Meteorología y climatología

Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación / Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias / Meteorología y climatología (3365)

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  • Climate Change and Global Warming - Exposed
    Andrew Johnson
    The weather is something which affects all of us, every day of our lives. It dictates our long and short-term plans. In the UK, the weather is the "default topic" of conversation for strangers and friends alike. Though it has obvious and far reaching importance, most people don't know very much about the weather. These days, they don't take time to observe it and probab...

    13,82 €

  • Russian Cold, The
    Cold has long been a fixture of Russian identity both within and beyond the borders of Russia and the Soviet Union, even as the ongoing effects of climate change complicate its meaning and cultural salience. The Russian Cold assembles fascinating new contributions from a variety of scholarly traditions, offering new perspectives on how to understand this mainstay of Russian cul...

    47,13 €

  • Who Tells Your Story?
    Bi Zhao / Takumi Shibaike

    27,44 €

  • Who Tells Your Story?
    Bi Zhao / Takumi Shibaike

    78,94 €

  • Our Most Significant Environmental Problems and What Could Be Done
    Dr. Rodney W. Bovey
    Dive into the Depth of the Planet’s Most Pressing Issues - Unraveling the Layers of Environmental Challenges and Exploring Potential Solutions. Every Step Counts Towards a Sustainable Future!Our Most Significant Environmental Problems and What Could Be Done is a comprehensive, insightful book that will guide you through the intricate web of environmental problems currently thre...

    35,04 €

  • Our Most Significant Environmental Problems and What Could Be Done
    Dr. Rodney W. Bovey
    Dive into the Depth of the Planet’s Most Pressing Issues - Unraveling the Layers of Environmental Challenges and Exploring Potential Solutions. Every Step Counts Towards a Sustainable Future!Our Most Significant Environmental Problems and What Could Be Done is a comprehensive, insightful book that will guide you through the intricate web of environmental problems currently thre...

    22,97 €

    The new articles and reprints in this volume document the life and scientific contributions of British physicist and applied mathematician, Sir Gilbert T Walker (1868-1958). The collection bears witness to Walker’s keen insights into statistically based climate prediction, the nature of atmospheric variability on time scales of a year or longer, and the detection and attributio...

    182,04 €

  • Cities of Tomorrow
    This book takes a comprehensive and forward-looking approach to urban resilience and climate change preparedness. It combines theoretical insights, practical case studies and innovative strategies to address the complex challenges cities face in an era of rapid urbanisation and changing climate patterns. It presents a fresh and innovative approach to addressing the intertwined ...

    234,93 €

  • The Observatory Experiment
    Simon Naylor

    132,61 €

  • Physics and Dynamics of Clouds and Precipitation
    Pao K. Wang

    114,63 €

    Klaus Fraedrich / KLAUS FRAEDRICH THOMAS FRISIUS / Thomas Frisius
    This book is intended for students and laypersons interested in understanding weather activity in the atmosphere. Besides basic knowledge of mathematics and physics, no other prerequisites are necessary for comprehending the material.This textbook gives a thorough introduction to the dynamics of weather. It provides readers with a basic understanding of the complex phenomena an...

    207,17 €

    Klaus Fraedrich / KLAUS FRAEDRICH THOMAS FRISIUS / Thomas Frisius
    This book is intended for students and laypersons interested in understanding weather activity in the atmosphere. Besides basic knowledge of mathematics and physics, no other prerequisites are necessary for comprehending the material.This textbook gives a thorough introduction to the dynamics of weather. It provides readers with a basic understanding of the complex phenomena an...

    97,86 €

    This anthology reviews the cooperation between scientists from Qingdao and scientists from Hamburg from the 1980s until about 2020. Initially, Professors Jürgen Sündermann (Hamburg University) and Wen Shengchang (Ocean University of China) were the primary drivers of this relationship, laying the groundwork for understanding the dynamics of China’s marginal seas, and investigat...

    181,96 €

  • Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Climate Change and Ocean Renewable Energy
    Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources that are naturally replenished on a human timescale. It includes sources such as sunlight, tides, waves, wind, rain, and geothermal heat. According to BP’s-2018 Energy Outlook (EO), renewable energy will be the fastest growing source of energy, increasing fivefold by 2040, thus providing around 14% of global ...

    261,22 €

  • Earth System Modeling, Data Assimilation and Predictability
    Cheng Da / Safa Mote
    Data Assimilation methods are now applied to many areas of prediction and forecasting. This second edition introduces readers to applications across Earth systems and coupled Earth-Human Systems. It’s indispensable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and practitioners working in weather forecasting and climate prediction. ...

    196,68 €

  • Earth System Modeling, Data Assimilation and Predictability
    Cheng Da / Safa Mote
    Data Assimilation methods are now applied to many areas of prediction and forecasting. This second edition introduces readers to applications across Earth systems and coupled Earth-Human Systems. It’s indispensable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and practitioners working in weather forecasting and climate prediction. ...

    81,20 €

  • Environment, Climate, Plant and Vegetation Growth
    The book provides currently available information on the changing climate and its impact on functional and adaptive features of plants. The book also cover cutting edge research on key determinants of plant growththat provides a direction towards execution of programs and practices that will assist resilience of crop production systems to the changing climate. This book will re...

    288,29 €

  • Physik unserer Umwelt
    Thomas Wagner / Walter Roedel
    Das vorliegende Lehrbuch bietet eine Einführung in die Physik der Atmosphäre, wie sie im Rahmen der Umweltphysik gelehrt wird. Zuerst wird dem Leser die Funktionsweise des Systems Atmosphäre verständlich gemacht. Dazu werden Themen wie Strahlungs- und Energiehaushalt, atmosphärische Dynamik, Zirkulationen, Niederschlagsbildung und der Wasserkreislauf behandelt.Zudem werden die ...

    67,44 €

  • Climate Change Adaptation in the Adriatic Coastal Areas
    Eleonora Gioia
    This book presents the best practices necessary to embed climate change adaptation in the planning processes among the Adriatic coastal communities. Six coastal regions, which are distributed in the Northern, Central, and Southern Adriatic Basin in Italy and Croatia, were taken as reference areas. The book also introduces the state-of-the-art climate change adaptation strategie...

    208,26 €

  • Cold Rush
    Sari Pietikäinen
    This book is an original study of Cold Rush, an accelerated race for the extraction and protection of Arctic natural resources. The Northernmost reach of the planet is caught up in the double developments of two unfinished forces - rapidly progressing climate change and global economic investment - working simultaneously in tension and synergy. Neither process is linear or comp...

    169,04 €

  • Eine kritische Theorie für das Anthropozän
    Nathanaël Wallenhorst
    Dieser Band, der in biogeophysikalischen Studien verwurzelt ist, befasst sich mit Konzepten des politischen Handelns im Anthropozän und der Spannung zwischen dem Wunsch, das prometheische Projekt der Moderne zu vollenden, und einem post-prometheischen Ansatz. Diese Arbeit untersucht die Idee einer anthropologischen Mutation der politischen Konsolidierung von einem 'postpromethe...

    152,88 €

  • Cidvijñānasūtram - Science of Causcitology
    Manmohan Lal Goswami
    Modern sciences have been confined to the study of matter, mass or energy while Indian epistemology since the Vedas has been seeking something deeper i.e. cit(चित् ) a word most frequently used in all the systems of Indian Philosophy. Unfortunately the word cit has been translated as consciousness which is as faulty as to use the word well for an ocean. Cit is not a function of...

    24,80 €

  • Land and Water Degradation in Ethiopia
    Water is life for all human beings and is essential for sustainable economic development. Access to freshwater is a fundamental human right. Ensuring access to safe drinking water and sanitation is vital for economic growth, poverty reduction and enhancement of human well-being. Yet, uncertain global water availability compounded by factors such as climate change and land degra...

    246,32 €

  • Energy, Sustainability and Resilience
    This book analyzes the experiences of energy, sustainability and resilience issues from different Asian countries and puts forward a futuristic vision of an energy sector for sustained development. Energy is at the core of development, but in energy generation, there are severe environmental implications in many cases. This clearly affects development and causes significant cha...

    159,18 €

  • Wrench Marshmallows and Clouds
    Mabel Jox
    Technological Integration: Unleashing the Power of Connectivity is a comprehensive guide that explores the importance, challenges, and real-world applications of integrating technology. From defining key concepts and evaluating success to implementing and managing integration, this book provides invaluable insights for individuals and organizations striving to harness the full ...

    101,71 €

  • Climate Adaptation in Urban Planning
    Simona Mannucci
    This book provides an overview of the current planning paradigms and technical strategies to cope with climatechange, specifically flooding. Architecture and planning face the challenging task of designing the built environment while addressing complex issues in urban areas. Factors such as climate change, societal and economic issues and population growth can significantly imp...

    68,00 €

  • Morning Glory Clouds
    Ripley Jones
    Discover the fascinating world of Morning Glory Clouds with this comprehensive book that explores their formation, meteorological impacts, cultural significance, and future directions in research.Packed with insightful chapters on atmospheric phenomena, cloud formation, gravity waves, climate change, and more, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in these unique and e...

    103,73 €

  • Hydrometeorology
    Kevin Sene
    An award-winning text introducing the latest operational hydrometeorological forecasting and warning techniques for flood, drought, reservoir, hydropower, irrigation, water supply and water pollution applications.Hydrometeorology: Forecasting and Applications is the latest edition of this award-winning book intended for practicing engineers and scientists. It also provides usef...

    270,99 €

  • Moonbows
    Ripley Jones
    Dive into the captivating world of moonbows with this comprehensive guide covering everything from their definition and formation to their cultural significance and future prospects in research, all while providing tips on observing and photographing these awe-inspiring natural phenomena. ...

    104,42 €

  • Fire Whirls
    Ripley Jones
    Discover the fascinating world of fire whirls in this comprehensive guide.From their formation mechanisms and characteristics to their impact on the environment and strategies for control, this book delves into every aspect of fire whirls.Whether youre a scientist, firefighter, or curious reader, this book will captivate you with its in-depth exploration of these mesmerizing na...

    104,25 €