Aromaterapia y aceites esenciales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Terapias complementarias, curación y salud / Aromaterapia y aceites esenciales (114)

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  • Cannabis
    Elizabeth Ashley
    The discovery of a previously unknown endocrine system in the 1990s was to change the face of human biology for ever. Science finally had answers as to why tumours grow, hormones attack the body and some people’s pain levels are off the scale. The ramifications of manipulating such a system were vast, illnesses like epilepsy, autism and cancer could become a thing of the past.I...

    78,12 €

  • Aromaterapia
    Nicole Funes Jiménez
    Uno de los sentidos con el que nos relacionamos a diario es el olfato, a través de este podemos lograr procesos beneficiosos para nuestra salud física, mental y emocional.La aromaterapia es una medicina complementaria natural, mundialmente conocida, a la que podemos recurrir en cualquier momento. Esta busca el bienestar de la persona mediante la inhalación de aceites esenciales...

    29,11 €

  • Aceites esenciales para perros
    Coqui Vega
    Los beneficios de los aceites esenciales son numerosos, y pueden ayudar tanto a tratar dolencias a nivel físico como emocional. Pero ¿los aceites esenciales son solo beneficiosos para el ser humano? Como terapeuta canino, el autor de este libro lleva años comprobando que su uso en perros puede resultar muy útil a todos los niveles. Con ellos podemos tratar desde problemas habit...

    16,90 €

  • Cómo hacer en casa vinos, licores y elixires curativos
    Tina Cecchini
    ¿Cómo aprovechar las hierbas medicinales para obtener vinos, jarabes, tinturas, elixires, licores digestivos y curativos?;¿Qué dolencias pueden combatirse con estos preparados?;En este libro, hallará recetas para acabar con los trastornos más molestos e insoportables;También hallará plantas y sus respectivos jarabes o elixires contra la debilidad, el agotamiento nervioso, el in...

    12,43 €

  • Aromaterapia - La esencia del bienestar
    Aprenda a escoger y utilizar los maravillosos aceites esenciales para mejorar su belleza, su salud y su vitalidad. Respire hondo y disfrute los beneficios que le aportarán estas poderosas fragancias. * Introducción completa a la aromaterapia. * Diccionario de aceites esenciales. * Explicación de los tratamientos de aromaterapia ...

    21,79 €

  • El gran libro del masaje con los aceites esenciales
    Francesco Padrini
    Una guía enteramente dedicada al masaje aromático-energético curativo, que contiene consejos de aplicación práctica útiles para todo el mundo. El masaje resulta siempre muy beneficioso, pero si se lleva a cabo con las esencias oportunas multiplica su potencia y consigue resultados extraordinarios. El cuerpo se revitaliza y tonifica, las defensas del organismo se refuerzan y tod...

    42,59 €

  • Las hierbas medicinales de mayor eficacia
    Bernardo Ticli
    Cómo curarse sin medicamentos, utilizando sólo recetas de gran eficacia basadas en diversas plantas y hierbas diferentes para cada problemaCurar el cansancio, la acidez de estómago, el acné, la ansiedad, la artrosis, la bronquitis, la hipertensión, el exceso de peso, el colesterol, los cólicos, los dolores de todo tipo y muchos otros problemasTodas las plantas útiles, desde el ...

    22,83 €

    Ana Requejo
    Tienes en tus manos un auténtico manual de aromaterapia, basado en la investigación y estudio coherente de su autora. Esta obra te ofrece mediante un diseño dinámico y muy visual las bases de la Aromaterapia, partiendo de lo más sencillo y avanzando hacia lo más complejo, y apoyado por un compendio de más de 120 referencias científicas. Con su lectura podrás ahondar en cada un...

    32,00 €

  • The 5-Minutes DIY Homemade Hand Sanitizer
    Dr. Lee Henton
    Are you finding it difficult getting a hand sanitizer at the supermarkets or online stores? Are you frustrated by the overinflated prices of hand sanitizers? Do you want a step by step process of making your own Hand Sanitizer in 5 minutes that can kill bacteria and viruses? If so, then read on…Our hands are easily susceptible to germs because they are often used to touch surfa...

    8,99 €

  • One Drop At A Time
    Michelle Holl
    Educating and inspiring others on how to provide a safer environment for our families. Learn how to create a safe alternative to the chemical and synthetic products on our shelves. You'll be surprised at how easy and fun it is incorporating Essential Oils into everyday life. 3 ...

    16,23 €

  • The DIY Apothecary
    Susan R. Brewin / Susan RBrewin
    If you’re concerned about what’s lurking in your personal care products, you’ve come to the right place. Get ready to take control of what you put on your body each day by ditching the industrial chemicals found in common store brands. Live healthier, save money, and have FUN making your own!In this first edition of The DIY Apothecary-Bath & Body, you will learn how to create s...

    34,84 €

  • The DIY Apothecary
    Susan R. Brewin / Susan RBrewin
    If you’re concerned about what’s lurking in your personal care products, you’ve come to the right place. Get ready to take control of what you put on your body each day by ditching the industrial chemicals found in common store brands. Live healthier, save money, and have FUN making your own!In this first edition of The DIY Apothecary-Bath & Body, you will learn how to create s...

    46,59 €

  • Your Inner River of Peace
    Candace Jean Newman
    Have you wondered how to experience and live with peace in your life? Discover how to find, build, and create a beautiful love affair with your Inner River of Peace. Enjoy this powerful tool as a guide to help navigate your life.This DELUXE COLOR VERSION visually helps integrate the life-changing Messages showing you how to start practicing mindfulness, acheive well being, and ...

    30,19 €

  • Aromatherapy 101
    Fiona Mckay / HowExpert
    Have you always wanted to know how aromatherapy works but been put off by all the technical jargon? This book gives you a great introduction to essential oils and how to use them, in a simple and straight-forward manner. The book provides practical advice on what oils to use, how to mix them effectively and how to use them safely. If you just want to dive right in, the cheat sh...

    37,30 €

  • Essential Oils 101
    Angelique Killebrew / HowExpert
    With so many essential oils on the market, it can feel impossible to know which ones work for which for what your needs are. This book has been designed to teach you everything you need to know about essential oils. The first chapters introduce you to to the common (and not so common) essential oils, and aromatherapy basics. As you move through the book you will learn the prope...

    36,97 €

  • Aromatherapy
    Elizabeth Kinkle
    AROMATHERAPY Aromatherapy and essential oils have a huge range of practical uses and benefits.  This book will teach you exactly what aromatherapy is, how it works, what you can use it for, and how to use it!  You will soon learn about the different essential oils, and how to ensure that your oils are of a high quality.  You will discover how to use the oils in different way...

    11,29 €

  • Aromatherapy
    Julia Edwards
    AROMATHERAPY Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils for a range of benefits. Whether you're completely new to aromatherapy, or a long-time advocate, this book will have something to offer!  This book covers a range of essential oils, and explains the benefits and uses of them all.  You will learn the different techniques for using essential oils, and will be able to ex...

    11,48 €

  • Essential Oils
    Julia Edwards
    ESSENTIAL OILS Essential oils are gaining popularity recently due to their huge range of benefits and uses.  This book will teach you how to use essential oils, and the particular benefits they provide.  You'll learn how to use a wide variety of essential oils to improve your health, gain energy, lose weight, improve hair health, and much more!  Essential oils can also ha...

    11,20 €

  • Ätherische Öle für Tiere
    Nayana Morag
    Ätherische Öle können dabei helfen, Ihre Tiere natürlich gesund und glücklich zu halten. Dieses Buch ist ein praktischer Leitfaden dafür, warum, wie und wann man ätherische Öle bei Tieren nutzt. In der 2. Auflage dieses umfassenden Nachschlagewerks teilt Nayana Morag ihre persönliche Erfahrung und Sachkenntnis aus über 20 Jahren Arbeit mit Tieren und Aromaölen. Sie stellt darüb...

    57,24 €

  • Monographs of Rare and Exotic Essential Oils and Absolutes
    Dr. Scott A Johnson
    For centuries, plants have been used for survival, food, and healing, creating a strong connection between man and nature. Ancient healing systems, developed and refined over hundreds or thousands of years, and passed down from generation to generation kept cultures healthy. Remarkably, today’s science has proven our ancestors correct in many of their discoveries of the healing...

    143,62 €

  • Perfect Natural Solutions
    with Kirk and Kim Miller
    Do you yearn for an easier way to keep your family healthy?With so many types of care compiled together in one spot you can easily find your favorite solutions along with multiple alternatives. Perfect Natural Solutions is your all-in-one resource with hundreds of ailments, stories, and all kinds of remedies to help you. Learn how to build your super-immunity muscles. Know w...

    29,53 €

  • Perfect Natural Solutions
    with Kirk and Kim Miller
    Do you yearn for an easier way to keep your family healthy?With so many types of care compiled together in one spot you can easily find your favorite solutions along with multiple alternatives. Perfect Natural Solutions is your all-in-one resource with hundreds of ailments, stories, and all kinds of remedies to help you. Learn how to build your super-immunity muscles. Know w...

    41,18 €

  • Zen Blends
    When you are feeling stressed, coloring patterns and mandalas are a great way to divert your focus in a way that calms and soothes.What could be better than to use one of these 25 essential oil blends in your diffuser at the same time?This book contains 25 stress releasing mandalas from the moderately simple to the moderately intricate. An additional 25 mandalas contain the dif...

    7,29 €

  • Psicoenergía, Emociones y La Aromaterapia en tus Manos
    Sergio Pérez
    En la actualidad está comprobado científicamente que el 99 % de nuestras enfermedades y fracasos en la vida, en las diferentes áreas de nuestro diario vivir, son provocadas por los conflictos emocionales de los seres humanos.Este libro es para dar a conocer, de una forma sencilla, la información completa sobre tus emociones y como poder trabajarlas junto con la Aromaterapia y l...

    11,37 €

  • Pregnancy, Birth and Baby Care With Essential Oil
    Rebecca Park Totilo
    Pregnancy, Birth, and Baby Care With Essential Oil shows you how to safely use essential oils for all types of issues that arise during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. Unlike traditional pregnancy guidebooks that follow conventional, fear-based instruction, this book offers a healthy approach to pregnancy, childbirth, and baby care, embracing a natural and safe way to use ess...

    35,60 €

  • Essential Oils
    Jonathan S Hunt
    If you answered yes to any of the above, then this beginner friendly guide is for you! Inside the pages of this book, you’ll learn how both easily use or make essential oils so that you can start receiving their numerous benefits! How difficult is it make essential oils from scratch?There’s probably no better gift than something that you’ve created with your bare hands. Even be...

    18,30 €

  • Aromatherapy
    Jessica Thompson
    Discover The Secrets of Essential Oils... Do you have minor or possibly major health issues that are always plaguing you and that you’re looking for a cure for? Have you heard of “Essential Oils” and possibly even tried some of them to help you live a healthier life? The truth is, if you know which essential oils to use and how to use them, they can improve your life more than ...

    14,85 €

  • Massage Therapy
    Jessica Thompson
    What You Need To Know About Massage Therapy... Have you always wondered about massage therapy or maybe even had your doctor recommend it at some point? Would you like to know the true healing properties that can be gained from using massage in your life? Chances are, you’ve probably been held back by worry and just plain not knowing all the details about massage... If you want ...

    16,35 €

  • Relaxation
    Jessica Thompson
    Relax Your Body Using  The Secrets of Essential Oils And Massage Therapy... ★★ 2 Books In 1 - Aromatherapy & Massage Therapy ★★ **Aromatherapy** Do you have minor or possibly major health issues that are always plaguing you and that you’re looking for a cure for? Have you heard of “Essential Oils” and possibly even tried some of them to help you live a healthier life? The truth...

    17,71 €

    John Carter
    Descubre los Secretos de los Aceites Esenciales...¿Tienes problemas menores o posiblemente mayores de salud que siempre están molestándote o lo que quieres encontrarle una cura?¿Has escuchado de “Aceites Esenciales” y posiblemente trataste incluso de usar algunos de ellos para llevar una vida más saludable?La verdad es, si quieres saber cuáles aceites esenciales debes usar y có...

    17,68 €

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