128 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: satya

  • Rauschunterdrückung in Bildern
    Satya Prakash Sahu / Shrish Verma
    Das Buch enthält das grundlegende Konzept und Fallstudien zur Rauschentfernung oder -unterdrückung durch verschiedene Methoden adaptiver Filter. Verschiedene Geräusche wie Gauß’sches Rauschen (GN), Salz- und Pfeffer-Rauschen (SPN) und Speckle-Rauschen (SN) in Verbindung mit verschiedenen Geräuschpegeln stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt. Die in den Büchern vorgestellten Methoden zur R...

    51,30 €

  • Annulation du bruit dans les images
    Satya Prakash Sahu / Shrish Verma
    Ce livre comprend le concept fondamental et des études de cas pour l’élimination ou l’annulation du bruit par le biais de diverses méthodes de filtres adaptatifs. Différents bruits tels que le bruit gaussien (GN), le bruit de poivre et sel (SPN) et le bruit de chatoiement (SN) associés à différents niveaux de bruit sont étudiés. Les méthodes d’annulation du bruit présentées dan...

    51,30 €

  • Cancellazione del rumore nelle immagini
    Satya Prakash Sahu / Shrish Verma
    Il libro comprende i concetti fondamentali e i casi di studio per la rimozione o la cancellazione del rumore attraverso vari metodi di filtri adattativi. Vengono presi in considerazione vari tipi di rumore, come il rumore gaussiano (GN), il rumore Salt and Pepper (SPN) e il rumore Speckle (SN), associati a vari livelli di rumore. I metodi per la cancellazione del rumore present...

    51,30 €

  • Cancelamento de ruído em imagens
    Satya Prakash Sahu / Shrish Verma
    O livro inclui o conceito fundamental e estudos de caso para a remoção ou cancelamento de ruído através de vários métodos de filtros adaptativos. São focados vários ruídos, como o ruído Gaussiano (GN), o ruído Salt and Pepper (SPN) e o ruído Speckle (SN), associados a vários níveis de ruído. Os métodos de cancelamento de ruído apresentados nos livros contêm duas secções princip...

    51,30 €

  • Sinais verbais e visuais na publicidade das companhias aéreas
    Ayu Satya Kartika / I Nengah Sudipa / I Wayan Resen
    Na era moderna, as pessoas tendem a viajar utilizando companhias aéreas para serem mais cómodas. Para compreender a língua inglesa e os sinais relativos às viagens de avião, é bom que as pessoas leiam este livro. Este livro aborda a relação entre as formas de comunicação verbal e visual, especificamente no domínio da publicidade aeroportuária. O inglês, como meio de comunicação...

    70,90 €

  • Signes verbaux et visuels sur les publicités des compagnies aériennes
    Ayu Satya Kartika / I Nengah Sudipa / I Wayan Resen
    À l’ère moderne, les gens ont tendance à voyager en utilisant les compagnies aériennes pour plus de commodité. Pour comprendre la langue anglaise et les signes relatifs aux voyages en avion, il est bon de lire ce livre. Ce livre traite de la relation entre les modes de communication verbale et visuelle, en particulier dans le domaine de la publicité dans les aéroports. L’anglai...

    70,90 €

  • Verbale und visuelle Zeichen in der Werbung von Fluggesellschaften
    Ayu Satya Kartika / I Nengah Sudipa / I Wayan Resen
    Im modernen Zeitalter neigen die Menschen dazu, mit Fluggesellschaften zu reisen, um es bequemer zu haben. Um die englische Sprache und die Zeichen, die mit dem Reisen in Flugzeugen zu tun haben, zu verstehen, ist es gut, dieses Buch zu lesen. Dieses Buch befasst sich mit der Beziehung zwischen den verbalen und visuellen Kommunikationsmitteln, die speziell im Bereich der Flugha...

    70,97 €

  • Phylloplane Mikrobiologie
    Amarjyoti Tanti / Pranaba Nanda Bhattacharyya / Satya Ranjan Sarmah
    Die Phylloplane des Tees ist eine der wichtigsten Nischen für vielfältige Interaktionen zwischen Pflanzen und Mikroben, die in Zukunft genutzt werden könnten, um die Nährstoffaufnahme, das Pflanzenwachstum und die Toleranz gegenüber biotischen und abiotischen Stressfaktoren zu verbessern. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurden die qualitative und quantitative Bestimmung von Pi...

    50,99 €

  • Microbiologie du phylloplane
    Amarjyoti Tanti / Pranaba Nanda Bhattacharyya / Satya Ranjan Sarmah
    La phylloplane du thé est l’une des niches importantes pour diverses interactions plantes-microbes qui pourraient être exploitées à l’avenir pour améliorer l’absorption des nutriments, la croissance des plantes et la tolérance aux stress biotiques et abiotiques. Dans la présente étude, l’estimation qualitative et quantitative des champignons et l’estimation quantitative des bac...

    50,99 €

  • Microbiologia filloplana
    Amarjyoti Tanti / Pranaba Nanda Bhattacharyya / Satya Ranjan Sarmah
    Il filloplano del tè è una nicchia importante per le diverse interazioni pianta-microbo che potrebbero essere sfruttate in futuro per migliorare l’assorbimento dei nutrienti, la crescita della pianta e la tolleranza agli stress biotici e abiotici. Nella presente indagine, la stima qualitativa e quantitativa dei funghi e la stima quantitativa dei batteri e degli attinomiceti son...

    50,99 €

  • Microbiologia do filoplano
    Amarjyoti Tanti / Pranaba Nanda Bhattacharyya / Satya Ranjan Sarmah
    O filoplano do chá é um dos nichos importantes para diversas interações planta-micróbio que poderão ser exploradas no futuro para melhorar a absorção de nutrientes, o crescimento das plantas e a tolerância a stresses bióticos e abióticos. No presente estudo, procedeu-se à estimativa qualitativa e quantitativa de fungos e à estimativa quantitativa de bactérias e actinomicetos no...

    50,99 €

  • Segnali verbali e visivi sulla pubblicità delle compagnie aeree
    Ayu Satya Kartika / I Nengah Sudipa / I Wayan Resen
    Nell’era moderna, le persone tendono a viaggiare con le compagnie aeree per essere più comode. Per comprendere la lingua inglese e i segnali relativi ai viaggi in aereo, è bene leggere questo libro. Questo libro affronta il rapporto tra le modalità di comunicazione verbale e visiva, in particolare nell’ambito della pubblicità aeroportuale. L’inglese, come mezzo di comunicazione...

    70,90 €

  • The Shadow Itself
    Satya Say
    'One cannot distinguish which is history and which is tale, as they overlap each other. But one thing is certain: there is a bit of tale in history, and a bit of history in the tale. The factuality of Orentiera our eyes perceive is a fraction of the incomprehensibility hidden beyond. One may fathom the constitution of our world in their mind’s abstract contemplation and then dr...

    20,08 €

  • 21 Shreshth Balman Ki Kahaniyan
    Satya Prakash Bharteeya
    भारत एक विशाल देश है, जिसमें अनेकों सभ्यताओं, परम्पराओं का समावेश है। विभिन्न राज्यों के पर्व-त्यौहार, रहन-सहन का ढंग, शैक्षिक अवस्था, वर्तमान और भविष्य का चिंतन, भोजन की विधियाँ, सांस्कृतिक विकास, मुहावरे, पोशाक और उत्सव इत्यादि की जानकारी कथा-कहानी के माध्यम से भी मिलती है। भारत के सभी प्रदेशों के निवासी साहित्य के माध्यम से एक-दूसरे को जानें, समझें और प्रभावित हो सकें, ऐसा स...

    13,36 €

  • Unleash Your Energy Boost Performance with This Powerful Formula
    Are you feeling tired, sluggish, and unable to reach your full potential? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with low energy levels that hold them back in all areas of life. But what if there was a way to unlock your true potential and experience boundless energy and peak performance?Introducing the powerful formula to unleash your energy and boost performance! This unique ...

    29,02 €

    In this book the author takes a pedagogic approach to Algebraic K-theory. He tried to find the shortest route possible, with complete details, to arrive at the homotopy approach of Quillen [Q] to Algebraic K-theory, with a simple goal to produce a self-contained and comprehensive pedagogic document in Algebraic K-theory, that is accessible to upper level graduate students. That...

    202,06 €

  • Automatic Detection of Accretion for Glaucoma Eye
    Anil Kumar Neelapala / Satya Anuradha Mosa
    Glaucoma is one of the diseases that deal with the loss of vision without warning or symptoms. Some of the alarming facts about Glaucoma are the leading cause of blindness, no cure for Glaucoma yet, everyone is at risk and There may be no symptoms. When Glaucoma is understood and managed, humans can continue to live their life fully. Considering all these issues the projected w...

    61,44 €

  • Genesis of the Butterfly
    Satya Ramani Vadlamani
    Genesis of the Butterfly ...

    11,34 €

  • Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Ke Divya Chamatkar
    Prof Satya Pal Ruhela
    NA ...

    22,02 €

  • Divya Sai Sandesh
    Satya Pal Ruhela
    प्रस्‍तुत पुस्‍तक में कराची के एक महान पारसी योगी मिनोचर के स्‍पेंसर (1888-1958) के अमर आध्‍यात्मिक ग्रंथ में प्रकाशित हुए उन 77 अनूठे आध्‍यात्मिक उपदेशों का अनुवाद (अनुवादन प्रो. सत्‍यपाल रुहेला) है जो कि उन्‍हें देवलोक से भगवानरी शिरडी साईं बाबा से 3 नवम्‍बर1952 से 18 फरवरी 1953 की अवधि में उनके ध्‍यान सत्रों में प्राप्‍त हुए थे। ये उपदेश सभी धर्मों के महान धर्मगुरुओं यथा जोर...

    15,58 €

  • Visions from the Past
    Satya Colpani
    This book tells an Australian story. Through the eyes of an artist, we discover the Australia of the mid-19th century, developing from the days of convicts and freewheeling immigrants and adventurers into a young, dynamic country, attracting permanent settlers, pastoralists as well as those escaping religious persecution in their home country. With permanence comes art, and we ...

    33,66 €

  • AI in Fashion Industry
    Dr. Sanjay Mohapatra / Dr. Satya Banerjee
    AI in Fashion Industry discusses recent developments in fashion forecasting, developing a ’framework of AI-based fashion forecasting’ and validates the framework with a qualitative case study of the world’s first fashion intelligence company based in Bengaluru, India. ...

    87,69 €

  • Tarjani
    Satya Misra
    Tarjani (Index Finger) is a collection of fourteen short stories which appeared earlier in well-known Odia magazines and were loved by readers. These stories are based on day-to-day lives of individuals, exploring human behaviour, personal beliefs, loneliness and even idiosyncrasies. Some social customs have been lampooned without any pedagogical pretensions. Joy and pain have ...

    17,75 €

  • Man with a Golden Heart
    MAN WITH A GOLDEN HEARTis a small volume of free-style verses by the humanitarian doctor, Satya Sri.As explained in the preface, the author wove these pearl-like poems in order to relieve himself from the pain and tension he experienced in his life. He says he would like to share his feelings with his readers, as this would give him satisfaction.Dr. Satya Sri says the past alwa...

    15,26 €

    In order to sustain their ventures in the Indian market, businesses developed an ecosystem to promote their current and future business. Over time, more and more small business owners emerged and organised their own settings to sustain business activities.Contemporary times challenge emerging economies - like India - to adopt entrepreneurship in order to boost its economy. Micr...

    132,50 €

  • Pet Birds Of Bengal (Volume I)
    Satya Churn Law
    This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature. This forms a part of the knowledge base for future generations. So that the book is never forgotten we have represented this book in a print format as the same form as it was originally first published. Hence any marks or annotations seen are left intentionally to preserve ...

    15,43 €

  • Dear Earth
    Satya Robyn
    How is it to live on this gorgeous planet, knowing about the terrible damage we have caused her and are still causing her? These letters begin with the author’s rude awakening to our current ecological and climate emergency. They journey through the ups and downs of activism (with a few arrests along the way) and touch on the themes of grief, fear and anger, the majesty of the ...

    11,75 €

  • Uttarakhand General Knowledge
    Satya Prakash Singh
    This comprehensive book has mainly and deliberately been designed to cater to the long-felt needs of the students studying in college and universities, including the prospective candidates preparing various government exams. This Book Covers Short and precise summary on Uttarakhand ’s culture, geography, economy, languages, flora and fauna, agriculture, infrastructure, climate,...

    17,49 €

  • An Introduction to Algorithmic Finance, Algorithmic Trading and Blockchain
    Palash Sarkar / Satya Chakravarty
    The purpose of the book is to provide a broad-based accessible introduction to three of the presently most important areas of computational finance, namely, option pricing, algorithmic trading and blockchain. This will provide a basic understanding required for a career in the finance industry and for doing more specialised courses in finance. ...

    159,56 €

  • Basic Electronics Engineering
    Satya Sai Srikant / Prakash Kumar Chaturvedi

    122,98 €

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