Destrezas de estudio y aprendizaje: general

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Educación pedagogía / Destrezas de estudio y aprendizaje: general (3049)

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  • CBEST Math Skill Practice
    Complete Test Preparation Inc.
    Over 200 CBEST® math practice questions, prepared by a dedicated team of exam experts, with detailed answer key, Math shortcuts, tips and tricks, tutorials and multiple choice strategies! CBEST® Math Practice Questions and Tutorials for: Computation and Problem Solving Basic operations with fractions, decimals and percent Arithmetic Basic operations with positive and neg...

    14,85 €

  • Practice the Canadian GED
    Complete Test Preparation Inc.
    Get Ready for your Test with Canadian GED® Practice Test Questions!Practice Test Questions, prepared by our dedicated team of exam experts! Including:  Reading Mathematics Algebra Geometry Language Arts – Writing How to write an essay Science GED® is a registered trademark of the American Council on Education, who are not involved in the production of, and do not endo...

    15,83 €

  • PERT Math Practice
    Complete Test Preparation Inc.
    Over 200 PERT practice questions, prepared by a dedicated team of exam experts, with detailed answer key, Math shortcuts, tips and tricks, tutorials and multiple choice strategies! PERT Practice Test Questions and Tutorials for:    Arithmetic Basic Algebra Graphing Word Problems Fractions, Decimals and Percent Geometry Need to brush up on your math? This is the book ...

    14,63 €

  • NLN PAX Test Strategy!
    Complete Test Preparation Inc.
    Learn and Practice Proven multiple choice strategies for Reading Comprehension, Word Problems and Basic Math! Plus powerful vocabulary learning techniques to get your vocabulary up to speed fast before the exam! If you are preparing for the NLN PAX-RN, PAX-PN, you probably want all the help you can get! PAX Test Strategy  is your complete guide to answering multiple choice qu...

    14,52 €

  • Anglo-Saxon Grammar And Exercise Book
    Charles Alphonso Smith
    The Book is intended for beginners, and in writing it, these words of Sir Thomas Elyot have not been forgotten: 'Grammer, beinge but an introduction to the understandinge of autors, if it be made to longe or exquisite to the lerner, it in a maner mortifieth his corage: And by that time he cometh to the most swete and pleasant redinge of olde autors, the sparkes of fervent desir...

    14,34 €

  • Lesefibel
    Hermann Reffelt
    Lesefibel - Oder, Erster Unterricht im Lesen, verbunden mit Denk- und Sprachübungen ist ein unveränderter, hochwertiger Nachdruck der Originalausgabe aus dem Jahr 1866.Hansebooks ist Herausgeber von Literatur zu unterschiedlichen Themengebieten wie Forschung und Wissenschaft, Reisen und Expeditionen, Kochen und Ernährung, Medizin und weiteren Genres. Der Schwerpunkt des Verlage...

    12,70 €

  • English Spelling and Grammar Course
    David B. Walsh
    rammar, as an art, is the power of reading, writing, and speaking correctly. As an acquisition, it is the essential skill of scholarship. As a study, it is the practical science which teaches the right use of language. An English Grammar is a book which professes to explain the nature and structure of the English language; and to show, on just authority, what is, and what is no...

    14,31 €

  • The Access to Higher Education Handbook
    Zoë Chapman
    The ultimate guide to success on the Access to HE Diploma. ...

    77,28 €

  • The Mathematical Edge
    James A Vicich
    Essential Performance Skills and Problem-Solving Strategies. By connecting research to practice Dr. Vicich nurtures a student’s ability to persevere solving problems, craft coherent arguments, communicate mathematical ideas using precise language, and develop productive mathematical practices. The book includes a problem-solving template, flowchart, sample student work, notes f...

    48,81 €

  • Insights for the Sports Coach Hardcover
    Paul Kilgannon
    This is a book of insightful essays crafted with the purpose of challenging and inspiring the sports coach. Each essay strives to impact your thinking and positively influence your coaching practice. They are designed to navigate you towards your ’Best Self’ in coaching. Your athletes will love you at your best. Read and reread these Insights over time. Although the words on th...

    21,75 €

    Willam R. Parlier
    Are you confident you are going to heaven when you die?But can your confidence endure the testing of this book?Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! (2 Corinthians 13:5)Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord (Isaiah 1:18)Is what our religious culture telling us we must do to go to heaven consistent with the Bible?This book provides a c...

    13,89 €

  • Pandemics
    Oswald D. B.
    'Pandemics: A Chronicle of Human Resilience' takes you on a gripping journey through history, exploring the most devastating pandemics that have shaped our world. From the ancient Plague of Athens to the modern-day COVID-19 crisis, this book uncovers the stories of survival, adaptation, and resilience that have defined humanity’s response to these deadly outbreaks.Have you ever...

    58,20 €

  • HESI A2 Full Study Guide
    Smart Edition
    The Smart Edition Nursing HESI A2 study guide was designed to help you pass the test guaranteed!What makes this guide different and the best option for you to study with is:It includes Mobile App access so you can study on the go.It’s organized better than other study guides to make studying easy.The book simplifies the material so it’s simple to understand unlike other study g...

    49,12 €

  • ATI TEAS 7 Study Guide
    Smart Edition Nursing
    The Smart Edition Nursing ATI TEAS 7 study guide was designed to help you pass the test guaranteed!What makes this guide different and the best option for you to study with is:It includes Mobile App access so you can study on the go.It’s organized better than other study guides to make studying easy.The book simplifies the material so it’s simple to understand unlike other stud...

    44,57 €

  • A Religious Defense of Gun Control
    Michael E Harvey
    'A Religious Defense of Gun Control: A Mini-Reader'In an era marked by escalating debates over gun control and gun violence, 'A Religious Defense of Gun Control: A Mini-Reader' offers a profound and timely exploration of this contentious issue through the lens of three major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This mini-reader provides a unique and comprehensive ...

    11,40 €

  • How to Study the Bible
    G. Michael Cocoris
    This book offers the student of Scripture a practical step-by-step method of Bible study based on sound principles of interpretation. The author, G. Michael Cocoris, was introduced to inductive Bible study at Dallas Seminary in a course taught by Dr. Howard Hendricks. The textbook was a Methodical Bible Study by Robert A. Traina. After teaching others how to study the Bible bas...

    11,44 €

  • The Craft of Professional Writing, Second Edition
    Michael S. Malone
    The Craft of Professional Writing, 2nd edition, is the most complete manual ever written for every form of professional (and professional quality) writing. ...

    99,46 €

  • A New Community
    Donita M Edwards / Donita M Edwards
    What does the Bible say about faith and disability? Why is it rarely discussed? As faith leaders, how informed are we on the biblical view of disabilities? We fail the uniquely-abled community when we are unprepared to partner with and minister to them. As they form meaningful relationships with God, we must be ready! New Community Interactive Devotional is a tool that raises a...

    31,27 €

  • Greatest Indian Realism and Social Commentary Novels Ever Written
    Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay / Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay / Munshi Premchand / Rabindranath Tagore / Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
    क्या आप हमेशा से अब तक लिखे गए सर्वश्रेष्ठ भारतीय यथार्थवाद और सामाजिक टिप्पणी उपन्यास पढ़ना चाहते हैं?आगे कोई तलाश नहीं करें। ग्रेपवाइन पब्लिशर्स की अनुभवी संपादकीय टीम ने इस चुने हुए पैक को तैयार किया है। इस प्रतिष्ठित संग्रह में प्रशंसित पुस्तकें शामिल हैं जो समय की कसौटी पर खरी उतरी हैं और दुनिया को प्रभावित किया है। एक सुविधाजनक और गुणवत्तापूर्ण संग्रह में कई पुस्तकें रखकर...

    62,96 €

  • Greatest Indian Political and Historical Fiction Ever Written
    Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay / Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay / Rabindranath Tagore / Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay / Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
    क्या आप हमेशा से अब तक लिखे गए सर्वश्रेष्ठ भारतीय राजनीतिक और ऐतिहासिक उपन्यास को पढ़ना चाहते हैंआगे कोई तलाश नहीं करें। ग्रेपवाइन पब्लिशर्स की अनुभवी संपादकीय टीम ने इस चुने हुए पैक को तैयार किया है। इस प्रतिष्ठित संग्रह में प्रशंसित पुस्तकें शामिल हैं जो समय की कसौटी पर खरी उतरी हैं और दुनिया को प्रभावित किया है। एक सुविधाजनक और गुणवत्तापूर्ण संग्रह में कई पुस्तकें रखकर, आप ए...

    39,78 €

  • The People’s Power
    One of the People Called Charle
    'The People’s Power: Safeguarding Our Constitutional Republic' is a book for all ages of people that goes into the fundamental law outlined in the Constitutions. It highlights the crucial role of the people in safeguarding their liberties by holding public officials accountable to their oaths. Through relatable examples and factual references, this book equips readers with intr...

    12,34 €

  • Complete Novels of C. V. Raman Pillai
    C. V. Raman Pillai / Grapevine Malayalam / സി.വി. രാമൻപിള്
    Have you always wanted to read the best in Complete Novels of C. V. Raman Pillai ever written? Look no further. The experienced editorial team at Grapevine Publishers has put together this curated bundle. This Classic Collection features books of acclaim which have stood the test of time and influenced the world. By putting multiple books in one convenient and quality collectio...

    61,89 €

  • Greatest Malayalam Philosophical Works Ever Written
    Grapevine Malayalam / Thunchaththu Ramanujan Ezhuthachan / Thunchaththu Ramanujan Ezhuthachan / എഴുത്തച്ഛൻ
    Have you always wanted to read the best in Greatest Malayalam Philosophical Works ever written? Look no further. The experienced editorial team at Grapevine Publishers has put together this curated bundle. This Classic Collection features books of acclaim which have stood the test of time and influenced the world. By putting multiple books in one convenient and quality collecti...

    55,61 €

  • 12 Tribes
    Jahkim Ben Israel
    In a world filled with myriad beliefs and ideologies, the ancient wisdom of the Israelites offers timeless guidance rooted in the sacred scriptures. '12 Tribes Israelite Precepts' is a comprehensive compilation of Biblical precepts designed to illuminate the path for those who seek to live in accordance with the divine laws given to the children of Israel. This book is not just...

    10,85 €

  • Study Notes
    Chris Webster
    These study notes were written for the OCR A-level syllabus, but, as they include most of his major poems, will be useful for any course of study. They include the full text of all the set poems, glossaries, questions on the poems, commentaries, essays on themes, sample examination questions, and a brief biography. A unique feature of these notes is the 'lite' version of the lo...

    9,61 €

  • Firebrand Vol 16 Conversation Station
    Wynter Sommers
    Conversation Station guide book is for a group leader or instructor to host activities and engaging conversation topics. There is one chapter dedicated to each volume in the Firebrand Series. Some may consider it a community leader guide. Others may call it a set of lesson plans. ...

    23,39 €

  • Praying the Rosary for the Care of Creation
    Mary Jane Miller / TBD
    Praying the Rosary for the Care of CreationGod knows and Creation knows the magnificent, mysterious love that binds all life together. Let us enliven our hearts and minds with gratitude for Earth and Care for Creation. The Joyful Mysteries, Sorrowful Mysteries, Luminous Mysteries, and Glorious Mysteries, are all Meditations for humanity. I have included a section on Visible Mys...

    10,75 €

  • Visions of the Apocalypse Study Notebook
    J.G. Holtrop
    REVELATIONAre you ready for the apocalypse?'Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it,FOR THE TIME IS NEAR.'Revelation 1:3 ...

    3,87 €

  • Guide to English Language
    Carolyn B. Warner
    Whether you’re an expert or a beginner, there’s always something new to learn when it comes to the always-evolving English language. Don’t rely on multiple incomplete textbooks that contradict each other-fill in all the gaps in your grammar knowledge with one go-to guide. This course gives you key exceptions, common grammar mistakes, thousands of real-world examples, and hundre...

    14,31 €

  • Grammar of The English Language
    Joseph N. Byrd
    The present performance is, so far as the end could be reached, the fulfillment of a design, formed about twenty-seven years ago, of one day presenting to the world, if I might, something like a complete grammar of the English language;-not a mere work of criticism, nor yet a work too tame, indecisive, and uncritical; for, in books of either of these sorts, our libraries alread...

    15,23 €