17538 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: n n n

  • Psicologia positiva
    Bhavana S. Karmore / Shraddha N. Zanjat / Vishwajit K. Barbudhe
    A Psicologia Positiva, um ramo da psicologia fundado por Martin Seligman no final do século XX, centra-se no estudo científico do florescimento e bem-estar humanos. A sua premissa fundamental é mudar a ênfase tradicional na patologia e na disfunção para a compreensão dos factores que contribuem para uma vida plena e significativa. Os investigadores e os profissionais da psicolo...

    85,79 €

  • Positive Psychologie
    Bhavana S. Karmore / Shraddha N. Zanjat / Vishwajit K. Barbudhe
    Die Positive Psychologie, ein von Martin Seligman Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts begründeter Zweig der Psychologie, befasst sich mit der wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung des menschlichen Wohlbefindens. Ihr Grundgedanke ist die Verlagerung des traditionellen Schwerpunkts auf Pathologie und Dysfunktion hin zum Verständnis der Faktoren, die zu einem erfüllten und sinnvollen Leben beitra...

    85,76 €

  • Psychologie positive
    Bhavana S. Karmore / Shraddha N. Zanjat / Vishwajit K. Barbudhe
    La psychologie positive, branche de la psychologie fondée par Martin Seligman à la fin du XXe siècle, se concentre sur l’étude scientifique de l’épanouissement et du bien-être de l’être humain. Son principe fondamental est de déplacer l’accent traditionnellement mis sur la pathologie et le dysfonctionnement vers la compréhension des facteurs qui contribuent à une vie épanouie e...

    85,78 €

  • Psicologia positiva
    Bhavana S. Karmore / Shraddha N. Zanjat / Vishwajit K. Barbudhe
    La psicologia positiva, una branca della psicologia fondata da Martin Seligman alla fine del XX secolo, si concentra sullo studio scientifico della prosperità e del benessere umano. La sua premessa fondamentale è quella di spostare l’enfasi tradizionale sulla patologia e sulla disfunzione verso la comprensione dei fattori che contribuiscono a una vita appagante e significativa....

    85,79 €

  • Eigenschaften von Beton durch Ersatz von Zement durch Reishülsen
    N. V. Srinivas Rao / Subhashish Dey
    Die steigende Nachfrage nach herkömmlichen Baumaterialien und die Notwendigkeit, ein nachhaltiges Wachstum im Baubereich zu erzielen, hat die Bauherren dazu veranlasst, sich für alternative Materialien zu entscheiden. Zu diesem Zweck können landwirtschaftliche Nebenprodukte wie Reishülsenasche anstelle von Zement verwendet werden. Reishülsenasche verleiht dem Beton eine gute Dr...

    61,57 €

  • Propriétés du béton par remplacement du ciment par de la balle de riz
    N. V. Srinivas Rao / Subhashish Dey
    L’augmentation de la demande de matériaux de construction conventionnels et la nécessité d’assurer une croissance durable dans le domaine de la construction ont incité les promoteurs à opter pour des 'matériaux alternatifs'. À cette fin, des sous-produits agricoles tels que la cendre de balle de riz peuvent être remplacés par du ciment. La cendre de balle de riz offre une bonne...

    61,57 €

  • Proprietà del calcestruzzo mediante sostituzione del cemento con lolla di riso
    N. V. Srinivas Rao / Subhashish Dey
    L’aumento della domanda di materiali da costruzione convenzionali e la necessità di fornire una crescita sostenibile nel campo delle costruzioni ha spinto i costruttori a optare per 'materiali alternativi'. A tal fine, i sottoprodotti agricoli come la cenere di lolla di riso possono essere sostituiti al cemento. La cenere di lolla di riso fornisce una buona resistenza alla comp...

    61,57 €

  • Utilizing Data Analytics and Machine Learning Classifiers for Forecasting Malarial Epidemic Resurgence
    Komal Kumar. N
    Infectious diseases pose a significant threat to human health, caused by microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites. While these microorganisms often coexist with us harmlessly, certain conditions can trigger their ability to cause illness. Infections can be transmitted from person to person, from animals to humans, or through the consumption of contaminated ...

    38,08 €

  • Voyage d’un observateur au cœur des univers
    Sosthène Trésor N’NANG EBANE
    Cette oeuvre repose exclusivement sur l’observation portée sur les arts sacrés : Ngombi ou Ngoma (Harpe Sacrée), Mvet Ékang (Harpe Cithare), Masque Punu, Songo (jeu de semailles), Menorah (Chandelier à 7 branches) et Hanoukkia (Chandelier à 9 branches), dont le Calendrier actuel se révèle comme leur point de chute commun. Les univers mathématiques se construisent autour de l’un...

    124,49 €

  • In The Tall Trees
    Angel N Van Atta
    Mella lives in a tiny house in the middle of a dense forest with her mommy and her baby brother, Pete. Sometimes her daddy comes, and with him often the bad man comes, as well. Mella knows that she, her mommy and little brother are a secret family living where nobody knows they are, but she can’t remember why that is or why her mommy is chained to the floor. In The Tall Trees i...

    8,76 €

  • Equipped to Counsel
    Brittany N. Roberts
    Hey fellow helper, God equipped you for this!This collection of writings is for all of the helpers out there. It’s for the seasoned therapist, the therapist-in-training, the intern, the social worker, the psychologist, the school counselor, the aspiring clinician.Dive in for 90 days of encouragement containing reflection questions, scripture, prayers, and thoughts from a fellow...

    17,42 €

  • Stem Cells
    D. N. P. Sudarmani / M. Gnanaraj / P. Samuel
    The book entitled 'STEM CELLS' provides a comprehensive overview of the field, covering everything from the basic biology of stem cells to their diverse applications in regenerative medicine, disease modeling, transplantation, and cancer research. Each unit and chapter delves into key concepts, methodologies, ethical considerations, and real-world implications, offering a thoro...

    96,19 €

  • Actas de prevención integral, seguridad humana, psicología criminal, medicina forense y Derecho global
    Bernat N. Tiffon Nonis / Miquel Àngel Serrat Julià
    El Grado en Prevención y Seguridad Integral (EPSI) impartido por la FUABFormació, en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), destaca por sus características distintivas y el impacto significativo que ha tenido, para nuestra sociedad, la formación de profesionales de primer nivel, en el ámbito de la prevención y la seguridad integral. Los éxitos de los estudiantes y docentes...

    44,00 €

  • Mobilisation politique des Dalits dans l’Andhra Pradesh
    G.N. Subba Rao
    Ce livre traite de la mobilisation politique des Dalits au niveau mondial et au niveau local. Aujourd’hui, les Dalits se mobilisent au niveau mondial, non seulement pour obtenir des mesures de discrimination positive de la part de l’État, telles que des réservations dans le secteur public, qui sont un piètre substitut à la justice sociale, mais aussi pour étendre les réservatio...

    79,25 €

  • Mobilitazione politica dei Dalit in Andhra Pradesh
    G.N. Subba Rao
    Questo libro tratta della mobilitazione politica dei Dalit a livello globale e locale. Oggi i Dalit si stanno mobilitando a livello globale non 'solo' per ottenere dallo Stato azioni affermative come le riserve nel settore pubblico, che sono un pessimo sostituto della giustizia sociale; l’espansione delle riserve non riguarda la giustizia sociale, perché le riserve in un sistem...

    79,19 €

  • Mobilização política dos Dalits em Andhra Pradesh
    G.N. Subba Rao
    Este livro trata da mobilização política dos Dalits a nível global e a nível local. Hoje em dia, os Dalits estão a mobilizar-se a nível global não 'apenas' para uma ação afirmativa por parte do Estado, tal como reservas no sector público, que é um mau substituto para a justiça social. A exigência atual não é apenas a de alargar as reservas aos sectores privados, mas também a de...

    79,19 €

  • Politische Mobilisierung der Dalits in Andhra Pradesh
    G.N. Subba Rao
    In diesem Buch geht es um die politische Mobilisierung der Dalits auf globaler und lokaler Ebene. Heute mobilisieren sich die Dalits auf globaler Ebene nicht 'nur' für positive Maßnahmen des Staates, wie etwa Reservierungen im öffentlichen Sektor, die ein schlechter Ersatz für soziale Gerechtigkeit sind. Die Ausweitung von Reservierungen hat nichts mit sozialer Gerechtigkeit zu...

    79,25 €

  • Diabetes Mellitus
    Indhumathi T. / Kannikaparameswari N. / Rajathi K.
    A diabetes é uma doença crónica que ocorre quando o pâncreas não produz insulina suficiente ou quando o organismo não consegue utilizar eficazmente a insulina que produz. As plantas têm desempenhado um papel significativo na manutenção da saúde humana e na melhoria da qualidade de vida desde há milhares de anos. Os suplementos de ervas podem ser eficazes na prevenção e no trata...

    70,77 €

  • Diabetes Mellitus
    Indhumathi T. / Kannikaparameswari N. / Rajathi K.
    Diabetes ist eine chronische Krankheit, die entweder auftritt, wenn die Bauchspeicheldrüse nicht genügend Insulin produziert oder wenn der Körper das produzierte Insulin nicht effektiv nutzen kann. Pflanzen spielen seit Tausenden von Jahren eine wichtige Rolle bei der Erhaltung der menschlichen Gesundheit und der Verbesserung der Lebensqualität; pflanzliche Nahrungsergänzungsmi...

    70,77 €

  • Diabète sucré
    Indhumathi T. / Kannikaparameswari N. / Rajathi K.
    Le diabète est une maladie chronique qui survient soit lorsque le pancréas ne produit pas suffisamment d’insuline, soit lorsque l’organisme ne peut pas utiliser efficacement l’insuline qu’il produit. Les plantes jouent un rôle important dans le maintien de la santé humaine et l’amélioration de la qualité de vie depuis des milliers d’années. Les suppléments à base de plantes peu...

    70,77 €

  • Diabete mellito
    Indhumathi T. / Kannikaparameswari N. / Rajathi K.
    Il diabete è una malattia cronica che si manifesta quando il pancreas non produce abbastanza insulina o quando l’organismo non riesce a utilizzare efficacemente l’insulina prodotta. Le piante hanno svolto un ruolo significativo nel mantenimento della salute umana e nel miglioramento della qualità della vita per migliaia di anni. Gli integratori vegetali possono essere efficaci ...

    70,77 €

  • Yeti Loves Spaghetti!
    N Lawrence
    Yeti Loves Spaghetti is the story of a Yeti, who, you guessed it...loves spaghetti. Told in rhyme, with bold, colorful illustrations to help young readers infer the text meaning along the way. Yeti Loves Spaghetti! is the second book in the Yeti Early Reader Series, after 'Get Ready, Yeti!'. ...

    8,10 €

  • A War of Hearts and Fate
    N. E. Henderson
    A fated mate lost...I discovered my mate when I was eight-my best friend’s little sister. She was just a wolf pup and hadn’t even shifted back into her human form when I vowed to protect her and never love another the way I knew I was destined to fall in love with Anna. After all, fate had decided she would one day own my heart. However, The Bloodmoon Pack has many enemies, and...

    28,25 €

  • A War of Hearts and Fate
    N. E. Henderson
    A fated mate lost...I discovered my mate when I was eight years old-my best friend’s little sister. She was just a wolf pup, hadn’t even shifted back into her human form when I vowed to protect her and to never love another the way I knew I was destined to fall in love with Anna. After all, fate had decided she would one day owned my heart. However, The Bloodmoon Pack has many ...

    19,26 €

    Avani Y Barot / Divyeshkumar N Bhavsar / Mayuri Y Barot
    In the recent years there has been a considerable interest in the study of the high pressure behavior of solids because of academic, technological and geophysical reasons. The academic interest owes its origin to the fact that at high pressure, the nature of the interatomic forces in matter change considerably. Under extreme pressure fluid lubricants squeeze out from between me...

    84,50 €

    The present study was undertaken to evaluate the toxic features of fungal contaminated meadow grass that had caused the toxicity and even death of cattle in Baihongal and in and around villages in Belgaum district of Karnataka and to confirm the effects of mycotoxins produced by these isolates in rats. The affected animals were exhibiting clinical signs of toxicity characterize...

    127,03 €

  • Künstliche Intelligenz und Expertensystem
    Bhavana S. Karmore / Shraddha N. Zanjat / Vishwajit K. Barbudhe
    Die Einführung befasst sich mit der historischen Entwicklung und der Definition von KI, wobei die Nachahmung menschlicher kognitiver Prozesse und die Abwägung zwischen Wissenssuche und -speicherung im Vordergrund stehen. Die abstrakte Betrachtung von Modellierung und elementarem Wissen ebnet den Weg für die Erforschung der Computerlogik, einschließlich der Analyse zusammengeset...

    60,38 €

  • Intelligence artificielle et système expert
    Bhavana S. Karmore / Shraddha N. Zanjat / Vishwajit K. Barbudhe
    L’introduction se penche sur l’évolution historique et la définition de l’IA, en mettant l’accent sur l’émulation des processus cognitifs humains et sur le compromis entre la recherche et le stockage des connaissances. La vision abstraite de la modélisation et des connaissances élémentaires ouvre la voie à l’exploration de la logique computationnelle, y compris l’analyse des én...

    60,32 €

  • Inteligência Artificial e Sistema Especializado
    Bhavana S. Karmore / Shraddha N. Zanjat / Vishwajit K. Barbudhe
    A introdução aborda a evolução histórica e a definição de IA, destacando a emulação de processos cognitivos humanos e o compromisso entre a pesquisa e o armazenamento de conhecimentos. A visão abstrata da modelação e do conhecimento elementar abre caminho à exploração da lógica computacional, incluindo a análise de declarações compostas através de conectivos lógicos simples, ló...

    60,38 €

  • Intelligenza artificiale e sistema esperto
    Bhavana S. Karmore / Shraddha N. Zanjat / Vishwajit K. Barbudhe
    L’introduzione approfondisce l’evoluzione storica e la definizione di IA, sottolineando l’emulazione dei processi cognitivi umani e il compromesso tra ricerca e memorizzazione della conoscenza. La visione astratta della modellazione e della conoscenza elementare apre la strada all’esplorazione della logica computazionale, compresa l’analisi degli enunciati composti attraverso c...

    60,32 €