Biografía: literaria

Biografía e historias reales / Biografía: general / Biografía: literaria (8118)

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  • Helena
    Helena Guimarães E Patricia Martins
    A história da minha vida dava um livro, dizia Helena sorridente.A pedido da nossa rainha doRei do gado, eis a obra Helena em versos, contos, músicas e prosas.Quando a saudade corta,morena, é que eu vou voltar. (Jair Rodrigues Vaqueiro de profissão O rei do gado) ...

    8,81 €

  • Horizonte Distante
    Geraldo Boz
    Além de um relato de memórias, Horizonte Distante é um livro didático, repleto de descrições e ilustrações sobre os costumes, apetrechos e até processos de fabricação da época da infância do autor. Era um mundo muito diferente do atual, aquele dos anos 1930 numa fazenda de criação de gado no sul do Paraná, a sessenta quilômetros da cidade mais próxima, sem energia elétrica nem ...

    16,88 €

  • Ser Como Alguma Coisa
    Valberto De Jesus Sousa
    A poesia que retrata a identificação do ser humano com ser com alguma coisa, das decepções ao amor, da queda à ascensão. ...

    7,01 €

  • Pedro Brabo E O Diabo
    Manoel Ambrósio Alves De Oliveira
    O livro Pedro Brabo e o Diabo reúne nove contos de Manoel Ambrósio (1865-1947), quase todos publicados na revista carioca A Noite Ilustrada entre setembro de 1935 e julho de 1936. Dentre os personagens ambrosianos destacam-se o coronel Serpa, o velho chefe de jagunços chamado Cangussú, o facínora e valentão Pedro Brabo, o fazendeiro João e sua orgulhosa doença da branquidade, o...

    13,02 €

  • The Myopic’s Vision
    Virginia Lowe
    ’Virginia Lowe’s poems evoke life experiences such as parenting, marriage, and growing up and meditate on them in moving and unexpected ways. This latest collection displays her hallmark wry humour and tenderness, linking intense personal moments to wider human concerns. And her love of language and reading shines throughout her poetry.’ - Christopher Ringrose’A poem a year, tr...

    23,42 €

  • Dard aashna Chahre (khaake)
    Kashmiri Lal Zakir
    Kashmiri Lal Zakir has presented social and literary information related to the literary life of renowned personalities in this book ’Dard aashna Chahre’.'درد آشنا چہرے' خاکوں پر مشتمل ان کی ایسی کتاب ہے جس میں انہوں نے ان بزرگوں، دوستوں اور ساتھیوں کے خاکے پیش کیے ہیں جن سے وہ کسی نہ کسی طرح متاثر ہوئے۔ یہ ان تخلیق کاروں کے خاکے ہیں جو ان کے ہم عصر تھے یا ان سے کچھ برس پہلے اپ...

    26,33 €

  • Laura and Her Family Tree
    Carol A. Wirth
    Readers, young and old, for generations have fallen in love with Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House books.  Readers become that little girl or boy experiencing what Laura wrote on the pages.  It doesn’t matter if it is the first time the story is read or the tenth.  The writing style grabs readers of all ages and won’t let us go. Laura and her Family Tree can educate and give re...

    23,23 €

  • Outubre-se
    Talitha Vaz
    OUTUBRE-SE: TRANSFORMANDO DOR EM VERBONo mês de Outubro de 2017, Talitha Vaz foi acometida por uma tragédia que mudou sua vida. Com uma narrativa de sobrevivência com prosa poética e desconstrução da linguagem, a autora desafia o leitor, assim como o Fantasma da Ópera, a visitar seus subterrâneos. A liberdade poética se dá através de diversas manifestações artísticas como image...

    9,45 €

    Barbara de Boinville
    This first-ever biography of Harriet de Boinville explores her close relationships with Mary Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and other leading writers of the Romantic era, but also tells the gripping story of Harriet’s early years as the wife of an aristocratic military officer during the French-English Wars, when she experienced a naval attack in the Caribbean, a shipwreck off ...

    28,50 €

  • Nina Berberova
    Irina Vinokurova
    This book is the first biography of Nina Berberova. Based on years of archival research, the author deciphers many of the conspicuous omissions ("умолчания," as Berberova herself put it) which have intrigued generations of readers of Berberova’s autobiography The Italics are Mine. A special focus is given to the four decades Berberova lived in the US, which were left out of her...

    61,13 €

  • The Radical Isaac
    Adi Mahalel
    Examines the Yiddish-Hebrew writer I. L. Peretz’s alignment with the Jewish working-class in Eastern Europe and his devotion to progressive politics. ...

    121,46 €

  • Macbeth King of Scotland and The Clan Finley
    Jacqueli Finley
     Per the New World Encyclopedia, Mac Bethad mac Findlaích (Modern Gaelic: MacBheatha mac Fhionnlaigh),(died August 15, 1057), was King of Scots (also known as the King of Alba) from 1040 until his death. He is best known as the subject of William Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth and the many works it has inspired, although the play is historically inaccurate. Shakespeare’ Macbeth ...

    22,43 €

  • A Long Way From Home
    Claude McKay
    First published in 1937 in the US by Lee Furman, Inc. This edition based on original cover and text.A Jamaican-born writer describes his experiences traveling throughout the world following World War I, and recalls his friendships with celebrities of the Twenties and Thirties. ...

    10,69 €

  • Dorian Unbound
    Sean O’Toole
    A bold reimagining of the literary history of Decadence through a close examination of the transnational contexts of Oscar Wilde’s classic novel The Picture of Dorian Gray.Building upon a large body of archival and critical work on Oscar Wilde’s only novel, Dorian Unbound offers a new account of the importance of transnational contexts in the forging of Wilde’s imagination and ...

    44,93 €

  • Understanding Your Father
    Joseph M. Flora
    Memoir of Joseph M. Flora. In Joe’s own words: This memoir takes the reader to the Great Depression years in Toledo, Ohio, where I was born; to my elementary, junior high, and high school days in Saginaw, Michigan. School I loved from the start, and early I declared that I would go to college. A teenager, I knew that summers were when I earned money for college. I graduated fro...

    27,09 €

  • Conversations with Beth Henley
    Jackson R Bryer
    With roots in the American South, Beth Henley (b. 1952) has for four decades been a working playwright and screenwriter. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 1981 at the age of twenty-eight, Henley so far has written twenty-five produced plays that are always original, usually darkly comic, and often experimental. In these interviews, Henley speaks of the plays, from her early crowd...

    20,95 €

  • Conversations with Jerry W. Ward Jr.
    John Zheng
    Jerry W. Ward Jr. (b. 1943) has published nonfiction, literary criticism, encyclopedias, anthologies, and poetry. Ward is also a highly respected scholar with a specialty in African American literature and has been recognized internationally as one of the leading experts on Richard Wright. Ward was Lawrence Durgin Professor of Literature at Tougaloo College, served as a member ...

    21,00 €

  • Hama Aftab Beenam (On Khan Hasnain Aaqib)
    Mohsin Sahil
    This book is based on the personality and achievements of renowned Urdu translator and teacher Khan Hasnain Aaqib, compiled by his disciple Mohsin Sahil. Hasnain Aaqib is fluent in Urdu, English, Persian and Arabic languages. You are also a poet, several collections of poetry have been published, apart from this, his research and critical books have also come out. He is the tra...

    36,99 €

  • Ayesha
    Er. Haider
    ''Ayesha’s Journey: From Innocence to Resilience'' is a moving and uplifting memoir that tells the story of a young woman’s struggles and triumphs. Growing up in the beautiful countryside of Kashmir, Ayesha’s childhood was filled with joy and adventure. However, her world was shattered by the loss of her father, and Ayesha was forced to navigate betrayal, violence, and heartbre...

    9,81 €

  • Hollywood or Bust!
    June Wilkinson
    Stage and screen actress June Wilkinson, born in England in 1940, pulls back the curtain on her long career and tells it like it was. She began as a teenager performing at the famed London Windmill Theater, her American debut in Playboy Magazine, and her successful American film and stage career. With exceptional candor, June relates the unvarnished story behind her appearances...

    26,66 €

  • Hollywood or Bust!
    June Wilkinson
    Stage and screen actress June Wilkinson, born in England in 1940, pulls back the curtain on her long career and tells it like it was. She began as a teenager performing at the famed London Windmill Theater, her American debut in Playboy Magazine, and her successful American film and stage career. With exceptional candor, June relates the unvarnished story behind her appearances...

    33,76 €

  • Quantico
    Antônio Sérgio Carréra De Albuquerque Melo
    This exciting story tells the participation of Antônio Sérgio Carréra, a Lieutenant-Colonel of the Brazilian Federal District Police, in the Management Course for Police Executives held at the FBI National Academy, in Quantico, USA. When he was invited by the US Department of Justice, Sérgio didn t think twice to engage on this fantastic adventure of close interaction with FBI ...

    14,01 €

  • Cuidado! Você Pode Se Encontrar!
    Marta Martins
    O público alvo deste livro são todos que se interessam por histórias reais e sem máscaras. Esta biografia aborda assuntos como o ABANDONO, PATERNIDADE, VIOLÊNCIA DOMÉSTICA E SEXUAL, entre outros que podem afetar a formação do caráter e até destruir o emocional do ser humano. Também apresenta de forma simples como superar os problemas abordados; mesmo sabendo que não existe rece...

    9,91 €

  • Poésie et Vérité 1942
    Paul Eluard
    'Poésie et Vérité 1942' de Paul Éluard est un ouvrage passionnant qui offre un aperçu sur son engagement politique et poétique. Écrits durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, ces poèmes témoignent de son désir ardent de paix et de justice sociale, alors qu’il était un membre actif de la Résistance française. Ce recueil comprend, entre autres, son poème le plus emblématique 'Liberté'...

    12,42 €

  • Popôno
    Carolina Rosa Rodrigues
    Esta linda e magnífica obra literária surgiu de um enorme desejo de uma mãe que, por amor ao seu filho decide escrever a história narrada do ponto de vista do seu próprio filho dentro de um hospital e de um grande companheiro hipopótamo.Ela se depara com o mundo lúdico da infantilidade, que ainda não estava perdida e propõe a ideia de expressar isso em construção literária.O li...

    9,44 €

  • Lahore ka jo zikr kiya
    Gopal Mittal
    'Lahore Ka Jo Zikr Kiya' is a blend of personal reminiscences and facts of the period between 1932 and 1947 - an era of momentous historical interest to this sub-continent.The book is in the nature of biographical sketches combined with the bitter-sweet truths of those years. If for nothing else, ’Lahore Ka Jo Zikr Kiya’ makes pleasurable reading. Mr. Mittal, who is an equally ...

    23,97 €

  • 500 Minutos
    Ehekatl Hernández Chale
    ¿Podemos aprender de una canción? ¿enseñar a morir, a vivir, a en- tender nuestro mundo interior y nuestro lugar allá afuera?Reconciliarse con la muerte gracias a Portishead, llorar con Puccini, hacer una revolución con hard core vasco, dar voz a los niños a través de la música gamer y a una generación con Sonic Youth; hablar de determinismo con Belle and Sebastian, tomar una c...

    16,64 €

  • Schiffy - The Life and Times of Somebody You Probably Don’t Know, But Should
    David 'Schiffy' Schiff
    Schiffy - The Life and Times of Somebody You Probably Don’t Know, But Should is the story of David 'Schiffy' Schiff, an internationally recognized as the go-to Orals Coach for some of the world’s largest companies and has helped them win billions of dollars by securing highly lucrative government and defense contracts.Schiffy has successfully leveraged his four Emmy Awards for ...

    13,64 €

  • Resurrecting Jane de La Vaudère
    Sharon Larson
    Examines the life of French writer Jane de La Vaudère (1857–1908), exploring how she adapted her persona to shifting literary trends and readership demands, which captured public curiosity and advanced her sales. ...

    143,80 €

  • Invierno sueco
    Matías Wiszniewer
    ¿Qué ignotos laberintos convocan a reencontrarnos con René Descartes, aquel viajero que soñó su filosofía en una dramática noche de 1619? Esta fascinante novela nos conduce a un apasionante viaje por las ideas que engendraron el mundo moderno, a un tiempo histórico fundacional, y hasta a un thriller psicológico y policial. La pluma del autor logra sumergirnos en la íntima conci...

    27,08 €