
Artes / Fotografía y fotógrafos / Fotógrafos (136)

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  • Our World
    1000 Tales Co-op Ltd
    Our World is the flagship project of 1000 tales Co-op Ltd. It aims to highlight the diversity of both our lands and its peoples. It is a coffee table book featuring up and coming photographers from around the world. Each photograph is accompanied by a short written piece about the world from the perspective of the Photographer. These pieces were written in the photographer’s na...

    16,63 €

  • Urine Need of Art & Philosophy
    Ashley J Hansen
    this is a book of restroom graffiti around Dallas and Austin texas. Some of it is funny, insightful, and also crude. Most of it is gone now. This is a hilarious documentation of drunk philosophies, insights, and nonsense. 3 ...

    24,96 €

  • Bicicleta Entre Pedras
    Clênio F. Salviano
    passeio em Pedra Azulestradas, pedras, fazendas caminhos da infânciaUm passeio de bicicleta por estradas de terra da cidade onde passei a infância e a adolescência. Um desejo realizado entre pedras. Poucos quilômetros e muitas emoções, fotografias e filmagens. Como descrever? Na primeira tentativa fiz um texto de apenas três páginas. Enquanto isso, ao olhar as fotografias e fil...

    10,35 €

  • El vagón de los invisibles
    Armando Ibarra Racines
    Este libro es un viaje por la ciudad en transporte público, con todas las vicisitudes, padecimientos y goces que hay en los trayectos. Es la realización de un panóptico de los diversos arquetipos y emociones que pueblan los recorridos. Documenta la pesadez, los cuerpos que chocan y se aprietan, la identidad de los viajeros que se arrebujan en el cotidiano vaivén de las calles, ...

    8,84 €

  • Pidyá
    Osvaldo Matsuda
    PIDYÁ é mais ou menos o som de uma palavra do dialeto da Ilha de Okinawa/Japão. Esta palavra foi trazida, oralmente, para o Brasil por imigrantes japoneses provenientes daquele local. Atualmente o dialeto está em desuso na Ilha de Okinawa. Mas ainda ouvimos palavras serem pronunciadas, pelos seus descendentes, aqui no Brasil e de maneira informal.PIDYÁ significa cabrito.Alguns ...

    9,88 €

  • A Solidão Que Nos Atravessa E A Esperança Que Nos Resta
    Cláudia Maria Da Costa Gonçalves
    Livro de cronicas, contos, poesia e fotografias, tendo como argumento a solidão que perpassa pelo século XXI. ...

    14,51 €

  • Photographer’s Manual
    Photography is an art present in society in an increasingly expressive way.The Photographer s Manual is an indispensable tool for exploring the possibilities of this art.The book provides valuable information about the fundamentals of photography, choosing equipment, advanced composition techniques and image editing.Objective is complete. It is a practical guide and a source of...

    11,39 €

  • Manual Do Fotógrafo
    A fotografia é arte presente na sociedade de maneira cada vez mais expressiva.O Manual do Fotógrafo é ferramenta indispensável para explorar as possibilidades dessa arte.O livro traz informações valiosas sobre os fundamentos da fotografia, a escolha do equipamento, técnicas avançadas de composição e edição de imagem.Objetivo é completo. É um guia prático e uma fonte de inspiraç...

    10,18 €

  • Gizele Tavares Miss Brasil Usa 2023
    Gizele Tavares
    Escritora, poetiza, atriz, modelo, cantora, e também Miss Brasil USA Elegance 2023. Uma coleção de fotos da modelo, e um pouco sobre a trajetória que a fez chegar a mais essa vitória. ...

    10,92 €

  • Orfiebre
    Hemos tomado las cámaras y las palabras y hemos salido al mundo manchando con un rastro distraído. Se ha teñido la luz de violeta, color de la mar cuando descansa de la existencia y sus trabajos. Y todo ha ido cambiando, más rápido que el nivel del horizonte, que la profundidad de campo, más rápido que los trazos y que el lienzo.El poeta y el fotógrafo, orfiebres de las lentes ...

    25,48 €

  • Senderos de vida y recuerdos: Día de Muertos en México
    Mary J. Andrade
    La celebración de los seres queridos que han fallecido es un pilar de las tradiciones mexicanas, que Mary J. Andrade retrata de manera exquisita en «Senderos de vida y recuerdos: Día de Muertos en México», el compendio magistral de toda la experiencia adquirida en sus recorridos por tierras llenas de cultura. A lo largo de décadas, la reconocida fotógrafa y periodista ha visita...

    30,16 €

  • Goc - Estação Gaia
    Gabriela De Oliveira Da Costa
    ApresentaçãoEstação Gaia traduz, nas entrelinhas, várias questões hodiernas, em contraste com o passado e futuro, acerca dos embates que nos permeiam desde que a humanidade se configura em sua totalidade como ser complexo e, ao mesmo tempo, espelha o belo e a fugacidade das relações em que vivemos, em contrapartida com a constante evolução e a fragilidade da relatividade entre ...

    17,68 €

  • CALACAS: Jardín de Cirios y Ofrendas II
    Julie Sopetrán / Mary J. Andrade
    En este segundo volumen de la serie «Jardín de cirios y ofrendas» descubrimos una hermosa compilación de poemas y fotografías que busca honrar y transmitir las tradiciones del Día de Muertos en varios lugares de México.Los reflexivos poemas de la reconocida autora española Julie Sopetrán describen la despedida de los seres queridos que han dejado este mundo y las costumbres par...

    16,59 €

  • Voando No Algodão
    Francisco De Moura Pereira
    Fazendo pulverizações aéreas em uma safra de algodão, pilotos a auxiliares, fizeram com que a alegria, o bom humor e acamaradagem, no local de trabalho e no alojamento, contribuissem para que o estresse da intensa atividade, ficasse mais leve. ...

    10,92 €

  • Biografia De Ed Ribeiro
    Daniel Marx
    Daniel Marx managed like nobody else transposing Ed Ribeiros soul into the pages of this beautiful book and made him to became an immortal artist in Literature as well.Ed Ribeiro is one of the greatest fine artists in the world. He is recognized nationally and internacionally.It was his idea to develop the spilled paint technique, in which he creates his works without the help ...

    13,47 €

  • Goc - Madrugadas Sem Janelas
    Gabriela De Oliveira Da Costa
    Madrugadas sem janelas compõe uma catarse artística em que a autora reúne forma, voz e olhar a traduzir, peculiarmente, seus mais inusitados momentos e fontes de inspiração ao desbravar as nuances da vida.O livro traz, além de poemas -alguns em inglês-, outros acompanhados de seus manuscritos; fotografias, composições texto/imagens, bem como seleção de algumas de suas telas. ...

    21,79 €

  • Day of the Dead: A Passion for Life / Día de los Muertos: Pasión por la vida
    Mary J. Andrade
    After years of research, interviews, on location photo shoots and travels to the remote Purhepecha communities in Michoacan, Mexico, author Mary J. Andrade releases Day of the Dead: A Passion for Life. This book is filled with never before seen images and text that illustrates their unique characteristics and interpretations of the Day of the Dead celebration in these secluded ...

    41,08 €

  • Andalusia of all times
    The men who fought, suffered, and loved are none but ourselves, and we shall be in hundreds of years those who shall rejoice, suffer, and fight in this very landTartessos was here. Betica and al-Andalus were here. Tartessos, Betica, and al-Andalus are still here. And they shall be here we shall be here in the same way and in a different one until the sea runs dry and the stars ...

    56,68 €

  • Andalucía eterna
    Los hombres que en esta tierra lucharon, padecieron y gozaron, fuimos nosotros mismos, y seremos nosotros los que, dentro de cientos de años, gocemos, padezcamos y luchemos en esta misma tierra...Aquí estuvo Tartesos. Aquí estuvieron la Bética y al­-Ándalus. Aquí están aún Tartesos, la Bética y al-Ándalus. Y aquí estarán aquí estaremos, a la vez de otra manera y de la misma, ha...

    56,68 €

  • Obscure Europe
    Dan Westfall
    Travel to incredible off-the-beaten-path sites in Europe through the eyes of photographer, Dan Westfall. His nearly 30 years of experience traveling and finding obscure and forgotten works of art will inspire you to book your next trip to Europe. Dan uses black and white photography and his appreciation for art and history to showcase 43 sites that are hidden to most travelers....

    52,85 €

  • Cluster 001 (Special Edition)
    Andrew Killick
    The second in the Safe Little World Monograph series, Cluster 001 by Andrew Killick is a flashback, a time-travel back to the roots of the Safe Little World concept.This book revisits a piece that was exhibited in 2011, consisting of a cluster of 23 photography-based images created over the 12 years between 1999 and the year of exhibition - giving the project a total history of...

    25,04 €

  • Train to Providence
    William Doreski
    Train to Providence is a conversation between poet and photographer. Rodger Kingston’s photographs were made over a sustained period of several decades, while William Doreski’s poems were written in the short span of a few months. The pictures do not illustrate the poems, and the poems do not merely describe the photographs. But the words and images, brought together here for t...

    17,45 €

  • Islands (Special Edition)
    Andrew Killick
    The first in the Safe Little World Monograph series, Islands by Andrew Killick is a visual and written exploration of islands as a physical reality and as a metaphor.Over five years in the making, and born from a love of and connection to islands, the primary focus of this book is a series of 28 full-colour photographic images with graphic interventions. These images are expand...

    25,07 €

  • Love is Speaking...
    V. Hope Radebaugh / VHope Radebaugh
    With Love is Speaking: Hearing God’s Whispers in Everyday Spaces, author V. Hope Radebaugh offers readers a devotional journal unlike any other. The unique format features photos of moments as they happen to us all in everyday space, all of which Radebaugh took using an iPhone. Each photo showcased is accompanied by a relevant Bible verse brought to mind the moment Radebaugh sa...

    22,86 €

    Marianne Robinson
    The photographer writes: I kept these photographs in albums for many years and as I approached age 91, I gave them to Mark Weiman of Regent Press to make them into a book. This book would be different from the books of mine that Mark had printed and published previously. These were my autobiography, Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire (2010), and Urban Impressions (2013) black...

    12,17 €

  • The Jews
    Carlos A. Aguilera / Frank Guiller
    'Cuando en 1937 a André Kertész le negaron la publicación de sus imágenes en Life, lo hicieron con una frase que no era del todo incierta; dijeron: «sus fotos hablan demasiado». Y lo mismo podría decirse de la fotografía de Frank Guiller. Sus jews, que es lo mismo que decir sus barbas, sus tirabuzones, sus sombreros, sus zapatos, sus ropas, sus gafas, sus movimientos, su silk…,...

    26,09 €

  • To Photograph With Sensation, to Preserve The Moment (Revised Edition)
    Yihsuan Yeh / 葉怡暄
    Qu'est-ce qu'une photographe doit utiliser pour communiquer avec l'objet photographié? Quel moyen utilise-t-elle pour interpréter l'objet de sa photographie? La lumière est le parfait compagnon et le serviteur de la photographe. S'il y a plus de lumière qui apparaît du côté droit, cela peut rendre la photo plus vivante, de ce fait, la photographe se déplace ...

    67,35 €

  • Expressive Tree People
    Lauresa A. Tomlinson / Lauresa ATomlinson / Lauresa Tomlinson
    Let your imagination flow as you look at these trees. Most of them seem to be trying to communicate. Each picture was taken in the Northern most parts of California U.S.A. Most find these pictures entertaining and thought worthy. Fun was the idea of this book. It was created for the enjoyment and the building of imagination. ...

    30,22 €

  • Expressive Tree People
    Lauresa A. Tomlinson / Lauresa ATomlinson / Lauresa Tomlinson
    Let your imagination flow as you look at these trees. Most of them seem to be trying to communicate. Each picture was taken in the Northern most parts of California U.S.A. Most find these pictures entertaining and thought worthy. Fun was the idea of this book. It was created for the enjoyment and the building of imagination. ...

    17,68 €

  • miPhoneography
    Eric Raddatz
    Since 1970 award winning photographer Eric Raddatz has created a collection of diverse images from the abstract to the heart felt experience of his Mother’s last days. Utilizing 35mm slides, print, cellphone, digital and IPhone technology he continues to seek new ways to interpret the lives, nature, and structures that fill our everyday surroundings. ...

    51,13 €

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