Catálogo de libros: Estudios teatrales

6281 Catálogo de libros: Estudios teatrales

  • Stage Voices
    Steve Capra
    Theaters worldwide have exhibited a bewildering array of form, style, tone and subject in the late 20th- and the early 21st centuries, and this range of work has been determined largely by its directors. This book documents this procession of theatre in interviews with 28 directors who’ve been most recognized and influential on the global stage. Their ideas are varied, even dis...

    57,72 €

  • Theatre Stories
    Edward Payson Call
    Unveil the Curtains of Regional Theatres early days with Edward Payson Call’s Journey - a Tale of Passion Journey into America’s regional theatre movement with Theatre Stories, the autobiography of renowned theatre director, Edward Payson Call. From his origins as a student director to becoming a national theatrical figure, Ed Call’s life was one of passion and spirit. Born int...

    35,81 €

  • Theatre Stories
    Edward Payson Call
    Unveil the Curtains of Regional Theatres early days with Edward Payson Call’s Journey - a Tale of Passion Journey into America’s regional theatre movement with Theatre Stories, the autobiography of renowned theatre director, Edward Payson Call. From his origins as a student director to becoming a national theatrical figure, Ed Call’s life was one of passion and spirit. Born int...

    20,37 €

  • Building a Sustainable Theater
    Scott Walters
    You are an artist, not an employee. Artists own their work and control their career. This book is about change, innovation, rebooting the theater system in order to make it more widely available and its artists more strongly empowered. It is written for theater artists who are trailblazers and bushwhackers who want to take control of the theatrical means of production by starti...

    16,26 €

  • I’m sitting on the shore...
    Ruben David Gonzalez Gallego
    When your fate and your destiny are playing game of chess they never look at the board.In this life, you are either a player or a chess piece. To be a player, you need to take responsibility for your decisions. Will you help another one even if you are helpless yourself? Will you betray your friend to save his life? Once you enter the game, you must keep playing it. It doesn’t ...

    28,22 €

  • Blockbusters of Victorian Theater, 1850-1910
    Paul Fryer
    This edited collection of essays details a wide-ranging selection of some of the most sensationally successful theatre productions of the long Victorian era, the real ''blockbusters'' of the age. Ranging from the world of operetta and music hall to spectacular drama and sensational melodrama, the productions included provide the reader with definitive proof that the phenomenon ...

    109,71 €

  • Brincar E Sonhar É Só Começar
    Conceição Ribeiro De Araújo
    Você está prestes a participar de uma peça de teatro. Não! Não precisa ter feito nenhum curso de dramaturgia em Artes Cênicas. Basta virar as páginas e, como se abrissem as cortinas, você se encontrará com as personagens em ação. Deixe a sua imaginação ser guiada ao mundo do faz de conta, a partir da leitura e fala das personagens.Brincar e Sonhar é Só Começar é uma peça teatra...

    10,46 €

  • The Essence of Acting
    Lloyd Green
    Embark on an immersive exploration into the heart of the performing arts with 'The Essence of Acting: Techniques, Triumphs, and Trials.' This comprehensive tome delves deep into the multifaceted world of acting, offering readers an unparalleled journey from its historical origins to the cutting-edge practices of today’s most accomplished actors. At its core, acting is an art fo...

    10,92 €

  • Twelve Short Plays and One Long One
    Melvyn Chase
    Teachers of the Theatre Arts will find this unique collection of twelve one-act plays ideally suited for classes in acting and directing. Most of the pieces are two-handers, some serious, some comedic. By design, the format is simple and flexible, allowing for effective classroom performances without sets or props, and with a minimum of stage business. Importantly, each play ca...

    19,28 €

  • Short Tales Volume 4
    Nicolette Bethel
    Shakespeare in Paradise is a theatre festival held every October in Nassau, Bahamas. Part of its mission is to develop new works and new talent for Bahamian theatre. Short Tales was established in 2018 as a part of that endeavour.Short Tales is an evening of seven new plays by novice authors, directed by early-career directors. The directors work with Shakespeare in Paradise re...

    17,40 €

  • Finding Fame
    Michael Fomkin
    IMAGINE that tomorrow you could . . .Be face-to-face with an Academy Award-winning director, talking about your ambitions and hearing their adviceSpeak directly to a casting director who works with some of the biggest names in Hollywood, and get tips on auditioning right from the sourcePlay your demo for the producer of a major record label and get their immediate feedbackMeet ...

    18,77 €

  • El Hijo Maldito
    Seydou Koné
    Tiacoh, un brillante estudiante en su último año, tiene una relación romántica con la colegiala Akoua. Meses después, Akoua queda embarazada de su novio. Cuando nació Dieudonné, el señor Beda repudió y echó de la casa familiar a su hijo Tiacoh por su pérdida del conocimiento. ¿La admisión del joven estudiante de secundaria al bachillerato logrará reconciliarlo con su padre? ...

    34,26 €

  • Zara
    Sophye Rosenilda Rocha Moura
    Este livro é uma viagem para quem quer entrar para a área de investigação privada.É a reunião romanceada de várias fases de trabalhos investigativos.E o respeitoda Detetive Profissional Privada Mili com a Cadela Zara é fabuloso.Livro aclamado entre leitores.O importante é a viagem que nos leva, de forma leve e você tem dúvidas da capacidade da amizade entre Zara e ...

    27,16 €

  • Monsieur de Pourceaugnac
    Deux jeunes amants, Éraste et Julie, vivent à Paris. Ils se rencontrent en secret de peur qu’Oronte, le père de Julie, découvre leur relation. Oronte a donné sa fille en mariage à un certain Léonard de Pourceaugnac, bourgeois de Limoges. Dégoûtés par cette idée, les deux amants font appel à une entremetteuse, Nérine et un fourbe napolitain Sbrigani, pour contrer le projet d’Oro...

    10,06 €

  • Les Précieuses ridicules
    Burlesque et mordant, Molière, dans sa pièce, tend un piège à deux pecques de province qui se prennent pour des femmes branchées ultra-spirituelles quand elles ne sont que des... Précieuses ridicules. Vite, venez nous tendre ici dedans le conseiller des grâces. Vite, voiturez-nous ici les commodités de la conversation. Ne soyez pas inexorable à ce fauteuil qui vous tend les...

    9,78 €

  • L’École des maris
    Deux frères sont tous deux tuteurs de deux sœurs orphelines. Tolérant et compréhensif, Ariste laisse Léonor libre de ses choix. Son cadet, Sganarelle, se montre, en revanche, rébarbatif et circonspect envers Isabelle qui, amoureuse de Valère, devra avoir recours à des subterfuges pour avoir raison des soupçons de son impérieux tuteur. Elle se rendra ainsi, en se faisant passer ...

    9,93 €

  • La Comtesse d’Escarbagnas
    Madame la Comtesse d’Escarbagnas, noble veuve provinciale, est de retour chez elle, au terme d’un voyage de deux mois à Paris.Un séjour qui lui a permis de voir toute la Cour à Versailles, d’y observer l’étiquette pratiquée par les gens du monde, leur conversation, leurs manières, leurs usages...Éblouie, elle s’est bien juré de faire pratiquer en sa propre demeure d’Angoulême l...

    10,72 €

  • Les Fâcheux
    Éraste est un gentilhomme amoureux d’Orphise. Malheureusement le tuteur de la jeune fille, Damis, projette un mariage avec un autre prétendant. Eraste doit se rendre à un rendez-vous amoureux avec Orphise, mais une dizaine de fâcheux ne cessent de les importuner l’un et l’autre. Damis, ayant entendu qu’Éraste projette de venir dans la maison d’Orphise veut l’assassiner. Mais Da...

    10,88 €

  • Les Fourberies de Scapin
    En l’absence de leurs pères partis en voyage, Octave, fils d’Argante ainsi que Léandre, fils de Géronte, se sont épris l’un de Hyacinthe, jeune fille pauvre et de naissance inconnue qu’il vient d’épouser, le second de la jeune Égyptienne Zerbinette.Au retour d’Argante, Octave, très inquiet de la réaction paternelle à l’annonce de son union et, de plus, fort à court d’argent, ...

    10,35 €

  • Imagining the words
    Jorge Veytia
    Through the reflection on different processes of creation around the poetics of William Shakespeare’s theater and the study of different cognitive models about image and imagination involved in my training and teaching processes, I review my own training framework as an actor and teacher, to understand how ideas about imagination and the use of different pedagogical tools influ...

    94,99 €

  • Sich die Worte vorstellen
    Jorge Veytia
    Indem ich über verschiedene Schöpfungsprozesse rund um die Poetik des Theaters von William Shakespeare nachdenke und verschiedene kognitive Modelle des Bildes und der Vorstellungskraft untersuche, die in meine Ausbildungs- und Lehrprozesse involviert sind, überprüfe ich meinen eigenen Ausbildungsrahmen als Schauspieler und Lehrer, um zu verstehen, wie Ideen über die Vorstellung...

    94,95 €

  • Imaginer les mots
    Jorge Veytia
    A travers une réflexion sur différents processus de création autour de la poétique du théâtre de William Shakespeare et l’étude de différents modèles cognitifs de l’image et de l’imagination impliqués dans mes processus de formation et d’enseignement, je revois mon propre cadre de formation en tant qu’acteur et enseignant, afin de comprendre comment les idées sur l’imagination ...

    94,99 €

  • Imaginar as palavras
    Jorge Veytia
    Através da reflexão sobre diferentes processos de criação em torno da poética do teatro de William Shakespeare e do estudo de diferentes modelos cognitivos de imagem e imaginação envolvidos nos meus processos de formação e ensino, revejo o meu próprio quadro de formação como ator e professor, para compreender como as ideias sobre a imaginação e a utilização de diferentes ferram...

    94,99 €

  • Представляя себе слова
    Ёрге Веытиа
    Размышляя о различных процессах творчества, связанных с поэтикой театра Уильяма Шекспира, и изучая различные когнитивные модели образа и воображения, задействованные в процессе обучения и преподавания, я рассматриваю собственную систему обучения как актера и педагога, чтобы понять, как идеи о воображении и использование различных педагогических инструментов влияют на структуру ...

    33,54 €

  • Immaginare le parole
    Jorge Veytia
    Riflettendo sui diversi processi di creazione intorno alla poetica del teatro di William Shakespeare e sullo studio dei diversi modelli cognitivi dell’immagine e dell’immaginazione coinvolti nei miei processi di formazione e insegnamento, rivedo il mio quadro di formazione come attore e insegnante, per capire come le idee sull’immaginazione e l’uso di diversi strumenti pedagogi...

    94,99 €

  • Performing the testimonial
    Amanda Stuart Fisher
    Performing the testimonial offers a new critical engagement with verbatim and testimonial theatre that draws on an analysis of a number of international contemporary verbatim and testimonial plays. Moving beyond discourses of the real, the book argues that testimonial theatre engages in acts of truth telling, performing new modes of witnessing. ...

    35,88 €

  • La Cassette
    Le titre de cette comédie provient d’une cassette ou corbeille (cistella) contenant des objets grâce auxquels Silénie, élevée par la courtisane Melénide, et qui enfant avait été exposée, sera finalement reconnue. Le jeune Alcésimarque s’éprend d’elle, et après avoir franchi tout une série d’obstacles, il pourra enfin l’épouser, lorsque l’on découvrira que Sélénie est la fille d...

    9,78 €

  • Casina
    Cette pièce raconte le combat entre un vieillard lubrique, amoureux d’une petite esclave, et sa mégère de femme qui fait tout pour l’empêcher d’arriver à ses fins. Des ruses sans cesse contrées, des raclées par esclaves interposés, des vieux qui jouent aux jeunes premiers et des matrones qui s’encanaillent pour la belle esclave Casina, dont tous parlent et qu’on ne voit jamais....

    9,65 €

  • Die heilige Elisabeth, Trauerspiel in fünf Aufzügen
    Friedrich Lienhard
    „Die heilige Elisabeth' ist die zweite von drei selbständigen dramatischen Dichtungen, die unter dem Gesamt-Titel „Wartburg' vereinigt sind. Diese Wartburg-Trilogie enthält die drei Dramen „Heinrich von Ofterdingen', „Die heilige Elisabeth' und „Luther auf der Wartburg'.Um das Jahr 1227 auf der Wartburg. Landgraf Ludwig und seine Gattin Elisabeth führen ein streng katholisches ...

    28,45 €

  • Christian Bible Drama Series, Christmas Edition (Revised Edition)
    Rev. Dr. Errol E. Leslie
    In the gospel of John, the writer ends the story by stating the purpose of writing the Gospel. This purpose is recorded in verses 30 and 31 of chapter 20.Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have l...

    12,26 €