Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias

Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación / Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias (11806)

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  • Transitioning to Zero Hunger
    Delwendé Innocent Kiba
    In 2015, the United Nations decided to establish the goal of achieving 'zero hunger' in the world by 2030 through 'outcome targets' such as eliminating hunger and improving access to food, ending all forms of malnutrition, promoting sustainable and resilient agriculture, and maintaining genetic diversity in food production. As a result of this decision, strategies are under way...

    65,32 €

  • Geo-Umwelt, Hydrogeochemie des Grund- und Oberflächenwassers
    Daniel Nzomba
    Ziel dieses Buches ist es, die Auswirkungen der anthropogenen Aktivitäten auf die Umwelt aufzuzeigen, aber auch die enge Beziehung zwischen der verschmutzten Umwelt und der Kontamination der Grundwasserleiter sowie der Oberflächengewässer zu verdeutlichen. Die physikalisch-chemischen Parameter sowie die metallischen Spurenelemente wurden in 19 Wasserproben bestimmt, davon 14 Gr...

    96,24 €

  • Geo-environment, Hydrogeochemistry of groundwater and surface water
    Daniel Nzomba
    The aim of this work is to highlight the impact of anthropogenic activities on the environment, as well as the close relationship between the polluted environment and the contamination of aquifers and surface waters. Physico-chemical parameters and trace metals were measured in 19 water samples, including 14 groundwater samples and 5 surface water samples. The results of the ch...

    96,25 €

  • Geoambiente, Idrogeochimica delle acque sotterranee e superficiali
    Daniel Nzomba
    Lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di evidenziare l’impatto delle attività umane sull’ambiente, nonché la stretta relazione che esiste tra l’ambiente inquinato e la contaminazione delle falde acquifere e delle acque superficiali. I parametri fisico-chimici e i metalli in traccia sono stati misurati in 19 campioni d’acqua, di cui 14 di acque sotterranee e 5 di acque superficiali...

    96,25 €

  • Geoambiente, Hidrogeoquímica das águas subterrâneas e superficiais
    Daniel Nzomba
    O objetivo deste trabalho é realçar o impacto das actividades humanas no ambiente, bem como a estreita relação entre o ambiente poluído e a contaminação dos aquíferos e das águas superficiais. Foram medidos parâmetros físico-químicos e metais vestigiais em 19 amostras de água, incluindo 14 amostras de águas subterrâneas e 5 amostras de águas superficiais. Os resultados das anál...

    96,25 €

  • Геоэкология, гидрогеохимия подземных и поверхностных вод
    Дэниел Нзомба
    Цель данной работы - подчеркнуть влияние человеческой деятельности на окружающую среду, а также тесную взаимосвязь между загрязненной окружающей средой и загрязнением водоносных горизонтов и поверхностных вод. Физико-химические параметры и содержание следовых металлов были измерены в 19 пробах воды, включая 14 проб подземных вод и 5 проб поверхностных вод. Результаты химических...

    96,24 €

    Le esplorazioni geochimiche per la ricerca dell’oro spesso non producono risultati favorevoli perché i pathfinder dell’oro non sono stati identificati correttamente. In altri casi, non è stato possibile collegare i pathfinder alla geologia dell’orrido e quindi i giacimenti ad alto potenziale sono rimasti non sfruttati. L’obiettivo di questo studio è quello di testare l’efficaci...

    62,08 €

    A exploração geoquímica do ouro não produz muitas vezes resultados favoráveis porque os descobridores do ouro não foram corretamente identificados. Noutros casos, não foi possível relacionar os descobridores com a geologia do horst, pelo que os depósitos de elevado potencial ficaram por explorar. O objetivo deste estudo é testar a eficácia das ferramentas geoestatísticas (estat...

    62,08 €

  • The Principles of Geology
    Charles Lyell
    Principles of Geology is a groundbreaking classic of science, Mentioned multiple times in glowing terms by Charles Darwin, in The Origin of Species, and heralded by such contemporaries as Melville, Emerson, Tennyson and George Eliot, Principles of Geology is here for a new generation concerned with Earth sciences, climate and the processes which shape it. ...

    29,09 €

    Geochemische Explorationen auf Gold führen oft nicht zu günstigen Ergebnissen, weil die Goldfundstellen nicht richtig identifiziert wurden. In anderen Fällen konnten die Pfadfinder nicht mit der Geologie des Horstes in Verbindung gebracht werden, so dass Lagerstätten mit hohem Potenzial ungenutzt blieben. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die Effektivität geostatistischer Werkzeuge (m...

    62,14 €

  • Town Geology
    Kingsley Charles
    'Town Geology' is a charming paintings authored via Charles Kingsley, a prominent 19th-century English author and clergyman. This literary masterpiece delves into the geological factors of various towns and cities in England. In his exploration, Kingsley unveils the geological wonders concealed within urban landscapes, offering a comprehensive account of rocks, minerals, and fo...

    12,14 €

  • Catalogue Of Violent And Destructive Earthquakes In The Philippines
    Saderra Maso Miguel
    The 'Catalogue of Violent and Destructive Earthquakes in the Philippines' is a complete reference work that chronicles the seismic history of the Philippines, documenting widespread earthquakes that have formed the kingdom’s geological landscape. While there isn’t always a broadly identified e book with this identify and writer in my know-how up to September 2021, this sort of ...

    10,94 €

  • Archäologische Eingriffe in San Pedro de los Pinos-Mixcoac, CDMX
    Z. Berenice Flores Montes de Oca
    Dieser Beitrag enthält Hintergrundinformationen über die archäologische Stätte San Pedro de los Pinos-Mixcoac in Mexiko-Stadt sowie über zwei archäologische Forschungsprojekte, die in der Umgebung durchgeführt wurden. Die Ergebnisse und ein Vorschlag zur Abgrenzung werden vorgestellt. Wir hoffen, dass diese Arbeit für die akademische Gemeinschaft von Nutzen sein wird, da die Ar...

    88,39 €

  • Archaeological interventions in San Pedro de los Pinos-Mixcoac, CDMX
    Z. Berenice Flores Montes de Oca
    This document includes the research background of the archaeological site of San Pedro de los Pinos-Mixcoac, located within Mexico City, as well as two archaeological research projects carried out in the surrounding area. The results and a delimitation proposal are shown. We hope that this work will be useful to the academic community, since the work of the Directorate of Archa...

    88,33 €

  • Interventions archéologiques à San Pedro de los Pinos-Mixcoac, CDMX
    Z. Berenice Flores Montes de Oca
    Cet article présente des recherches de base sur le site archéologique de San Pedro de los Pinos-Mixcoac, situé dans la ville de Mexico, ainsi que sur deux projets de recherche archéologique menés dans les environs. Les résultats et une proposition de délimitation sont présentés. Nous espérons que ce travail sera utile à la communauté académique, étant donné que le travail de la...

    88,39 €

  • Interventi archeologici a San Pedro de los Pinos-Mixcoac, CDMX
    Z. Berenice Flores Montes de Oca
    Il presente documento contiene una ricerca di base sul sito archeologico di San Pedro de los Pinos-Mixcoac, situato all’interno di Città del Messico, nonché su due progetti di ricerca archeologica condotti nell’area circostante. Vengono illustrati i risultati e una proposta di delimitazione. Ci auguriamo che questo lavoro possa essere utile alla comunità accademica, dal momento...

    88,33 €

  • Intervenções arqueológicas em San Pedro de los Pinos-Mixcoac, CDMX
    Z. Berenice Flores Montes de Oca
    Este artigo inclui uma pesquisa de fundo sobre o sítio arqueológico de San Pedro de los Pinos-Mixcoac, localizado na Cidade do México, bem como sobre dois projectos de pesquisa arqueológica realizados na área circundante. São apresentados os resultados e uma proposta de delimitação. Esperamos que este trabalho seja de utilidade para a comunidade académica, já que o trabalho da ...

    88,39 €

  • Археологические работы в Сан-Педро-де-лос-Пинос - Микскоак, CDMX
    З. Цветы Монтес-де-Ока
    В данной статье представлены результаты исследования археологического памятника Сан-Педро-де-лос-Пинос - Микскоак, расположенного в пределах Мехико, а также двух археологических исследовательских проектов, проведенных на прилегающей территории. Приводятся результаты и предложение по делимитации. Мы надеемся, что эта работа будет полезна академическому сообществу, поскольку деят...

    88,39 €

  • Каменноугольные турбидитные бассейны Марокканской Месеты
    Ален Изарт / Даниэль Вашар / Мостафа Берхли
    В этой книге описаны седиментология, биостратиграфия и стратиграфия последовательностей раннекаменноугольных турбидитовых бассейнов Марокканской Месеты. После многочисленных литологических и палеонтологических исследований была построена точная биостратиграфическая шкала, особенно по фораминиферам для Марокко, позволяющая датировать известняки платформы, а также турбидиты, поск...

    32,88 €

  • Die karbonischen Culm-Becken der marokkanischen Meseta
    Alain Izart / Daniel Vachard / Mostafa Berkhli
    In diesem Buch werden die Sedimentologie, Biostratigraphie und Sequenzstratigraphie der frühkarbonischen turbiditischen Becken der marokkanischen Meseta beschrieben. Nach zahlreichen lithologischen und paläontologischen Untersuchungen wurde eine präzise biostratigraphische Skala erstellt, insbesondere mit Hilfe von Foraminiferen für Marokko, um die Kalksteine in der Plattform, ...

    32,82 €

  • Les bassins turbiditiques du Carbonifère de la Meseta marocaine
    Alain Izart / Daniel Vachard / Mostafa Berkhli
    Ce livre décrit la sédimentologie, la biostratigraphie et la stratigraphie séquentielle des bassins turbiditiques du Carbonifère inférieur de la Meseta marocaine. Après de nombreuses recherches lithologiques et paléontologiques, une échelle biostratigraphique précise a été construite, en particulier par les foraminifères pour le Maroc afin de dater les calcaires de la plate-for...

    32,82 €

  • I bacini di Culm del Carbonifero della Meseta marocchina
    Alain Izart / Daniel Vachard / Mostafa Berkhli
    In questo libro vengono descritte la sedimentologia, la biostratigrafia e la stratigrafia di sequenza dei bacini turbiditici del Carbonifero Antico della Meseta marocchina. Dopo numerose indagini litologiche e paleontologiche, è stata costruita una scala biostratigrafica precisa, in particolare con i foraminiferi per il Marocco, per datare i calcari della piattaforma, ma anche ...

    32,82 €

  • As Bacias Carboníferas da Meseta Marroquina
    Alain Izart / Daniel Vachard / Mostafa Berkhli
    A sedimentologia, a bioestratigrafia e a estratigrafia de sequência das bacias turbidíticas do início do Carbonífero da Meseta marroquina são descritas neste livro. Após numerosas investigações litológicas e paleontológicas, foi construída uma escala bioestratigráfica precisa, especialmente por foraminíferos para Marrocos, para datar calcários na plataforma, mas também turbidit...

    32,82 €

  • Semi-Arid Climate Change
    Haipeng Yu / Jianping Huang / Xiaodan Guan / XIAODAN GUAN HAIPENG YU JIANPING HUANG
    Semi-arid regions are ecological security barriers that prevent arid regions from expanding and turning into deserts. The expansion of arid regions and desertification seriously threaten ecological security, and human society cannot achieve sustainable development in an insecure ecological environment. As the transitional zone between arid and humid regions, semi-arid regions l...

    219,76 €

  • Sedimentologische Untersuchung des Bama Rückens Holozän, Tschad Becken, Niger
    Alhaji Zarma
    Dieses Buch befasst sich mit der Sedimentologie eines markanten geomorphologischen Ausdrucks auf dem Gelände der Tschad-Formation im Unterbecken von Bornu im Tschad-Becken in Nigeria. Unter Verwendung praktischer sedimentologischer Verfahren, die die Erfassung und Beschreibung von Abschnitten, Lithofazies-Analysen, Röntgendiffraktometrie, Schwermineralien und mikropaläontologis...

    106,14 €

  • Etude sédimentologique de l’holocène de la crête de Bama, bassin du Tchad, Niger
    Alhaji Zarma
    Ce livre porte sur la sédimentologie d’une expression géomorphologique proéminente sur les terrains recouvrant la Formation du Tchad dans le sous-bassin de Bornu, dans le bassin du Tchad au Nigeria. En utilisant des procédures sédimentologiques pratiques comprenant des diagraphies et des descriptions de sections, des analyses de lithofaciès, la diffractométrie aux rayons X, des...

    106,14 €

  • Estudo Sedimentológico do Holocénico do Bama Ridge, Bacia do Chade, Níger
    Alhaji Zarma
    Este livro é sobre a sedimentologia de uma expressão geomorfológica proeminente nos terrenos que cobrem a Formação do Chade na sub-bacia de Bornu,Bacia do Chade na Nigéria. Utilizando procedimentos sedimentológicos práticos que abrangem o registo e descrições de secções, análises litofaciais,difractometria de raios X,métodos minerais pesados e micropaleontológicos,um ambiente d...

    106,17 €

  • Studio sedimentologico dell’Olocene della dorsale di Bama, bacino del Ciad, Niger
    Alhaji Zarma
    Questo libro tratta della sedimentologia di un’importante espressione geomorfologica sui terreni che ricoprono la Formazione del Ciad nel sottobacino di Bornu, nel bacino del Ciad in Nigeria. Utilizzando procedure sedimentologiche pratiche che comprendono la registrazione e la descrizione delle sezioni, l’analisi delle litofacies, la diffrattometria a raggi X, i minerali pesant...

    106,14 €

  • The Science Handbook
    Matthew S. Deal
    This handbook presents a diverse array of scientific concepts, with the intent that one or several will spark an interest in deeper exploration. The first attempt for this book was to compile all the 'First Laws' of science as an introduction. However, focusing solely on the 'first laws' omitted too many fascinating and crucial concepts that would be ideal in an introductory ha...

    20,25 €

  • The Geologic History of the Moon - U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1348
    Don E. Wilhelms / U.S. Department of the Interior
    More than two decades of study have established the major features of lunar geologic style and history. The most numerous and significant landforms belong to a size-morphology series of simple craters, complex craters, and ringed basins that were formed by impacts. Each crater and basin is the source of primary ejecta and secondary craters that, collectively, cover the entire t...

    28,85 €