Edificios religiosos

Artes / Arquitectura / Edificios religiosos (505)

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  • Architettura e Potere in una terra di confine
    Daniele Ferdani
    Local architectural heritage is an expression of a long-lasting circle of traditions and oral knowledge fostered from one generation to another and revealed through simple or complex architectural realities. It is also a manifestation of economic and social impact on the landscape. Given this assumption, this volume, by means of new building archaeology research approaches, deb...

    105,38 €

  • Provincial Cilicia and the Archaeology of Temple Conversion
    Richard Bayliss
    This is a study of the Christianisation of the built environment: the physical manifestation of the transition from paganism to Christianity in the Greek East. The core of the work comprises an archaeological exploration of temple conversion in terms of structural mechanics, logistics, chronology and socio-political implications. The author provides a re-assessment of the fate ...

    128,26 €

  • Ferramentas Para A Inovação Em Produtos
    Marco Aurélio De Carvalho
    Ferramentas para a Inovação em Produtos: Um Guia para Transformar Ideias em Produtos de Sucesso , de Marco Aurélio de Carvalho, é um manual indispensável para quem busca dominar a arte e a ciência da inovação no desenvolvimento de produtos.Num mundo onde 95% das tentativas de introduzir novos produtos falham, este livro oferece ferramentas para aqueles que desejam destacar-se n...

    37,96 €

  • O Polígono De Gestão
    Edson Marinho
    O Polígono de Gestão explora de forma prática e visual os principais componentes e aspectos da gestão de projetos, expandindo o conceito tradicional do Triângulo de Gestão. Baseado nas boas práticas promovidas pelos guias Project DPro, Program DPro, MEAL DPro e Finance DPro, este livro apresenta o Polígono de Gestão como uma ferramenta interativa e adaptável, capaz de integrar ...

    13,00 €

  • O Menino E A Cruz
    Luan Ferr / Luiz Santos
    O Menino e a Cruz - A História Não Contada do Jovem JesusBaseado nos textos apócrifos, O Menino e a Cruz traz à luz uma narrativa inédita e fascinante sobre a infância de Jesus. No silêncio profundo de um Egito enigmático, Maria, José e o menino Jesus enfrentam desertos implacáveis, buscando refúgio em terras estranhas enquanto forças invisíveis os guiam em uma missão divina.In...

    30,11 €

  • Gestão Ágil De Projetos
    'andressa 'vilson Gruber' / Ehlert Moreira Da Silva'
    Gestão Ágil de Projetos: Conectando Teoria e Prática no Projeto Integrador é um convite a professores, gestores e estudantes para explorar um modelo inovador que une metodologias ágeis, ensino técnico e aprendizado baseado em projetos. Focado na disciplina do Projeto Integrador III do Curso Técnico Integrado em Vestuário, oferecido pelo Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina (IFSC...

    16,12 €

  • Synagogues of the First Century C.E.
    Deslee Campbell
    'Synagogues of the First Century C.E.', by Dr Deslee Campbell, discusses all of the archaeological sites so far discovered in Israel that were in-use in that period. It notes how recent finds contest previous scholars’ conclusions. Interestingly, these finds support the New Testament’s information that synagogues were 'throughout Galilee' as some were small and in rural locatio...

    6,22 €

  • Jerusalém
    Leandro Vales
    Situada entre a Ásia, África e Europa, Jerusalém testemunhou a ascensão e declínio de impérios, desde a Idade Antiga até a Contemporânea. Através de sua história, é possível acessar parte significativa da História do mundo. Sendo ainda hoje reverenciada como o centro do mundo, sua importância se funde com as das três religiões monoteístas. A cidade de Davi, Salomão, Jesus, Maom...

    10,35 €

  • Michelangelo and the Apocalypse
    Thomas A. Walters
    Michelangelo and the Apocalypse: The End Time Codes RevealedThis book is written for an engaged general readership as well as academics, Renaissance scholars, students and those readers with a broad interest in art, art history and religion. As of late there has been a continuing interest in Renaissance art and the enduring popularity of the book of Revelation and end time even...

    20,05 €

  • Manual Kado
    Ernesto Pilotto Neto
    MANUAL KADO é uma obra que busca estudar, compreender e conectar o conhecimento e utilização do instinto de sobrevivência, tão evidente na natureza. Unindo a isso nos utilizamos da sabedoria ancestral, baseando-nos em quatro elementos clássicos balizando a gestão empresarial contemporânea.A palavraKado , de origem swahili, significaestratégiaoutática , capturando a essência das...

    8,27 €

  • Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres
    Henry Adams
    Embark on a journey into the past with Henry Adams as he brings two of France’s most striking medieval landmarks to life in vivid detail. With rich imagination and insight, Adams immerses readers in the world of twelfth-century Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres when these architectural marvels were newly constructed.Adams meticulously conjures the atmosphere, values and social dyn...

    18,67 €

  • Historical Churches Of The Caribbean Island Of Antigua
    Michael Nathan-Pepple
    The Historical Churches of the Caribbean Island of Antigua is a two-part book. Part one examines and analyses the complex relationship between the Older Established Churches, Slavery and their Black converts.Part two showcases 24 historic churches and detail their history, congregation establishment, architectural skills and craftsmanship, and the strong influence they had on t...

    32,12 €

  • Cathedrals of North America, Part I
    Andrej Margarin
    Cathedrals of North America Part I: Canada, Alaska, Greenland, Bermuda, St. Pierre and Miquelon is the second book of the book series 'Cathedrals of the World'.This unique full-colored book presents all of the cathedrals, one by one, from different Christian denominations, located in the northern part of the continent of the North America; in the state of Canada, U.S. State of ...

    41,44 €

    Tomas Jose Firme
    SUSEIA is a travelogue based on the journal of Tomas Jose Firme with his ’besfren’ Chemari Enage, when they walked the Camino from Valencia, Portugal in the autumn of 2015.Mr. Firme pairs the narrative with a parallel tale of medieval friends, ’Tomasso y Jose Maria,’ who travelled across southern Europe from Sicily to ’Santiagu.’ Despite the distances and obstacles, the two pai...

    14,76 €

  • Acessibilidade
    Tony Santos
    Acessibilidade: Abertura de portas: desvendando o universo da acessibilidadeé um livro inspirador que mergulha no mundo da acessibilidade, revelando a importância de criar sociedades inclusivas e oferecer igualdade de oportunidades para todos.Nesta obra cativante, você será conduzido a uma jornada transformadora, explorando os desafios enfrentados por pessoas com deficiência e ...

    9,88 €

  • Megalithic Temples
    A.J. Kingston
    Uncover the enigmatic wonders of the ancient world with the captivating book bundle, 'Megalithic Temples.' Immerse yourself in the mysteries and majesty of Stonehenge, Gobekli Tepe, Ggantija Temples, and Baalbek as you embark on an extraordinary journey through time and space. This exceptional collection of four books will transport you to the realms of ancient civilizations, w...

    50,82 €

  • Abbeys and Priories of Lincolnshire
    Roland W Morant
    Roland Morant’s book on the medieval monastic buildings of Lincolnshire fills a significant gap in books about the surviving monastic buildings in Lincolnshire and includes information relating to all parts of the county in a single volume. It is illustrated with numerous photographs, illustrations, maps and site-plans together with a glossary of architectural terms.Abbeys and ...

    34,36 €

  • Highlights of English Cathedrals
    Paul Scott
    In 1986 I first toured Britain and was attracted to the British Cathedrals. Over the years this attraction has grown to a deep fascination. These days I have come to enjoy photography and also the creation of websites, so a project to photograph and create websites of all the English Cathedrals was inevitable. This body of work has led me to create a book format for people to en...

    29,27 €

  • Highlights of English Cathedrals
    Paul Scott
    In 1986 I first toured Britain and was attracted to the British Cathedrals. Over the years this attraction has grown to a deep fascination. These days I have come to enjoy photography and also the creation of websites, so a project to photograph and create websites of all the English Cathedrals was inevitable. This body of work has led me to create a book format for people to en...

    43,17 €

  • Shinto
    Hermann Candahashi
    "Shinto: Der Weg der Götter - Die uralte Religion Japans und ihr Einfluss auf die Gesellschaft" ist eine umfassende Untersuchung der shintoistischen Religion und ihrer Bedeutung in der japanischen Gesellschaft. Shinto, was wörtlich "Weg der Götter" bedeutet, ist eine der ältesten Religionen der Welt und hat einen tiefgreifenden Einfluss auf die japanische Kultur, Geschichte und...

    18,87 €

  • American Kairos
    Richard Benjamin Crosby
    A history of Washington National Cathedral and the theory of an American civil religion.In 1792, Pierre Charles L’Enfant, the first city planner of Washington, DC, introduced the idea of a 'great church for national purposes.' Unlike L’Enfant’s plans for the White House, the US Capitol, and the National Mall, this grand temple to the republic never materialized. But in 1890, th...

    53,87 €

  • Rom in zwei Tagen
    Enrico Massetti
    Man kann ein ganzes Leben in Rom verbringen und trotzdem nicht alles über die ewige Stadt wissen. Sie können sich ein gutes Bild machen, wenn Sie eine Woche oder länger bleiben, aber wenn Sie nur 48 Stunden Zeit haben, müssen Sie bereit sein, so viel wie möglich von Rom zu erleben.Sie können sich auf einen Reiseveranstalter verlassen, der Sie als Schaf in einer Gruppe unterbrin...

    12,19 €

  • İki Günde Roma
    Enrico Massetti
    Roma’da bir ömür geçirebilirsiniz ve yine de ebedi şehir hakkında her şeyi bilemezsiniz. Bir hafta veya daha uzun süre ziyaret ederek iyi bir anlayış elde edebilirsiniz, ancak yalnızca 48 saatiniz varsa, Roma’yı mümkün olduğunca çok deneyimlemeye istekli olmalısınız.Sizi koyun gibi bir gruba dahil etmesi için bir tur operatörüne güvenebilir ya da özel rehberli bir tur için yükl...

    12,10 €

  • Rome en deux jours
    Enrico Massetti
    On peut passer toute une vie à Rome sans pour autant tout connaître de la ville éternelle. Vous pouvez avoir une bonne compréhension en visitant la ville pendant une semaine ou plus, mais si vous ne disposez que de 48 heures, vous devez être prêt à découvrir Rome autant que possible.Vous pouvez compter sur un tour-opérateur pour vous placer dans un groupe de moutons, ou vous po...

    12,19 €

  • Roma en dos días
    Enrico Massetti
    Se puede pasar toda una vida en Roma y, aun así, no saberlo todo sobre la ciudad eterna. Se puede tener un buen conocimiento visitándola durante una semana o más, pero si sólo se dispone de 48 horas, hay que estar dispuesto a experimentar Roma tanto como sea posible.Puede confiar en un operador turístico que le meta en un grupo como ovejas, o puede pagar un dineral por una visi...

    12,13 €

  • Italia central, Las Marcas y los Abruzos
    Enrico Massetti
    Enrico Massetti escribió este libro con 43 magos.En efecto: Italia posee el patrimonio artístico y cultural más notable del mundo. Y su cultura no se encuentra sólo en las grandes ciudades creativas, sino que está difusa, "repartida" por todo el territorio nacional como en ningún otro país. ¿La prueba?Le Marche. Su costa llana y arenosa se ve interrumpida por precipicios escarp...

    12,25 €

  • The Throw of an axe
    Rohini Satyan
    Travelling through time, the book explores the aura and mysticism that enshrines the Shiva temple tradition in Kerala, against the backdrop of the Parashurama legend. The temples trail across some of the renowned Shiva shrines of the state and bring alive the rich tapestry of mythological and cultural hues that add a touch of the surreal to the architectural marvel the quint...

    27,20 €

    Tony Walsh
    UNLOCK THE MAJESTIC SECRETS OF OMAN’S ARCHITECTURAL MASTERPIECE The Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque is a dazzling fusion of artistry and spirituality that has captivated over a million visitors. This definitive guidebook invites you behind the scenes to discover what makes this iconic mosque an essential destination. Within these pages, you’ll find:A complete walking tour route to u...

    120,61 €

  • White Elephants on Campus
    Margaret Grubiak
    Examines churches and chapels built on campuses during the twentieth century to reveal declining role of religion within the mission of the modern American university. ...

    143,85 €

    Bhagyalipi Malla
    Dr. Bhagyalipi Malla is closely acquainted with Odia cultural practices, both traditional and contemporary and, owing to her service in the Department of Culture, takes due care to develop public awareness about the same. She regularly writes on art, culture and heritage of Odisha. She is the author of Kala Kalantar, Matidarpana, Prajapatira Ratighara, Sanskrutira Abhilekha and...

    22,83 €