Catálogo de libros: guo

154 Catálogo de libros: guo

  • The Little Genius 小(xiǎo)天(tiān)才(cái), Trilingual
    Wong Kok Hoong Derek (Huang GuoXiong) / Janice YangYan 杨艳
    Book is about a talented Singaporean boy living in Singapore, Jewel of Asia. His family, his school, his life, hobbies and hope for future.Learning more of modern technology and boy life in SG. This is a trilingual book. English translated to Chinese and further into hanyu pinyin.Enjoy the multi-cultural learning and experiences of this easy to read book and remember to grab a...

    43,87 €

  • Right, Power and Authority
    Bo Song / Ping Guo
    Herein, 'the harmony among and within the human groups'will be discussed theoretically. The 'harmony' mentioned here refers to the state in which the group members are in their own proper place, get along with one another peacefully, and have occasional conflicts among them that can get resolved in a timely manner. Meanwhile, the root causes of conflicts among and within the hu...

    16,88 €

  • 敢问路在何方
    Junli Guo
    三十年前的出国大潮裹挟着一批年轻人,跟随着'诗与远方'飘洋过海来到美国。来到异国他乡,他们身无分文,举目无亲,语言不通,困苦重重,但是他们有一腔热血和实现梦想的豪情。最初他们蜷缩在陌生人家的地板上,盖着旧报纸御寒。天一亮他们就沿着街道挨门挨户地寻找工作。扎在后厨洗碗,奔跑在送外卖的路上......他们身兼数职,用汗水泪水和不屈不挠完成学业,并且艰苦创业再创辉煌。'不经风雨怎见彩虹,没有人会随随便便成功',正是他们海外生活的写照。这群追梦人经过数十年的拼搏 终于功德圆满,美梦成真。这本书,记录了他们的美国故事,最初刊登在美国《华人》杂志'封面人物'专栏上。 ...

    35,14 €

  • Green Low-Carbon Technology for Metalliferous Minerals
    Lijie Guo
    Metalliferous minerals play a central role in the global economy. They will continue to provide the raw materials we need for industrial processes. Significant challenges will likely emerge if the climate-driven green and low-carbon development transition of metalliferous mineral exploitation is not managed responsibly and sustainably. Green low-carbon technology is vital to pr...

    85,51 €

  • 从数字化工厂到智能制造
    HongWei Zhang / JianZhong Yu GuoDong Shi / ZhengHong Lu
    制造业是国民经济的主体,是立国之本、兴国之器,强国之基。没有强大的制造业,就没有国民经济的可持续发展。当前,全球制造业正面临重大转型,新一代信息技术与制造业不断融合,新型网络技术、大数据技术和人工智能技术引领的数字化生产管理技术日新月异。我们国家也正在积极鼓励和推动新一代信息技术与制造技术融合发展,把数字化生产和智能制造作为两化深度融合的方向;着力发展智能装备和智能产品,推进生产过程的数字化和智能化,培育新型生产方式,全面提升企业研发、生产、管理和服务的数字化和智能化水平。摆在制造企业面前的问题是,在新的工业革命、新的技术浪潮中,怎样紧跟技术发展方向,实现数字化和智能化生产的转型与实践呢?工业4.0 概念、以5G 为代表的新型网络技术、工业互联网、CPS、物联网、电子商务、ERP、MES、C2M、移动处理技术、边缘计算技术、二维码技术、RFID 技术...

    17,10 €

  • Ground States of Fractional Critical Problems
    Zhenyu Guo
    Fractional Laplacian and the corresponding nonlocal problems are being applied to many different subjects. It is becoming more and more important to study fractional problems. This book is a collection of the author’s recent papers in the existence of ground states of fractional critical problems, including fractional critical systems, fractional magnetic critical systems, frac...

    58,26 €

  • Farewell China
    Hong Hong Guo
    A CASUALTY OF WAR. A WOMAN STRUGGLING TO SURVIVE. A DEEP LONGING FOR HER HOMELAND.Satou Chieko was to live the dream in Japanese-controlled Manchuria with a new house and an important job for her husband in Yilan, but their world was shattered when war arrived. Chieko and her infant son became trapped as the Japanese tried to flee Manchuria. Not knowing her husband’s fate, Chie...

    17,84 €

  • An Alien’s Guide to Friendship
    Ellen Pan / Ken Guo / Una Wei
    What’s that in the sky? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It’s... an alien’s space bike! A very big (and very lonely) alien is coming to the Earth to make some new friends. But will the Earthlings find him agreeable? Follow our alien friend Bork’s journey to find out whether his attempts are successful, as well as learn valuable lessons along the way. ...

    20,70 €

  • Nonlinear Channel Models and Their Simulations
    Yecai Guo
    This comprehensive compendium highlights the research results of nonlinear channel modeling and simulation. Nonlinear channels include nonlinear satellite channels, nonlinear Volterra channels, molecular MIMO channels, etc.This volume involves wavelet theory, neural network, echo state network, machine learning, support vector machine, chaos calculation, principal component ana...

    182,19 €

  • Spy Pair
    Jerry Jiarui Guo
    Spy life is not for everyone. Spy life is, well, unpredictable. Sometimes, it even runs in the family, or at least that’s what Jerry is about to find out. Spy Pair is a story about two friends embarking on the first of many journeys in the world of spying. In this book, we are introduced to two main characters in Jerry and Jake as they attend Dump Can Middle School, a school in...

    27,40 €

  • Preparing Globally Competent Professionals and Leaders for Innovation and Sustainability
    Linyuan Guo-Brennan / Michael J. Guo-Brennan
    The personal and organizational struggles and accomplishments revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic highlight that innovation is the defining trait of individuals and organizations that thrive in the 21st century. The global health crisis not only accelerated the global geopolitical tensions and disrupted organizations in all sectors, but confirmed the importance of preparing globa...

    282,02 €

  • Preparing Globally Competent Professionals and Leaders for Innovation and Sustainability
    Linyuan Guo-Brennan / Michael J. Guo-Brennan
    The personal and organizational struggles and accomplishments revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic highlight that innovation is the defining trait of individuals and organizations that thrive in the 21st century. The global health crisis not only accelerated the global geopolitical tensions and disrupted organizations in all sectors, but confirmed the importance of preparing globa...

    216,16 €

  • The World of 5G (In 5 Volumes)
    Jishun Guo / Wenquan Che
    5G is becoming a critically important supporting technology for industrial evolvement.The World of 5G series consists of five salient volumes - Internet of Everything, Intelligent Manufacturing, Intelligent Home, Intelligent Transportation, and Intelligent Medicine.Aim to capture new opportunities brought by 5G, this compendium set focuses on the key technologies, requirements,...

    95,07 €

  • The World of 5G (In 5 Volumes)
    Jishun Guo / Wenquan Che
    5G is becoming a critically important supporting technology for industrial evolvement.The World of 5G series consists of five salient volumes - Internet of Everything, Intelligent Manufacturing, Intelligent Home, Intelligent Transportation, and Intelligent Medicine.Aim to capture new opportunities brought by 5G, this compendium set focuses on the key technologies, requirements,...

    95,12 €

  • The World of 5G (In 5 Volumes)
    Jishun Guo / Wenquan Che
    5G is becoming a critically important supporting technology for industrial evolvement.The World of 5G series consists of five salient volumes - Internet of Everything, Intelligent Manufacturing, Intelligent Home, Intelligent Transportation, and Intelligent Medicine.Aim to capture new opportunities brought by 5G, this compendium set focuses on the key technologies, requirements,...

    95,10 €

  • The World of 5G (In 5 Volumes)
    Jishun Guo / Wenquan Che
    5G is becoming a critically important supporting technology for industrial evolvement.The World of 5G series consists of five salient volumes - Internet of Everything, Intelligent Manufacturing, Intelligent Home, Intelligent Transportation, and Intelligent Medicine.Aim to capture new opportunities brought by 5G, this compendium set focuses on the key technologies, requirements,...

    95,14 €

  • The World of 5G (In 5 Volumes)
    Jishun Guo / Quan Xue / Wenquan Che
    5G is becoming a critically important supporting technology for industrial evolvement.The World of 5G series consists of five salient volumes - Internet of Everything, Intelligent Manufacturing, Intelligent Home, Intelligent Transportation, and Intelligent Medicine.Aim to capture new opportunities brought by 5G, this compendium set focuses on the key technologies, requirements,...

    95,14 €

  • The Changing Organization
    Gerhard Fink / Kaijun Guo / Maurice Yolles

    40,87 €

  • 梅花易数
    Nanshan Guo

    31,01 €

  • The Politics of the Core Leader in China
    Xuezhi Guo

    35,14 €

  • Writing Gender in Early Modern Chinese Women’s Tanci Fiction
    Li Guo
    Women’s tanci, or 'plucking rhymes,' are chantefable narratives written by upper-class educated women from seventeenth-century to early twentieth-century China. Writing Gender in Early Modern Chinese Women’s Tanci Fiction offers a timely study on early modern Chinese women’s representations of gender, nation, and political activism in their tanci works before and after the Taip...

    143,51 €

  • Writing Gender in Early Modern Chinese Women’s Tanci Fiction
    Li Guo
    Women’s tanci, or 'plucking rhymes,' are chantefable narratives written by upper-class educated women from seventeenth-century to early twentieth-century China. Writing Gender in Early Modern Chinese Women’s Tanci Fiction offers a timely study on early modern Chinese women’s representations of gender, nation, and political activism in their tanci works before and after the Taip...

    86,46 €

  • What Are Tensors Exactly?
    Hongyu Guo
    Tensors have numerous applications in physics and engineering. There is often a fuzzy haze surrounding the concept of tensor that puzzles many students. The old-fashioned definition is difficult to understand because it is not rigorous; the modern definitions are difficult to understand because they are rigorous but at a cost of being more abstract and less intuitive.The goal o...

    70,84 €

  • Synthèse par précipitation non aqueuse de l’alumine et son application
    Feng Jiang / Guo Feng / Weihui Jiang
    Dans cet ouvrage, nous avons tout d’abord proposé la préparation de la poudre d’alumine via un processus de précipitation non aqueux, et obtenu la poudre d’alumine ultrafine monodispersée. Elle a été utilisée pour préparer le phosphore jaune Al2O3@YAG : Ce core-shell pour l’application des LED blanches. On a d’abord utilisé un précipitateur d’acide acétique glacial et on a obte...

    55,22 €

  • Wodorozcieńczalna synteza strąceniowa tlenku glinu i jej zastosowanie
    Feng Jiang / Guo Feng / Weihui Jiang
    W tej książce, po raz pierwszy zaproponował przygotowanie proszku tlenku glinu poprzez proces wytrącania wodnego, i otrzymał monodyspersyjne ultra drobny proszek tlenku glinu. Został on wykorzystany do przygotowania Al2O3@YAG: Ce core-shell żółty luminofor dla białych LED aplikacji. Lodowaty kwas octowy precipitator był najpierw używany i krystalicznie precipit został uzyskany,...

    55,22 €

  • Síntese da precipitação nonaquosa de alumina e sua aplicação
    Feng Jiang / Guo Feng / Weihui Jiang
    Neste livro, propusemos em primeiro lugar a preparação de pó de alumina através de um processo de precipitação não aquoso, e obtivemos o pó de alumina ultrafino monodisperso. Foi utilizado para preparar o Al2O3@YAG: fósforo amarelo Ce core-shell para aplicação de LED branco. Utilizou-se primeiro o precipitador de ácido acético glacial e obteve-se o precipite de cristal, que foi...

    55,22 €

  • Sintesi di precipitazione non acquosa allumina e la sua applicazione
    Feng Jiang / Guo Feng / Weihui Jiang
    In questo libro, abbiamo proposto per la prima volta la preparazione della polvere di allumina attraverso il processo di precipitazione non acquosa, e abbiamo ottenuto la polvere di allumina ultrafine monodispersa. È stata usata per preparare Al2O3@YAG: Ce core-shell fosforo giallo per applicazione LED bianco. Il precipitatore dell’acido acetico glaciale è stato usato per la pr...

    55,22 €

  • Nichtwässrige Fällungssynthese von Tonerde und ihre Anwendung
    Feng Jiang / Guo Feng / Weihui Jiang
    In diesem Buch haben wir zunächst die Herstellung von Aluminiumoxid-Pulver über einen nicht-wässrigen Fällungsprozess vorgeschlagen und ein monodisperses ultrafeines Aluminiumoxid-Pulver erhalten. Es wurde verwendet, um Al2O3@YAG: Ce Kern-Schale gelben Leuchtstoff für weiße LED-Anwendung vorzubereiten. Zunächst wurde ein Eisessigabscheider verwendet und ein kristalliner Nieders...

    55,29 €

  • Autismo ad alto funzionamento
    Guo Hui Xie / Wong Chong Lee
    Il processo di transizione dalla scuola al lavoro è spesso impegnativo per i giovani, soprattutto per i disabili. Per ottenere una transizione significativa, sono spesso necessarie una valutazione incrociata delle batterie e una valutazione professionale funzionale. In questo studio di revisione, i genitori di un giovane adulto di 20 anni e 8 mesi, JC, hanno chiesto che la sua ...

    58,35 €

  • Hochfunktionaler Autismus
    Guo Hui Xie / Wong Chong Lee
    Der Übergangsprozess von der Schule in den Beruf ist für junge Menschen, insbesondere für solche mit Behinderungen, oft eine Herausforderung. Um einen sinnvollen Übergang zu schaffen, sind oft eine batterieübergreifende Beurteilung und eine funktionale berufliche Bewertung erforderlich. In dieser Fallstudie baten die Eltern eines jungen Erwachsenen im Alter von 20 Jahren und 8 ...

    58,32 €

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