Catálogo de libros: michael adikwu

9 Catálogo de libros: michael adikwu

  • Antibiogramm & Nachweis von ESBL & MBL bei gramnegativen Bakterien
    Charles Esimone / Chika Ejikeugwu / Michael Adikwu
    Das Auftreten neuer Beta-Lactamasen wie ESBL (Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase) und MBL (Metallo β-Lactamase) ist ein wichtiger Mechanismus, durch den pathogene Bakterien eine Resistenz gegen Beta-Lactame entwickeln. Dies ist von globaler Bedeutung, da sie die Behandlung von bakteriellen Infektionen erschweren. Ziel dieser Untersuchung war es, das Vorkommen von ESBL- und MBL-produ...

    91,07 €

  • Antibiogramme et détection des BLSE et des LBM chez les bactéries à Gram négatif
    Charles Esimone / Chika Ejikeugwu / Michael Adikwu
    L’émergence de nouvelles bêta-lactamases telles que la β-lactamase à spectre étendu (BLSE) et la métallo-β-lactamase (MBL) est un mécanisme important par lequel les bactéries pathogènes développent une résistance aux bêta-lactamines. Il s’agit d’une préoccupation mondiale, car ces bactéries sont connues pour rendre difficile le traitement des infections bactériennes. L’objectif...

    91,07 €

  • Antibiogramma e rilevamento di ESBL e MBL nei batteri Gram-negativi
    Charles Esimone / Chika Ejikeugwu / Michael Adikwu
    La comparsa di nuove beta-lattamasi, come le β-lattamasi a spettro esteso (ESBL) e le metallo β-lattamasi (MBL), è un importante meccanismo attraverso il quale i batteri patogeni sviluppano resistenza ai beta-lattamici. Si tratta di un fenomeno di portata mondiale, poiché è noto che rendono difficile il trattamento delle infezioni batteriche. L’obiettivo di questa ricerca è sta...

    91,01 €

  • Antibiograma e deteção de ESBL e MBL em bactérias Gram-negativas
    Charles Esimone / Chika Ejikeugwu / Michael Adikwu
    O aparecimento de novas beta-lactamases, como a β-lactamase de espetro alargado (ESBL) e a metalo β-lactamase (MBL), é um mecanismo importante através do qual as bactérias patogénicas desenvolvem resistência aos beta-lactâmicos. Trata-se de uma preocupação global, uma vez que se sabe que dificultam o tratamento de infecções relacionadas com bactérias. O objetivo desta investiga...

    91,01 €

  • Playing With Sin? - Playing with Fire
    Michael Adikwu
    Sin has become something of pride in our generation. That is why there is so much confusion on the surface of the earth. People deeply involved in sin are celebrated as celebrities and the world thinks that is the way to go. These ideas are self-afflictions. For a society to be sane, sin must be reduced to the barest minimum.Do you wonder why there is so much evil in the societ...

    31,39 €

  • The Double Anointing of Elisha
    Michael Adikwu
    Double Anointing. What comes to mind first? For many it is God’s incredible power given to accomplish is an impossible task -- like the story of Goliath and David in the Bible. Such giants kill revivals as that which Elijah had started was killed by the fear of Jezebel, the idolatrous queen of Israel. ...

    14,06 €

    Michael Adikwu
    The book Pains and Gains of Disappointment is written largely for the Christian community. It is focused on the pains they face while doing God’s work and the gains that follow such, here and the hereafter.Michael U. Adikwu was born on the 19th of April, 1963. He attended St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Primary School, Utonkon, Nigeria, from 1970-1975; from where he got his First Sch...

    15,67 €

  • The Road that Leads to Jerusalem
    Michael Adikwu
    The book, 'The Road That leads to Jerusalem,' is aimed at letting people know that the journey to heaven is tough. In every sphere of life, there seems to be one obstacle to cross or the other. The self is there as a 'robber.' In fact, the 'robbers' on the way are too numerous to mention. It is only the determined that can make it. It is only those that can carry their cross da...

    56,21 €

  • The Road that Leads to Jerusalem
    Michael Adikwu
    The book, The Road that Leads to Jerusalem, is aimed at letting people know that everyone must be determined in order to travel this road. It is actually the road that leads to heaven. Jesus said He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. In order to make this journey successfully, our first example is Jesus. He has made His Way known to us in the Bible. Then there are also men who...

    30,21 €