Terapias complementarias, curación y salud

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Terapias complementarias, curación y salud (5382)

Libros Eliminar filtro Salud y desarrollo personal Eliminar filtro Mente, cuerpo y espíritu Eliminar filtro Terapias complementarias, curación y salud Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Beneath the Scar
    Dr. Samone Brown
                                               The Inspiration for the Beneath the Scar Movie!Samantha Nicole Allen is the beautiful Mississippi debutante and daughter of one of the town's most notable preachers. Who would ever think that she would find herself entangled in a trap that has the potential to cause her to lose her confidence, beauty, and more tragically, her life?...

    16,23 €

  • Now I Lay Me Down Alone
    David R. Lee / David RLee
    No one ever adequately prepares for the death of a loved one. Grieving can stun the soul and turn ones world upside down. This book is specifically sculpted to walk the grief journey alongside the sufferer. It highlights spousal loss but covers a gamut of other situations. The answers are not swift and easy, but the book will lead to the place of safety and rest. There is One w...

    12,78 €

  • The Weapon of Prayer
    Edward M. Bounds / Edward MBounds
    It must never be forgotten that Almighty God rules this world. He is not an absentee God. His band is ever on the throttle of human affairs. He is everywhere present in the concerns of time. 'His eyes behold, his eyelids try the children of men.' He rules the world just as He rules the Church by prayer. ...

    20,51 €

  • Purpose in Prayer
    Edward M. Bounds / Edward MBounds
    The more praying there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil everywhere. Prayer, in one phase of its operation, is a disinfectant and a preventive. It purifies the air; it destroys the contagion of evil. Prayer is no fitful, shortlived thing. It is no voice crying unheard and unheeded in the silence. It is a voice which goes into God...

    20,54 €

  • Prayer and Praying Men
    Edward M. Bounds / Edward MBounds
    Old Testament history is filled with accounts of praying saints. The leaders of Israel in those early days were noted for their praying habits. Prayer is the one thing which stands out prominently in their lives. In this book E. M. Bounds chronicles the prayer lives of famous biblical men. ...

    20,54 €

  • Good Health and Long life
    Rich Kanyali
    Good Health & Long Life—Another Perspective is written to give a different perspective on Health and Long life. Many times the only focus on health is what we do physically such as what we eat, how we exercise and so forth. However, there is a very much untapped side of health which is even more important than even the physical. In this book, I explore this side and how we can ...

    5,37 €

  • Ego
    Louis D. Cox Ph.D / Louis DCox Ph.D / Ph.D Louis DCox
    The guiding intention for this book is to make a contribution to the processes of self-recovery and self-realization—and to make these processes more user-friendly and more potent. Many people, the author himself included, are susceptible to the hidden inner forces of endarkenment, and can become caught in nasty, self-destructive cycles of confusion, self-doubt, and self-hatred...

    20,57 €

  • Ego
    Louis D. Cox Ph.D / Louis DCox Ph.D / Ph.D Louis DCox
    The guiding intention for this book is to make a contribution to the processes of self-recovery and self-realization—and to make these processes more user-friendly and more potent. Many people, the author himself included, are susceptible to the hidden inner forces of endarkenment, and can become caught in nasty, self-destructive cycles of confusion, self-doubt, and self-hatred...

    32,97 €

  • Worship & Wellness
    Oluchi Ibekwe Immanuel MD
    Do you find yourself constantly multi-tasking but still feel like you have not accomplished one thing? Do you feel exhausted at the end of the day? Has your health been put on the “back-burner”? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to read this book and embark on an important, potentially life-saving journey to living the life God intended for you.In Worship ...

    26,50 €

  • A Journey of Creative Healing
    Mary Atkins
    “In a time so in need of true elders to guide the coming generations, Mary is a shining example of someone who walks her talk, whose purpose in life is to serve and encourage others to be true to themselves.” KIMBA AREM, MUSIC THERAPISTI need to put my focus on being creative. I need to create something new each day. It doesn’t matter what—I simply need to focus on the planning...

    11,04 €

  • Tracce di BioGeometria
    Ibrahim Karim Ph.D.Dr.Sc / Ibrahim Karim PhD Dr Sc / Ibrahim Ph.DDr.ScKarim
    Fondate su più di 45 anni di ricerche, le Tracce di BioGeometria sono diagrammi lineari che aiutano a equilibrare l’energia sottile degli organi del corpo.Gli schemi dell’energia sottile dell’organo sono accessibili attraverso le Tracce di BioGeometria poste esternamente nei campi energetici del corpo  creando una connessione attraverso la Risonanza di Forma.“Questo è un libro ...

    25,25 €

  • The Return of the Elephant
    What is health?Is it being in one piece without pain, and eating, sleeping, walking? Or is there more that doesn’t meet the eye?The Return of the Elephant is a novel that chronicles a woman’s pursuit of health in a society dominated by conventional medicine. The heroine Eunice explores several alternative healing modalities whose emergence is an indication of the inadequacy of ...

    27,57 €

  • The Return of the Elephant
    What is health?Is it being in one piece without pain, and eating, sleeping, walking? Or is there more that doesn’t meet the eye?The Return of the Elephant is a novel that chronicles a woman’s pursuit of health in a society dominated by conventional medicine. The heroine Eunice explores several alternative healing modalities whose emergence is an indication of the inadequacy of ...

    16,84 €

  • Ayurveda In Nepal

    24,43 €

  • Save Your Life with Stupendous Spices
    Blythe Ayne
    Turmeric has undergone thousands of biomedical studies, resulting in the discovery of over six-hundred medical applications. Its active ingredient is an antioxidant compound more effective than vitamin e. Turmeric protects DNA strands from breakage. It is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-microbial, used to treat cancers, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, liv...

    21,68 €

  • Save Your Life with the Power of pH Balance
    Blythe Ayne
    Why do gorgeous, fresh, clean little babies smell sweet? Because, chemically, they are predominately composed of sweet smelling, alkaline, mineralized water, and their bodies are pH balanced. To be in optimum health, we need to aspire to keep our bodies in pH balance.Save Your Life with the Power of pH Balance tells you in straight-forward language the basics of acquiring and m...

    16,57 €

  • 56 Common Cold Solutions
    Joe Correa
    56 Common Cold Solutions: 56 Meal Recipes That Will Help You Prevent And Cure the Common Cold Fast Without Pills or MedicineBy Joe Correa CSN The common cold is a viral disease of the upper respiratory tract, primarily the nose, throat, and sinuses. There are over 200 known viruses that cause the common cold and they are mostly spread through the air or in direct contact with p...

    20,69 €

  • The Pocket Cathedral
    Farrell Mason
    In a moment…there is grace.   Slip through the beautiful carved doors of The Pocket Cathedral. The incense tickles, the bejeweled light of a rose window above casts a perfect halo above your head and a sea of glowing candles calms your restless spirit. Whisper a prayer and experience the quiet peace of reflection in your own imaginary cathedral. Be less afraid and more assure...

    28,81 €

  • Colours of Unfrozen
    Abbirose Adey / Ladey Adey
    This is the first adult colouring book which integrates inspirational devotionals for the reader. It is the second book of the Unfrozen series, Ladey and Abbirose Adey connect pictures, quotes, scripture and devotionals ready for reflections, relaxing and rejoicing by colourists of all ages. It aids the reader to de-stress and reflect on God’s word while colouring, and making e...

    20,64 €

  • God Is In The Little Things
    Patricia Brooks
    God is in the Little Things: Messages from the Golden Angels is a riveting true story that reveals Patricia's struggles to reclaim her connection to her Higher Self and discover the meaning of her life. Travel with Patricia through her past lives from ancient Rome to the cobblestoned streets of colonial Boston.Cry with Patricia as she shares the intimate details of her stru...

    19,01 €

  • The Neurophysiology of Enlightenment
    Robert Keith Wallace
    Dr. Wallace explains how enlightenment, long regarded as mystical, impractical and even unattainable, is something real, measurable, and of immense practical value. He shows that enlightenment has a scientific, physiological basis, and arises through a process of neurophysiological refinement as a natural result of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program of Maharishi Mahesh ...

    24,25 €

  • Meridian Massage
    Cindy Black
    The meridian pathways of the human body were mapped out by gifted healers in China thousands of years ago. Working with the invisible energy (Qi) that flows through these pathways, they were able to heal illness. Perhaps more importantly, they were able to support vitality in ways that prevent illness and encourage wellness. Vitality is an expression of energy.Meridian Massage ...

    52,80 €

  • The Next Step Up
    Barbara M Mahaffey
     Welcome to the first book in the Transformation Series. These books are designed to help you create the best life you really want to live...on the inside, your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and health and on the outside your relationships, your work...basically all your interaction with life. Each book is about The Next Step Up in showing you how to understand and transform what...

    13,56 €

  • The Call of Nursing
    William B. Patrick
    The Call of Nursing is not your typical book about nurses. In it, we go behind the curtain of silence that hangs across the profession. It lets us hear why nurses today do what they do, and allows those nurses to show us-in their own words-what has mattered most to them in their professional careersA hospice nurse reveals the connection she develops to dying people. A medical m...

    13,41 €

  • Exploring the Eternal Soul - Insights from the Life Between Lives
    Andy Tomlinson
    What happens after death? Follow the fascinating journey of a group of ordinary people who have been regressed though a past life and into the afterlife. Using very deep hypnosis the most amazing soul memories surface of a spirit world that waits us all. Piece by piece the book uncovers each step of the journey and is full of illuminating case study extracts.It allows us to tap...

    16,78 €

  • Healing with Flower Essences
    Joan Greenblatt
    Using Flower Essences as a Dynamic Healing Therapy'The most beautiful plants and herbs to be found in the pharmacy of nature aredivinely enriched with healing powers for the mind and body.'-Dr. Edward BachA Breakthrough Approach that Can Change Your LifeThis is an excellent introduction to the world of energetic healing through Flower Essence therapy. The author, an accomplishe...

    12,82 €

  • Food as Medicine
    Todd Caldecott
    The concept of ’food as medicine’ is rooted in our most ancient of traditions, including Greek, Indian and Chinese medicine. If we consider the anthropological evidence it is very likely that our hunter-gatherer ancestors learned about medicinal herbs by observing wild animals deliberately eating certain plants in their diet as a way to treat different health issues. For all ...

    20,30 €

  • My Pain Had Purpose
    Yvette Steele
    Yvette Steele weaves an inspiring tale of survival, faith, revival, and redemption in this recollection of one woman’s life spent emerging from mental, physical, and emotional pain, heartache, and abuse, while struggling to find her identity both personally and spiritually. Building an emotional wall was her way of coping with the trauma of abuse, abandonment, and sexual assaul...

    17,43 €

  • I Am with You
    I Am with You is an anthology written by and for amazing cancer patients everywhere. Over 40 women and men who have 'walked the walk' of living with cancer ... be it their own diagnosis or that of someone they love ... share their stories to sustain, support, and give you hope. I Am With You is a book of wisdom, wit, inspiration, compassion, and love. Every story you read speak...

    14,63 €

  • Relief from Anxiety and Panic
    Tess Graham
    Relief from Anxiety and Panic  by Tess Graham ANXIETY – A NEW UNDERSTANDING, A PRACTICAL SOLUTIONThere is a fast and natural way to get lasting relief from anxiety, but you may not have heard of it. Few people realise that the key is to correct the underlying disturbance in their physiology – that is, body function and blood chemistry, by learning to breathe correctly. And that...

    11,44 €