators guided by international expert, Dr Sergey I Shkuratov. It acquaints the reader with the principles of operation of ferroelectric generators and provides details on how to design, build and test the devi...

    120,72 €

  • Novel Advancements in Electrical Power Planning and Performance
    As the demand for efficient energy sources continues to grow, electrical systems are becoming more essential to meet these increased needs. Electrical generation and transmission plans must remain cost-effective, reliable, and flexible for further future expansion. As these systems are being utilized more frequently, it becomes imperative to find ways of optimizing their overal...

    327,97 €

  • Governing the Wind Energy Commons
    Keith Taylor

    40,57 €

  • A Survey of Relaxations and Approximations of the Power Flow Equations
    Daniel K. Molzahn / Daniel KMolzahn / Ian A. Hiskens / Ian AHiskens
    The power flow equations model the relationship between voltage phasors and power injections at nodes (buses) in an electric power system and are fundamental in their analysis and operation. A wealth of literature exists on these equations, many providing different representations of them. This monograph provides the first comprehensive survey of representations in the context ...

    137,79 €

  • Combinatorial Optimization of Alternating Current Electric Power Systems
    Elbassioni Khaled / Majid Khonji / Sid Chi-Kin Chau
    The electric power grid which has been an indispensable part of our society is being put under increasing pressure to meet the demands of a major surge in global energy consumption. As a result, the power grid needs to undergo transformations to meet the new challenges for a more sustainable society. One of these transformations is the need for continuous optimization in the sm...

    136,27 €

  • The Holomorphic Embedding Load-Flow Method
    Antonio Trias
    The Holomorphic Embedding Load-Flow Method (HELM) was recently introduced as a novel technique to constructively solve the power flow equations in power networks, based on advanced concepts from complex analysis, algebraic curves, and modern techniques in approximation theory. HELM’s results are always guaranteed and unequivocal: if the power flow problem is feasible, it constr...

    135,81 €

  • Architecture and Economics for Grid Operation 3.0
    Le Xie / Meng Wu / P. R. Kumar / PRKumar
    This monograph presents a possible research agenda for analytics and control of a deep decarbonized energy grid with pervasive data, interactive consumers, and power electronics interfaces. It focuses on new lines of investigation that are driven by new technological, economical, and policy factors. Conventional monitoring and control of the power grid heavily depends upon the ...

    125,02 €

  • Distribution grids of the future
    Alexandre M. F. Dias / Alexandre MFDias / Luís A. F. M. Ferreira / Luís AFMFerreira / Pedro M. S. Carvalho / Pedro MSCarvalho
    Electricity grids are facing significant challenges with new energy sources starting to be integrated into grids on a large scale.  Distributed generation, changes in load use, and smart grid operation have each caused transformations in grid design. This monograph revisits optimal grid design problems in view of these ongoing transformations in distribution systems.The monogra...

    97,24 €

  • Solution Manual for 100 Genesys Design Examples
    Ali Behagi
    The Solution Manual for 100 Genesys Design Examples book is mainly written for practicing engineers and university students who know the basic theory of analog RF and microwave engineering and want to apply the theory to the analysis and design of RF and microwave circuits using the Keysight Genesys software. The book is based on the Microwave and RF Engineering textbook writte...

    80,11 €

  • Smart Metering Road Map for Nepal
    Asian Development Bank
    This publication summarizes the proposed activities and plans for the Nepal Electricity Authority on the implementation of a smart electricity grid.Prepared under the Power Transmission and Distribution Efficiency Enhancement Project in Nepal, the road map also explains the guiding principles, decision framework, and methodology used to manage the transition to new technologies...

    24,73 €

  • Charge!
    William K. Bennett
    Are you in the DC power industry? Interested in DC power conversion and control? Need a more technical understanding of charger products?Whether you're in sales or engineering or purchasing, this book is for you.Written by an IEEE engineer with 40 years in the field, Charge! will give you a deeper understanding of: All aspects of secondary batteries and chargers Complexi...

    18,24 €

  • The Don Smith Magnetic Resonance Energy Crafting Systematic Index.
    Donald Lee Smith
    Donald Lee Smith came on the electrical energy sceen in the mid 1980s after a very active life in geology and teaching high school science. Since his death over 12 years ago there has been little progress in English forums in replicating his various systems, which is rather a mystery. We have watched the lack of progress with great dissapointment for some years now. About half ...

    246,54 €

  • Renewable Power and Energy, Volume II
    Gary D. Price / Gary DPrice
    Photovoltaic power systems are becoming a significant source of energy in our energy resource mix today. It is essential these systems are reliable, safe and secure. Precise engineering design is required to insure these new power systems meet these requirements. In particular, interconnected systems with existing utility power systems must operate in synchronism and improve ov...

    43,15 €

  • Renewable Power and Energy, Volume I
    Gary D. Price / Gary DPrice
    Photovoltaic power systems are becoming a significant source of energy in our energy resource mix today. It is essential these systems are reliable, safe and secure. Precise engineering design is required to insure these new power systems meet these requirements. In particular, interconnected systems with existing utility power systems must operate in synchronism and improve ov...

    42,94 €

  • Wide-area Oscillation Identification and Damping Control in Power Systems
    Chao Lu / Jingyi Zhang / Xinran Zhang
    Wide-area damping control (WADC) has been extensively studied in recent years to suppress inter-area oscillations in power systems. This monograph summarizes the state-of-the-art on WADC design, looking at practical issues, typical off-line and adaptive WADC design methods, and engineering cases. These practical issues include design flow, mode analysis, choice of actuator and ...

    82,12 €

  • 100 RF and Microwave Circuit Design
    Ali A Behagi
    The “100 RF and Microwave Circuit Design Examples” book is basically a hands-on step-by-step solution manual for the 100 practical examples in the field of RF and microwave circuit design. The solution manual helps university students and practicing electrical engineers to master the analysis and design of RF and microwave circuits in a short period of time. The book is also va...

    80,17 €

  • Magnetic Current
    Edward Leedskalnin
    Following is the result of my two years experiment with magnets at Rock Gate, seventeen miles Southwest from Miami, Florida. Between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth Latitude and Eightieth and Eighty-first Longitude West. The earth itself is a great big magnet. Now I will tell you what magnetic current is. Magnetic current is the same as electric current is a wrong expression. Re...

    17,76 €

  • Handbook of Research on Power and Energy System Optimization
    In recent years, the development of advanced structures for providing sustainable energy has been a topic at the forefront of public and political conversation. Many are looking for advancements on pre-existing sources and new and viable energy options to maintain a modern lifestyle. The Handbook of Research on Power and Energy System Optimization is a critical scholarly resour...

    454,34 €

  • Anova Sous Vide Cookbook
    Ingrid Eakon
    Kindle MatchBook: Get the Kindle Edition FREE when you purchase the paperback edition today! There is nothing quite like sous vide cooking. Whether you are brand new to cooking with a thermal immersion circulator like the Anova Sous Vide Precision Cooker, or you are already a seasoned expert, this cookbook will show you exactly how to prep and cook 100 different recipes easily ...

    28,45 €

  • Switched-Mode Power Supply Simulation with SPICE
    Steven M Sandler
    In a reprint of Steve Sandler's classic technical book, PWM models and power supply simulation solutions are described in depth--with special attention paid to practical magnetic components.All common topologies are discussed, including linear, buck and flyback converters.Practical guidance is given for EMI/RFI filtering and magnetics design and analysis.Most of the book...

    68,95 €

  • Unit Commitment in Electric Energy Systems
    Antonio J. Conejo / Antonio JConejo / Miguel F. Anjos / Miguel FAnjos
    The unit commitment problem is a fundamental problem in the electric power industry. It addresses a fundamental decision that is taken when operating a power system, namely to set the schedule of power production for each generating unit in the system so that the demand for electricity is met at minimum cost. The schedule must also ensure that each unit operates within its tech...

    111,09 €

  • Sustainable Transportation with Electric Vehicles
    Fanxin Kong / Xue Liu
    While electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming increasingly popular. Their low oil dependency and low emissions will significantly benefit the environment. However, as demand increases for EVs, their prevalence will also lead to two crucial consequences. First, electric vehicles introduce a heavy load impact onto the power grid by shifting energy demand from gasoline to electricity...

    130,77 €

  • SolidWorks Electrical 2018 Black Book (Colored)
    Gaurav Verma / Matt Weber
    The SolidWorks Electrical 2018 Black Book is the 4th edition of our series on SolidWorks Electrical software. The book is written to help professionals as well as learners in performing various tedious jobs in Electrical control designing. The book follows the best proven step by step methodology. The book covers almost all the information required by a learner to master the So...

    75,84 €

  • Solidworks Electrical 2018 Black Book
    Gaurav Verma / Matt Weber
    The SolidWorks Electrical 2018 Black Book is the 4th edition of our series on SolidWorks Electrical software. The book is written to help professionals as well as learners in performing various tedious jobs in Electrical control designing. The book follows the best proven step by step methodology. The book covers almost all the information required by a learner to master the So...

    50,87 €

  • Power Line Carriers - Simplified
    Jeffrey E Brown
    Power Line Carriers - Simplified Will Make You the Expert! The Main Purpose of Power Line Carrier is to give you instantaneous tripping for 100% of the line. Without Power Line Carrier, your protection would not coordinate and transmission lines would be tripping incorrectly all across your system. I have heard time and time again, that the future is fiber and Power Line Carrie...

    173,18 €

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