Catálogo de libros: stefan kuhl

12 Catálogo de libros: stefan kuhl

  • Exploring Markets
    Stefan Kühl
    Organizations construct their environments themselves. From the bewildering, chaotic array of impressions, they take those bits of information that enable them to produce such a view of the environment – one that makes it possible for them to operate in the environment with relative confidence. Thus, contrary to what traditional market research suggests, organizations do not re...

    7,33 €

  • Useful Illegality
    Stefan Kühl
    Organizations face a dilemma. On the one hand, they have to ensure the effectiveness of their official policy, but on the other hand, they count on their members to frequently deviate from the rules and ignore instructions for the sake of the organization. This is because formal rules are often too rigid to fit every situation, so organizations must be willing to tolerate devia...

    11,60 €

  • Organizations
    Stefan Kühl
    From companies, public administrations, universities, and schools to hospitals, prisons, political parties, and the military, organizations influence us from the moment we are born to the moment we die. However, we receive no training in how to deal with them, whether as their members, customers, patients, or voters.Organizations-what are these entities that have such a strong ...

    7,71 €

  • Sisyphus in Management
    Stefan Kühl
    On the one hand, employees are supposed to compete with one another as “intrapreneurs,” on the other, cooperation among employees is a top priority. The motto is: we are all pulling together but only the best will prevail. On the one hand, “intrapreneurs” are supposed to break the rules that have been handed down from above, yet at the same time they are supposed to respect the...

    11,90 €

  • The Rainmaker Effect
    Stefan Kühl
    The belief that rainmakers bring rain is a superstition, but they are able to create cohesion among the people who believe in their powers. Stefan Kühl describes how the rainmaker effect works in the model of the learning organization. Many of the modern management principles that are billed as formulas for success – e.g., clear objectives, employee identification, participatio...

    11,95 €

  • Influencing Organizational Culture
    Stefan Kühl
    In the management discourse few words are thrown about more carelessly than ‘organizational culture’. While the term is usually defined too broadly—including such phenomena as assumptions, values, traditions, articles of faith, myths and artifacts—this book applies a far more narrow concept. Organizational culture, or the informal structure of an organization, is a term used to...

    6,93 €

  • Designing Organizations
    Judith Muster / Stefan Kühl
    When (re-)designing organizations, one must first be clear about what is meant by the structures of an organization and what can be done in order to change them. In this book, we present communication channels, programs and personnel as central structures. We also unfold the aspects that come to the forefront when one focuses on either the formal, the informal or the display si...

    7,53 €

  • Developing Mission Statements
    Stefan Kühl
    Companies are no longer the only organizations that develop mission statements; administrations, hospitals, universities, schools and associations are following. After a phase of euphoria in which true miracles were expected, mission statements have come under increasing critique for their moralizing overtones. By applying new approaches from organizational research, this book ...

    7,53 €

  • Managing Projects
    Stefan Kühl
    The linear, goal-oriented approach to projects that is so popular in management literature is only appropriate if you are dealing with well-defined problems. For projects that address poorly defined problems, however, the principles of classic project management don’t work; project managers attempt in vain to maintain a linear approach, even if targets, people affected and fram...

    6,84 €

  • Developing Strategies
    Stefan Kühl
    Hardly any other management concept is as overused as strategy, yet at the same time hardly any other concept is as vaguely defined. As a means of escaping the conceptual jumble, this monograph suggests a systems-theoretical definition which makes it possible to sort out the various threads of the strategy discussion. Strategies are “search programs” used for finding the means ...

    7,07 €

  • Lateral Leading
    Stefan Kühl
    In organizations, there are always situations that can’t be fixed with top-down directives. Often the only thing left to do is to craft cooperative relationships through understanding, power, or trust. The concept of lateral leadership – leading to the side – brings together ideas about how we can create processes of understanding, construct arenas of power, and build trusting ...

    6,84 €

  • When the Monkeys Run the Zoo
    Stefan Kühl
    Every change takes its toll. Stefan Kühl critically examines the blind enthusiasm that continues to celebrate the leveling of hierarchies and the decentralization of organizations.  Relying on studies performed in European and U.S. companies, Kühl describes why these management concepts can carry organizations to the edge of extinction. Organizations are facing the challenge of...

    12,10 €