Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias

Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación / Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias (11806)

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Air Quality Monitoring and Forecasting
    Air quality is personal. Its management is highly so. Asthmatic or air-pollutant-sensitive individuals depend on accurate air quality forecasts to help manage their daily activities.  However, the adverse effects of poor air quality on public health and visibility extend far beyond the daily time horizon. Pneumonic and cardiac vascular responses of individuals in all age groups...

    59,74 €

  • Polarimetric SAR Techniques and Applications
    Carlos López-Martínez / Juan Manuel Lopez-Sanchez
    An increasing number of spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems have been equipped with polarimetric capabilities: ALOS and ALOS-2, Radarsat-2, TerraSAR-X, Envisat-ASAR, Sentinel-1a/b, etc. Future mission will still present this type of diversity: RCM, SAOCOM, Cosmo-Skymed 2nd generation or PAZ. Polarimetry allows sensitivity to the structural and geometric properties...

    59,61 €

  • Innovative Strategies and Frameworks in Climate Change Adaptation
    Alexander G. Flor / Alexander GFlor / Benjamina Gonzalez Flor
    The changes the earth is currently undertaking has been at the forefront of scientific discourse in recent years. Humans as a species have needed to react to these changes and shift their behavior accordingly. Innovative Strategies and Frameworks in Climate Change Adaptation: Emerging Research and Opportunities is a critical scholarly resource that examines the relationship bet...

    216,16 €

  • Coastal Sea Levels, Impacts and Adaptation
    Extreme sea levels can lead to hazardous events, such as coastal flooding, erosion, or salt water intrusion, with-wide ranging environmental, societal, and economic consequences. In combination with climate-driven sea-level rise, and, potentially, additional changes in storminess, dynamic wave contributions, and tidal dynamics, the adverse consequences of extreme oceanographic ...

    75,97 €

  • Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Geoinformatics
    Saro Lee
    Recently, a need has arisen for prediction techniques that can address a variety of problems by combining methods from the rapidly developing field of machine learning with geoinformation technologies such as GIS, remote sensing, and GPS. As a result, over the last few decades, one particular machine learning technology, known as artificial neural networks, has been successfull...

    59,81 €

  • Climate Change and Global Warming - Exposed
    Andrew Johnson
    The weather is something which affects all of us, every day of our lives. It dictates our long and short-term plans. In the UK, the weather is the "default topic" of conversation for strangers and friends alike. Though it has obvious and far reaching importance, most people don't know very much about the weather. These days, they don't take time to observe it and probab...

    13,82 €

  • Exploration Science
    Dr Peter T Scott
    About Exploration ScienceHave you wondered what the science of geology is all about?Together we will explore of the surface and sub-surface of the Earth, the sub-branches of geology, including mineralogy, petrology (rocks), palaeontology (fossils), geochemistry, seismology (earthquakes), engineering geology, and many more.The scientific method used by all scientists as well as ...

    30,12 €

  • Fossils, Dinosaurs and Cave Men
    Patrick Nurre
    This textbook is a high school, semester study of the differences between the Biblcal and secular views of fossils, dinosaurs, and cave men.  Topics include the cause and mechanism for a global flood, the geologic time table, living fossils, the Tower of Babel, modern classification of dinosaurs, and more.  Students will also learn to interpret the geologic column from a Biblic...

    43,86 €

  • Checklist of Papuasian Orchids
    Paul Ormerod
    This is the most comprehensive account to date of all Papua New Guineas wild orchids and will no doubt prove to be the essential reference to PNG's orchids for all botanists, ecologists and orchid enthusiasts for decades to come. All types and relevant data including where published are listed and the herbariums where they are kept. All synonymous names, where published and...

    59,91 €

  • Adventures in Earth Science
    Dr Peter T Scott
    ADVENTURES in EARTH SCIENCE is not just an in-depth textbook but a series of adventures across seven continents and beyond in the sciences of astronomy, geology, meteorology and oceanography. It has been written with over forty years of experience in studying, researching and teaching earth science. Whilst it has been designed for senior high school and junior university or col...

    142,25 €

  • The 1980 Eruption of Mt. St. Helens
    Don J Easterbrook
    On March 27, 1980 St. Helens suddenly began to erupt steam and ash. These eruptions continued sporadically for the next seven weeks and Dr. Easterbrook made frequent flights to the mountain to observe the eruptive activity. On May 18, 1980, he flew to St Helens at 5:30 a.m. and flew in tight circles a few hundred feet above the summit crater for 2-1/2 hours, photographing the s...

    17,46 €

  • Saiba Mais
    Gilson Vieira Da Cunha
    Através deste livro, levamos aos leitores de todas as idades uma série de textos cuidadosamente selecionados entre os anos de 1998 e 2022: língua pátria, curiosidades, história, linguística, fé, ensinamentos e pesquisas. No final, onze páginas (de 176 a 185) com frases bem elaboradas e bem-humoradas de escritores e pensadores conhecidos. Não nos foi possível identificar os auto...

    13,26 €

  • Thinking about the contemporary city
    Sara Sucena
    The notion of the ’urban’, which encompasses a diversity of territorial configurations that are difficult to synthesise, is in practice often still reduced to a conventional representation compromised between the medieval city and the industrial city, which dominates the citizen’s imagination and therefore conditions the architect’s and urban planner’s instrumental apparatus. T...

    36,62 €

  • Nachdenken über die moderne Stadt
    Sara Sucena
    Der Begriff des „Städtischen', der eine Vielfalt von territorialen Konfigurationen umfasst, die nur schwer zu synthetisieren sind, wird in der Praxis oft noch auf eine konventionelle Darstellung reduziert, die zwischen der mittelalterlichen Stadt und der Industriestadt liegt, die die Vorstellung der Bürger beherrscht und daher den Instrumentenapparat des Architekten und Stadtpl...

    36,74 €

  • Penser la ville contemporaine
    Sara Sucena
    La notion d’urbain, qui recouvre une diversité de configurations territoriales difficiles à synthétiser, est encore souvent réduite dans la pratique à une représentation conventionnelle compromise entre la ville médiévale et la ville industrielle, qui domine l’imaginaire du citoyen et conditionne donc le dispositif instrumental de l’architecte et de l’urbaniste. Le livre est ba...

    36,68 €

  • Pensare la città contemporanea
    Sara Sucena
    La nozione di 'urbano', che comprende una diversità di configurazioni territoriali difficilmente sintetizzabili, nella pratica è spesso ancora ridotta a una rappresentazione convenzionale compromessa tra la città medievale e la città industriale, che domina l’immaginario del cittadino e condiziona quindi l’apparato strumentale dell’architetto e dell’urbanista. Il libro si basa ...

    36,68 €

  • Размышления о современном городе
    Сара Сучена
    Понятие город, включающее в себя разнообразие территориальных конфигураций, которые трудно синтезировать, на практике часто все еще сводится к традиционному представлению, скомпрометированному между средневековым и промышленным городом, которое доминирует в воображении горожанина и, следовательно, обусловливает инструментарий архитектора и градостроителя. В основе книги лежат д...

    36,74 €

  • Vergleichende morphometrische Studie zur Entwässerung mit Hilfe von Raumfahrttechnik
    C. Prakasam
    Wasser ist für das Leben und die Entwicklung in allen Teilen der Welt von entscheidender Bedeutung. Daher stehen seine verschiedenen Dimensionen im Mittelpunkt der geomorphologischen Forschung. Diese Studie befasst sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten der Abflussmorphometrie (Linear, Aerial und Relief) des Wassereinzugsgebiets von Udaipur. Es handelt sich um eine vergleichende Studi...

    50,07 €

  • Intrusão de salinidade no rio Bentota, Sri Lanka
    Ranjana U. K. Piyadasa / T. K. D. Madurangi
    A intrusão de água do mar significa simplesmente a interação de dois ecossistemas diferentes, como os ecossistemas fluviais ou de água doce e os ecossistemas marinhos ou de água salobra/salgada. A intrusão de água do mar permite que a água salgada flua para as terras ao longo do rio e, através do processo de infiltração, a água salgada infiltra-se nos solos e nas fontes de água...

    49,68 €

  • Eindringen von Salz in den Bentota-Fluss, Sri Lanka
    Ranjana U. K. Piyadasa / T. K. D. Madurangi
    Meerwasserintrusion bedeutet einfach, dass zwei ungleiche Ökosysteme aufeinander treffen, wie Fluss- oder Süßwasser- und Meeres- oder Brack-/Salzwasser-Ökosysteme. Durch das Eindringen von Meerwasser fließt Salzwasser in das Land entlang des Flusses und durch den Prozess der Infiltration dringt Salzwasser in die Böden und Grundwasserquellen neben dem Fluss ein, wodurch der Salz...

    49,74 €

  • Intrusion de la salinité dans la rivière Bentota, Sri Lanka
    Ranjana U. K. Piyadasa / T. K. D. Madurangi
    L’intrusion d’eau de mer signifie simplement que deux écosystèmes différents interagissent, comme les écosystèmes fluviaux ou d’eau douce et les écosystèmes marins ou d’eau saumâtre/salée. L’intrusion d’eau de mer permet à l’eau salée de s’écouler dans les terres le long de la rivière et, par le biais du processus d’infiltration, l’eau salée s’infiltre dans les sols et les sour...

    49,74 €

  • Intrusione di salinità nel fiume Bentota, Sri Lanka
    Ranjana U. K. Piyadasa / T. K. D. Madurangi
    L’intrusione di acqua marina significa semplicemente l’interazione tra due ecosistemi diversi, come quello fluviale o di acqua dolce e quello marino o salmastro/salato. L’intrusione dell’acqua marina permette all’acqua salata di fluire nei terreni lungo il fiume e, attraverso il processo di infiltrazione, l’acqua salata si diffonde nei terreni e nelle falde acquifere adiacenti ...

    49,68 €

  • Интрузия солености в реке Бентота, Шри-Ланка
    T. К. Д. Мадуранги / Ранджана У. К. Пиядаса
    Интрузия морской воды означает взаимодействие двух разнородных экосистем, например, речной или пресноводной и морской или солоноватой/соленой экосистем. В результате вторжения морской воды соленая вода попадает на земли, расположенные вдоль реки, и в процессе инфильтрации просачивается в почвы и источники грунтовых вод, расположенные рядом с рекой, делая уровень солености высок...

    49,74 €

  • Impact of Climate Change on Mental Health and Well-Being
    Climate change has far-reaching consequences beyond its environmental impact. It also significantly affects human social and mental well-being, both at individual and community levels. Addressing the social and mental well-being impacts of climate change requires a multi-faceted approach that includes both mitigation and adaptation strategies. This involves reducing greenhouse ...

    321,12 €

  • Сравнительное морфометрическое исследование дренажа с использованием геопространственных технологий
    C. Пракасам
    Вода жизненно важна для жизни и развития во всех частях света. Поэтому ее различные измерения были в центре внимания геоморфологических исследований. В данном исследовании рассматриваются различные аспекты морфометрии дренажа (линейной, аэродинамической и рельефной) водосборной площади Удайпура. Это сравнительное исследование; источником данных послужили топографические карты И...

    50,07 €

  • Estudo Morfométrico Comparativo de Drenagem com recurso a Tecnologia Geoespacial
    C. Prakasam
    A água é vital para a vida e o desenvolvimento em todas as partes do mundo. Por isso, as suas várias dimensões têm sido objeto de investigação geomorfológica. Este estudo foi efectuado em vários aspectos da morfometria de drenagem (linear, aérea e de relevo) da bacia hidrográfica de Udaipur. Trata-se de um estudo comparativo; a fonte de dados foi adquirida a partir de mapas top...

    50,00 €

  • Studio morfometrico comparativo dei drenaggi con la tecnologia geospaziale
    C. Prakasam
    L’acqua è vitale per la vita e lo sviluppo in tutte le parti del mondo. Per questo motivo le sue varie dimensioni sono state al centro della ricerca geomorfologica. Questo studio è stato condotto su vari aspetti della morfometria del drenaggio (lineare, aerea e in rilievo) del bacino idrografico di Udaipur. Si tratta di uno studio comparativo; la fonte dei dati è stata acquisit...

    50,00 €

  • Étude morphométrique comparative du drainage à l’aide de la technologie géospatiale
    C. Prakasam
    L’eau est essentielle à la vie et au développement dans toutes les régions du monde. C’est pourquoi la recherche géomorphologique s’est concentrée sur ses différentes dimensions. Cette étude a été réalisée sur les différents aspects de la morphométrie du drainage (linéaire, aérien et relief) du bassin versant d’Udaipur. Il s’agit d’une étude comparative ; les données proviennen...

    50,07 €

  • Earth and Sky Every Child Should Know
    Julia Ellen Rogers
    'It is hard to believe that our solid earth was once a ball of seething liquid, like the red-hot iron that is poured out of the big clay cups into the sand moulds at an iron foundry. But when a mountain like Vesuvius sets up a mighty rumbling, and finally a mass of white-hot lava bursts from the centre and streams down the sides, covering the vineyards and olive orchards, and d...

    16,15 €

  • Potencial Económico da Bauxite de Kericho Ainamoi
    Bernard Kipsang Rop / Micah Cheruiyot Keter / Wycliffe Habel Namwiba
    Os minerais continuam a desempenhar um papel notável no desenvolvimento de infra-estruturas. O seu aproveitamento implica a aplicação de métodos de exploração que se baseiam em conhecimentos geológicos prévios e conceitos práticos. O conhecimento geológico é aprendido preliminarmente a partir da cartografia geológica de campo que pode ser seguida pela aplicação de investigações...

    61,76 €