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Use of diagnostic imaging in the teaching of Human Anatomy

Use of diagnostic imaging in the teaching of Human Anatomy

Jacqueline Martino / Sofía Cervantes Farías

56,27 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Medicina: cuestiones generales
56,27 €
IVA incluido

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Internationally, in the different universities and faculties that include the career of Medicine and other Health Sciences, the teaching of Human Anatomy is based on traditional methods such as the use of theoretical lectures by medical teachers accompanied by descriptive texts, clinical cases and the development of practices through the use of dissection preparations of various topographic regions. However, in recent years, a restructuring of teaching methods has been observed as a result of the decrease in teaching hours, resources and lack of renewal in the opinion of the subject, together with technological development in the area of health. In the present research, we intend to find out the students’ perception of the teaching methodology in the subject Human Anatomy and the use of diagnostic images applied to the understanding and integration of the contents as a contribution to learning.

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