1029 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: chen

  • Toward a Micro-Political Theology
    Yin-An Chen
    Has liberation theology reached a dead end? Has the time come to propose another strategy of political resistance, one that considers and takes account of the complexity of power relationships in daily life? How can we explore the deeper meaning of freedom and liberation? This book begins with a reflection on the 'failure' of social movements and revolutions and a review of the...

    27,99 €

  • Toward a Micro-Political Theology
    Yin-An Chen
    Has liberation theology reached a dead end? Has the time come to propose another strategy of political resistance, one that considers and takes account of the complexity of power relationships in daily life? How can we explore the deeper meaning of freedom and liberation? This book begins with a reflection on the 'failure' of social movements and revolutions and a review of the...

    29,08 €

  • The Bus Driver
    Ames Chen
    How do you get to school every day? Do you see the many public buses on the road? Find out how one student tries to save the job of his favourite bus driver. To him, this bus driver is not just another face in the crowd, but his hero and role model. ...

    13,05 €

  • Theory of Clean Rings and Matrices
    Huanyin Chen / Marjan Sheibani Abdolyousefi
    This is the first monograph devoted to clean ring and matrix theory. It aims to study a theory of expressing an element in a ring as the sum of some special ones, such as idempotents, units, nilpotents, tripotents, involutions, etc. A matrix over such rings is thereby expressed as the sum of some special matrices. Also another topics on the behaviors of topological properties a...

    226,58 €

  • 浩劫餘生錄
    Alan Chen
    '浩劫餘生錄'-由台美人筆會出版2022, including : 武肺散文篇, 武肺旅遊小説篇, 詩詞篇 ...

    28,86 €

  • Programming & Analysis (PA) ARE 5.0 Exam Guide (Architect Registration Examination), 2nd Edition
    Gang Chen
    This is the second edition of Programming & Analysis (PA) ARE 5.0 Exam Guide, with 120 pages of new content. To become a licensed architect, you need to have a proper combination of education and/or experience, meet your Board of Architecture’s special requirements, and pass the ARE exams.  This book provides an ARE 5.0 exam overview, suggested reference and resource links, exa...

    104,40 €

  • Wei Chen
    《岚》讲述的是二十世纪末到二十一世纪初期间(1989-2018),一群追梦的华人留学生,漂洋过海来到当代世界头号强国美利坚合众国留学、生活、海归、创业的故事。他们的命运,如何被历史潮流所裹挟前行?在异国他乡,他们会有何种人生际遇?他们的人生,将体验何样的爱恨离别,酸甜苦辣?他们的灵魂,如何在罪中挣扎、沉沦,亦或重生得救?打开《岚》,这一代留学生的故事如一幅历史画卷,栩栩如生呈现读者眼前。谨以此书纪念六百万赴美留学生的奋斗人生。人生虽如岚一般,只出现稍时便消失不见了,但流传下来的人生故事却能突破时空限制,长存于世间。愿读者们能享受读这本书时的阅读时光。 ...

    31,72 €

  • 花仙子(彩色插图)
    Shisheng Chen
    这是一本奇妙的游记,它记录了我去年下半年的旅游活动,尤其是我在美国北方五大湖的旅游经历。我除了向读者讲解美国的湖光山色之外,也向后世的美国人民贡献了一个魔咒,它被喻为陈氏魔咒。事实上,我是提前了半个世纪,到美国北方五大湖去考察偷渡路线的。我认为,自从川普总统当政,美国出现了四年浩劫,自此以后,美国的法治如果无法再恢复正常了,那么,半个世纪以后,美国就会嬗变成一个独裁国家。到那时,美国人民就要联群结队偷渡去加拿大了。到那时,美国边防军队就会开枪射杀偷渡客,杀它600万人,只多不少。这就是陈氏魔咒,它藏在这本书里。 ...

    32,19 €

  • The Little Red Fox
    Daniel Chen / Esther Chen
    This is a story about Rouge, a fox born from a mother goose’s eggs. ...

    44,15 €

  • Diabetic Health Care
    Judy Chen
    Judy Chen was born in China and now lives in Canada. She published her series of narrative novels 'Fairy Tale Rise' and 'When You Believe,' a one-of-a-kind romance novel about what happened after the JFK Jr. crash. Under God’s guidance, Judy met JFK Jr, Sasha, and Carolyn. The whole story is written in a documentary style, and the plot is vivid and interesting, beyond people’s ...

    20,57 €

  • Diabetic Health Care
    Judy Chen
    Judy Chen was born in China and now lives in Canada. She published her series of narrative novels 'Fairy Tale Rise' and 'When You Believe,' a one-of-a-kind romance novel about what happened after the JFK Jr. crash. Under God’s guidance, Judy met JFK Jr, Sasha, and Carolyn. The whole story is written in a documentary style, and the plot is vivid and interesting, beyond people’s ...

    23,83 €

  • Orchid Biochemistry 2.0
    Jen-Tsung Chen
    This reprint is a printed version of the Special Issue, entitled 'Orchid Biochemistry 2.0', one literature review, and nine original research articles were published, and the Special Issue provides further insight into several critical subtopics, including reproduction biology, functional genomics in secondary metabolites, as well as polysaccharides and orchid mycorrhizae. ...

    69,61 €

    ¿Estás buscando un libro de recetas chinas para tus platos caseros?En este libro encontrarás muchas recetas de platos chinos tradicionales y modernos.Ahora puedes capturar los sabores de Chinatown en tu propia cocina. Este libro de cocina china hace que sea rápido y fácil preparar platos chinos favoritos para llevar en casa con recetas para principiantes que cualquiera puede do...

    31,95 €

    ¿Estás buscando recetas de libros de cocina china para tus platos caseros?En este libro encontrarás muchas recetas de platos chinos tradicionales y modernos.Ahora puedes capturar los sabores de Chinatown en tu propia cocina. Este libro de cocina china hace que sea rápido y fácil preparar platos chinos favoritos para llevar en casa, con recetas para principiantes que cualquiera ...

    31,11 €

  • 熊猫 儿童涂色书
    Jing Chén
    这本儿童着色书有22+可爱的熊猫,大熊猫,竹子树和更多的儿童,幼儿和学龄前儿童的着色和活动页。通过这个,孩子们可以在几个小时内涂色并获得乐趣,这些活动将使你的孩子在放松的同时得到娱乐。这些页面是以儿童友好、有趣的风格绘制的,孩子们会喜欢。这本书是一个完美的无数字屏幕活动,可以提高孩子的创造力和想象力。关于这本涂色书。从易到难的插图。22+神奇的插图。45页。带有标准8.5 'x11 '框架的艺术作品。高质量、漂亮的封面。本书中没有重复的图片。本书是单面的,以防止渗漏。适用于涂色笔、铅笔、马克笔和蜡笔等。最好的纸张质量。适合所有年龄的人。 ...

    6,41 €

    La cocina tailandesa se ha hecho muy popular, sobre todo por los sabores únicos y el calor que contienen la mayoría de los platos. Todos los platos están llenos de una abundancia de sabores, normalmente una maravillosa combinación dulce, ácida y salada. Los ingredientes típicos tailandeses incluyen cosas como galangal (similar al jengibre), leche de coco, tamarindo, hierba de l...

    32,79 €

  • Candyland
    Claire Chen
    Jim, Jake, and Larry are facing some struggles...The three boys live in Candyland, a place where everything is made out of candy. They established 'The Candy Boys,' a teen rock band. Jim is the lead singer, Jake plays the guitar, and Larry is their drummer. The Candy Boys were invited to a band competition at their school. Little did they know, dangerous figures from space were...

    7,43 €

    In questo libro troverai molte ricette di piatti asiatici tradizionali e moderni.Ora puoi catturare i sapori d’Oriente nella tua cucina. Questo libro di cucina cinese rende facile e veloce preparare i piatti cinesi da asporto a casa con ricette per principianti che chiunque può padroneggiare. Pollo. manzo Maiale Poche parole che richiamano in modo chiaro e distinto gli intensi,...

    32,79 €

  • Salvation
    Marianne Moessner Chen
    Who is Iso Masih?? Ihu Karaiti?? Yexus Khetos??With forty-one names for Jesus Christ woven into her poem, the author has written a stunningly unique biography of the Savior, beginning before creation and concluding with His eternal glory. The action involved in the events of his life builds excitement, suspense, wonder, and worship...the various names emphasize his amazing at...

    18,05 €

  • Salvation
    Marianne Moessner Chen
    Who is Iso Masih?? Ihu Karaiti?? Yexus Khetos??With forty-one names for Jesus Christ woven into her poem, the author has written a stunningly unique biography of the Savior, beginning before creation and concluding with His eternal glory. The action involved in the events of his life builds excitement, suspense, wonder, and worship...the various names emphasize his amazing at...

    30,42 €

  • Visible Light Communication (VLC)
    Chen Chen
    Visible light communication (VLC) using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or laser diodes (LDs) has been envisioned as one of the key enabling technologies for 6G and Internet of Things (IoT) systems, owing to its appealing advantages, including abundant and unregulated spectrum resources, no electromagnetic interference (EMI) radiation and high security. However, despite its many a...

    68,71 €

  • Computational Intelligence and Image Processing in Medical Applications
    C H Chen
    In recent years, there have been significant progress in computational intelligence and image processing with machine learning and deep learning as important components of modern artificial intelligence. All these progresses face challenges in dealing with Covid-19 pandemic for detection and treatment.This comprehensive compendium provides not only updated advances of computati...

    181,81 €

  • 她的名字叫’伊丽莎白’(Her Name Was Elizabeth, Chinese Edition)
    Eva Melby Brewster / Keching Chen / Keqing Chen

    24,77 €

  • Game Development with Unity for .NET Developers
    Jiadong Chen
    Get up and running with Unity with the help of expert guidance for addressing the performance issues encountered in Unity developmentKey Features:Discover solutions to common problems faced by .NET developers while creating games in UnityExplore tips, tricks, best practices, and advanced Unity coding techniques for creating impressive gamesUnderstand how to program with C# code...

    98,57 €

  • 阳光语思 (Sunshine Reflections, Chinese Edition)
    Serena Chen Wright
    本书集结了小作者从9岁到13岁的百余篇作品,内容包括散文、游记、童话、诗歌、科幻、西班牙语和英语译文等。 小作者出生在一个中西合璧的家庭里,虽然在美国出生长大,但自幼跟随妈妈学习中文,现在已完全可以无障碍地进行中文交流和写作。她以孩子的独特视角,和在其双文化的生活环境中用中文记录着自己成长中的点滴。与此同时,笔触细腻的文章也给读者带来了趣味性和可读性。其中部分作品获得过海内外征文比赛的奖项。 ...

    26,84 €

  • light waves
    Kirsten Shu-ying Chen
    Kirsten Shu-ying Chen’s searing debut collection offers a poignant exploration of the liminal space between what is holy and what is prosaic. Formalistically rich and varied, these poems do not blink in the face of grief, but shelter there. Chen 'curse[s] the wide width of the wound' and creates a world in which her poems link arms to enter the blistering present. A demonstrati...

    14,77 €

  • The Great Prajna Paramita Sutra, Volume 5
    Naichen Chen
    Prajna: transcendental wisdomParamita: ferrying over to the other shore; perfectionThe Great Prajna Paramita Sutra, taught by the Buddha in sixteen assemblies in four places over twenty-two years and recorded posthumously by his disciples in six hundred fascicles with approximately five million words, is regarded as the largest canon in Buddhism. It is important not only becaus...

    55,33 €

  • Applied Big Data Analytics and Its Role in COVID-19 Research
    Peng Zhao / Xi Chen
    There has been a multitude of studies focused on the COVID-19 pandemic across fields and disciplines as all sectors of life have had to adjust the way things are done and adapt to the constantly shifting environment. These studies are crucial as they provide support and perspectives on how things are changing and what needs to be done to stay afloat. Connecting COVID-19-related...

    353,97 €

  • Applied Big Data Analytics and Its Role in COVID-19 Research
    Peng Zhao / Xi Chen
    There has been a multitude of studies focused on the COVID-19 pandemic across fields and disciplines as all sectors of life have had to adjust the way things are done and adapt to the constantly shifting environment. These studies are crucial as they provide support and perspectives on how things are changing and what needs to be done to stay afloat. Connecting COVID-19-related...

    268,52 €

  • The Theory of True Love
    Yaping Chen
    True love not only does exist but is also found in most romantic relationships. By nature, we all need to love and to be loved during childhood and adult life. Unfortunately, key personality conflicts do not allow many people in relationships to sustain their true love toward each other. Recognizing the red- and green-light scenarios described in this book will help people iden...

    12,22 €