Cocina para uno

Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio / Cocina/comidas y bebidas, etc. / Cocina para uno (49)

Libros Eliminar filtro Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio Eliminar filtro Cocina/comidas y bebidas, etc. Eliminar filtro Cocina para uno Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Lazy Cook
    Susie Kelly
    Susie Kelly makes no claims to being a cooking queen. She admits that over the years she has made every cookery mistake possible, including pouring hot oil back into a plastic bottle and watching the bottle melt and flood most of the kitchen. Then there was the great icing sugar misunderstanding.... but in The Lazy Cook she has put together an irresistible collection of the tas...

    9,64 €

  • Cocina rica y sabrosa con el microondas
    La época en la que nos ha tocado vivir nos impone un ritmo de vida cada vez más agotador, con una considerable disminución del tiempo libre. El mundo de la cocina no ha sido insensible a estos cambios. En efecto, el estrés y la dinámica de vida actual ya no nos permiten dedicar muchas horas a la cocina; el tiempo disponible para los menesteres culinarios se ha reducido, debido ...

    16,59 €

    Francis Michael
    Enjoy Easy & Fresh Instant Pot Recipes For Healthy Living!Do you crave for quick & delicious Instant Pot recipes? Do you want to improve your culinary skills to impress your guests, friends and family? Would you like to Master your Instant Pot to make tasty dinners...

    19,47 €

  • Cocina rica y sabrosa para diabéticos
    La época en la que nos ha tocado vivir nos impone un ritmo de vida cada vez más agotador, con una considerable disminución del tiempo libre.El mundo de la cocina no ha sido insensible a estos cambios.En efecto, el estrés y la dinámica de vida actual ya no nos permiten dedicar muchas horas a la cocina; el tiempo disponible para los menesteres culinarios se ha reducido, debido a ...

    26,99 €

  • Instant Pot Cookbook
    Rachel Collins
    WHILE OTHER INSTANT POT COOKBOOKS are poorly written, have no recipe index, lots of editing errors, bad recipes, or simply recipes that are overcomplicated, the Instant Pot Cookbook by Rachel Collins feature the best variety of well-thought-out and well-tested recipes you should expect with nutrition facts for every recipe in the book and comes with the well-structured recipe i...

    20,61 €

  • Miss Parloa’s Young Housekeeper
    Maria Parloa

    12,34 €

  • Breakfast, Luncheon and Tea
    Marion Harland

    12,73 €

  • Common Sense in the Household
    Marion Harland

    15,27 €

  • Marion Harland’s Cookery for Beginners
    Marion Harland

    5,55 €

  • The Dinner Year-Book
    Marion Harland

    19,00 €

  • An Ideal Kitchen
    Maria Parloa

    4,54 €

  • Camp Cookery
    Maria Parloa

    5,39 €

  • A Little Candy Book for a Little Girl
    Amy L. Waterman / Amy LWaterman

    6,23 €

  • A Little Preserving Book for a Little Girl
    Amy Waterman

    7,23 €

  • A Handbook of Invalid Cooking
    Mary A. Boland / Mary ABoland

    10,28 €

  • A Thousand Ways to Please a Husband
    Helen Cowles LeCron / Louise Bennett Weaver

    15,91 €

  • Eating In
    Anne Atkinson
    EATING IN: The Aspiring Chef Learns to Cook You have a place to cook, a real kitchen or a spot in the dorm, some utensils and the motivation to eat in instead of out.  Not only will you save tons of money, you’ll also have fun developing cooking skills.  Being in charge of your own food preparation is a challenging experience but completely worthwhile. In this little book you’l...

    25,18 €

  • 365 Foreign Dishes

    5,69 €

  • Cocinar por sólo 5 euros
    Autores Varios
    Aunque parezca imposible, se pueden elaborar platos sanos, sabrosos y sorprendentes por muy poco dinero. ¡Una auténtica cocina para tiempos de crisis como los que estamos viviendo! Siguiendo los consejos de un experto chef como es Guillem Salazar, verá que es posible ahorrar dinero a la hora de comprar y cocinar, sin que ello repercuta en la calidad de los productos y en el res...

    10,92 €

  • Collections from an Aspen Chef
    Cindy L. Rogers / Cindy LRogers
    “Collections from an Aspen Chef” is a selection of favorite recipes from Cindy Rogers, who has worked as a chef in Aspen for the past 30 years.  Rogers is known for her delicious fare and talent for accommodating those with dietary restrictions due to allergies or choice. The cookbook is full of wonderful recipes with easy guides to modify dishes to suit dietary needs – gluten-...

    36,33 €

  • Crockpot Recipes
    Ace McCloud
    Would you love to have delicious and healthy meals with little effort?Whether you want to (1) discover 100 of the best crockpot recipes of all time, (2) create delicious meals with little effort, or (3) save time and money, then this is the recipe book for you!The Best Crockpot Cooking RecipesThis Crockpot Recipe Guide includes the most delicious and healthy main dishes, side d...

    10,88 €

  • Good Meals for a Good Life. Meal Planner Notebook
    @ Journals and Notebooks
    Let us give you four reasons why you should keep a meal planner. First, it makes meals healthy. Second, it helps you shop more efficiently. Third, it helps you save money by making sure your meals follow your indicated budget. And lastly, you keep a meal plan because it ensures variety of recipes. Make sure to include the caloric content of each meal when you’re planning! ...

    14,11 €

  • Paleo Meal Planner
    @ Journals and Notebooks
    When you’re trying to lose weight, you need more than just the right choice of diet. For example, if you go with Paleo Diet then you have to remember to stick to it. The lack of determination and motivation are really what make any diet fail. To remain motivated and determined to complete the diet, you can use your struggles as documented in this compact journal. Write today! ...

    14,11 €

  • Workweek Meals for the Busy Family
    @ Journals and Notebooks
    When everyone in the family is too busy, who takes care of the meals? You might have a schedule on who’s in-charge of the kitchen for specific days or you might be making meals good a week and just store them in the fridge for heating later. Whichever is the case, keeping a record helps in keeping you motivated and determined to follow kitchen agreements. ...

    14,11 €

  • Save Time and Money with a List-based Meal Planner
    @ Journals and Notebooks
    These days, a growing number of families keep a list-based meal planner. What this means is that a meal plan good for a week, sometimes a month, is created in advance. This would ensure variety in preparations while keeping nutrients at a maximum. A list-based meal planner also makes an awesome grocery reminder. Start meal planner today! ...

    14,11 €

  • What’s for Dinner All Week? Meal Planner Pages
    @ Journals and Notebooks
    Sure, you may be thinking of what to cook and what to eat; but have you ever considered writing down your plans? Writing helps cement your meal plans because you will have a visual representation of them. This increases the likelihood of actually sticking to your plans, which ensures you get all the benefits of healthy meals. So what are you waiting for? Write your meal plans n...

    14,11 €

  • Eating With Efficiency
    @ Journals and Notebooks
    A meal planner is the first step to healthy eating and efficient shopping. When written in this journal and strictly followed, a meal plan will help you stick to meals with the right nutritional value. This is very important when you’re trying to lose weight or when you are suffering from any health condition. With a meal plan, you will be guided the next time you do your shopp...

    14,11 €

  • Preparing Your Kitchen! The Year-Round Meal Planner for Families
    @ Journals and Notebooks
    What’s a meal planner and why is it important? A meal planner tells you what to prepare for your family. It helps you count the components of each meal and check if you are providing enough protein, calories, nutrients, and so on. As a result, your family will eat healthier because chances of eating out or ordering food are reduced. Write your meal plans here. ...

    14,11 €

  • The Best Meals are made from the Best Recipes! Meal Planner Recipes Edition
    @ Journals and Notebooks
    Use this planner to keep recipes that you created or those that you found somewhere and loved. You can also use this planner to plan your meals ahead and thus, you get to enjoy variety because you can see if the meal plans are recurrent. Writing down your plans keeps you motivated and determined to actually follow your plans. Grab a copy now! ...

    14,11 €

  • Hey, Good Lookin! Whatcha Got Cookin’? Meal Planning Organizer
    @ Journals and Notebooks
    What’s that smell wafting from the kitchen? Is that mommy cooking our favorite meal? The good thing about planning meals is that the family knows what to expect. Their minds will be conditioned for the next meals, which removes the urge to eat out or order take out. As a result, meals are healthier and within the family’s budget range. Use this meal planner today! ...

    14,11 €

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