3537 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: sharma

  • Cases on Global E-Learning Practices
    Remesh C. Sharma / Remesh CSharma

    84,20 €

  • Awake Under the Night Sky
    Vanya Sharma
    A Twenty-year-old Andre is found unconscious on a raft off the coast of Murano, Italy. Rescued by his father, Andre realizes his downward spiral over the past few months and strives to emerge from the clutches of his past. Witness to the ravages of poverty and neglect, an Eighteen-year-old Vivian is driven by a purpose, in a world that seems to have lost its conscience.One unkn...

    10,43 €

  • Drone Development from Concept to Flight
    Sumit Sharma
    Learn the principles behind building and flying drones, using components like BLDC motors and speed controllers, AeroGCS ground software, Ardupilot and PX4 open-source flight stacks, along with examples and best practicesKey FeaturesExplore multicopter physics (roll, pitch, and yaw) and 3D dynamics for defining a drone’s flightOptimize drone performance with powerful propulsion...

    73,28 €

  • Rust for Blockchain Application Development
    Akhil Sharma
    Save time, improve stability, and optimize program memory while building decentralized applications on a blockchain using the features and capabilities of Rust Key FeaturesImplement peer-to-peer blockchain using features of the Rust programming languageUse Rust to build dApps on popular blockchains like Ethereum, Solana, and NEAROptimize Rust code and enhance security updates t...

    52,73 €

  • furnish, entrap
    Kashif Sharma-Patel
    furnish, entrap is a collection of poems built from the inside-out, in a way that can only come from a deep engagement with history and with the materiality of the text, the word, the line, that is both intellectual and visceral. Kashif Sharma-Patel uses the socio-political forces of this country to express the experience of those to whom it has been hostile for over half a cen...

    15,44 €

  • Évaluation de l’activité antibactérienne de complexes métalliques transitoires
    Rajat Sharma
    L’ère des antibiotiques s’est révélée être une bénédiction pour l’humanité mais, avec le temps, divers microbes développent une résistance aux antibiotiques, ce qui diminue l’effet des agents antimicrobiens sur les microbes résistants. Il convient donc d’envisager d’autres stratégies pour surmonter ce problème et de nouvelles méthodes ont été mises au point, comme les nanoparti...

    48,37 €

  • Tratamento médico das disfunções temporomandibulares
    Devido à diversidade de causas destas perturbações, o controlo da dor nas DTM requer vários métodos de tratamento adaptados à origem da disfunção O tratamento conservador, incluindo aconselhamento, exercícios, terapia com talas oclusais, massagem, terapia manual e outros, deve ser considerado como o tratamento de primeira escolha para a dor nas DTM, devido ao seu baixo risco de...

    84,34 €

  • Medizinische Behandlung von Störungen des Kiefergelenks
    Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Ursachen dieser Störungen erfordert die Behandlung von TMD-Schmerzen verschiedene Behandlungsmethoden, die sich nach der Ursache der Störung richten. Konservative Behandlungen wie Beratung, Übungen, Okklusionsschienentherapie, Massage, manuelle Therapie und andere sollten wegen ihres geringen Risikos von Nebenwirkungen als Behandlung der ersten Wa...

    84,34 €

  • Gestione medica dei disturbi temporo-mandibolari
    A causa delle diverse cause di questi disturbi, la gestione del dolore da TMD richiede diversi metodi di trattamento conformi all’origine della disfunzione Il trattamento conservativo, che comprende consulenza, esercizi, terapia con bite occlusale, massaggi, terapia manuale e altri, dovrebbe essere considerato il trattamento di prima scelta per il dolore da TMD a causa del loro...

    84,34 €

  • Condições gengivais e periodontais em crianças
    Vipul Sharma
    As condições gengivais e periodontais nas crianças são aspectos cruciais da saúde dentária pediátrica que requerem atenção e cuidados. Embora normalmente associadas aos adultos, estas condições também podem afetar as crianças, embora com características e considerações únicas. Nas crianças, a saúde gengival e periodontal é essencial para a saúde e o desenvolvimento oral geral. ...

    84,54 €

  • Zahnfleisch- und Parodontalerkrankungen bei Kindern
    Vipul Sharma
    Zahnfleischerkrankungen und Parodontalerkrankungen bei Kindern sind wichtige Aspekte der pädiatrischen Zahngesundheit, die Aufmerksamkeit und Pflege erfordern. Auch wenn diese Erkrankungen in der Regel mit Erwachsenen in Verbindung gebracht werden, können sie auch Kinder betreffen, wenn auch mit besonderen Merkmalen und Überlegungen. Bei Kindern sind die Gesundheit des Zahnflei...

    84,51 €

  • Conditions gingivales et parodontales chez les enfants
    Vipul Sharma
    Les affections gingivales et parodontales chez l’enfant sont des aspects cruciaux de la santé dentaire pédiatrique qui requièrent attention et soins. Bien qu’elles soient généralement associées aux adultes, ces affections peuvent également toucher les enfants, mais avec des caractéristiques et des considérations qui leur sont propres. Chez les enfants, la santé gingivale et par...

    84,51 €

  • Condizioni gengivali e parodontali nei bambini
    Vipul Sharma
    Le condizioni gengivali e parodontali nei bambini sono aspetti cruciali della salute dentale pediatrica che richiedono attenzione e cura. Sebbene siano comunemente associate agli adulti, queste condizioni possono colpire anche i bambini, sebbene con caratteristiche e considerazioni uniche. Nei bambini, la salute gengivale e parodontale è essenziale per la salute orale e lo svil...

    84,54 €

  • 25 Panchatantra stories
    Pandit Vishnu Sharma
    The Panchatantra is a collection of folktales and fables claimed to have been authored in Sanskrit over 2500 years ago by the famous Hindu Scholar Pandit Vishnu Sharma. It provides insight into human behaviour despite the fact that all the characters are from the animal realm. The precise date of the composition of the Panchatantra is unknown and ranges between 1200 BCE and 300...

    21,28 €

  • Prise en charge médicale des troubles temporo-mandibulaires
    En raison de la diversité des causes de ces troubles, la prise en charge de la douleur due aux troubles musculo-dentaires nécessite diverses méthodes de traitement adaptées à l’origine du dysfonctionnement. Le traitement conservateur, notamment les conseils, les exercices, la thérapie par attelle occlusale, les massages et la thérapie manuelle, doit être considéré comme le trai...

    84,34 €

  • Attribution Modelling in Google Ads and Facebook
    Himanshu Sharma
    Attribution modelling is the process of understanding the customer purchasing journey and determining the most effective marketing channels / campaigns for investment at a particular point in time. A lot has been said about attribution modelling over the years. However, talking about attribution is the easy bit, implementing it is the real challenge. This book has been written ...

    119,07 €

  • Attribution Modelling in Google Analytics and Beyond
    Himanshu Sharma
    Attribution modelling is the process of understanding and assigning conversion credit to marketing channels. The primary objective of attribution modelling is to understand the buying behaviour of your website visitors and to determine the most effective marketing channels for investment at a particular point in time.A lot has been said about attribution modelling over the year...

    119,20 €

  • Emofilia
    Aditi Tripathi / Suman Sharma
    I disturbi emorragici sono causati da difetti nei vasi sanguigni, nel meccanismo di coagulazione o nelle piastrine del sangue. Un individuo colpito può sanguinare spontaneamente per un tempo più lungo rispetto a una persona sana dopo una ferita o un intervento chirurgico. L’emofilia è un gruppo di disturbi ereditari in cui il sangue non coagula correttamente. L’emofilia non è g...

    48,76 €

  • Hemofilia
    Aditi Tripathi / Suman Sharma
    As doenças hemorrágicas são causadas por defeitos nos vasos sanguíneos, no mecanismo de coagulação ou nas plaquetas sanguíneas. Um indivíduo afetado pode sangrar espontaneamente durante mais tempo do que uma pessoa saudável após uma lesão ou cirurgia. A hemofilia é um grupo de doenças hereditárias em que o sangue não coagula corretamente. A hemofilia não está normalmente associ...

    48,76 €

  • L’hémophilie
    Aditi Tripathi / Suman Sharma
    Les troubles de la coagulation sont causés par des anomalies des vaisseaux sanguins, du mécanisme de coagulation ou des plaquettes sanguines. Une personne atteinte peut saigner spontanément plus longtemps qu’une personne en bonne santé après une blessure ou une intervention chirurgicale. L’hémophilie est un groupe de troubles héréditaires dans lesquels le sang ne coagule pas co...

    48,82 €

  • Essence of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics
    Dr. Akhilesh Sharma / S.B. Singh / Yogendra Mohan
    This book has three sections namely Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics having 15, 6, and 13 chapters respectively with illustrations.The book contains the previous 5 years question papers year-wise with solutions (NEE-I).The book is useful for NEE-I and other competitive exams covering Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.The book is relevant & easy-to-understand. ...

    45,84 €

  • Ulcera aftosa ricorrente (RAU)
    Alice Alice / Rohit Sharma
    Nella società moderna, un certo numero di malattie è in aumento a causa del cambiamento dello stile di vita o delle influenze ambientali, tra cui la dieta e lo stress psicoemotivo. Tale impatto può portare allo sviluppo e alla prevalenza di varie malattie, tra cui arteriosclerosi, cancro, malattie epatiche croniche, cirrosi, broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva (BPCO), diabete,...

    60,20 €

  • Ulcère aphteux récurrent (UAR)
    Alice Alice / Rohit Sharma
    Dans la société moderne, un certain nombre de maladies sont en augmentation en raison de l’évolution des modes de vie ou de l’influence de l’environnement, notamment le régime alimentaire et le stress psycho-émotionnel. Cet impact peut continuer à favoriser le développement et la prévalence de diverses maladies, notamment l’artériosclérose, le cancer, les maladies chroniques du...

    60,26 €

  • Delícias digitais
    Kshama Sharma / RISHABH ARORA
    'Digital Delights: Driving Customer Satisfaction in Indian Private Banking' fornece uma análise abrangente do panorama em rápida evolução da banca digital no sector da banca privada na Índia. Com o objetivo de aumentar a satisfação do cliente, este livro analisa as estratégias, os desafios e as inovações que moldam as experiências bancárias digitais oferecidas pelos bancos priv...

    60,20 €

  • Digitale Genüsse
    Kshama Sharma / RISHABH ARORA
    'Digital Delights: Driving Customer Satisfaction in Indian Private Banking' bietet eine umfassende Untersuchung der sich rasch entwickelnden Landschaft des digitalen Bankwesens im indischen Privatbankensektor. Mit dem Schwerpunkt auf der Steigerung der Kundenzufriedenheit befasst sich dieses Buch mit den Strategien, Herausforderungen und Innovationen, die das digitale Bankgesch...

    60,20 €

  • Rezidivierendes aphthöses Ulkus (RAU)
    Alice Alice / Rohit Sharma
    In der modernen Gesellschaft ist eine Reihe von Krankheiten durch veränderte Lebensgewohnheiten oder Umwelteinflüsse wie Ernährung und psychoemotionalen Stress auf dem Vormarsch. Dies kann zur Entwicklung und Verbreitung verschiedener Krankheiten wie Arteriosklerose, Krebs, chronische Lebererkrankungen, Zirrhose, chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankung (COPD), Diabetes, Bluthoch...

    60,26 €

  • Úlcera aftosa recorrente (UAR)
    Alice Alice / Rohit Sharma
    Na sociedade moderna, um certo número de doenças tem vindo a aumentar com a alteração dos estilos de vida ou as influências ambientais, incluindo a alimentação e o stress psico-emocional. Este impacto pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento e a prevalência de várias doenças, incluindo a arteriosclerose, o cancro, a doença hepática crónica, a cirrose, a doença pulmonar obstrutiva...

    60,26 €

  • Delizie digitali
    Kshama Sharma / RISHABH ARORA
    'Digital Delights: Driving Customer Satisfaction in Indian Private Banking' fornisce un esame completo del panorama in rapida evoluzione del digital banking all’interno del settore bancario privato in India. Con l’obiettivo di migliorare la soddisfazione dei clienti, questo libro analizza le strategie, le sfide e le innovazioni che caratterizzano le esperienze di digital bankin...

    60,20 €

  • Les délices du numérique
    Kshama Sharma / RISHABH ARORA
    'Digital Delights : Driving Customer Satisfaction in Indian Private Banking' présente un examen complet de l’évolution rapide du paysage de la banque numérique dans le secteur de la banque privée en Inde. En mettant l’accent sur l’amélioration de la satisfaction des clients, cet ouvrage se penche sur les stratégies, les défis et les innovations qui façonnent les expériences ban...

    60,20 €

  • FEA-Analyse und Optimierung von Kardangelenkgabel und Antriebswelle
    Ravikant Sharma
    Die Aufgabe der Gelenkgabel ist es, eine Verbindung zwischen der Antriebswelle und den Antriebswellen herzustellen, deren Achsen sich schneiden und die Drehung einer Welle um ihre eigene Achse die Drehung der anderen Welle um ihre Achse zur Folge hat. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine Konstruktionsoptimierung der Gelenkgabel und der Antriebswelle mit Hilfe der Software ANSYS...

    48,82 €