Ficción de guerra y combate

Ficción y temas afines / Aventura / Ficción de guerra y combate (2800)

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  • The Saga of the Lion and the Lamb
    JZ Greiner
    Erik-Christian Denman was a youthful genius-general in the Royal Danish Army who went rogue after the Danish occupation by Nazis in WWII. Leading a group of elite, saboteurs, and assassins to uncountable and legendary victories, in the final months of 1944, he made a series of strange decisions that seemingly put him and his men in mortal danger. With him as a brilliant militar...

    29,03 €

  • Civil War Stories
    Ambrose Bierce
    Bierce was considered a master of pure English by his contemporaries, and virtually everything that came from his pen was notable for its judicious wording and economy of style. He wrote in a variety of literary genres. His short stories are held among the best of the 19th century, providing a popular following based on his roots. He wrote realistically of the terrible things h...

    20,43 €

  • bEARS mAUL
    R.P. Wollbaum
     The 1960's. A time of social upheaval and change. The EBB and its new leader, Paul, find themselves thrust into the middle of anti-war and ant-military sentiments.Risking their lives in unnoticed and remote areas of the world, EBB performs dangerous peacekeeping missions for the UN - missions that see the young troopers experience the very worst and best of humanity, somet...

    18,06 €

  • Vigilante Politics
    C J Houy
    When a distinguished Senator is exposed taking campaign money from the Chinese military, Paula Means gets caught in the crossfire. Sidelined by the scandal, she watches conniving politicians vie for the Presidency and hurl the world toward nuclear Armageddon. It’s up to Paula, along with military and civilian leaders, to try and stop the madness.  ...

    15,18 €

  • Looking into the Sun
    Todd Tavolazzi
    Angus Conn has seen more than his share of human calamity as a seasoned foreign correspondent, but reporting on the Syrian conflict kicked him in the emotional gut. After the ruthless Syrian regime cut off power, water, medical aid, and all other supplies to the decimated village of Al Waer, in the besieged outskirts of Homs, Angus is presented with a once-in-a-career opportuni...

    12,15 €

  • Redeye Fulda Cold
    Bill Fortin
    Redeye Fulda Cold by Bill Fortin is a different type of war novel.  The silence of the combat was deafening for all who would participate. In 1969 the fighting of the Cold War was fought on a 1000 maps in 30 command posts strategically located throughout West Germany.  Fontain, the main character in this saga, is just out of high school. Within the year he is drafted and is ind...

    15,63 €

    Harold Coyle

    23,63 €

  • Nadya’s War
    C. S. Taylor / CSTaylor
    The Wehrmacht marches on Stalingrad.The deadly Luftwaffe dominates the skies.Nadya "Little Boar" Buzina, a young pilot with the Red Army's 586th all-female fighter regiment, has just been thrust into the meat grinder. If she’s to protect her homeland and survive the chaos, she’s going to have to learn to trust her wingman explicitly.German aces, however, aren’t the only one...

    18,36 €

  • A Cherry Blossom in Winter
    Ron Singerton
    The Japanese Russian War – Before the Revolution  As the 20th century dawns, Japan is a rising power at odds with determinedly expanding Russia. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, aristocrats advance their political interests and have affairs as factory workers starve. Young Alexei Brusilov, son of an ambassador, accompanies his father to Japan and there falls in love with the daugh...

    18,22 €

    Tino Randall
    PENTAGON'S HAMMER is played out during a twelve day global event involving the United States, North Korea, India, Pakistan, the Pacific Rim, and, on a peripheral scale, Cuba, China, and Russia. The stage was set with 9/11 on the New York trade center, when Islamic extremists successfully carried out the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil. Years later, following the outsour...

    18,46 €

  • The Discharge
    Gary Reilly
    The Discharge is the third novel in a trilogy about military life and its aftermath by the late writer Gary Reilly. The novels are based on Reilly’s service as an MP in Vietnam and his experiences before and after the war. Private Palmer, Reilly’s protagonist, has trained to become a military policeman (The Enlisted Men’s Club,) served a year in the Southeast Asian war zone (Th...

    11,74 €

  • Harry Danced Divinely
    Marian D. Schwartz
    There is a myth that the 1950s were a simple time.Family life on Giffort Street was never simple.The Whittakers are stunned when their trusted nanny, Meddie, suddenly leaves without giving notice. Meddie always knows everything before everyone else. What does she know that she isn’t willing to tell them?The trouble between Stan and Adele Heussler might have started when Adele b...

    12,66 €

  • The Jing Affair
    D.JSpencer / D.J. Spencer
    The Jing Affair is Taiwan’s standout Cold War novel, a page-turning action thriller describing the bloody resistance to a combined military coup and invasion.As American surveillance reports come in of troop build-ups near the Chinese coast, Taiwan’s KMT leaders are seen gathering at a secret base in the mountains. With all signs pointing to an imminent betrayal of Taiwan to Ch...

    18,40 €

  • Brewer's Revenge
    James Keffer
    Commander William Brewer has an opportunity for to settle scores against his pirate adversary once and for all.Admiral Horatio Hornblower has given Commander Brewer captaincy of the captured pirate sloop El Dorado. Now under sail as the HMS Revenge, its new name suits Brewer’s frame of mind, for he lost many of his best men in a previous engagement. His new orders are to hunt d...

    15,63 €

  • With Kitchener in the Soudan
    G. A. Henty / GAHenty
    With Kitchener in the Soudan by G. A. Henty is a historical adventure novel that follows the British military campaign led by Lord Kitchener in the Sudan during the late 19th century. The story centers on a young Englishman named Gregory Hilliard, who joins the British forces as they march to reclaim Sudan from the Mahdist forces. Through his participation in famous battles suc...

    16,08 €

  • The Enemy
    Wirt Williams
    Here is a dramatic, action-packed story about men aboard a sub-chasing destroyer during World War II—a tense, gripping novel that takes its place beside The Cruel Sea, The Caine Mutiny, and the stories of Conrad and O'Neill as a notable book about men who fight on the raging seas to conquer an enemy out to destroy them. ...

    17,51 €

  • The Watch on the Bridge
    David Garth
    Early in 1945, as the Allies pounded toward the German heartland, the German army methodically destroyed all the bridges across the Rhine to delay the Allied advance. But the demolition effort at Remagen failed, making that bridge the most important one in the world, a breach in the German wall.Doke Stanton, private in the U.S. Army, is captured on a reconnaissance mission, but...

    20,61 €

  • Paje en la Armada.
    Jerónimo Domingo Guijarro
    Antonio es un muchacho de familia hidalga de poca fortuna. Sus dos opciones vitales son la carrera eclesiástica o la de armas. Toma la segunda y se alista en un galeón de la Armada, donde descubrirá la camaradería y el conocimiento de las ciencias de los hombres de mar. Pero la guerra de Sucesión Española está en su zenit. Antonio comprobará pronto el horror de las batallas y l...

    21,32 €

  • Nube Negra
    Miguel Angel Rapela
    En las profundidades del alma humana y en los rincones más oscuros de la historia, reside la capacidad inagotable de imaginar 'qué hubiera sido si'. Miguel Rapela  nos invita a adentrarnos en estas profundidades a través de su primera obra de ficción, 'Nube Negra - una novela', un viaje ucrónico por los senderos menos transitados de la historia de la guerra de Malvinas. Esta no...

    31,20 €

  • Trafalgar
    Benito Pérez Galdós
    Trafalgar (1873) es protagonizado por Gabriel Araceli, un gaditano que tras la muerte de su madre, y el maltrato de su tío, huye en busca de una vida mejor. Entra a trabajar en una casa para realizar tareas domésticas. Su señor, don Alonso, decide ir con Gabriel a una de las embarcaciones de la batalla de Trafalgar para presenciarla de cerca, en concreto al Santísima Trinidad, ...

    12,43 €

  • Sally. Luchar para sobrevivir
    Manuel Peña
    Sally luchar para sobrevivir nos sumerge en una historia que revela cómo el ser humano puede caer en extremos inimaginables debido a la codicia y la irracionalidad. En esta cautivadora narrativa, el autor, expone cómo estas fuerzas impulsan a los personajes a poner en peligro el futuro de seres inocentes, convirtiéndolos en esclavos de sus propias miserias y forzándolos a lucha...

    25,48 €

  • España en la encrucijada. El CASO ALVEAR
    Lourdes Cabezón López
    En 1789 estalla la Revolución Francesa y España se encuentra en una encrucijada, pues ha perdido a su tradicional aliado, que se le vuelve en contra, teniendo que decidir un nuevo sistema de alianzas. Pero en la cúspide del poder en España las opiniones están encontradas respecto al camino a tomar. Francia es ahora republicana y anticristiana, pero Inglaterra ansía hacerse con ...

    25,48 €

  • El abrazo de los valientes
    Javier Lopez
    ALEMANIA, 1935.Elay Levi, un joven judío que lucha en la sombra contra el régimen nazi, debe huir del país para evitar que lo detenga la Gestapo. Su novia, Wanda Schmidt, alemana de origen ario, aguarda su regreso mientras se implica en una peligrosa relación con un soldado de las SS para mantener con vida al padre de Elay, encerrado en el campo de concentración de Dachau.Esta ...

    18,67 €

  • Por el amor de una ronin
    Alba Martínez Arenas
    En el Japón del periodo Edo, Ayako, una joven samurái, renuncia a su cargo de consejera de su daimyo por los crueles castigos de este hacia sus soldados.En consecuencia, decide convertirse en ronin y, para su sorpresa, diversos miembros del ejército de Kioto la siguen, creando sus propias tropas. Tras un grave altercado, es capturada por los hombres del general Jian, que posee ...

    16,12 €

  • Ying Yang
    Maritza Ruiz
    Yin Yang cuenta la historia de un grupo de personas de diferentes partes del mundo que son transportadas a través de un agujero de gusano a un campo de entrenamiento ubicado fuera del planeta Tierra. Tienen el propósito de desarrollar poderes para enfrentarse en una batalla que les permita demostrar que la raza humana es digna de la existencia.La historia consigue abordar temas...

    17,16 €

  • EL ocaso de la épica
    Miguel Hernández García
    La investigación del coleccionista Alejandro Sestelo y del periodista Máximo Paone acerca de un partido de fútbol disputado décadas atrás, cuando estaba a punto de estallar un conflicto bélico entre las dos zonas rivales, sacará a la luz una amalgama de sentimientos encontrados entre los protagonistas de aquel derbi inolvidable. ...

    10,35 €

  • Los años tuertos 
    Sergio Sobrino Ramírez
    Entiemposzapatistas,Fernandollegaaunpequeñopuebloendondedescubreelamor.Losprejuiciosyuna figura del pasado jugarán papeles inimaginables que retratan la vida lejos delagranciudad.¿Seráelamorunaalternativa?EstanovelanarrahechosicónicosdelosañosdepenumbradelSurdeMéxicoylograsufusiónaunarealidadparalela,mezclandomisticismo y folclor. El autor, con una prosahonestayaudaz,nosmuestra...

    7,80 €

  • Cuando te vi caer
    Sebastián Basualdo
    'Una aventura, una iniciación, una novela local en Villa del Parque atravesada por una herida nacional latente: un excombatiente de Malvinas trata como puede de ser un padre para un pibe al que le lleva apenas unos años.Narrada con una sensibilidad tan furiosa como precisa y con la potencia de la experiencia, Sebastián Basualdo cuenta un fragmento de nuestra historia, cuenta la...

    15,60 €

  • Rams
    Juan Pedro Pintado Alonso
    Cómic basado en la lucha de la mujer por los derechos humano.Segunda parte de AT-RAM. ...

    18,20 €

  • Las amantes del Führer
    Juan Llopis
    Geli Raubal, sobrina de Hitler, tras la muerte de su padre es acogida junto a su familia en casa del futuro dictador. Hitler se encuentra en un periodo crucial de su carrera política, en plena ascensión y cerca de conseguir la Cancillería de Alemania. Inician una relación secreta que sin embargo es conocida por todos los miembros del partido. Los problemas sexuales se convierte...

    20,28 €