Estructura y procesos políticos

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Estructura y procesos políticos (6411)

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  • Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann
    Walter Lippmann
    Public Opinion exposes how media can shape public perception and how that perception changes society. Walter Lippmann is a two-time Pulitzer Prize-winner and visionary. ...

    36,95 €

  • Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (Second Edition Text)
    Joseph Alois Schumpeter
    Schumpeter’s Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy is perhaps the most important and influential book on the subject ever writtenThis volume is the result of an effort to weld into a readable form the bulk of almost forty years’ thought, observation and research on the subject of socialism. The problem of democracy forced its way into the place it now occupies in this volume bec...

    36,14 €

  • Governing Under Constraint
    In 2015, Matteo Renzi's government continued to elicit contrasting reactions while dealing with both internal and external constraints. Some say it passed crucial reforms for economic development in fields such as the labor market, the banking system, education, and public administration, in addition to passing a new electoral law. However, others criticize the substance an...

    175,10 €

  • Digital Activism in Asia Reader
    The digital turn might as well be marked as an Asian turn. From flash-mobs in Taiwan to feminist mobilisations in India, from hybrid media strategies of Syrian activists to cultural protests in Thailand, we see the emergence of political acts that transform the citizen from being a beneficiary of change to becoming an agent of change. In co-shaping these changes, what the digit...

    22,19 €

  • Pursuit of Unity
    Michael Perman
    In Pursuit of Unity, Michael Perman presents a comprehensive analysis of the South’s political history. In the 1800s, the region endured almost continuous political crisis--nullification, secession, Reconstruction, the Populist revolt, and disfranchisement. For most of the twentieth century, the region was dominated by a one-party system, the 'Solid South,' that ensured both po...

    47,39 €

  • In Search of the Next P.O.T.U.S.
    Judy M Frankel
    The U.S. Government is Broken! In Search of the Next POTUS (President of the United States) tackles the seemingly impossible task of making Congress work! In this true adventure, political activist Judy Frankel shows how to combat corruption in Congress while choosing a qualified leader for the White House. Her humorous and heartbreaking crusade to overhaul Washington from th...

    14,10 €

  • Love, Not Guns
    Jay Breitlow D.C
    Discussion surrounding America’s violence problem often centers on the gun debate, an issue with no acceptable solution for half the population. Author Jay Breitlow, D.C., who lost his father in a school shooting, makes the case that addressing issues completely separate from the gun debate may provide more sustainable answers.Dr. Breitlow takes a comprehensive look at the bene...

    12,82 €

  • Calibrated Engagement
    Stéphen Huard
    For decades, the heartland of Myanmar has been configured as a pacified space under military surveillance. A closer look reveals how politics is enacted at distance with the state. Power of Engagement weaves together ethnography and history to chronicle the transformation of rural politics in Anya, the dry lands of central Myanmar. The book presents situations as varied as loca...

    197,94 €

  • 李慎之自述与文章集萃
    我青年时只能当共产党,一九五七年只能当右派,晚年只能当自由主义者。 --李慎之李慎之(1923.8.15-2003.4.22)是中国著名的体制内自由主义知识分子。他在燕京大学求学时便参与组织反独裁、争民主的学生运动,毕业后加入新华日报,后长期在新华社国际部工作,多次作为周恩来的随行人员参加重大国际会议和外交出访活动。1957年,他因为倡导'大民主'被'钦定'为右派。改革开放后,他先后陪同邓⼩平、赵紫阳访美,并受命创办中国社科院美国研究所,任第一任所长。1989年,李慎之因同情学生运动再次被批,次年被免去中国社科院副院长职务,开始提笔著述。2003年去世。李慎之先生值得纪念,原因不仅仅是他几起几伏的为官经历,更重要的是他离职之后奋笔疾书写出的几十篇文章。 李慎之是一位深受中国传统文化熏陶、极度渴望精神自由的现代知识分⼦。在生命的最后十几年间,李慎之厚积...

    36,59 €

  • A Luz De Santa Rita
    João Alberto Brentan
    Santa Rita do Sapucaí se destaca como uma cidade singular, renomada por suas empresas de tecnologia e empreendimentos bem-sucedidos. Este livro busca desvendar a história da essência inovadora da cidade, explorando por que seus eventos de sucesso não são replicáveis em outras localidades. Utilizando como pano de fundo a construção da primeira usina hidrelétrica de maior porte n...

    22,74 €

  • Amor Entre Lula E Bolsonaro
    Dinitry Holverscover
    Uma pequena história, que abordacontradições e opiniões do autor,sobre um amor meio que absurdo por metadedo país e uma outra metade.Aproveitando o espaço para entrarem outros assuntos aleatórios. ...

    9,97 €

  • Towards Unity & Political Empowerment for US Mexicans, Chicanos, Latinos
    John Y. Fernandez
    Empowering Guide: Uniting and Amplifying Political Influence for Latinos in the US - Strategies, Data, Solutions, and Media Insights for Election Success. This comprehensive guidebook is a beacon of hope for the 19% of the US population who are of Mexican, Chicano, and Latino descent. It aims to increase unity, political power, and representation, addressing the stark disparity...

    19,30 €

  • Towards Unity & Political Empowerment for US Mexicans, Chicanos, Latinos
    John Y. Fernandez
    Empowering Guide: Uniting and Amplifying Political Influence for Latinos in the US - Strategies, Data, Solutions, and Media Insights for Election Success.This comprehensive guidebook is a beacon of hope for the 19% of the US population who are of Mexican, Chicano, and Latino descent. It aims to increase unity, political power, and representation, addressing the stark disparity ...

    13,52 €

  • The ABA Right to Read Handbook
    American Booksellers Association / Philomena Polefrone
    The ABA Right to Read Handbook: A Reader’s Guide to Fighting Book Bans will provide a comprehensive guide to resisting the epidemic of book censorship through local organizing and engaged citizenship. The Handbook is designed for the potential activist who may only have a few hours to spare each month. It identifies the causes, actors, motivations, and strategies of groups atte...

    16,65 €

  • Idiolatria Aos Políticos
    Claudia Souza
    Idiolatria aos Políticosrevela como a mistura de idolatria com a ignorância política transforma cidadãos em seguidores cegos, dispostos a defender líderes populistas a qualquer custo mesmo que isso signifique sacrificar o futuro do país. Este livro é um convite para que você, leitor, desperte para os perigos de eleger ídolos em vez de gestores competentes. Com exemplos históri...

    15,01 €

  • Novas Dinâmicas Do Direito Penal Econômico
    Ivan Maria Eugenia Batista Cordeiro / Lira De Carvalho
    A obraNovas Dinâmicas do Direito Penal Econômico: Do Compliance à Responsabilidade Penal na Era Digital , organizada por Ivan Lira de Carvalho e Maria Eugenia Batista Cordeiro, explora de maneira abrangente e crítica os desafios contemporâneos que surgem na interseção entre o Direito Penal Econômico, a era digital e as novas tecnologias. Composta por oito capítulos, esta coletâ...

    26,26 €

    Este libro del profesor Allan R. Brewer-carías, es la Crónica Constitucional que ha escrito sobre el secuestro de la elección presidencial de Venezuela del 28 de julio de 2024, con ,motivo de la cual se ejecutó lo que los dirigentes del Gobierno habían anunciado en el sentido de que iban a desconocer el triunfo de la oposición ('no los vamos a dejar ganar'), lo que solo podían...

    17,59 €

  • Bitter-Sweet Democracy?
    Discussions about the ’crisis of representative democracy’ have dominated scholarly and public discourse for some time now. But what does this phrase actually entail, and what is its relevance today? How do citizens themselves experience, feel and respond to this ’crisis’? Bitter-Sweet Democracy grapples with the complexities of these questions in the context of citizens’ relat...

    50,08 €

  • Bitter-Sweet Democracy?
    Discussions about the ’crisis of representative democracy’ have dominated scholarly and public discourse for some time now. But what does this phrase actually entail, and what is its relevance today? How do citizens themselves experience, feel and respond to this ’crisis’? Bitter-Sweet Democracy grapples with the complexities of these questions in the context of citizens’ relat...

    32,99 €

  • We Need To Talk About Climate
    Graham Smith
    Citizens’ assemblies bring the shared wisdom of ordinary people into political decision making on the climate and ecological crisis. They are increasingly being used at local, national and even global levels. But with what impact? Can they take us beyond the shortcomings of electoral and partisan politics? Can they make a real difference? This book explains why climate assembli...

    20,28 €

  • A Myanmar Miscellany
    Andrew Selth
    Andrew Selth has been watching Myanmar for 50 years. During this time, he has published 10 books and more than 400 other works about the country. In 2020, he released a collection of almost 100 articles that had been posted on the Lowy Institute’s Interpreter website. This second anthology brings together another 72 articles, written for a range of outlets between 2007 and 2023...

    69,34 €

  • The Trump Comeback
    Marya Ming
    Not many people in politics have stirred up as much passion, debate, and loyalty as Donald J. Trump. Whether you love him or hate him, you can’t deny that Trump has made a lasting mark on America’s political scene. The Trump Comeback isn’t just about one man stepping back into the spotlight. It is about the movement he created, the battles he fought, and the promises he made to...

    11,07 €

    Jonathan Pike
    With all the negativity in the media about President Trump, it is amazing to see the truth about his administration’s accomplishments. This book is enlightening and fascinating detailing in a clear and precise manner Donald J. Trump’s love for this country. And his desire to make this country great!Elena StewartThis book’s most valuable attribute is that it focuses on the actua...

    22,68 €

    Jonathan Pike
    With all the negativity in the media about President Trump, it is amazing to see the truth about his administration’s accomplishments. This book is enlightening and fascinating detailing in a clear and precise manner Donald J. Trump’s love for this country. And his desire to make this country great!Elena StewartThis book’s most valuable attribute is that it focuses on the actua...

    22,96 €

  • Performing State Boundaries
    Christof Lammer
    Polarizing images of authoritarian, socialist or culturalist otherness compromise analyses of the Chinese state. Still, such images produce effects beyond academia when they inform performances of the boundaries between state and non-state. This book shows how performative boundary work leads to contrasting judgements that decide about support and access to resources. In an eco...

    184,16 €

  • Christianity & Politics
    Richard Nelson
    The gospel, graciously delivered, can change everything.Even in politics.Do you feel compelled to run for political office but aren’t sure how or where to begin? Are you a pastor wondering how to address sensitive political issues with your church? Have you felt uncertain in the voting booth and wondered how to fulfill your civic duties without violating your conscience? Do you...

    16,41 €

  • The Republican Agenda
    Adrian Rocquecliffe
    'The Republican Agenda: Undoing 200 Years of Democracy for a Dictatorship' offers a chilling examination of how the current Republican agenda is steering the United States toward authoritarianism. This shift poses serious threats to all Privileged White Americans, who have long enjoyed economic, social, and political advantages.This book reveals how, despite initial gains, even...

    23,10 €

  • A Visual Diary
    Brenda Louie
    'A Visual Diary' presents the work of professional artist Brenda Louie as a means to document the personal, horrific, raw fears and anxieties she experienced during the unprecedented global virus attack of COVID-19. While staying home alone watching the unsettled political and social chaos unfold from a TV set between the end of an election year that transitioned into the begin...

    13,10 €

  • History Teacher on a Mission
    Bobby Chandler
    Exploring Faith and Politics: A Call for Active Citizenship, Advocacy for Universal Human Rights, and Trust in Divine Guidance Amid Controversies.History Teacher on a Mission: An American Apologetic is a compelling narrative that follows Bobby, a passionate history teacher, on his dual mission: to honor the Great Commission of Christ and to advocate for the American dream as a ...

    24,45 €

  • History Teacher on a Mission
    Bobby Chandler
    Exploring Faith and Politics: A Call for Active Citizenship, Advocacy for Universal Human Rights, and Trust in Divine Guidance Amid Controversies.History Teacher on a Mission: An American Apologetic is a compelling narrative that follows Bobby, a passionate history teacher, on his dual mission: to honor the Great Commission of Christ and to advocate for the American dream as a ...

    17,82 €