Catálogo de libros: Estudios teatrales

5368 Catálogo de libros: Estudios teatrales

  • Balthazar!
    Hagop Baronian / Beyon Miloyan / Kimberley McFarlane
    First published in 1886 and long considered one of Hagop Baronian’s masterpieces, Balthazar! presents a farcical insight into the trials and tribulations of marital life in Constantinople’s Armenian upper-class. When Balthazar discovers that his wife, Anush, has been seen with another man, he hires a lawyer to initiate a divorce and appeals to his best friend Gibar to discover ...

    15,74 €

  • Christian Shakespeare
    Christian Shakespeare? The question was put to each contributor to this collection of essays. They received no further guidance about how to understand the question nor how to shape their responses. No particular theoretical approach, no shared definition of the question was required or encouraged. Rather, they were free to join, in whatever way they thought useful, the extensi...

    61,61 €

    Ayten Babayeva
    Die Monographie 'Die Rolle der Chorszenen bei der Lösung der dramaturgischen Linie in aserbaidschanischen Opern' ist der Untersuchung der musikalisch-dramaturgischen Merkmale der Chorszenen in der Dramaturgie der Opern aserbaidschanischer Komponisten gewidmet. In der Monographie wurden die Entwicklung der nationalen Operngattung und die dramaturgischen Gesetzmäßigkeiten der Cho...

    107,92 €

    Ayten Babayeva
    La monographie 'Le rôle des scènes de chœur dans la résolution de la ligne dramaturgique des opéras azerbaïdjanais' est consacrée à l’étude des caractéristiques musicales-dramaturgiques des scènes de chœur dans la dramaturgie des opéras des compositeurs azerbaïdjanais. Dans la monographie, le développement du genre de l’opéra national et les régularités dramaturgiques des scène...

    107,94 €

    Ayten Babayeva
    La monografia 'Il ruolo delle scene corali nella risoluzione della linea drammaturgica nelle opere azerbaigiane' è dedicata allo studio delle caratteristiche musicali-drammaturgiche delle scene corali nella drammaturgia delle opere dei compositori azerbaigiani. Nella monografia, lo sviluppo del genere operistico nazionale e le regolarità drammaturgiche delle scene corali sono s...

    107,97 €

    Ayten Babayeva
    A monografia 'O papel das cenas corais na resolução da linha dramatúrgica nas óperas do Azerbaijão' é dedicada ao estudo das características musico-dramatúrgicas das cenas corais na dramaturgia das óperas dos compositores do Azerbaijão. Na monografia, o desenvolvimento do género operático nacional e as regularidades dramatúrgicas das cenas corais foram estudadas de forma compar...

    107,97 €

    Айтен Бабаева
    Монография 'Роль хоровых сцен в решении драматургической линии в азербайджанских операх' посвящена исследованию музыкально-драматургических особенностей хоровых сцен в драматургии опер азербайджанских композиторов. В монографии проведено сравнительное изучение развития жанра национальной оперы и драматургических закономерностей хоровых сцен в рамках творчества азербайджанских к...

    38,69 €

  • A Companion to British-Jewish Theatre Since the 1950s
    The first of its kind, this companion to British-Jewish theatre brings a neglected dimension in the work of many prominent British theatre-makers to the fore. Its structure reflects the historical development of British-Jewish theatre from the 1950s onwards, beginning with an analysis of the first generation of writers that now forms the core of post-war British drama (includin...

    50,97 €

  • The Rise and Fall of the Royal Shakespeare Company
    Simon Trowbridge
    In this fully illustrated book, Simon Trowbridge tells the story of the Royal Shakespeare Company. He begins by making a comparison between the RSC and France’s national theatre company, the Comédie-Française. Like their colleagues in Paris, Peter Hall and his successors Trevor Nunn and Terry Hands believed in the artistic and wider cultural value of a permanent troupe, motivat...

    14,31 €

  • Basic On Stage Survival Guide For Amateur Actors
    Lee Mueller
    A revised edition of the amateur actors must-have guidebook! Here are helpful tips, tricks, and trivia for any novice actor or anyone wanting to set foot on the theatrical stage for the first time. What to expect at an audition for a play. What are directors looking for in an actor and what are they trying to avoid? How does the rehearsal process work? How do you know where to ...

    16,89 €

  • Weber and Fields
    Felix Isman
    The first and best biography of this pioneering comic duo and Broadway Stars--in a new edition! ...

    121,94 €

  • Weber and Fields
    Felix Isman
    The first and best biography of this pioneering comic duo and Broadway Stars--in a new edition! ...

    29,56 €

  • Stay As Dead As You Are
    Lee Mueller
    A Comedy Mystery Play - Haldeman High’s Class of ’82 has gathered for their reunion. Everyone is there; Babs and Guy Gleeson-the couple with the most school spirit, Marty "Budman"Budinski - formerly known as "Party-Hearty-Marty", Dick Alantra- former captain of the football, baseball and track teams, Gabrielle "The Fox" Fatelle- formerly every boy’s fantasy, now every boy’s nig...

    16,56 €

  • Carta della tecnologia teatrale
    Ekemini Akaninyene Effiong
    Le carenze architettoniche e l’inadeguatezza delle attrezzature nei teatri nigeriani sono un ostacolo per i teatranti di oggi, che devono progettare in modo convincente e in linea con le tendenze del progresso tecnologico universale. Questa affermazione contraddice ciò che Molinta Enendu ha fatto producendo con successo Noah Built the Ark nel 1995. Questo perché all’epoca esist...

    64,37 €

  • Papel de Tecnologia de Teatro
    Ekemini Akaninyene Effiong
    As deficiências arquitectónicas e as insuficiências de equipamento nos teatros nigerianos são obstáculos para os projectistas de teatro de hoje em dia, pois concebem de forma convincente em conjunto com as tendências do avanço tecnológico universal. Esta afirmação contradiz o que Molinta Enendu fez ao produzir Noé Construiu a Arca com sucesso em 1995. Isto porque, como na altur...

    64,37 €

  • Document sur la technologie du théâtre
    Ekemini Akaninyene Effiong
    Les déficiences architecturales et l’inadéquation des équipements dans les théâtres nigérians sont des obstacles pour les concepteurs de théâtre d’aujourd’hui, qui ne peuvent pas concevoir de manière convaincante en tandem avec les tendances du progrès technologique universel. Cette affirmation contredit ce que Molinta Enendu a fait en produisant Noah Built the Ark avec succès ...

    64,43 €

  • The role of choral scenes
    Ayten Babayeva
    The monograph 'The role of choral scenes in resolving the dramaturgical line in Azerbaijani operas' is devoted to the study of the musical-dramaturgical features of choral scenes in the dramaturgy of the operas of Azerbaijani composers. In the monograph, the development of the national opera genre and the dramaturgical regularities of the choral scenes were studied in a compara...

    106,35 €

  • Papier zur Theatertechnik
    Ekemini Akaninyene Effiong
    Die architektonischen Unzulänglichkeiten und die unzureichende Ausstattung nigerianischer Theater sind ein Hindernis für die heutigen Theaterdesigner, wenn es darum geht, überzeugende Entwürfe im Einklang mit den Trends des weltweiten technischen Fortschritts zu entwerfen. Diese Behauptung steht im Widerspruch zu dem, was Molinta Enendu bei der erfolgreichen Inszenierung von No...

    64,43 €

  • Реферат по театральной технологии
    Экемини Акан Эффионг
    Архитектурные недостатки и нехватка оборудования в нигерийских театрах мешают современным театральным дизайнерам создавать убедительные проекты в соответствии с тенденциями всеобщего технологического прогресса. Это утверждение противоречит тому, что сделал Молинта Эненду, успешно поставив спектакль 'Ной построил ковчег' в 1995 году. Это произошло потому, что на тот момент сущес...

    25,24 €

  • Angels in America at the British National Theatre
    Emily Garside
    Angels in America was one of the most significant pieces of American theatre in the 20th Century. Much has been written on Tony Kushner’s epic drama. However, the National Theatre of Great Britain’s productions of the show are relatively under-discussed. Not only was the National Theatre responsible for helping to originate the play in the early 1990s, but it helped revitali...

    94,07 €

  • Monologues and Duologues for the Drama Studio
    Jeffrey Grenfell-Hill
    This collection of historical and contemporary scenes offers drama teachers a wide range of topics through an exploration of vividly drawn texts.The opening pantomime dialogue contrasts with such serious issues as cholera and plastic pollution. These scenes give the drama studio a credible opportunity to develop partnerships with other departments within a school environment. H...

    15,10 €

  • Teatralidades originarias: otras voces
    Liliana Alzate Cuervo
    La Teatralidad originaria: otras voces es el resultado de la Beca en Investigación en Literatura Comparada 2020-2021 del Ministerio de Cultura en alianza con el Instituto Caro y Cuervo de Colombia. La investigación presenta una interpretación de las Otras Voces, aquellas que no se consagran en la oficialidad, reconoce en la práctica artística su dimensión histórica; seguidament...

    11,44 €

  • Blood of Nosferatu
    Darryl Pickett
    Dracula stalks the stage in this two-act thriller freely adapted from the Bram Stoker novel. Perfect for any company or community looking for a Halloween play requiring a large ensemble cast. (8 Male, 6 female, and 2 children - casting can be flexible) This version of the classic vampre tale focuses on Mina Murray, a suffragette and proto-feminist fighting social mores and faci...

    14,48 €

  • Nazim Hikmet
    Anna Chronopoulou
    Hikmet war nicht nur ein bekannter Dichter, sondern auch Dramatiker, Drehbuchautor, Romanautor und Kolumnist. Obwohl er als Dramatiker nicht sehr bekannt ist, hat er ein bedeutendes theatralisches Erbe hinterlassen. Hikmet schrieb nicht nur zahlreiche Theaterstücke, sondern war auch selbst Regisseur und Mitglied verschiedener Truppen. In vielen Fällen wohnte er den Proben seine...

    55,10 €

  • Nazim Hikmet
    Anna Chronopoulou
    En plus d’être un poète connu, Hikmet était également dramaturge, scénariste, romancier et chroniqueur. Bien que peu connu en tant que dramaturge, il a laissé un héritage théâtral important. Outre l’écriture d’un grand nombre de pièces, Hikmet était lui-même metteur en scène et membre de diverses troupes. Dans de nombreux cas, il assistait aux répétitions de ses pièces et les d...

    55,04 €

  • Nazim Hikmet
    Anna Chronopoulou
    Oltre a essere un noto poeta, Hikmet è stato anche drammaturgo, sceneggiatore, romanziere ed editorialista. Sebbene non sia molto conosciuto come drammaturgo, ha lasciato un’importante eredità teatrale. Oltre a scrivere un gran numero di opere, Hikmet è stato anche regista e membro di varie compagnie. In molti casi, partecipava alle prove delle sue opere e le dirigeva, mentre t...

    55,04 €

  • Nazim Hikmet
    Anna Chronopoulou
    Além de poeta conhecido, Hikmet foi também dramaturgo, argumentista, romancista e colunista. Embora não amplamente conhecido como dramaturgo, ele deixou uma herança teatral significativa. Para além de escrever um grande número de peças, Hikmet foi ele próprio um realizador e membro de várias troupes. Em muitos casos, assistiu aos ensaios das suas peças e dirigiu-as, enquanto te...

    55,04 €

  • Назим Хикмет
    Анна Кхронопоулоу
    Помимо того, что Хикмет был известным поэтом, он также был драматургом, сценаристом, романистом и обозревателем. Хотя он не был широко известен как драматург, он оставил значительное театральное наследие. Помимо написания большого количества пьес, Хикмет сам был режиссером и членом различных трупп. Во многих случаях он присутствовал на репетициях своих пьес и руководил ими, а т...

    23,74 €

  • Jeopardy within the Victorian Theatre
    Alan Stockwell / Brenda Stockwell
    In Victorian times the performing space, be it stage, music hall platform, or circus ring could be as dangerous as mine, mill or factory. Behind the spectacle and splendour lurked disaster, destitution and death.         Surprisingly, many stage hands were injured and killed during a performance. Flymen whose place of work was a narrow gallery high above the stage were in const...

    23,24 €

  • Artists Activating Sustainability
    Barbara Sellers-Young
    Artists Activating Sustainability: The Oregon Story examines the way in which the artists within specific communities, against the background of landscape and history, reveal concepts of sustainability that help us broaden our knowledge of what is needed to create a sustainable world. ...

    180,15 €