We are all negotiators. Whether you sometimes disagree with a colleague or spouse, buy a car, lead a project, or work group, you negotiate and need to know how to do it given the specific circumstance and nature of the interactions. While we may negotiate in many forums and have a variety of negotiating experiences, we don’t bargain collectively all the time! Collective Bargaining Preparation Essentials-The Handbook is about collective bargaining-the negotiation or renegotiation of employees’ terms and conditions of employment-and alternatives. What emerges from your planning, negotiation and implementation efforts is a codification of what the union and the employer agree on to regulate their conduct and dealings over a certain period. All based on the parties’ choice of alternatives.Collective Bargaining Preparation Essentials-The Handbook is a resource. It will broaden your perspective on your union-employer relationship and your bargaining style and provide preparation guidelines and strategies to successfully negotiate a collective agreement.