LIBROS DEL AUTOR: vinay kumar

38 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: vinay kumar

  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Trends, Applications,
    Ashish Suresh Jain / Sorabh Kumar Agrawal / Vinay Kumar Yanmandru
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the healthcare and pharmacy industries, offering innovative solutions to improve patient care, streamline processes, and enhance overall efficiency. The integration of AI technologies in healthcare has the potential to transform the way medical professionals diagnose, treat, and manage various conditions. In the pharmacy sector, A...

    119,19 €

  • Essentials of Seed Quality Testing and Enhancement
    Madhwendra Kumar Pathak / Vinay Chamoli
    The revised edition of 'Essentials of Seed Quality Testing & Enhancement Several students following seed science and technology studies, educators have read the First Edition volume. Some of these individuals, including some of their teachers, who have offered so helpfully with suggestions that have been crucial in revisions this document. This book remains committed to its pri...

    23,23 €

    D. Mahesh Kumar / N. V. Vinay Kumar
    Probleme mit der Netzqualität sind ein großes Problem für die Industrie, da sie enorme Zeit- und Geldverluste verursachen. Die Netzqualität besteht aus einer großen Anzahl von Störungen wie Spannungsabfall, Spannungsüberhöhung, Oberschwingungen, Kerben, Flicker usw. Es gibt verschiedene Methoden, um die Netzqualitätsprobleme zu lindern, aber die FACTS-Geräte sind die beste Lösu...

    59,21 €

    D. Mahesh Kumar / N. V. Vinay Kumar
    Os problemas de qualidade da energia tornaram-se uma grande preocupação para as indústrias devido a enormes perdas em termos de tempo e dinheiro. A qualidade da energia é constituída por um grande número de perturbações, tais como desfasamentos de tensão, ondulações, harmónicas, entalhes, cintilação, etc. Existem vários métodos para atenuar os problemas de qualidade da energia,...

    59,21 €

    D. Mahesh Kumar / N. V. Vinay Kumar
    Les problèmes de qualité de l’énergie sont devenus une préoccupation majeure des industries en raison des énormes pertes de temps et d’argent qu’ils entraînent. La qualité de l’énergie consiste en un grand nombre de perturbations telles que les baisses de tension, les houles, les harmoniques, l’encoche, le scintillement, etc. Il existe plusieurs méthodes pour atténuer les probl...

    59,21 €

    D. Mahesh Kumar / N. V. Vinay Kumar
    I problemi di qualità dell’alimentazione sono diventati una delle principali preoccupazioni delle industrie a causa delle enormi perdite in termini di tempo e denaro. La qualità dell’alimentazione è costituita da un gran numero di disturbi come cali di tensione, swell, armoniche, notch, flicker, ecc. Esistono vari metodi per alleviare i problemi di qualità dell’alimentazione, m...

    59,21 €

  • Implantate in der Kinderzahnheilkunde
    AMIT KUMAR / Sarish Mirza / Vinay Thakur
    Eine angeborene Hypodontie oder ein Trauma ist eine häufige Ursache für den Verlust von Zähnen bei Kindern. Das Fehlen von Zähnen führt zu einem Funktionsverlust und einem Mangel an normalem alveolärem Wachstum, zusammen mit einer unangenehmen Ästhetik, die die psychosoziale Entwicklung des Kleinkindes beeinträchtigt. Traditionell erfolgt die Behandlung von Zahnverlust bei Klei...

    86,77 €

  • Les implants en dentisterie pédiatrique
    AMIT KUMAR / Sarish Mirza / Vinay Thakur
    L’hypodontie congénitale ou les traumatismes sont une cause fréquente de perte de dents chez les enfants. L’absence de dents entraîne une perte de fonction et un manque de croissance alvéolaire normale, ainsi qu’une esthétique désagréable qui entrave le développement psychosocial du jeune enfant. Traditionnellement, la prise en charge de la perte de dents chez le jeune enfant s...

    86,64 €

  • Implantes em Odontologia Pediátrica
    AMIT KUMAR / Sarish Mirza / Vinay Thakur
    A hipodontia congénita ou trauma é uma causa frequente de perda de dentes em crianças. A ausência de dentes leva à perda da função e à falta de crescimento alveolar normal, juntamente com uma estética desagradável que dificulta o desenvolvimento psicossocial da criança pequena. Tradicionalmente, a gestão da perda de dentes na criança de tenra idade é feita por meios conservador...

    86,64 €

  • Impianti in odontoiatria pediatrica
    AMIT KUMAR / Sarish Mirza / Vinay Thakur
    L’ipodonzia congenita o i traumi sono una causa frequente di perdita dei denti nei bambini. L’assenza di denti comporta la perdita della funzione e la mancanza di una normale crescita alveolare, oltre a un’estetica sgradevole che ostacola lo sviluppo psicosociale del bambino. Tradizionalmente, la gestione della perdita dei denti nel bambino viene effettuata con mezzi conservati...

    86,64 €

  • Multiple Imputation for Missing Data in Survival Analysis
    Gupta Vinay Kumar
    In this method a dummy variable for each predictor is included in the regression model. These dummy variables indicate whether or not the data in the predictors is missing (Cohen and Cohen, 1985). Cases with missing data on a predictor are coded as having some constant value, usually the mean for observed cases on that predictor. Though the method use all the available informat...

    25,69 €

  • Implants in Pediatric Dentistry
    AMIT KUMAR / Sarish Mirza / Vinay Thakur
    Congenital hypodontia or trauma is a frequent cause of loss of teeth in children. The absence of teeth leads to loss of function and lack of normal alveolar growth, along with unpleasant esthetics that hamper the psychosocial development of the young child. Traditionally, the management of tooth loss in the young child is done by conservative means. None of those methods of tre...

    85,59 €

  • A graph theoretic approach to Information hiding
    Vinay Kumar
    Technique of information hiding wonderfully conceals a secret message inside a digital cover. More is the redundancy in a cover file much larger message can be concealed in it in such a way that it escapes any suspicion. The practice of information hiding has its own distinguished history; modern technology is only facilitating it as to how beautifully it can be used for mainta...

    28,81 €

  • Eine experimentelle Studie über rotationsgeschweißte HSLA-Stahlverbindungen
    Vara Prasad Vemu / Vinay Kumar Nadipalli
    In diesem Projekt wurde das traditionelle Lichtbogenschweißen durch Rotationsschweißen modifiziert, indem der Schweißbrenner zusammen mit der horizontalen Querbewegung gedreht wurde. Zwei ähnliche Proben aus hochfestem, niedrig legiertem P22-Stahl wurden mit dem Rotationslichtbogenschweißverfahren unter Verwendung des Elektrodendrahtes ER70S-6 in einer CO2-Umgebung geschweißt, ...

    89,58 €

  • Une étude expérimentale sur les joints en acier HSLA soudés à l’arc rotatif
    Vara Prasad Vemu / Vinay Kumar Nadipalli
    Dans ce projet, le procédé traditionnel de soudage à l’arc sous gaz a été modifié pour devenir un procédé de soudage à l’arc rotatif en fournissant une rotation à la torche de soudage en même temps que le mouvement horizontal. Deux échantillons similaires d’acier faiblement allié à haute résistance P22 ont été soudés par le procédé de soudage à l’arc rotatif en utilisant un fil...

    89,60 €

  • Uno studio sperimentale sui giunti in acciaio HSLA saldati ad arco rotazionale
    Vara Prasad Vemu / Vinay Kumar Nadipalli
    In questo progetto, il tradizionale processo di saldatura ad arco di gas metallico è stato modificato in saldatura ad arco rotazionale fornendo una rotazione alla torcia di saldatura insieme al movimento di traslazione orizzontale. Due campioni simili di acciaio P22 ad alta resistenza e bassa lega sono stati saldati con il processo di saldatura ad arco rotazionale utilizzando u...

    89,62 €

  • Um Estudo Experimental sobre Juntas de Aço Soldadas por Arco Rotativo HSLA
    Vara Prasad Vemu / Vinay Kumar Nadipalli
    Neste projecto, o processo tradicional de soldadura por arco metálico a gás foi modificado para soldadura por arco rotativo, fornecendo uma rotação à tocha de soldadura juntamente com o movimento de translação horizontal. Duas amostras semelhantes de aço P22 de alta resistência e baixa liga foram soldadas por processo de soldadura por arco rotacional, utilizando o fio de eléctr...

    89,60 €

  • An Experimental Study on Rotational Arc Welded HSLA Steel joints
    Vara Prasad Vemu / Vinay Kumar Nadipalli
    In this project, the traditional gas metal arc welding process was modified to rotational arc welding by providing a rotation to the welding torch along with the horizontal traverse motion. Two similar P22 High Strength Low Alloy steel specimens were welded by rotational arc welding process by using ER70S-6 electrode wire under CO2 environment to avoid cracks and slag inclusion...

    93,55 €

  • Unbelievable Relations and a perfect plan
    Vinay Kumar
     My novle related to suspence marriage love story. ...

    14,48 €

  • Ein Lehrbuch über Klinische Pharmakokinetik und TDDS
    Swathi V / VInay Kumar T
    Dieses Lehrbuch ermöglicht es den Studenten, über die Formulierung wissen und entwerfen eine Dosierung Regime für einzelne Patienten. Auch können sie interpretieren und korrelieren die Plasma-Arzneimittelkonzentration mit dem Patienten therapeutische Ergebnisse bietet es empfehlen Dosierung Anpassung in Nieren-und Lebererkrankungen. In diesem Buch haben wir besprochen, wie man ...

    61,57 €

  • Un manuel sur la pharmacocinétique clinique et le TDDS
    Swathi V / VInay Kumar T
    Ce manuel permettra aux étudiants de connaître la formulation et de concevoir un schéma posologique pour chaque patient. Ils pourront également interpréter et mettre en corrélation la concentration plasmatique du médicament avec les résultats thérapeutiques du patient ; il fournit des recommandations sur l’ajustement du dosage dans les maladies rénales et hépatiques. Dans ce li...

    61,57 €

  • Podręcznik dotyczący farmakokinetyki klinicznej i TDDS
    Swathi V / VInay Kumar T
    Dzięki temu podręcznikowi studenci dowiedzą się o recepturze i opracują schemat dawkowania dla poszczególnych pacjentów. Mogą oni również interpretować i korelować stężenie leku w osoczu z wynikami terapeutycznymi pacjenta, które zapewnia zalecane dostosowanie dawkowania w chorobach nerek i wątroby. W tej książce omówiono sposoby analizy i rozwiązywania interakcji farmakokinety...

    61,51 €

  • Um livro de texto sobre Farmacocinética Clínica e TDDS
    Swathi V / VInay Kumar T
    Este livro de texto permitirá que os alunos conheçam a formulação e desenhem um regime de dosagem para os pacientes individuais. Também podem interpretar e correlacionar a concentração de fármacos plasmáticos com os resultados terapêuticos do paciente, o que proporciona o ajuste da dosagem recomendada em doenças renais e hepáticas. Neste livro discutimos como analisar e resolve...

    61,51 €

  • Un libro di testo sulla farmacocinetica clinica e TDDS
    Swathi V / VInay Kumar T
    Questo libro di testo permetterà agli studenti di conoscere la formulazione e di progettare un regime di dosaggio per i singoli pazienti. Inoltre possono interpretare e correlare la concentrazione del farmaco plasmatico con i risultati terapeutici del paziente che fornisce, raccomandando l’aggiustamento del dosaggio nelle malattie renali ed epatiche. In questo libro abbiamo dis...

    61,51 €

  • Plant Toxicology and Pharmacology
    Neelam Soni / Vinay Kumar Singh
    Fasciolosis is an important zoonotic parasitic disease caused by the trematodes Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica that affects animals and humans worldwide. It affects the health and productivity of ruminant and caused great economic loss globally. Thus the plant candidates are considered as effective agent against this zonotic disease, as evolving natural molluscicides provid...

    105,08 €

  • Vapour absorption refrigeration system using waste heat source
    Ch. Manikanteswar Rao / ChManikanteswar Rao / J. Siddhartha Yadav / JSiddhartha Yadav / V. Vinay Kumar / VVinay Kumar
    One third of heat energy generated by the automotive internal combustion engine is wasted in the exhaust system. The total heat energy supplied to the engine in the form of combustible fuel,approximately 35% to 40% is converted into productive mechanical work ,the remaining energy in the form of heat is expelled by the exhaust gas resulting in the rise of entropy and serious en...

    66,99 €

  • Exercising machine language paradigms in software engineering
    Manas Kumar Yogi / Vinay Garapati
    Precise estimation of software development exertion is basic in software designing. Thinks little of lead to time weights that may bargain full useful development and intensive testing of software. Interestingly, overestimates can bring about noncompetitive contract offers as well as over designation of development assets and work force. Thus, numerous models for assessing soft...

    65,35 €

  • Time-Frequency Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
    Beena R. Gupta / Beena RGupta / Sushil Yadav / Vinay Kumar
    Nonlinear dynamical systems are widely observed in many branches of physics ranging from Celestial Mechanics to Chemistry. In this book, we propose the method of Time-Frequency analysis based on wavelets to study the phase space structure of different nonlinear dynamical systems. We have investigated nonlinear dynamical systems from space dynamics and celestial mechanics. Also,...

    86,95 €

  • A Study of Resonance Problems in a Geo-Synchronous Satellite
    Rajiv Aggarwal / Sushil Yadav / Vinay Kumar
    A Study of Resonance Problems in Geo-Synchronous Satellite proposes to give a comprehensive study of resonances in a geo-synchronous satellite. Geo-synchronous satellite with resonances has a large number of applications. They are widely used in telecommunication, navigation, mass-media, meteorological and geodetic studies and in many other fields. The text discusses systematic...

    110,14 €

  • A Text Book of Effect of Alcohols In Spark Ignition Engine
    Amit Tiwari / Neeraj Kumar / Vinay Soni
    The main aim of this book is to analyze the effect of utilization of butanol and ethanol on emissions, exhaust temperature, power and efficiency, taken in definite quantities in spark ignition engine with gasoline. Due to concerning shortage of fossil fuels and there harmful effects on environment and human life has lead the world to think about an effective alternative to thes...

    54,05 €

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