72921 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: m

  • The Fatherhood Mandate
    M.E. Wright
    What happens when becoming a father is no longer a choice?Sam Maxwell is looking forward to graduating from college. After breaking up with his on-again, off-again girlfriend for good, his life is suddenly derailed by a summons to Family Court. Wisconsin’s pro-birth laws declare him the biological father of an embryo, which has been appointed a ward of the state.Struggling with...

    11,22 €

  • The Dragons Keeper
    M. L. Burns
    Azahara was no stranger to pain.In the aftermath of the cataclysmic Battle of Sunfall, Azahara’s world crumbles, leaving her with nothing but time on her side. She sets forth on a journey to the Isle of Ilkiz. Once home to the mighty Ilkiz herself and the Power of Dragons, the Isle becomes her sought after refuge and the crucible for her fate, where every step forward teeters o...

    31,03 €

  • The Dragons Keeper
    M. L. Burns
    Azahara was no stranger to pain.In the aftermath of the cataclysmic Battle of Sunfall, Azahara’s world crumbles, leaving her with nothing but time on her side. She sets forth on a journey to the Isle of Ilkiz. Once home to the mighty Ilkiz herself and the Power of Dragons, the Isle becomes her sought after refuge and the crucible for her fate, where every step forward teeters o...

    24,00 €

  • Texas Hold’em Uncovered - A Beginner’s Journey into the World of Poker
    M. Patrick P. Sauer
    If you want to learn how to play Texas Hold’em and have no idea which book to buy look no further. This is the book for you!This book is written as if it were an instructional manual for a family board game. It includes the basic rules of the game, strategies, and situational examples for the beginner and amateur poker player. This book does not include personal stories of the ...

    10,43 €

  • A Journey of Unknown Skies
    Timothy M Bennett
    It’s been difficult for Jax to fit back into the normal pace of life since Tranto abandoned him. His other friendships fail to fill the barren place left in his mind where he had felt truly understood.And then, what he had given up hope for happens. However, Jax finds an utter lack of everything he recognizes and a desolate wasteland swallowing him.He soon learns that the stars...

    21,23 €

  • The Motherhood Mandate
    M.E. Wright
    She dreamed of adventure. Now she’s detained by the authorities. Her crime? She’s pregnant.Rylee Williams is looking forward to a fun-filled gap year before she heads East for college. An extended trip to Europe. Volunteering for her congregation’s Home Mission. Maybe even mentoring for her old high school’s robotics team.Pregnancy was the last thing that she expected. Detained...

    11,19 €

  • The Marshal and the Sinister Still
    C. M. Wendelboe
    Nelson Lane finds himself once again assisting local law enforcement in Wyoming. This time, it’s a tribal policeman enlisting the U.S. marshal’s help to find a girl who has gone missing from the Wind River Reservation. It’s a good excuse to take a break from playing messenger for banks foreclosing on errant ranchers, among other duties outside the scope of the job description. ...

    12,47 €

  • Wirtschaftliche Bedeutung von roten Chilis in Indien
    Bhavani Devi / M. Srikala / T. Ananda
    Indien ist der führende Chiliproduzent mit einem Anteil von fast 43 % an der Weltproduktion, gefolgt von China und Peru. Neben Indien sind China, Pakistan, Marokko, Mexiko und die Türkei die wichtigsten Produzenten und Exporteure. Indien ist auch der größte Chiliexporteur der Welt. Indische Chilis werden hauptsächlich nach Sri Lanka, in die USA, nach Nepal, Mexiko, Malaysia und...

    68,80 €

  • Экономика красного чили в Индии
    M. Шрикала / T. Ананда / Бхавани Деви
    Индия является ведущим производителем чили, на долю которого приходится около 43 процентов мирового производства, за ней следуют Китай и Перу. Помимо Индии, другими крупными производителями и экспортерами являются Китай, Пакистан, Марокко, Мексика и Турция. Индия также является крупнейшим экспортером чили в мире. Индийский чили в основном экспортируется в Шри-Ланку, США, Непал,...

    68,86 €

  • L’économie des piments rouges en Inde
    Bhavani Devi / M. Srikala / T. Ananda
    L’Inde est le principal producteur de piment et représente près de 43 % de la production mondiale, suivie par la Chine et le Pérou. Outre l’Inde, les autres grands producteurs et exportateurs sont la Chine, le Pakistan, le Maroc, le Mexique et la Turquie. L’Inde est également le plus grand exportateur de piment au monde. Les piments indiens sont principalement exportés vers le ...

    68,80 €

  • Economia da malagueta vermelha na Índia
    Bhavani Devi / M. Srikala / T. Ananda
    A Índia é o principal produtor de malagueta, contribuindo com cerca de 43% da produção mundial, seguida da China e do Peru. Para além da Índia, os outros grandes produtores e exportadores são a China, o Paquistão, Marrocos, o México e a Turquia. A Índia é também o maior exportador de malagueta do mundo. A malagueta indiana é exportada principalmente para o Sri Lanka, os EUA, o ...

    68,80 €

  • Economia dei peperoncini rossi in India
    Bhavani Devi / M. Srikala / T. Ananda
    L’India è il principale produttore di peperoncino, con quasi il 43% della produzione mondiale, seguita da Cina e Perù. Oltre all’India, gli altri principali produttori ed esportatori sono Cina, Pakistan, Marocco, Messico e Turchia. L’India è anche il maggior esportatore di peperoncino al mondo. I peperoncini indiani vengono esportati soprattutto in Sri Lanka, Stati Uniti, Nepal...

    68,80 €

  • Патогенные механизмы, опосредованные хозяином, при заболеваниях пародонта
    M. Л. Бхонгейд / Бушра К. Квази / Пранав С. Патил
    Развитие иммунно-воспалительного ответа при пародонтите у восприимчивого человека приводит к локальной выработке различных медиаторов воспаления, включая IL-1, IL-6 и фактор некроза опухоли-α (TNF-α), синтезу и высвобождению простагландинов и других метаболитов арахидоновой кислоты в тканях пародонта. Кроме того, клетки-хозяева стимулировали матриксные металлопротеиназы различн...

    49,08 €

  • Wirtsvermittelte Pathogenitätsmechanismen bei Parodontalerkrankung
    Bushra K. Quazi / M. L. Bhongade / Pranav S. Patil
    Die Entwicklung einer entzündlichen Immunreaktion während der Parodontitis beim anfälligen Individuum führt zur lokalen Produktion einer Vielzahl von Entzündungsmediatoren wie IL-1, IL-6 und Tumornekrosefaktor-α (TNF-α) sowie zur Synthese und Freisetzung von Prostaglandinen und anderen Arachidonsäure-Metaboliten im parodontalen Gewebe. Darüber hinaus stimulierten die Wirtszelle...

    49,08 €

  • Mécanismes pathogènes médiés par l’hôte dans la maladie parodontale
    Bushra K. Quazi / M. L. Bhongade / Pranav S. Patil
    Le développement d’une réponse immuno-inflammatoire au cours de la parodontite chez l’individu sensible entraîne la production locale d’une variété de médiateurs inflammatoires, y compris IL-1, IL-6 et le facteur de nécrose tumorale-α (TNF-α), la synthèse et la libération de prostaglandines et d’autres métabolites de l’acide arachidonique dans les tissus parodontaux. En outre, ...

    49,08 €

  • Meccanismi patogeni mediati dall’ospite nella malattia parodontale
    Bushra K. Quazi / M. L. Bhongade / Pranav S. Patil
    Lo sviluppo di una risposta immuno-infiammatoria durante la parodontite nell’individuo suscettibile comporta la produzione locale di una varietà di mediatori infiammatori, tra cui IL-1, IL-6 e fattore di necrosi tumorale-α (TNF-α), la sintesi e il rilascio di prostaglandine e altri metaboliti dell’acido arachidonico nei tessuti parodontali. Inoltre, le cellule ospiti hanno stim...

    48,94 €

  • Mecanismos Patogénicos Mediados pelo Hospedeiro na Doença Periodontal
    Bushra K. Quazi / M. L. Bhongade / Pranav S. Patil
    O desenvolvimento de uma resposta imune-inflamatória durante a periodontite no indivíduo suscetível resulta na produção local de uma variedade de mediadores inflamatórios, incluindo IL-1, IL-6 e fator de necrose tumoral-α (TNF-α), síntese e libertação de prostaglandinas e outros metabolitos do ácido araquidónico nos tecidos periodontais. Além disso, as células hospedeiras estim...

    49,00 €

  • Practical Toilet Training
    Sabrina M.S. Ed Verost
    In Practical Toilet Training, you will see toilet training through the lens of a mom and special educator.Does your child still wear diapers? Why try toilet training without the resources to succeed? Practical Toilet Training outlines how to toilet train children with autism, as well as any child struggling with toilet training.It offers answers to basic toilet training questio...

    14,15 €

  • The Disturbed
    S.M. Kirkland
    Andre and Rax can’t wait for their work-study in Alaska, but everything falls apart when their plane crashes. With their bosses critically injured, the boys must face Alaska on their own. But it isn’t the wildlife that threatens them. For Andre, it is a mysterious woman from his past with a dire warning about his daughter. Rax must face his toxic, abusive partner and be forced ...

    19,24 €

  • Wine Tasting Journal
    B. Leroux / Becca Leroux / BLeroux / M. Nestorovski / Matt Nestorovski / MNestorovski
    Are you a wine lover with refined taste? New to wine tasting and figuring out what you like? This is the perfect wine tasting journal for any wine lover to help you keep track and rate your favourite wines. Rate your wines based on appearance, aromas, taste and overall impressions, and assign a final overall score. This book is a great way to treat yourself, or could be the per...

    18,14 €

  • A Taste of the Divine
    C. M. Adler
    Lilly Carmichael is a twenty-seven-year-old self-proclaimed workaholic who has built a life around her career as an architect and being better than the men she works with rather than maintaining a functioning relationship with one. Priding herself upon her talent and her ability to floor a man’s ego with a single glare, she’s led a simple and focused life establishing herself a...

    18,83 €

  • Everyone is Here to Help
    Ruth M Stacey
    Two weeks after giving birth to her son, Eddie, Ruth was diagnosed with postpartum psychosis and admitted to a Mother and Baby Unit where she stayed for five weeks and five days.Separated from her home and her husband during those first precious weeks, Ruth and Eddie embark on a complicated and challenging journey to wellness.Everyone is Here to Help tells a story of postpartum...

    16,87 €

  • Homeless People Exercise (HPE)
    Ali. M.
    Are you ready to take your fitness into your own hands, improve your health, and experience a long and satisfying life? With these simple exercises, you can-no gym membership or fancy equipment required!Homeless People Exercise (HPE) is an exciting opportunity to start your fitness journey with little hassle. This booklet is designed to help people of all ages, backgrounds, and...

    12,88 €

  • There’s Sub-Thing About Subbing...
    P.M. Riv
    If you need a good laugh, this book is for you. There’s Sub-thing About Subbing... takes the craziest, hand-to-God true stories of a substitute teacher and compiles them into a rip-roaring, hilarious anthology. P.M. Riv, otherwise known as Mrs. Patti, Mrs. M, or Teacher-Teacher, has nearly 10 years worth of substitute teaching in her back pocket with laugh-out-loud stories you ...

    26,00 €

  • There’s Sub-Thing About Subbing...
    P.M. Riv
    If you need a good laugh, this book is for you. There’s Sub-thing About Subbing... takes the craziest, hand-to-God true stories of a substitute teacher and compiles them into a rip-roaring, hilarious anthology. P.M. Riv, otherwise known as Mrs. Patti, Mrs. M, or Teacher-Teacher, has nearly 10 years worth of substitute teaching in her back pocket with laugh-out-loud stories you ...

    13,63 €

    W. M. J. Kreucher
    Drone technology shapes our world, weaving seamlessly into the fabric of our lives. But what happens when a seemingly hypothetical conversation among high school friends triggers an unforeseen national crisis? Vasili Grigory Konstantinov, a man steeped in solitude and international intrigue, finds himself embroiled in a high-stakes game orchestrated by an ice-cold Bulgarian ass...

    16,66 €

  • Daisy the Dolphin Counts to 10
    Alicia Smith / Fiona M.
    Daisy the Dolphin is looking for friends while exploring the ocean. As she meets many creatures, Daisy begins to count them, taking the reader on a journey under the sea and learning to count from 1 to 10. You won’t want to miss the adventure Daisy takes while making friends with the memorable characters she encounters along the way. ...

    19,49 €

  • Wicked Ways
    M.J. Scott
    An exciting dark and sexy futuristic urban fantasy series from RITA® Award nominated author M.J. Scott. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about the magical world, it’s that you never know what’s coming next. Monsters lurk in the dark, and even in the light, danger is never far away... Maggie Lachlan has rolled with everything the magical world has thrown at her. She’s training ...

    15,97 €

  • Magic and Miracles
    Charlie N. Holmberg / Sarah M. Eden / Traci Abramson
    Escape with a dozen fabulous short stories from our best-selling authors✔ Help raise money for Primary Children’s Hospital✔ Limited edition (collector’s item) ebook, paperback and hardback books✔ Happily ever aftersA few of the stories include..Regency Fairy RetellingGreek Mythology RetellingMagical suspense ...

    33,01 €

  • The Call to Arms
    C.M.S. Thornton
    'The Call to Arms' is the life story of First World War hero William Palstra between 1914 and 1917. In 1914 he leaves his job as an office clerk in London, sails to Australia in a steam-ship, and takes a job as a clerk in Melbourne. While he is still on the high seas the Great War breaks out, and his younger brother enlists in the Australian Imperial Force (A.I.F.). Charles is ...

    31,62 €