Catálogo de libros: n

17538 Catálogo de libros: n

  • Losing to Win
    Shondra N. Davis
    'The race is not given to the swift nor the strong but to the one who endures to the end.'Following a car accident that left her debilitated and unable to work, Shondra became afraid that life as she knew it was about to drastically change. Healthcare Administrator with the opportunity for yet another promotion, happily married to her college sweetheart, daughter set to be the ...

    9,77 €

  • Agastya in the Tamil Land
    K. N. Sivaraja Pillai
    Agastya in the Tamil Land by K. N. Sivaraja Pillai first published in 1930.No tradition is so widespread throughout the length and breadth of the Tamil country as that concerning sage Agastya and his numerous exploits. Of all the mythic, semi-historic and historic personages of the Aryan annals, who have figured in South Indian History, Agastya has occupied the foremost place a...

    17,76 €

    Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics being a super specialty in the field of dentistry have been evolving since the early 18th century. Even though the orthodontic field has evolved through the years still the results are little compromised because of adverse effects caused by orthodontic treatment. I am happy to introduce this first edition of my book titled 'Orthodontic S...

    85,76 €

  • Royally Divine
    M.N. Lash
    One UndivineTwo RoyalsThree Games that will change everythingI have been a maid for the Lunar Royals for five long years. It’s a pretty easy job, actually. Clean, follow other maids around, and wait for a High Divine to call upon you. Any Undivine can do this job. But I’m not any Undivine.Secrets, lies, betrayal. That’s what I expected from the Divine, and it’s exactly what I g...

    12,54 €

  • Test, mesure et évaluation en éducation physique et en sciences du sport
    B. Gowri Naidu / Prof. N. Vijay Mohan
    Le présent ouvrage intitulé 'A Text Book on Test, Measurement & Evaluation in Physical Education and Sports Sciences' représente un effort considérable de la part de l’auteur dans le domaine de l’éducation physique et des sciences du sport. Il existe de nombreux ouvrages sur les tests, les mesures et l’évaluation dans d’autres domaines, mais ils ne répondent pas aux besoins de ...

    89,24 €

  • Test, Messung und Auswertung in der Leibeserziehung und den Sportwissenschaften
    B. Gowri Naidu / Prof. N. Vijay Mohan
    Das vorliegende Lehrbuch mit dem Titel 'A Text Book on Test, Measurement & Evaluation in Physical Education and Sports Sciences' (Ein Lehrbuch über Test, Messung und Bewertung in der Leibeserziehung und den Sportwissenschaften) ist eine enorme Anstrengung des Autors auf dem Gebiet der Leibeserziehung und der Sportwissenschaften. Es gibt zahlreiche Bücher über Test, Messung und ...

    89,23 €

  • Test, misurazioni e valutazioni in educazione fisica e scienze dello sport
    B. Gowri Naidu / Prof. N. Vijay Mohan
    Il presente libro di testo intitolato 'A Text Book on Test, Measurement & Evaluation in Physical Education and Sports Sciences' è un enorme sforzo dell’autore nel campo dell’educazione fisica e delle scienze sportive. Esistono numerosi libri su test, misurazione e valutazione relativi ad altre aree disciplinari, ma non rispondono in modo specifico alle esigenze dell’educazione ...

    89,27 €

  • Teste, Medição e Avaliação em Educação Física e Ciências do Desporto
    B. Gowri Naidu / Prof. N. Vijay Mohan
    O presente livro de texto intitulado 'A Text Book on Test, Measurement & Evaluation in Physical Education and Sports Sciences' é um esforço tremendo do autor no campo da Educação Física e das Ciências do Desporto. Existem numerosos livros disponíveis sobre Teste, Medição e Avaliação relacionados com outras áreas disciplinares, mas que não respondem especialmente às necessidades...

    89,27 €

  • My Tour Overseas (1944 - 1946)
    N. A. Shinfield
    Born in 1924, Noel Albert Shinfield was not conscripted to join the RAF until 1943, four years after the outbreak of World War II. Aged just 18, he set sail for destinations unknown, ending up serving as a wireless (radio) technician in India, Burma and Malaysia. Discovered in the bottom of an old wardrobe months after he died, this diary was transcribed and published to presen...

    10,65 €

  • The Unraveling of Jonathan
    N. de Bruijn
    A respected surgeon, driven by sinister desires, crosses moral boundaries by taking the life of a vulnerable patients. Carefully disposing of evidence, the surgeon hides the heinous act, setting the stage for a series of dark experiments that would later unravel, revealing the horrors hidden within the quiet town. ...

    6,01 €

  • Geospatial Computational Methods
    John N. Hatzopoulos / Nikolaos J. Hatzopoulos
    This book is for students and professionals involved in Geospatial Computations and related areas such as Geomatics, Surveying Engineering, Geoinformatics, Geospatial Information Science and Technology (GIS&T), Geography, Geology, Agriculture, and Geointelligence. More emphasis is given to using scientific methods and tools materialized in algorithms and software to produce pra...

    136,80 €

  • Duistere onthullingen
    N. de Bruijn
    Een gerespecteerde chirurg, gedreven door sinistere verlangens, overschrijdt morele grenzen door het leven te nemen van een kwetsbare patiënt. De chirurg gooit zorgvuldig bewijsmateriaal weg en verbergt de gruwelijke daad, waarmee hij de weg vrijmaakt voor een reeks duistere experimenten die later zouden ontrafelen en de verschrikkingen zouden onthullen die verborgen waren in h...

    7,18 €

  • In Search of the Death-Less State
    Eric N Dowsett
    And The Many Benefits To Be Had Along The Way A journey into self understanding and a greater awareness of our true nature as seen through the eyes of the author and his current understanding of the teachings of the Buddha. ...

    19,69 €

  • Cavern of Lies
    A. N. Sage
    It’s time to face your demons in the third novel of this thrilling new witchy series about a young girl in a town full of terrifying secrets, unlikely allies, and a forbidden romance that will leave you wanting more.One minute, I’m partying. The next, I’m chained to a cave wall, and not on purpose.As a witch, I have skills-skills that should get me out of this fine mess. Right?...

    16,02 €

  • Book of Darkness
    A. N. Sage
    New monsters lurk in the shadows in the second novel of this thrilling new witchy series about a young girl in a town full of terrifying secrets, unlikely allies, and a forbidden romance that will leave you wanting more.All I wanted was the normal life of a teenager. What I got was a deathtrap.My name is Billie Stonewall, and I’m smack dab in the middle of a potential disaster....

    16,06 €

  • How to Bare Your Neck and Save a Wreck
    D. N. Bryn
    'I only take what’s owed me, and you, my little swan, owe me blood.'A single kiss from a masked vampire has left Shane with an obsession and a mission: uncover the secrets of the black-market blood trade and find his mystery vampire in the process. But one knock at the wrong door and he could have fangs at his throat instead of lips.Andres is trying to forget his kiss with Shan...

    20,40 €

  • Understanding Workplace Burnout
    N.L. Nelani
    Do you feel highly stressed at work?Perhaps, you find it difficult to address issues or excess workload with your manager, leading to working yourself to your limits before suffering burnout.Or maybe you have a member of your team or a friend that is struggling with burnout at work, and you want to learn how you can help them.Perhaps, you have constantly struggled with this iss...

    16,55 €

  • Beautiful Ruin
    Juliette N Banks
    She’s not mine, and I should stay away. But I won’t. I’m not sure she wants me to leave her alone. Sure, I’m a powerful and wealthy Dufort, but even after my damn brother (her boss) warned Leilani that my sexual appetite stretches to more than one lover - at the same time-her greedy lust-filled eyes still follow me. I’m convinced she’s far less innocent than everyone thinks. An...

    17,21 €

  • Hell’s Revenge
    Krystal N Craiker
    'I was Hell. I was a tempest who made landfall. No one would steer my life but me.'Angélica ’Hell’ Spencer spent her life at sea. Raised on ships by her naturalist father, she expected to spend her days studying flora and fauna in exotic locations.Until she met Henry Martin.The ocean-eyed lieutenant steals her heart, but their clandestine love affair is torn apart by time, dist...

    12,02 €

  • Magic and Miracles
    Charlie N. Holmberg / Sarah M. Eden / Traci Abramson
    Escape with a dozen fabulous short stories from our best-selling authors✔ Help raise money for Primary Children’s Hospital✔ Limited edition (collector’s item) ebook, paperback and hardback books✔ Happily ever aftersA few of the stories include..Regency Fairy RetellingGreek Mythology RetellingMagical suspense ...

    33,01 €

  • Mehr als Schutz
    Hemant N. Chaudhari / Vinay T. Patil
    'Mehr als Schutz: Sicherheit und Risiko verstehen' bietet eine umfassende Untersuchung der Cybersicherheit in unserem digitalen Zeitalter. Es befasst sich mit den Feinheiten von Bedrohungslandschaften, Schwachstellen und Schutzstrategien und bietet praktische Einblicke und umsetzbare Empfehlungen für Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen. Von der Analyse neu auftretender Bedrohungen b...

    60,52 €

  • Au-delà de la protection
    Hemant N. Chaudhari / Vinay T. Patil
    'Au-delà de la protection : Comprendre la sécurité et le risque' est un examen complet de la cybersécurité à l’ère numérique. Il explore les subtilités des menaces, des vulnérabilités et des stratégies de protection, en offrant des perspectives pratiques et des recommandations exploitables pour les individus et les organisations. De la dissection des menaces émergentes à la nav...

    60,52 €

  • Die Qualität des Arbeitslebens von Lehrern im Verhältnis zu Arbeitskultur und Arbeitsstress
    G. Sheela / N. D. Manju
    Lehrer bilden einen großen Teil der Berufsbevölkerung. Lehrer arbeiten in enger Abstimmung mit den Schülern, um ihnen bei der Gestaltung ihrer Zukunft zu helfen. Sie formen die Schüler, um ihre Fähigkeiten herauszuarbeiten oder sie zu leiten, lehren gute Gewohnheiten/Einstellungen und helfen ihnen, gute Bürger der Nation zu werden. Daher spielt das Wohlbefinden eines Lehrers ei...

    63,24 €

  • Qualité de vie au travail des enseignants en relation avec la culture du travail et le stress professionnel
    G. Sheela / N. D. Manju
    Les enseignants constituent une part importante de la main-d’œuvre professionnelle. Ils travaillent en étroite collaboration avec les étudiants pour les aider à construire leur avenir. Ils forment les étudiants à faire ressortir leurs compétences ou à les gérer, en leur enseignant de bonnes habitudes/attitudes et en les aidant à devenir de bons citoyens de la nation. Le bien-êt...

    63,26 €

  • Qualità della vita lavorativa degli insegnanti in relazione alla cultura del lavoro e allo stress lavorativo
    G. Sheela / N. D. Manju
    Gli insegnanti costituiscono una parte importante della forza lavoro professionale. Gli insegnanti lavorano in stretto coordinamento con gli studenti per aiutarli a costruire il loro futuro. Plasmano gli studenti per far emergere le loro capacità o per gestirli, insegnando loro buone abitudini/atteggiamenti e aiutandoli a diventare buoni cittadini della nazione. Pertanto, il be...

    63,27 €

  • Qualidade de vida no trabalho dos professores em relação à cultura de trabalho e ao stress no trabalho
    G. Sheela / N. D. Manju
    Os professores constituem uma grande parte da população ativa profissional. Os professores trabalham em estreita coordenação com os alunos para os ajudar a construir o seu futuro. Moldam os alunos para que possam desenvolver as suas capacidades ou geri-las, ensinando-lhes bons hábitos/atitudes e ajudando-os a tornarem-se bons cidadãos da nação. Assim, o bem-estar de um professo...

    63,26 €

  • Para além da proteção
    Hemant N. Chaudhari / Vinay T. Patil
    'Para além da proteção: Compreender a segurança e o risco' fornece uma análise abrangente da cibersegurança na nossa era digital. Investiga os meandros dos cenários de ameaças, vulnerabilidades e estratégias de proteção, oferecendo ideias práticas e recomendações accionáveis para indivíduos e organizações. Desde a dissecação de ameaças emergentes até à navegação em metodologias...

    60,44 €

  • Oltre la protezione
    Hemant N. Chaudhari / Vinay T. Patil
    'Oltre la protezione: Capire la sicurezza e il rischio' fornisce un esame completo della sicurezza informatica nella nostra era digitale. Approfondisce le complessità del panorama delle minacce, delle vulnerabilità e delle strategie di protezione, offrendo spunti pratici e raccomandazioni attuabili per individui e organizzazioni. Dalla disamina delle minacce emergenti alla navi...

    60,44 €

  • Basi cellulari del rigetto dell’allotrapianto cutaneo
    N. B. Thippeswamy
    In questo libro è stato spiegato chiaramente il ruolo delle cellule immunitarie nel rigetto dell’allotrapianto. Le risposte di rigetto agli allotrapianti cutanei sono caratterizzate da meccanismi di distruzione tissutale sia antigenici che aspecifici, anche se è l’azione antigenico-specifica delle cellule Tc a determinare principalmente la sopravvivenza o il rigetto dell’allotr...

    68,41 €

  • Bases celulares da rejeição de aloenxertos cutâneos
    N. B. Thippeswamy
    Neste livro foi explicado claramente o papel das células imunitárias na rejeição de aloenxertos. Tanto os mecanismos de destruição tecidular específicos do antigénio como os não específicos caracterizam as respostas de rejeição aos aloenxertos de pele, embora seja a ação específica do antigénio das células Tc que determina principalmente a sobrevivência ou a rejeição da pele en...

    68,35 €