Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias

Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación / Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias (11806)

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • The Tree of Life and The Origin of The Species
    Philip Bruce Heywood
    The Tree of Life and the Origin of the Species by Philip Bruce Heywood tells the facts that he wanted to be seen published. The book has necessary content clarifying some climate questions with suitable resources. With a three-fold mission, this book ought (1) to leave not the slightest doubt that the whole of science, modern science especially, the whole of creation, the unive...

    29,55 €

    Ганиев Юнусали / Муродилов Хасанбой
    Искусственный интеллект (ИИ) стремительно трансформирует различные отрасли промышленности во всем мире, и Узбекистан не является исключением. В стране реализуются различные меры по созданию прочной основы для развития ИИ. В данной монографии представлен анализ перспектив и проблем ИИ в Узбекистане. Вот некоторые дополнительные сведения об ИИ в Узбекистане: - Правительство актив...

    60,89 €

    Ganiyev Yunusali / Murodilov Khasanboy
    L’intelligence artificielle (IA) transforme rapidement diverses industries à l’échelle mondiale, et l’Ouzbékistan ne fait pas exception. Le pays a mis en œuvre diverses mesures afin d’établir une base solide pour le développement de l’IA. Cette monographie propose une analyse des perspectives et des défis de l’IA en Ouzbékistan. Voici quelques informations supplémentaires sur l...

    60,83 €

  • Impact of Climate Change on Mental Health and Well-Being
    Climate change has far-reaching consequences beyond its environmental impact. It also significantly affects human social and mental well-being, both at individual and community levels. Addressing the social and mental well-being impacts of climate change requires a multi-faceted approach that includes both mitigation and adaptation strategies. This involves reducing greenhouse ...

    242,21 €

  • Educação Geográfica
    Valdir Nogueira E Sônia Maria Marchiorato Carneiro
    Uma importante publicação, na área do ensino de Geografia, para pesquisadores, licenciandos e pós-graduandos, assim como para os professores da Educação Básica. O livro apresenta uma discussão articuladora dos fundamentos geográficos, a partir dos aportes teóricos de Milton Santos, do pensamento complexo de Edgar Morin e da concepção de consciência crítica segundo Paulo Freire,...

    11,30 €

  • Des façons créatives d’utiliser les terrains urbains
    Muhammad Saleem Saleem
    Je voudrais remercier ALLAH TOUT-PUISSANT et mes parents pour les prières qu’ils m’ont adressées en écrivant ce livre, dans le but de rendre les villes plus sûres et plus attrayantes. J’invite d’autres chercheurs à se joindre à mes efforts en faveur de villes durables. Et des villes plus sûres pour les piétons et les conducteurs. Pour l’instant, mon travail est très limité et n...

    49,74 €

  • Творческие способы использования городских земель
    Мухаммад Салим Салим
    Творческие способы использования городских земель Я хотел бы поблагодарить ВСЕВЫШНЕГО АЛЛАХА и молитвы моих родителей за написание этой книги с намерением сделать города более безопасными и привлекательными. Я приглашаю других исследователей присоединиться к моим усилиям в направлении устойчивого развития. И города, которые будут более безопасными для пешеходов и водителей. В н...

    49,74 €

  • Super Continent Une gigantesque illusion
    Anil Thanvi
    J’ai une vision totalement nouvelle de la géologie de la Terre. Les lecteurs peuvent ressentir une nouvelle atmosphère de la géologie lorsqu’ils approfondissent chaque partie de ce livre. J’ai développé ce type de pensée après avoir étudié différentes branches de la science. Je commence donc par quelques éléments de base communs à l’ensemble de l’univers ou, en d’autres termes,...

    79,16 €

  • Supercontinente
    Anil Thanvi
    Eu tenho um pensamento completamente novo sobre a geologia da Terra. Os leitores podem sentir uma nova atmosfera de geologia quando aprofundam cada parte deste livro. Desenvolvi este tipo de pensamento após o estudo de diferentes ramos da ciência. Assim, começando com algumas coisas básicas comuns em todo o universo ou, por outras palavras, estou a ligar todo o universo e a apr...

    79,18 €

  • Hidden Wonders
    Brian Yout
    In 'Hidden Wonders', I invite you to embark on an unprecedented adventure into the heart of the Earth, discovering fascinating curiosities and extraordinary revelations that intertwine the history, science and beauty of our planet.From the unknown depths of the oceans to the towering mountain peaks, this book is a thrilling exploration of mysterious places, astonishing natural ...

    17,95 €

  • Salzgradient Energie
    Aldemar Higgins A / José Luis Amell Hernández / Oscar Alvarez Silva
    Salzgradientenenergie (GSE) kann durch die Vermischung von zwei Wassermassen mit unterschiedlichen Salzkonzentrationen genutzt werden. Flussmündungen sind Systeme, in denen diese Energie gewonnen werden kann, da sie eine große Menge an Wasserressourcen und Wassermassen mit unterschiedlichem Salzgehalt bieten. Frühere Studien zeigen, dass 23,6 TWh/a aus der Mündung des Magdalena...

    56,21 €

  • Energia do gradiente salino
    Aldemar Higgins A / José Luis Amell Hernández / Oscar Alvarez Silva
    A energia do gradiente salino (GSE) pode ser aproveitada através da mistura de duas massas de água com diferentes concentrações de sal. As fozes dos rios são sistemas onde esta energia pode ser obtida, uma vez que oferecem uma grande quantidade de recursos hídricos e massas de água com diferentes salinidades. Estudos anteriores mostram que 23,6 TWh/a podem ser extraídos da foz ...

    56,21 €

  • Energia del gradiente salino
    Aldemar Higgins A / José Luis Amell Hernández / Oscar Alvarez Silva
    L’energia di gradiente salino (GSE) può essere sfruttata dalla miscelazione di due masse d’acqua con diverse concentrazioni di sale. Le foci dei fiumi sono sistemi in cui è possibile ottenere questa energia, poiché offrono una grande quantità di risorse idriche e masse d’acqua con salinità diverse. Studi precedenti mostrano che dalla foce del fiume Magdalena si possono estrarre...

    56,21 €

  • Machine Learning, IoT and Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development
    Nowadays, the newest technologies, devices, and techniques related to IoT, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are constantly developing. Therefore, they have a significant impact on our sustainable lifestyle. Accordingly, the application domain of these technologies and tools involves agriculture, water management, healthcare, bioinformatics, smart grid, smart cities...

    98,51 €

  • Thermodynamical Processes of Ocean Warm and Cold Core Eddies
    Podapati Gopi Krishna
    Tropical cyclones are cyclonic systems that occur over warm ocean waters in tropical areas and have outer circulations that can stretch more than 1000 kilometers from the storm centre. Every year, over 80 tropical cyclones form over the tropical oceans, posing a serious hazard to people and property in many regions of the world. Almost every year, these abrupt, unpredictable, a...

    39,28 €

  • Sun, Sea, Soil, Wine
    Richard Olsen-Harbich
    Long Island’s longest-tenured winemaker weighs in on what makes the North Fork so unique for fine wine production. ...

    21,74 €

  • Mysteries Of The Deep Blue
    Maria .M
    The secrets of the dark blue sea have dazzled the human creative mind for quite a long time, welcoming us to investigate the mysterious domains underneath the waves. This tremendous and generally unknown world holds mysteries and marvels that keep on escaping our comprehension. From the 12 PM zone’s inky profundities to the dynamic coral reefs close to the surface, the sea disg...

    28,76 €

  • Superkontinent - eine gigantische Illusion
    Anil Thanvi
    Ich habe eine völlig neue Vorstellung von der Geologie der Erde. Die Leser können eine neue Atmosphäre der Geologie spüren, wenn sie in jeden Teil dieses Buches eintauchen. Ich habe diese Art des Denkens nach dem Studium verschiedener Wissenschaftszweige entwickelt. Ich beginne also mit einigen grundlegenden gemeinsamen Dingen im gesamten Universum oder anders gesagt, ich verbi...

    80,46 €

  • The potential of GIS and remote sensing
    Amina TAJDI
    This book presents a study aimed at identifying, through the use of satellite images and Geographic Information Systems, areas potentially suitable for hydrogeological prospecting in the Sebt Brikyne region. The data used are topographic maps, geological maps, Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) and satellite images. GIS was used to determine the geomorphological and hydrolog...

    62,94 €

  • Potenziale von GIS und Fernerkundung
    Amina TAJDI
    In diesem Buch wird eine Studie vorgestellt, die durch die Verwendung von Satellitenbildern und Geographischen Informationssystemen potenziell günstige Gebiete für die hydrogeologische Prospektion in der Region Sebt Brikyne identifizieren soll. Die verwendeten Daten sind topographische Karten, geologische Karten, Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) und Satellitenbilder. Anhan...

    63,07 €

  • O potencial do SIG e da teledeteção
    Amina TAJDI
    Este livro apresenta um estudo que tem como objetivo identificar, através da utilização de imagens de satélite e de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica, áreas potencialmente favoráveis para a prospeção hidrogeológica na região de Sebt Brikyne. Os dados utilizados são mapas topográficos, mapas geológicos, Modelo Digital Global de Elevação (GDEM) e imagens de satélite. Foram utiliz...

    63,00 €

  • Потенциал ГИС и дистанционного зондирования
    Амина ТАДЖДИ
    В данной книге представлено исследование, целью которого является выявление с помощью спутниковых снимков и геоинформационных систем потенциально благоприятных для гидрогеологических поисков территорий в Себт-Брикынском районе. Использованы топографические карты, геологические карты, Глобальная цифровая модель рельефа (GDEM) и спутниковые снимки. Для определения геоморфологичес...

    63,07 €

  • Il potenziale del GIS e del telerilevamento
    Amina TAJDI
    Questo libro presenta uno studio che mira a identificare, attraverso l’uso di immagini satellitari e di Sistemi Informativi Geografici, aree potenzialmente favorevoli per la prospezione idrogeologica nella regione di Sebt Brikyne. I dati utilizzati sono carte topografiche, carte geologiche, Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) e immagini satellitari. Per determinare le caratte...

    62,94 €

  • Суперконтинент - гигантская иллюзия
    Анил Тханви
    У меня совершенно новый взгляд на геологию Земли. Читатель сможет почувствовать новую атмосферу геологии, когда углубится в каждую часть этой книги. Такой тип мышления сложился у меня после изучения различных отраслей науки. Итак, начиная с некоторых основных общих вещей во всей Вселенной, или, другими словами, я связываю всю Вселенную и представляю также идею колеблющейся Всел...

    79,16 €

  • Il Super Continente
    Anil Thanvi
    Ho un pensiero completamente nuovo sulla geologia della Terra. Il lettore può percepire una nuova atmosfera di geologia quando approfondisce ogni parte di questo libro. Ho sviluppato questo tipo di pensiero dopo aver studiato diverse branche della scienza. Quindi, partendo da alcune cose comuni di base nell’intero universo, o in altre parole, sto collegando l’intero universo e ...

    79,18 €

  • In The Woodland
    Kaweesa James
    The natural environment is important for our sustainable living. Water bodies provide habitats for thousands of spices of aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals. Actually, wetlands provide values that no other ecosystem can. Trees grips the soils firm preventing landslides. They not only provide food in ecosystem but also produce fresh air, absorb carbon and prevent global ...

    33,78 €

  • Water-Soil-Plant-Animal Nexus in the Era of Climate Change
    Ahmed Karmaoui
    Water, soil, plants, and animals are the main pillars that support global food security. Plants grow using nutrients from water and soil resources and then used by animals which affects them consequently. Water is the essential condition of life for all living beings, and soil is its support and a crucial reservoir. The interactions between the Water-Soil-Plant-Animal nexus and...

    236,33 €

  • Theory of the Earth, With Proofs and Illustrations, Volume 2
    James Hutton
    Theory of the Earth, With Proofs and Illustrations, Volume 2, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, re...

    26,80 €

  • Water-Soil-Plant-Animal Nexus in the Era of Climate Change
    Ahmed Karmaoui
    Water, soil, plants, and animals are the main pillars that support global food security. Plants grow using nutrients from water and soil resources and then used by animals which affects them consequently. Water is the essential condition of life for all living beings, and soil is its support and a crucial reservoir. The interactions between the Water-Soil-Plant-Animal nexus and...

    315,26 €

  • Method and Technology of Green Coal Mining
    residual coal pillar; gob-side entry driving; extra-thick coal seam; coal pillar size; surrounding rock control; directional long borehole; long-distance; heading face; permeability evolution; gas pressure evolution; gas drainage; pre-splitting blasting; roof cutting technology; hydraulic fracturing; no-coal pillar mining; thick hard roof; pressure relief technology; sandstone;...

    81,64 €