Catálogo de libros: s c

2723 Catálogo de libros: s c

  • Toque
    C. S Luis
    Alfred é um cara solitário e comum, sem nada acontecendo em sua vida, então ele não consegue entender por que sua garota dos sonhos, Jessica, gostaria de ter algo a ver com ele. Contudo ele logo percebe que não tem nada a ver com sua aparência, mas que possui a ferramenta certa para atraí-la. E se jogar as cartas certas, ele pode finalmente tornar seus sonhos em realidade e con...

    8,73 €

  • Airship of Dreams
    C.M.S. Thornton
    'Airship of Dreams' is a true story that can be read by itself, although it is also Book #1 of the VALIANT HEART trilogy. It describes William Palstra’s extraordinary life, which ended in 1930 when His Majesty’s airship R101 exploded in flames, changing the world forever. An Air Force pilot and decorated hero, Palstra returns to Australia in 1919, at the end of the First World ...

    59,43 €

  • Love at Country Pine
    S.C. Principale
    Country Pines Motel lies on the outskirts of the small, paranormal-friendly town of Pine Ridge. If you blink, you’ll miss it-literally. But if you are lucky enough to catch sight of it, the perfect night awaits just beyond the door.Love at Country Pines features monsters and their mates in the steamiest scenarios you can imagine. Stop in and discover: A minotaur and his new br...

    14,26 €

  • The Flower Girl
    C. S. M. Beaten / Scott Beaten
    Death: The unknown, demons, good spirits, love, going close to Heaven, and coming back. Grief, loss, the promise that things work out in the end between Tyler and Aaron, a young teenage girl and boy, lifelong friends who talked about getting married one day. They grew through childhood innocence, doing what children do to puberty and seeing each other in a different, more roman...

    19,52 €

  • The Three Magical Books of Solomon
    Aleister Crowley / F.C Conybeare / S. L. MacGregor Mathers
    2024 Hardcover Reprint of the three Grimoires bound into one volume. This omnibus edition reprints the three great magical works of King Solomon in one volume. The Key of Solomon the King was originally researched and translated by S.L. MacGregor Mathers from ancient manuscripts in the British museums. The work is traditionally divided into two books detailing the Key of King ...

    30,11 €

  • Dance and the teaching and learning process
    Áurea Nascimento de Siqueira M. / Elisabeth Regina Alves C. S. / Tiago Fernando De Holanda
    Dance plays a fundamental role in the teaching and learning process in early childhood education, as it contributes directly to children’s development, providing countless possibilities for experience. Through dance activities, children discover various ways of moving, building concepts, ideas and actions. By making movements, children get to know their bodies and their limitat...

    54,90 €

  • Mindful Universe
    Dharmesh C. Sharma / Kailashi Shanta S. / Prof. Indu Sharma
    Why to Read Mindful Universe....?Do you want to learn how to manifest your dream life by decoding the language of the universe?Do you want to discover the secrets of quantum physics, neuroscience, and spirituality that can help you understand the nature of reality and your role in it?Do you want to tap into the infinite intelligence and creative power of the universe’s mind and...

    80,08 €

  • Eine Bewertung der Bereitschaft der Landwirte für den Übergang zu ökologischen Praktiken
    Madurika Nanayakkara / S M W Prasanna Ariyarathna / S.C. Thushara
    Diese Forschungsstudie zielte darauf ab, das Potenzial der Landwirte für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft (SA) und seinen Zusammenhang mit ihrer Bereitschaft für ökologische Praktiken zu bewerten. Die Relevanz des Forschungsthemas wird durch die Notwendigkeit unterstrichen, eine politische Entscheidung der Regierung aus dem Jahr 2021 neu zu bewerten, die erhebliche Auswirkungen ...

    129,21 €

  • Une évaluation de l’état de préparation des agriculteurs à la transition vers des pratiques biologiques
    Madurika Nanayakkara / S M W Prasanna Ariyarathna / S.C. Thushara
    Cette étude de recherche visait à évaluer le potentiel des agriculteurs en matière d’agriculture durable (AS) et son lien avec leur préparation aux pratiques biologiques. La pertinence du sujet de recherche est soulignée par la nécessité de réévaluer une décision politique prise par le gouvernement en 2021, qui a eu un impact significatif sur le secteur de la riziculture dans l...

    129,25 €

  • Una valutazione della preparazione degli agricoltori alla transizione verso le pratiche biologiche
    Madurika Nanayakkara / S M W Prasanna Ariyarathna / S.C. Thushara
    Questo studio di ricerca mirava a valutare il potenziale degli agricoltori per l’agricoltura sostenibile (SA) e la sua connessione con la loro preparazione per le pratiche biologiche. La rilevanza del tema della ricerca è sottolineata dalla necessità di rivalutare una decisione politica presa dal governo nel 2021, che ha avuto un impatto significativo sul settore della coltivaz...

    129,30 €

  • Uma avaliação da preparação dos agricultores para a transição para práticas biológicas
    Madurika Nanayakkara / S M W Prasanna Ariyarathna / S.C. Thushara
    Este estudo de investigação teve como objectivo avaliar o potencial dos agricultores para a agricultura sustentável (SA) e a sua ligação com a sua preparação para práticas orgânicas. A relevância do tema de pesquisa é ressaltada pela necessidade de reavaliar uma decisão política tomada pelo governo em 2021, que impactou significativamente o setor de cultivo de arroz no país. O ...

    129,29 €

  • Femmes enceintes et indice de masse corporelle
    Jenniffer A. Castellanos Maria C. P. / Lina Magaly Paredes Leon / Yhoiss S. Mu Liliana S. Monsalve
    L’étiologie de l’obésité est complexe et comprend des facteurs génétiques, environnementaux, culturels et socio-économiques. L’Organisation mondiale de la santé a révélé que 39 % des femmes en âge de procréer sont en surpoids, ce qui a un impact direct sur l’augmentation des grossesses avec un risque de morbidité périnatale et de maladies chroniques non transmissibles. L’object...

    86,83 €

  • Pregnant Women and Body Mass Index
    Jenniffer A. Castellanos Maria C. P. / Lina Magaly Paredes Leon / Yhoiss S. Mu Liliana S. Monsalve
    The etiology of obesity is complex and includes genetic, environmental, cultural and socioeconomic factors. The World Health Organization revealed that 39% of women of reproductive age are overweight, which has a direct impact on the increase of pregnancies with risk of perinatal morbidity and chronic noncommunicable diseases. The aim of the study was to characterize the sociod...

    86,77 €

  • Schwangere Frauen und Body-Mass-Index
    Jenniffer A. Castellanos Maria C. P. / Lina Magaly Paredes Leon / Yhoiss S. Mu Liliana S. Monsalve
    Die Ätiologie der Fettleibigkeit ist komplex und umfasst genetische, umweltbedingte, kulturelle und sozioökonomische Faktoren. Nach Angaben der Weltgesundheitsorganisation sind 39 % der Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter übergewichtig, was sich unmittelbar auf die Zunahme der Schwangerschaften mit dem Risiko perinataler Morbidität und chronischer nicht übertragbarer Krankheiten auswi...

    86,83 €

  • Donne incinte e indice di massa corporea
    Jenniffer A. Castellanos Maria C. P. / Lina Magaly Paredes Leon / Yhoiss S. Mu Liliana S. Monsalve
    L’eziologia dell’obesità è complessa e comprende fattori genetici, ambientali, culturali e socio-economici. L’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità ha rivelato che il 39% delle donne in età riproduttiva è in sovrappeso, il che ha un impatto diretto sull’aumento delle gravidanze con rischio di morbilità perinatale e di malattie croniche non trasmissibili. Lo scopo dello studio è ...

    86,77 €

  • Gestantes e Índice de Massa Corporal
    Jenniffer A. Castellanos Maria C. P. / Lina Magaly Paredes Leon / Yhoiss S. Mu Liliana S. Monsalve
    A etiologia da obesidade é complexa, incluindo factores genéticos, ambientais, culturais e socioeconómicos. A Organização Mundial de Saúde revelou que 39% das mulheres em idade reprodutiva têm excesso de peso, o que tem um impacto direto no aumento de gravidezes com risco de morbilidade perinatal e doenças crónicas não transmissíveis. O objetivo do estudo foi caraterizar os fat...

    86,83 €

  • Grenzen und Möglichkeiten bei der Einführung des Tanzunterrichts
    Áurea Nascimento de Siqueira M. / lisabeth Regina Alves C. S. / Tiago Fernando De Holanda
    Tanz spielt eine grundlegende Rolle im Lehr- und Lernprozess in der frühkindlichen Bildung, da er direkt zur Entwicklung der Kinder beiträgt und unzählige Erfahrungsmöglichkeiten bietet. Durch tänzerische Aktivitäten entdecken Kinder verschiedene Möglichkeiten, sich zu bewegen und Konzepte, Ideen und Handlungen zu entwickeln. Indem sie sich bewegen, lernen sie ihren Körper und ...

    56,21 €

  • Limites et possibilités dans l’introduction de l’enseignement de la danse
    Áurea Nascimento de Siqueira M. / Elisabeth Regina Alves C. S. / iago Fernando de Holanda
    La danse joue un rôle fondamental dans le processus d’enseignement et d’apprentissage de l’éducation de la petite enfance, car elle contribue directement au développement des enfants en leur offrant d’innombrables possibilités d’expériences. À travers les activités de danse, les enfants découvrent différentes façons de bouger, de construire des concepts, des idées et des action...

    56,21 €

  • Limiti e possibilità nell’introduzione dell’insegnamento della danza
    Áurea Nascimento de Siqueira M. / Elisabeth Regina Alves C. S. / Tiago Fernando De Holanda
    La danza svolge un ruolo fondamentale nel processo di insegnamento e apprendimento nell’educazione della prima infanzia, in quanto contribuisce direttamente allo sviluppo dei bambini, offrendo innumerevoli possibilità di esperienza. Attraverso le attività di danza, i bambini scoprono vari modi di muoversi, costruendo concetti, idee e azioni. Facendo movimenti, i bambini imparan...

    56,21 €

  • Développement de barres de céréales à base de légumineuses
    Camila de Oliveira Barros / Kátia E. de S. Miranda / Wagna P. C. dos Santos
    Les barres de céréales sont devenues très populaires sur le marché alimentaire. Elles sont considérées comme pratiques et, selon leur composition, offrent des avantages pour la santé. De nouvelles alternatives ont été développées pour améliorer la qualité nutritionnelle des barres de céréales. Cette étude a cherché à développer des barres de céréales à partir de farines de mang...

    49,74 €

  • Entwicklung von Getreideriegeln auf der Basis von Hülsenfrüchten
    Camila de Oliveira Barros / Kátia E. de S. Miranda / Wagna P. C. dos Santos
    Müsliriegel sind auf dem Lebensmittelmarkt sehr beliebt geworden. Sie gelten als praktisch und bieten, je nach Zusammensetzung, gesundheitliche Vorteile. Es wurden neue Alternativen entwickelt, um die ernährungsphysiologische Qualität von Müsliriegeln zu verbessern. Ziel dieser Studie war es, Müsliriegel aus dem Mehl von Mangalô, Caupi und Andu-Bohnen zu entwickeln, die die lok...

    49,74 €

  • Sviluppo di barrette di cereali a base di legumi
    Camila de Oliveira Barros / Kátia E. de S. Miranda / Wagna P. C. dos Santos
    Le barrette di cereali sono diventate molto popolari sul mercato alimentare. Sono considerate pratiche e, a seconda della loro composizione, offrono benefici per la salute. Sono state sviluppate nuove alternative per migliorare la qualità nutrizionale delle barrette di cereali. Questo studio ha cercato di sviluppare barrette di cereali a partire da farine di fagioli mangalô, ca...

    49,68 €

  • Development of cereal bars based on legumes
    Camila de Oliveira Barros / Kátia E. de S. Miranda / Wagna P. C. dos Santos
    Cereal bars have become very popular in the food market. They are considered practical and, depending on their composition, provide health benefits. New alternatives have been developed to improve the nutritional quality of cereal bars. This study sought to develop cereal bars from mangalô, caupi and andu bean flours, valuing local culture and eating habits, adding value to reg...

    49,68 €

  • Life After Death
    S. C. Muir
    Still reeling from his family’s lies, Zahir travels across the world to master his magic. With the threat of death looming over him, he must adapt to a life so unlike his own and work harder than he knew possible, all while reconciling with who he really is. Back home, Mari assumes her role as Queen of a clan she knows little about. Struggling with ineffective advisors, a devio...

    13,60 €

  • Ethel Morton and the Christmas Ship
    Mabell S. C. Smith
    'IT’S up to Roger Morton to admit that there’s real, true romance in the world after all,' decided Margaret Hancock as she sat on the Mortons’ porch one afternoon a few days after school had opened in the September following the summer when the Mortons and Hancocks had met for the first time at Chautauqua. James and Margaret had trolleyed over to see Roger and Helen from Glen P...

    16,10 €

  • Lynxian in Love
    S.C. Principale
    Fall in love with the alien from the galaxy next door... Before Layla convinced Rupex that Sapien-Three girls were worth a shot... Before a silent Tigerite found his voice while falling in love... There was a mistake. Cherie knew her patients at the Pleasure Park deserved better treatment-and she’d willingly bent the rules to help a bunch of them land a mysterious job far from...

    18,54 €

  • Inspirational Poems For Healing
    Felice S.C
    Experience the transformative power of poetry with 'Inspirational Poems For Healing.' This captivating collection of uplifting and heartfelt poems is specifically tailored to offer solace and comfort to individuals enduring the hardships of illness. Each verse is a beacon of hope, radiating warmth and encouragement to those in need. From the depths of despair to the heights of ...

    22,90 €

  • Saving Eden. An Ecology Romance.
    S C Hamill
    Stop and smell the roses with Saving Eden! An Ecology Romance Featuring UK country pop band, Ward Thomas.This captivating tale will sweep you into a world of romance, ecology, and adventure.An American girl and a renowned British ecologist cross paths in Harlan County, Kentucky in the most unexpected way. Will saving the environment bring them closer together or tear them apar...

    20,57 €

  • Princess Isa and the Dreaming Dragon
    S.C. Luxmea
    A Magical Quest AwaitsIn the land where the sun reigns eternal, Princess Isa’s heart longs for the mysteries of the night, now just a legend in Solara. Her quest for these forgotten wonders leads her to Draken, a dragon who once danced under starlit skies. Together, they embark on a quest to uncover why the stars disappeared and how to bring them back.Their journey takes them t...

    21,46 €

  • Princess Isa and the Dreaming Dragon
    S.C. Luxmea
    A Magical Quest AwaitsIn the land where the sun reigns eternal, Princess Isa’s heart longs for the mysteries of the night, now just a legend in Solara. Her quest for these forgotten wonders leads her to Draken, a dragon who once danced under starlit skies. Together, they embark on a quest to uncover why the stars disappeared and how to bring them back.Their journey takes them t...

    13,32 €