Educación inclusiva/regularización educativa

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Educación pedagogía / Estrategias y políticas educativas / Educación inclusiva/regularización educativa (195)

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  • Educación crítica e inclusión
    Caterí Soler García / Marcos A. Payá Gómez / Miguel López Melero
    La educación inclusiva es, lejos de lo que pueda pensarse, una práctica educativa revolucionaria. Es la lucha por el derecho a la igualdad/equidad con derecho a la diferencia. Necesitamos una educación crítica e inclusiva si aspiramos a construir una sociedad sin exclusiones. Una postura que exige la transformación de la escuela y de todo lo que deba ser cambiado para hacer efe...

    11,39 €

  • Una escuela como ésta
    Lucía Caisso
    «Este texto focaliza en el análisis de experiencias educativas configuradas en la trama sociopolítica y organizativa de un movimiento social. Sin embargo, también podría decirse que el foco de interés remite al análisis de procesos sociopolíticos que emergen de esas experiencias educativas. (...) Su lectura me permitió ingresar a un conjunto de vivencias y conocimientos moviliz...

    14,04 €

  • O olhar do professor para a inclusão escolar
    Luciana Gimenez Ribeiro Lupinacci
    Este livro discute a questão da inclusão escolar no cenário educacional contemporâneo. O debate acerca do tema é fundamental dentro da Educação e vai ao encontro do movimento da inclusão nos demais setores sociais, buscando a equiparação de oportunidades e a construção de uma sociedade mais democrática e igualitária. Nesse contexto, o professor assume papel de destaque, contrib...

    17,63 €

  • Sectas y gurús
    Dominique Biton
    Los adolescentes, al buscar y buscarse a sí mismos, se convierten en un objetivo predilecto para las sectas. A su edad, tienen muchas posibilidades de conocer a gente aparentemente seductora y dejarse arrastrar sin darse cuenta, sobre todo porque el límite entre la pandilla, el grupo de carácter sectario y la secta propiamente dicha es confuso. Aunque son conscientes de que deb...

    13,47 €

  • ¡No me hables en ese tono!
    Laurence Delpierre / Patrice Huerre
    En la adolescencia aparece un cambio en el tono y en la forma de dirigirse a los adultos. El niño «responde», da portazos, etc. Esas manifestaciones de independencia no tienen, en principio, nada de alarmantes, pero si el adolescente no recibe la pauta de comportamiento adecuada, puede pasar a los insultos o las injurias. Por ello, hay que reaccionar.A menudo, esta actitud tien...

    10,35 €

  • ¿Hasta cuándo durará esa rabieta?
    Christine Brunet / Nadia Benlakhel
    No hay niños sin rabietas. Pero los padres, si pudieran, prescindirían de ellas encantados. Sin embargo, son imprescindibles y constituyen una etapa importante en el desarrollo de los niños. Este libro analiza todo lo que se debe saber para calmar las rabietas y los caprichos, y responde a todos los interrogantes sobre este tema:- ¿Para qué sirven las rabietas?- ¿Por qué nos af...

    10,35 €

  • ¡Para empezar, tú no eres mi madre!
    Marie-Claude Vallejo / Mireille Fronty
    El papel de la madrastra no es sencillo. A medida que el número de familias reestructuradas aumenta, son más las mujeres que deben enfrentarse a la difícil tarea de educar a unos hijos que no son suyos, algo que requiere grandes dosis de flexibilidad y diplomacia. Este libro pretende ayudarlas a buscar la mejor forma de llevar a cabo su cometido, sin caer en las trampas más hab...

    9,88 €

  • Le cuesta aprender a leer
    Carine Mayo / Gérard Chauveau
    La lectura es un aprendizaje complejo, que supone problemas para algunos niños. La comprensión de los mecanismos de este aprendizaje proporciona a los padres los medios para ayudarlos: con pequeños juegos, apoyo psicológico y, sobre todo, sin ninguna presión ni drama, el niño pronto llegará al nivel de sus compañeros de clase.- ¿Qué significa saber leer?- ¿Cuándo hay que empeza...

    11,39 €

  • No me gusta la escuela
    A ctualmente, el éxito escolar constituye una preocupación constante para los padres. Pero no sólo cuentan las notas: la escuela también es un lugar en el que los niños aprenden a vivir con los demás, a desarrollar su autoestima. ¿Su hijo va a regañadientes?Si es así, su escolaridad y su realización personal peligran. Urge entender las razones de su rechazo y encontrar solucion...

    10,35 €

  • Estudios críticos del currículo
    Wayne Au
    Estudios críticos del currículo. Educación, toma de conciencia y políticas del conocimiento ofrece un marco novedoso para pensar cómo el currículo se relaciona con la comprensión de los estudiantes acerca del mundo que los rodea.Wayne Au reúne la teoría del currículo, los estudios educativos críticos y la teoría del punto de vista en la perspectiva feminista con ejemplos prácti...

    19,24 €

  • Lessons in Love and Understanding
    Jenni Gates / Scott Buckler
    Taking an approach that celebrates the individual identity of all learners, and underpinned by an awareness of the complexity of language around the topics of Sex and Gender, this book offers a careful evaluation of the 2020 Relationship and Sex Education policy for schools in England, and how schools can offer intelligent, socially responsible, sex education that goes beyond s...

    40,53 €

  • Lessons in Love and Understanding
    Jenni Gates / Scott Buckler
    Taking an approach that celebrates the individual identity of all learners, and underpinned by an awareness of the complexity of language around the topics of Sex and Gender, this book offers a careful evaluation of the 2020 Relationship and Sex Education policy for schools in England, and how schools can offer intelligent, socially responsible, sex education that goes beyond s...

    122,17 €

  • Autism Questions Teachers Ask
    Dr. Sharon A. Mitchell
    One in every 59 children has an autism diagnosis. Once thought rare, now every teacher will have an autistic child in their classroom. Maybe not last year, but this coming year....Our rooms are full of diverse learners. Sadly, most university programs don’t prepare teachers for this reality. With all those bright little faces gazing at you, the needs can seem overwhelming. How ...

    19,52 €

  • Handbook of Research on Diversity and Social Justice in Higher Education
    Jared Keengwe
    There is growing pressure on teachers and faculty to understand and adopt best practices to work with diverse races, cultures, and languages in modern classrooms. Establishing sound pedagogy is also critical given that racial, cultural, and linguistic integration has the potential to increase academic success for all learners. To that end, there is also a need for educators to ...

    373,70 €

    Pamela Brookes
    DOG ON A LOG Get Ready! Books are easy for parents to use, fun for kids, and follow the science of learning to read. Information on downloading printable games, flashcards, and other materials is available in each book. With so many complementary printables, this series was created to be economical for families and teachers.All DOG ON A LOG Books follow a systematic, Orton-Gill...

    15,60 €

  • Teaching About Diversity
    Melissa J. Marks / Melissa JMarks / Scott DeWitt
    This book offers easily implemented strategies for use with secondary and undergraduate students to promote greater engagement with the realities of diversity and commitment to social justice within their classrooms. Defining diversity broadly, the book provides effective pedagogical techniques to help students question their own assumptions, think critically, and discuss issue...

    128,04 €

  • Teaching About Diversity
    Melissa J. Marks / Melissa JMarks / Scott DeWitt
    This book offers easily implemented strategies for use with secondary and undergraduate students to promote greater engagement with the realities of diversity and commitment to social justice within their classrooms. Defining diversity broadly, the book provides effective pedagogical techniques to help students question their own assumptions, think critically, and discuss issue...

    71,77 €

  • Challenging Gender Stereotypes in Education
    Karen Jones
    This book develops the reader’s knowledge of how and when gender stereotypes form and how they can be perpetuated in various ways through and during a child’s education. ...

    46,34 €

    Pamela Brookes
    DOG ON A LOG Get Ready! Books are easy for parents to use, fun for kids, and follow the science of learning to read. Information on downloading printable games, flashcards, and other materials is available in each book. With so many complementary printables, this series was created to be economical for families and teachers.All DOG ON A LOG Books follow a systematic, Orton-Gill...

    22,62 €

    Pamela Brookes
    DOG ON A LOG Get Ready! Books are easy for parents to use, fun for kids, and follow the science of learning to read. Information on downloading printable games, flashcards, and other materials is available in each book. With so many complementary printables, this series was created to be economical for families and teachers.All DOG ON A LOG Books follow a systematic, Orton-Gill...

    24,24 €

  • Handbook of Research on Cultivating Literacy in Diverse and Multilingual Classrooms
    Literacy has traditionally been associated with the linguistic and functional ability to read and write. Although literacy, as a fundamental issue in education, has received abundant attention in the last few decades, most publications to date have focused on monolingual classrooms. Language teacher educators have a responsibility to prepare teachers to be culturally responsive...

    375,06 €

  • Taking Flight
    Perry LaRoque / PhD Perry LaRoque
    Written for the over 2 million students with disabilities, their families, and stakeholders who will be attending college next yearProvides the actual skills and knowledge needed to do well in collegeWritten by the Founder of Mansfield Hall, an internationally-recognized residential college support program for students with disabilitiesEmpowers students to overcome a system not...

    15,61 €

  • Your UDL Journey
    Elizabeth Berquist / Patti Kelly Ralabate
    Authors Patti Kelly Ralabate and Elizabeth Berquist draw on years of working with schools, districts, universities, and states to put the inclusive principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) into practice. They offer a guide for adopting UDL as the conceptual framework for an entire system, not just individual classrooms. The authors clarify the difference between mere c...

    51,67 €

  • Multiculturalism in Higher Education
    As the educational landscape of America continues to evolve and diversify, college faculty and administrators must be cutting edge in their approaches to create a variety of educational experiences with a greater level of multicultural cognizance. Unlike in previous generations, higher education in the 21st Century is no longer a luxury reserved for the elite and wealthy, but i...

    71,39 €

  • Multiculturalism in Higher Education
    As the educational landscape of America continues to evolve and diversify, college faculty and administrators must be cutting edge in their approaches to create a variety of educational experiences with a greater level of multicultural cognizance. Unlike in previous generations, higher education in the 21st Century is no longer a luxury reserved for the elite and wealthy, but i...

    127,65 €

  • Valuing Other Voices
    Festus E. Obiakor / Festus EObiakor
    How can we build an organization or institution that treats people equitably? How do we develop conscientious communities where people’s voices are heard and not silenced? How can we go from half-truths and alternative facts to real truths? How can we reduce or eliminate societal ills such as racism, ethnocentrism, xenophobia, religious dogmatism, sexism, homophobia, tribalism,...

    72,16 €

  • Valuing Other Voices
    Festus E. Obiakor / Festus EObiakor
    How can we build an organization or institution that treats people equitably? How do we develop conscientious communities where people’s voices are heard and not silenced? How can we go from half-truths and alternative facts to real truths? How can we reduce or eliminate societal ills such as racism, ethnocentrism, xenophobia, religious dogmatism, sexism, homophobia, tribalism,...

    128,42 €

  • Unlearning
    Allison Posey / Katie Novak
    Universal Design for Learning (UDL) suggests exciting ways to design and deliver engaging, rigorous learning experiences-as a growing international movement of UDL practitioners can attest. However, implementing UDL also requires us to unlearn many beliefs, assumptions, and teaching practices that no longer work.In this lively and fun book, UDL experts Allison Posey and Katie N...

    29,42 €

  • Teaching the Teachers
    Teacher educators have opportunities to include issues of multicultural education, equity, and social justice in the work done with preservice teachers. Including the educational and societal experiences of historically marginalized populations in curriculum creates spaces for teacher educators to model multicultural and social justice based pedagogies, while preparing teachers...

    128,17 €

  • Teaching the Teachers
    Teacher educators have opportunities to include issues of multicultural education, equity, and social justice in the work done with preservice teachers. Including the educational and societal experiences of historically marginalized populations in curriculum creates spaces for teacher educators to model multicultural and social justice based pedagogies, while preparing teachers...

    71,91 €

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