24 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: nene

  • Letras (A)doradas
    Nené .
    Esta novela es una travesía dolorosa, donde una familia de clase media se tambalea ante una enfermedad inesperada que pretende truncar los sueños de un joven. Una lucha por cumplirlos con optimismo y un espíritu luminoso; el relato de una madre y el cordón indestructible del amor hacia su hijo; una denuncia de todos los molinos que hay que derribar en el sector de la salud, don...

    16,11 €

    Aboubacar Sangaré / Nènè Aïcha Koné
    Malnutrition is a set of clinical manifestations due to an inadequate intake in quantity and/or quality in the diet of nutrients necessary for normal growth and proper functioning of the organism. This was a retrospective study from 2019 to 2020, i.e. a period of 1 year for the retrospective and 2021 for the prospective, which aimed to measure the strength of the association be...

    61,63 €

    Aboubacar Sangaré / Nènè Aïcha Koné
    Mangelernährung ist eine Gruppe von klinischen Erscheinungen, die darauf zurückzuführen sind, dass die für das normale Wachstum und die normale Funktion des Körpers notwendigen Nährstoffe nicht in ausreichender Menge und/oder Qualität mit der Nahrung aufgenommen werden. Es handelte sich um eine retrospektive Studie von 2019 bis 2020, d. h. um einen Zeitraum von einem Jahr für d...

    61,69 €

    Aboubacar Sangaré / Nènè Aïcha Koné
    A desnutrição é um conjunto de manifestações clínicas decorrentes da ingestão inadequada em quantidade e/ou qualidade de nutrientes necessários ao crescimento normal e ao bom funcionamento do organismo. Este foi um estudo retrospetivo de 2019 a 2020, ou seja, um período de 1 ano para o retrospetivo e 2021 para o prospetivo, que teve como objetivo medir a força da associação ent...

    61,63 €

    Aboubacar Sangaré / Nènè Aïcha Koné
    La malnutrizione è un gruppo di manifestazioni cliniche dovute a un apporto inadeguato in quantità e/o qualità dei nutrienti necessari per la normale crescita e il corretto funzionamento dell’organismo. Si è trattato di uno studio retrospettivo dal 2019 al 2020, ovvero un periodo di 1 anno per la retrospettiva e 2021 per la prospettica, che aveva l’obiettivo di misurare la forz...

    61,63 €

  • Purvamimamsa-adhikaranakaumudi
    Nene Gopla stri / Ramakrsna Bhattacarya
    A Sanskrit text on the principles of the Purva Mimamsa school of Indian philosophy, with commentary and explanation by the authors.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United ...

    32,83 €

  • Purvamimamsa-adhikaranakaumudi
    Nene Gopla stri / Ramakrsna Bhattacarya
    A Sanskrit text on the principles of the Purva Mimamsa school of Indian philosophy, with commentary and explanation by the authors.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United ...

    17,57 €

    Este livro de receitas abrange tudo, desde os fundamentos do equipamento de bolo que todo padeiro precisa em sua cozinha, dicas e truques, noções básicas de creme de manteiga;Eu acho que você ama isso, há uma lista de todos os bolos grandes, desde o bolo de alegria de amêndoa até os deliciosos combos, como bolo de chocolate escuro com menta, bolo de sundae com calda quente, bol...

    30,25 €

  • Oracle
    Abibata Nene Sarah Sall
    Elle s’appelle Lilas, toute sa vie, elle s’était senti différente des autres, à l’écart, pas à sa place dans ce monde. Tout s’eclaircissait enfin à ses yeux lorsqu’elle découvrit ce monde plein de magie duquel elle était issue. Elle était l’élue...son destin était tracé, la prophétie allait enfin pouvoir se réaliser. Avec l’aide de ses nouveaux amis, Lilas va devoir se lancer d...

    49,06 €

  • Zwischen Do-it-yourself und Überleben, welche Modelle für weibliches Unternehmertum?
    Deffa Kane Néné Oumou / Razane Chroqui
    Im Kontext der Globalisierung wird das Unternehmertum von Frauen zunehmend fast automatisch mit einer unternehmerischen Notwendigkeit assimiliert, die durch die Verpflichtung motiviert ist, ein eigenes Unternehmen zu gründen, um aus Prekarität und Armut herauszukommen. Daher nimmt das Überlebensunternehmertum in allen afrikanischen Gesellschaften einen zentralen Platz ein. Man ...

    78,79 €

  • Between do-it-yourself and survival, what models for female entrepreneurship?
    Deffa Kane Néné Oumou / Razane Chroqui
    In a context of globalization, women’s entrepreneurship is increasingly assimilated almost automatically to a necessity entrepreneurship motivated by the obligation to create one’s own business to get out of precariousness and poverty. Thus, survival entrepreneurship occupies a central place in all African societies. One only has to walk around African markets and public spaces...

    73,67 €

  • Tra il fai-da-te e la sopravvivenza, quali modelli per l’imprenditoria femminile?
    Deffa Kane Néné Oumou / Razane Chroqui
    In un contesto di globalizzazione, l’imprenditoria femminile è sempre più assimilata quasi automaticamente a una necessità imprenditoriale motivata dall’obbligo di creare la propria impresa per uscire dalla precarietà e dalla povertà. Così, l’imprenditorialità di sopravvivenza occupa un posto centrale in tutte le società africane. Basta passeggiare per i mercati e gli spazi pub...

    78,87 €

  • Jaki jest model kobiecej przedsiębiorczości między wykonywaniem własnej pracy a przetrwaniem?
    Deffa Kane Néné Oumou / Razane Chroqui
    W kontekście globalizacji przedsiębiorczość kobiet jest coraz częściej asymilowana niemal automatycznie z przedsiębiorczością konieczności, motywowaną obowiązkiem tworzenia własnej firmy w celu wyjścia z niepewności i ubóstwa. Tak więc przedsiębiorczość przetrwania zajmuje centralne miejsce we wszystkich społeczeństwach afrykańskich. Wystarczy tylko chodzić po afrykańskich rynk...

    78,87 €

  • Entre o 'faça você mesmo' e a sobrevivência, que modelos de empreendedorismo feminino?
    Deffa Kane Néné Oumou / Razane Chroqui
    Num contexto de globalização, o empreendedorismo feminino é cada vez mais assimilado quase automaticamente a uma necessidade empresarial motivada pela obrigação de criar o seu próprio negócio para sair da precariedade e da pobreza. Assim, o empreendedorismo de sobrevivência ocupa um lugar central em todas as sociedades africanas. Basta andar pelos mercados e espaços públicos af...

    78,87 €

  • Entre bricolage et survie, quels modéles à l’entrepreneuriat féminin
    Deffa Kane Néné Oumou / Razane Chroqui
    Dans un contexte de globalisation, l’entrepreneuriat féminin s’assimile de plus en plus quasi automatiquement à un entrepreneuriat de nécessité motivé par l’obligation de créer son entreprise pour sortir de la précarité et de la pauvreté. Ainsi, l’entrepreneuriat de survie occupe une place centrale dans toutes les sociétés africaines. Il suffit de se promener dans les marchés e...

    110,46 €

  • Influence of Generic Planning Strategies on Competitiveness of Private universities
    Nene Nderitu
    The growth in number of universities in Kenya, (MOE, 2016), coupled with the belief that a degree qualification guarantee good job and better bargaining power in the career advancement, witnessed an exponential growth in students’ enrollment. The skyrocketed enrollment affected the already over-stretched academic resources. The scenario rendered the public university sector ina...

    60,26 €

  • Ingane Yamalungelo
    C.L. Zwane / C.LZwane / J.O. Nene / J.ONene
    IsiZulu drama book titled ‘Ingane Yamalungelo’ translated as ‘Child of Rights’ is a drama book written for reading. It can be changed to be played in real places. This drama talks about the new theme for children using their rights the way that is unacceptable. The main character of the drama is Zethu, she uses her rights with an unacceptable way where she shows disrespect to h...

    23,29 €

  • A Journey of Diversity & Inclusion
    Nene Molefi
    “The ideas and experiences shared by author Nene Molefi speak directly to the troubling prejudices and inequities that persist in our world. Diversity and inclusion are more pressing than ever. Injustices and deep social divisions persist, personally and systemically. Racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of fear and hatred are not isolated. They remain embedded and they ...

    26,64 €

  • Am I Wrong? - The Social
    Tutto inizia con un social.Già, niente di particolare, vero?Eppure è proprio da qui che Harry Evans, un tenero, solitario ragazzo di diciotto anni che è vittima di bullismo dato il suo orientamento sessuale, inizia il suo percorso per uscire da quella corazza che si era creato da solo fin dall’età di quattordici anni.Infatti il ragazzo è gay ed è innamorato del capitano della s...

    52,74 €

  • Governance, Environment, and Sustainable Human Development in DRC
    Nene Ndeta Mobimba

    15,34 €

  • Family Secrets and Satanic Contract
    Maureen Nene Kemp

    23,77 €

  • Family Secrets and Satanic Contract
    Maureen Nene Kemp

    32,19 €

  • Never Make the Same Mistake Twice
    Nene Leakes

    13,81 €

  • Angels Anointing
    Khulekani Magubane / Lindelwe Nene / Llewelyn Lambert
    Three teenagers wrote this book. There is the story of the excellent student who relaxed after eating a drugged biscuit. This led to an addiction which led the good student to being expelled from school, getting heavily intro drugs and landing up in a rehabilitation center where things were equally bad.  The story does have a positive ending as the young man finds the strength ...

    26,06 €