Educación para adultos, aprendizaje continuo

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Educación pedagogía / Educación para adultos, aprendizaje continuo (588)

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  • Accelerated Opportunity Education Models and Practices
    Higher education is a driving force behind enhancing competitiveness for economies in the global market; however, a myriad of obstacles can pose significant challenges to students seeking such opportunities. Accelerated Opportunity Education Models and Practices is a pivotal reference source for the latest scholarly research on emerging initiatives in academic institutions that...

    236,29 €

  • Pragmatic Meditations on Learning Community Pedagogy
    Andrew J Weigert
    This groundbreaking book convincingly explains why a Learning Community Pedagogy (LCP) is a critical supplement to traditional teacher-student relation­ships. Based on a participatory democratic learning dynamic, LCP empowers both professor and student to discover themselves as present to one another, which generates freedom—an informing principle of the Learning Community.Thro...

    20,49 €

  • Cases on Leadership in Adult Education
    Oitshepile MmaB Modise
    Strong leadership is the cornerstone of advancement. Nowhere is this more important than the field of education, where students undergo training to effectively overcome obstacles and challenges, whether in the classroom or in the workforce. Cases on Leadership in Adult Education highlights real-world examples of students inspired and invigorated to higher levels of achievement ...

    229,81 €

  • International Education and the Next-Generation Workforce
    Wei Wang
    Education is the first stage in developing a viable, dynamic, and long-lived global economy. Unfortunately, in times of economic hardship, educational programs, teacher salaries, and extracurricular opportunities are often the first to be cut. International Education and the Next-Generation Workforce: Competition in the Global Economy presents a detailed discussion of present e...

    236,17 €

  • Blended Learning Environments for Adults
    There is a general notion that adult education literature generally supports the idea that teaching adults should be approached in a different way than teaching children. Adult learners include working adults with family responsibilities, older workers who may not feel confident about returning to school and people who are currently in the workforce and who need to upgrade skil...

    229,76 €

  • Internet Accessible Remote Laboratories
    Limited resources and other factors pose major challenges for engineering, technology, and science educators’ ability to provide adequate laboratory experience for students. An Internet accessible remote laboratory, which is an arrangement that allows laboratory equipment to be controlled remotely, addresses these difficulties and allows more efficient laboratory management. In...

    230,89 €

  • Web Portfolio Design and Applications
    John DiMarco

    118,59 €

  • The Intellectual Life
    Philip Gilbert Hamerton
    The Intellectual Life is a reflective guide on cultivating a life of the mind. He discusses the challenges and rewards of intellectual pursuits, providing practical advice on maintaining focus, managing time, and balancing thought with daily responsibilities. The book encourages readers to pursue knowledge with passion, while also addressing the emotional and social aspects of ...

    27,66 €

  • O Que Se Aprende Quando Se Fala Em Sala De Aula?
    Fernanda Zilli Do Nascimento
    Este Livro É O Resultado De Uma Pesquisa De Mestrado Cujo Objetivo Foi Examinar Os Momentos De Interação Entre Alunos E Professores, Compreendendo-Os Como Práticas Que Definem E Organizam Os Modos Como Os Sujeitos Devem Se Comportar, Dialogar, Expressar Dúvidas E Atribuir Sentido Às Suas Ideias, Sentimentos E Desejos. Essa Abordagem Ressalta A Relevância Dos Processos Interacio...

    14,04 €

  • Prática Docente E Educação De Jovens E Adultos
    Rita Carolina Gondim Da Fonseca Jerônimo
    Este Livro Tem Como Temática Central A Prática Docente Na Educação De Jovens E Adultos (Eja), A Qual Tem Se Expandido Institucionalmente No País. Porém, Apesar Da Expansão, O Que Se Verifica É A Fragilidade Na Prática Cotidiana Desses Profissionais, Que Atuam, Muitas Vezes, Sem Uma Base De Conhecimentos Consistentes Na Área Da Eja. Considerando Que A Educação Escolar Pode Ajuda...

    14,04 €

  • Práticas De Letramento Na Eja
    Matilde Sarmento
    Este Livro Traz A Concretização De Uma Pesquisa Que Suscitou Várias Indagações Sobre As Práticas Linguísticas-Pedagógicas Desenvolvidas Na Sala De Aula. Para A Realização Deste Trabalho, Foram Definidos Os Seguintes Objetivos: Estudar As Contribuições De Teóricos Que Fundamentam O Processo Ensino-Aprendizagem Da Língua Materna; Refletir Sobre As Práticas De Letramento Escolar, ...

    14,04 €

  • La cocina del Cid N. E. ampliada
    Miguel Ángel Almodóvar
    El Cid se sienta a la mesa en un repertorio de 75 recetas, evocando los dos números mágicos del Medioevo, que, detalladas por vez primera en ingredientes y tiempos de cocción, conservan el misterio de los siglos oscuros y la excelencia de una cocina macerada entre aullidos de guerra y silencios monacales. 10 ...

    22,57 €

  • A formação humana na Educação de Jovens e Adultos
    Wesley Silva Mauerverck
    Uma das questões desafiadoras para a educação brasileira comprometida com a transformação da realidade é a compreensão dos propósitos políticos do Estado ao institucionalizar uma nova modalidade de escolarização básica de jovens e adultos (EJA) integrada com a educação profissional, em uma sociedade, cujo modo de produção institui diversas vulnerabilidades sociais. Para tanto, ...

    22,83 €

  • Volver a estudiar
    Federico Martín González
    No hay dudas de que los mundos educativos y laborales constituyen dos espacios ampliamente debatidos cuando se hace referencia a la problemática de la desigualdad social. Ahora bien, ¿cómo se construyen experiencias en estos espacios?, ¿cómo se articulan estas temporalidades en las biografías de los sujetos?, ¿cómo se vinculan las clases populares con distintos niveles del Esta...

    14,04 €

  • Conversational Spanish For Adults Seeing What You’re Hearing! Level II
    Susan Ann Roemer
    Conversational Spanish For AdultsEspañol Conversacional Para Adultoses-pa-NYOL kom-ber-sa-sio-NAL PA-ra a-DUL-tosSeeing What You’re Hearing! ¡Viendo Lo Que Está Escuchando! BIEN-do LO KE e-STA es-ku-CHAN-doPeople learn their languages by hearing words and then understanding what they mean. A child learns words, strings them together in phrases, and is later corrected by his or ...

    49,75 €

  • Conversational Spanish For Adults Seeing What You’re Hearing! Level I
    Susan Ann Roemer
    People learn their languages by hearing words and then understanding what they mean. A child learns words, strings them together in phrases, and is later corrected by his or her parents. Imagine if a 4-year-old in saying a sentence were forced to say the complete conjugation of the verb before going on to the next phrase! Yet many people think that to learn a new language they ...

    49,65 €

  • Lo que no se aprende en los pupitres
    Fermín Mármol García / Mario Mármol García
    Lo que no se aprende en los pupitres son exactamente los valores que recibimos en el hogar, como legado de nuestros padres. Exactamente lo que nos forma y marca con fuego nuestro carácter. Así lo expresan dos hermanos, Fermín Mármol García y Mario Mármol García 10 ...

    16,12 €

  • Get Your Black-Belt in Proactive-Wellness
    James T Griffin
    In Get Your Black-Belt in Proactive-Wellness: First Degree, you will discover the 7 Portals of Proactive-Wellness, which make up the Proactive-Wellness education system. By educating yourself with this powerful education system and applying these principals into your daily life experience, you will open up doors of possibility where walls used to be. You will learn:- How to com...

    10,51 €

  • Counting One to Ten
    Stacey Abrahams
    This book aims to be used as a resource for carers to establish positive relationships, promote cognitive stimulation and social interaction among adults with Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and memory loss. Adults are encouraged to engage by counting together, recognising familiar images, and to share happy memories. 3 ...

    21,79 €

  • PHR/SPHR Study Guide!
    Matt Webber
    If you want to pass the PHR/SPHR exam but don’t have a lot of time for studying, listen further....You are no doubt a busy professional with a lot of things going on! It can be challenging to find the time to study for the PHR/SPHR test! However, the truth is that the PHR test is a challenging exam. It is normal to have some anxiety about taking this test. Thorough preparation ...

    16,33 €

  • PHR/SPHR Study Guide - Practice Questions! Best PHR Test Prep to Help You Prepare for the PHR Exam! Get PHR Certification!
    Matt Webber
    If you want to pass the PHR/SPHR Exam but don’t have a lot of time for studying keep reading......You are no doubt a busy professional with a lot of things going on! It can be challenging to find the time to read and study for the PHR/SPHR Test! However, the truth is that the PHR TEST is a challenging exam. It is normal to have some anxiety about taking this test.The test is 22...

    16,19 €

  • PMP PMBOK Study Guide! Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide! Best Test Prep to Help You Pass the Exam! Complete Review Edition!
    Ralph Cybulski
    If you want to pass the PMP Exam but don’t have a lot of time for studying keep reading......You are no doubt a busy professional with a lot of things going on! It can be challenging to find the time to read and study for the Project Management Professional test! However, the truth is that the PMP exam is a challenging exam. It is normal to have some anxiety about taking this t...

    15,84 €

  • Home Invasion
    Joy Fielding
    This high-interest, low-vocabulary novella is intended for adult basic education (ABE) and English as a Second Language (ESL) readers. Kathy Brown suddenly wakes up. Was that a noise in the house, or part of her dream? In her dream, Kathy was about to kiss Michael, her high school boyfriend. Her husband, Jack, lies beside her, snoring. Michael is exciting. Jack is boring. When ...

    10,57 €

  • Own Your Brush
    Rebeca Flott / Rebeca Murta Flott
    Is there a desire inside of you to create?  Artists, Makers and Originators of all trades, this book is for you! To inspire you on your creative journey. There is an agony, a voice, a desire inside of you calling you to create, but do the day to day bills and responsibilities not allow you to?Through Rebeca’s stories and experience in 'Own Your Brush' you will discover:How To B...

    13,19 €

  • Our Learning Brain
    Celine Mullins
    OUR LEARNING BRAIN is based on up-to-date research of how brain potential can be maximised for habit change, learning, productivity and health. It will help you to use your brain more effectively when learning new skills; support you in breaking old habits and creating new ones; and give you insights into organisational learning and development. ...

    24,79 €

  • 30 Days of Reflection
    'Twinkle' Marie Manning / Twinkle Marie Manning
    30 Days of Reflection is part of the Matrika Press Blessing Book series.30 Days of Reflection is designed to be used as a self-led retreat that you guide yourself on. It can be used to mark a milestone such as a significant birthday or important season of your life. It can help you process a loss or transition. It can be the place you affirm what is next for you as you cross a ...

    25,67 €

  • Connected Learning
    L. Lynn Thigpen / LLynn Thigpen
    How does the world’s oral majority--adults with limited formal education (ALFE)--really prefer to learn? Few pause long enough to ask those who eschew print. The result of scholarly research and prolonged immersion in the Cambodian culture, Connected Learning exposes the truth about orality--the shame associated with limited formal education; the unfortunate misnomer that is or...

    32,84 €

  • Nontraditional
    Nan Kuhlman
    Many of Nan Kuhlman’s students came to community college looking for a second chance. So did she.Nan Kuhlman reworked her plans for her career—and her life—several times to support the needs of her family. Then a chance encounter gives her another chance to pursue her dream of teaching college students. Kuhlman begins teaching writing classes at her local community college wher...

    11,86 €

  • CFRE Exam Compass Study Guide
    The CFRE Exam Compass is the only official study guide for the CFRE exam.  It is designed to help you thoroughly cover all the necessary bases when studying. It will: answer your questions about sitting for the exam. give you tools to structure your personalized study plan. provide you with practice questions to assess your knowledge.   Whether you’re studying alone or wi...

    65,70 €

  • 50 Assessment Approaches
    Andrew Hampel / Ann Gravells / Sharron Mansell
    This reader-friendly and accessible text introduces 50 assessment approaches for use and adaptation in any learning environment. ...

    40,83 €