Física cuántica (mecánica cuántica y teoría cuántica de campos)

Matemáticas y ciencia / Física / Física cuántica (mecánica cuántica y teoría cuántica de campos) (1128)

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    This book is the second volume in the series New Era Electronics, a compilation of lecture notes defining the important concepts tied to the electronics transition happening in the 21st century. Quantum communication is introduced in this volume through the coverage of relevant, basic concepts of quantum mechanics and the introduction of quantum elements of a quantum optical co...

    63,47 €

  • Quantumania is Real
    Sam Steed
    The Quantumania World Is Real is a mind-expanding journey into the fascinating realm of quantum physics and its profound impact on our understanding of reality. Delve into the mysterious and awe-inspiring world where particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously, where time and space become fluid, and where the very fabric of the universe is woven with uncertainty.In th...

    7,63 €

    Science is at a cross-roads. For several decades, the Standard Model of particle physics has managed to fit vast amounts of particle scattering data remarkably well, but many questions remain. During those decades, some sophisticated theoretical hypotheses such as string theory, quantum gravity, and quantum cosmology have been proposed and studied intensively, in an effort to b...

    194,85 €

  • scope of thermodynamics
    Carina E. A. Prunkl
    Thermodynamicsisaspecialtheoryindeed.Aprincipletheory,aphenomenological onemoreover,thatoutgrewitsinitialpurposeofadvancingnineteenthcentury engineeringalmostassoonasitwasborn1.Ceasingtobeameretoolforthe optimisationofsteamenginesandthelike,thermodynamicsinsteadbecameatheory about,well,’almosteverything’.Butthisisnottosaythatthermodynamicscan provideuswiththeanswerstoallscienti...

    26,16 €

  • Imagining Einstein
    Barbara With
    Winner of the Best Books 2007 Award, Fiction & Literature: New Age Fiction and the 2007 Indie Excellence Book Award, New Age FictionWith 35 years of experience as a psychic channel, Barbara was written the definitive work as a psychic channeling Albert Einstein from beyond the grave. Imagining Einstein: Essays on M-Theory, World Peace & The Science of Compassion picks up where ...

    16,73 €

    Lars Brink / Pierre Ramond / PIERRE RAMOND LARS BRINK
    Yoichiro Nambu was one of the giants in the physics of the last century. His profound ideas in fundamental physics are still playing an important role and are being rediscovered over and over again.He preferred to share some of his deepest insights in talks, rather than publications, but Nambu’s papers and talks were not easy to understand. Like the Japanese gentleman he was, h...

    125,54 €

    The mechanics of Newton and Galileo is based on the postulate of a universal time which plays the role of an evolution parameter as well as establishing dynamical correlations between interacting systems. The Michelson-Morley experiment, explained by Einstein in terms of Lorentz transformations, appeared to imply that the time is not absolute, but rather suffers from changes wh...

    112,57 €

  • Quantiversum Portal
    John Baselmans
    THE GATES AND PORTALS DID EXISTPeople from the continents of the Earth were able to relocate to other worlds/earths by ships. It’s not for nothing that they say space elf, because they were real ships sailing through the gates in ice to other worlds and not to the empty space above Earth. Universe means 'Whole World' in Czech. People sailed through the gates or to travel to the...

    10,57 €

    Aleksandar Miković / Marko Vojinović / MARKO VOJINOVIC ALEKSANDAR MIKOVIC
    This book gives a description of state-sum quantum gravity models which are based on triangulations of a smooth spacetime manifold. It contains detailed descriptions of Regge quantum gravity, spin-foam models and spin-cube models. Some other similar models, like the dynamical triangulations models, are only briefly described, since the sum over the spacetime triangulations is o...

    93,75 €

  • Vse barve kvantne zapletenosti. Od mita o Platonovi jami, do sinhronosti Carla Junga do holografskega vesolja Davida Bohma
    Bruno Del Medico
    Knjiga je razdeljena na tri dele. V prvem delu (Intuicije) avtor obravnava najpomembnejše hipoteze o lažni realnosti zaznavnega sveta. Veliki misleci so predvideli obstoj ravni zavesti, ki presega snov. To idejo najdemo v Platonovem "Mit o jami", v Berkeleyjevi "Nematerialistični teoriji" in tudi v "Psihologiji oblike" (Gestaltpsychologie). Najbolj verodostojen vir leži v delih...

    24,81 €

  • Tất cả các màu của rối lượng tử. Từ huyền thoại về hang động của Plato, đến sự đồng bộ của Carl Jung, đến ảnh ba chiều của David Bohm.
    Bruno Del Medico
    Cuốn sách được chia thành ba phần. Trong phần đầu tiên (Những trực giác), tác giả đề cập đến những giả thuyết phù hợp nhất về thực tế sai lầm của thế giới có thể cảm nhận được. Sự tồn tại của một cấp độ ý thức vượt qua vật chất đã được các nhà tư tưởng vĩ đại dự kiến. Chúng ta tìm thấy ý tưởng này trong Huyền thoại về hang động của Plato, trong "Thuyết vô vật chất" của Berkeley...

    25,84 €

  • Universumi on älykäs. Sielu on olemassa. Aineen tuolla puolen, hengelliseen näkemykseen kosmoksesta
    Bruno Del Medico
    Kvanttifysiikan löydöt muuttavat täysin modernin tieteen maisemaa. Ensimmäiset kvanttitietokoneet, joissa on lähes rajaton laskentakapasiteetti, valmistetaan ja puhutaan aikamatkailusta. Monia muita uuden fysiikan näkökohtia ymmärretään huonosti. Kvanttisuperpositio ennustaa, että hiukkanen voi olla kahdessa eri paikassa yhtä aikaa. Kvanttiromahdus mahdollistaa sen, että aineen...

    20,73 €

  • Keterlibatan kuantum dan semua warnanya. Dari mitos gua Plato, ke sinkronisasi Carl Jung, ke alam semesta holografik David Bohm.
    Bruno Del Medico
    Buku ini terbahagi kepada tiga bahagian. Pada bahagian pertama (intuisi) penulis membahas hipotesis yang paling relevan mengenai realiti palsu dunia yang dapat difahami. Kewujudan tahap kesedaran yang melampaui materi telah dibayangkan oleh para pemikir yang hebat. Kami menjumpai idea ini dalam "Mitos gua" Plato, dalam "Teori bukan materialiti" Berkeley, dan juga dalam "Psikolo...

    25,84 €

  • Sve boje kvantne zapletenosti. Od mita o Platonovoj špilji, preko sinkronosti Carla Junga, do holografskog svemira Davida Bohma.
    Bruno Del Medico
    Knjiga je podijeljena u tri dijela. U prvom dijelu (Intuicije) autor se bavi najrelevantnijim hipotezama o lažnoj stvarnosti uočljivog svijeta. Veliki mislioci predvidjeli su postojanje razine svijesti koja nadilazi materiju. Ovu ideju nalazimo u Platonovom "Mit o špilji", u Berkeleyevoj "Nematerijalističkoj teoriji", a također i u "Psihologiji forme" (Gestaltpsychologie). Naja...

    25,91 €

    This compendium brings together the fields of Quantum Computing, Machine Learning, and Neuromorphic Computing. It provides an elementary introduction for students and researchers interested in quantum or neuromorphic computing to the basics of machine learning and the possibilities for using quantum devices for pattern recognition and Bayesian decision tree problems. The volume...

    101,25 €

    Charles R. Storey
    Charles R.Storey’s theory, which he has shared with Stephen Hawking and other prominent physicists is explained here in detail. Lumeniferous Ether Theory and other theories are examined in depth and included in a unified field theory which interconnects electricity, magnetism and gravity.Our current method of space travel will require an enormous amount of time and effort to ex...

    36,43 €

    Charles R. Storey
    Charles R.Storey’s theory, which he has shared with Stephen Hawking and other prominent physicists is explained here in detail. Lumeniferous Ether Theory and other theories are examined in depth and included in a unified field theory which interconnects electricity, magnetism and gravity.Our current method of space travel will require an enormous amount of time and effort to ex...

    28,06 €

  • A kvantum összefonódásának minden színe. Platón barlangjának mítoszától kezdve Carl Jung szinkronosságán át David Bohm holografikus univerzumáig.
    Bruno Del Medico
    A könyv három részre oszlik. Az első részben (Az intuíciók) a szerző az érzékelhető világ hamis valóságának legrelevánsabb hipotéziseivel foglalkozik. Az anyagon túllépő tudatszint létezését a nagy gondolkodók tervezték. Ezt az ötletet megtaláljuk Platón "A barlang mítosza" -jában, Berkeley "Nem materialista elmélete", valamint a "Forma pszichológiája" (Gestaltpsychologie) c. A...

    25,84 €

  • Kaikki quantum entanglement värit. Platonin luolan myytistä Carl Jungin synkronismiin David Bohmin hologrammeihin
    Bruno Del Medico
    Kirja on jaettu kolmeen osaan. Ensimmäisessä osassa (Intuitio) kirjoittaja käsittelee olennaisimpia hypoteeseja havaittavan maailman väärästä todellisuudesta. Suuret ajattelijat ovat suunnitelleet aineen ylittävän tietoisuuden tason olemassaolon. Löydämme tämän idean Platonin "Myth of the Cave", Berkeleyn "Non-materialistinen teoria" ja myös "Form Psychology" (Gestaltpsychologi...

    25,82 €

  • Sve boje kvantne zapletenosti. Od mita o Platonovoj pećini, preko sinhronosti Carla Junga, do holografskog svemira Davida Bohma
    Bruno Del Medico
    Knjiga je podijeljena u tri dijela. U prvom dijelu (Intuicije) autor se bavi najrelevantnijim hipotezama o lažnoj stvarnosti opažljivog svijeta. Veliki mislioci su zamislili postojanje nivoa svesti koji nadilazi materiju. Ovu ideju nalazimo u Platonovom "Mit o špilji", u Berkeleyevoj "Nematerijalističkoj teoriji", kao iu "Psihologiji forme" (Gestaltpsychologie). Najautoritativn...

    25,94 €

  • Beyond the Quantum World
    Kenneth Caraballo
    For centuries, physics has been the cornerstone of our understanding of the natural world. From classical mechanics to quantum mechanics, physics has given us the tools to describe and predict the behavior of everything around us. But as our knowledge of the universe grows, we are forced to confront the limits of our current understanding.In 'Beyond the Quantum World,' we take ...

    22,42 €

    Understanding the Electromagnetic Field is an entry level textbook for graduate students with a focus on the electromagnetic field. This book explores the relationship between the field and electric charges.The earlier part of the book deals with the derivation of Maxwell’s equations from experimental laws. Next, the electromagnetic field is studied in the light of special rela...

    178,78 €

    Understanding the Electromagnetic Field is an entry level textbook for graduate students with a focus on the electromagnetic field. This book explores the relationship between the field and electric charges.The earlier part of the book deals with the derivation of Maxwell’s equations from experimental laws. Next, the electromagnetic field is studied in the light of special rela...

    94,06 €

  • The Vapor Trail
    Alexander P M van den Bosch
    I will not squint to a almost not seen cup. What is the Vapor Trail. Look, we started with the Big Bang, and we will all demise after the Big Crunch, when the Universe collapses into itself. Field Theory. The Vapor is that remain of what has happened that is stil in a place also seen by the big eyes of space telescopy. It is a Quantum Field concept that states this. The univers...

    10,96 €

  • Alle fargene på kvanteforvikling. Fra Platons hulemyte til Carl Jungs synkronitet til David Bohms holografiske univers
    Bruno Del Medico
    Boken er delt i tre deler. I den første delen (intuisjonene) behandler forfatteren de mest relevante hypotesene om den illusoriske virkeligheten i den merkbare verdenen. Eksistensen av et bevissthetsnivå som overskrider materie er blitt tenkt av de store tenkerne. Vi finner denne ideen i Platons myte om hulen, i Berkeleys "immaterialistiske teori", i "Psykologi i formen" (Gesta...

    27,16 €

  • Semua warna belitan kuantum. Dari mitos gua Plato, sinkronisitas Carl Jung, hingga alam semesta holografik David Bohm
    Bruno Del Medico
    Buku itu dibagi menjadi tiga bagian. Di bagian pertama (Intuisi) penulis membahas hipotesis yang paling relevan tentang realitas palsu dunia yang dapat dilihat. Keberadaan tingkat kesadaran yang melampaui materi telah dibayangkan oleh para pemikir besar. Kami menemukan ide ini dalam "Mitos Gua" Plato, dalam "Teori Non-materialistik" Berkeley, dan juga dalam "Psikologi Bentuk" (...

    25,81 €

  • Toate culorile încurcării cuantice. De la mitul peșterii lui Platon la sincronicitatea lui Carl Jung până la universul holografic al lui David Bohm
    Bruno Del Medico
    Cartea este împărțită în trei părți. În prima parte (Intuițiile) autorul tratează cele mai relevante ipoteze asupra realității iluzorii a lumii perceptibile. Existența unui nivel de conștiință care transcende materia a fost prevăzută de marii gânditori. Această idee o găsim în Mitul peșterii lui Platon, în 'Teoria imaterialistă' a lui Berkeley, în 'Psihologia formei' (Gestaltps...

    25,92 €

  • Kuantum dolanıklığının tüm renkleri. Platon’un mağarası mitinden Carl Jung’un eşzamanlılığına, David Bohm’un holografik evrenine.
    Bruno Del Medico
    Kitap üç bölüme ayrılmıştır. İlk bölümde (sezgiler) yazar, algılanabilir dünyanın yanılsama gerçekliğine dair en alakalı hipotezleri ele alıyor. Maddeyi aşan bir bilinç düzeyinin varlığı büyük düşünürler tarafından tasavvur edilmiştir. Bu fikri Platon’un Mağara Efsanesi’nde, Berkeley’in "Maddi Olmayan Teori", "Form Psikolojisi" nde (Gestaltpsychologie) buluyoruz. En güvenilir k...

    24,84 €

  • Tots els colors de l’entrellat quàntic. Des del mite de la cova de Plató fins a la sincronicitat de Carl Jung fins a l’univers hologràfic de David Bohm
    Bruno Del Medico
    El llibre es divideix en tres parts. A la primera part (Les intuïcions), l’autor tracta les hipòtesis més rellevants sobre la realitat il·lusòria del món perceptible. Els grans pensadors han previst l’existència d’un nivell de consciència que transcendeix la matèria. Aquesta idea la trobem al Mite de la cova de Plató, a la "Teoria immaterialista" de Berkeley, a "Psicologia de l...

    28,23 €

  • Todas as cores do enredo cuántico.Desde o mito da cova de Platón, ata a sincronicidade de Carl Jung, ao universo holográfico de David Bohm
    Bruno Del Medico
    O libro divídese en tres partes. Na primeira parte (As intuicións) o autor trata as hipóteses máis relevantes sobre a falsa realidade do mundo perceptible. Os grandes pensadores contemplaron a existencia dun nivel de conciencia que transcende a materia. Atopamos esta idea no "Mito da caverna" de Platón, na "Teoría non materialista" de Berkeley e tamén en "Psicoloxía da forma" (...

    26,83 €