357 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: lina

  • It Could Have Been Me
    Lina M Abdulkarim
     'It Could Have Been Me' follows Yasmeen and Sumoud, two girls from the same homeland whose paths diverged due to fate. Through a chance encounter with Sumoud, a Palestinian refugee, Yasmeen’s perspective is forever changed. As the two girls bond over shared experiences and unexpected similarities, Yasmeen realizes the profound impact of fate and the stark contrast between thei...

    17,64 €

  • It Could Have Been Me
    Lina M Abdulkarim
     'It Could Have Been Me' is a children’s book that follows Yasmeen and Sumoud, two girls from the same homeland whose paths diverged due to fate. Through a chance encounter with Sumoud, a Palestinian refugee, Yasmeen’s perspective is forever changed. As the two girls bond over shared experiences and unexpected similarities, Yasmeen realizes the profound impact of fate and the s...

    8,36 €

  • Wie man ein erfolgreicher Mensch wird
    Lina Ojha / Sanjay Banerjee
    In 'Wie man ein erfolgreicher Mensch wird' finden Sie Ihren persönlichen Leitfaden, um Ihr volles Potenzial zu entfalten und die Herausforderungen des Lebens mit Selbstvertrauen zu meistern. Dieses Buch definiert den Erfolg nach Ihren eigenen Bedingungen neu und befähigt Sie, Ihren einzigartigen Weg zu finden, der auf Ihre Träume und Wünsche zugeschnitten ist. Es stattet Sie mi...

    61,82 €

  • Comment devenir une personne à succès
    Lina Ojha / Sanjay Banerjee
    Dans 'How to Become a Successful Person', vous trouverez votre guide personnel pour libérer tout votre potentiel et relever les défis de la vie avec confiance. Ce livre redéfinit le succès selon vos conditions, en vous donnant les moyens de tracer votre propre chemin, adapté à vos rêves et à vos aspirations. Il vous dote de l’état d’esprit nécessaire pour alimenter votre voyage...

    61,76 €

  • Come diventare una persona di successo
    Lina Ojha / Sanjay Banerjee
    In 'Come diventare una persona di successo' troverete la vostra guida personale per liberare tutto il vostro potenziale e vincere le sfide della vita con fiducia. Questo libro ridefinisce il successo alle vostre condizioni, dandovi la possibilità di ritagliarvi un percorso unico, adatto ai vostri sogni e alle vostre aspirazioni. Vi fornisce la mentalità necessaria per alimentar...

    61,76 €

  • Como se tornar uma pessoa de sucesso
    Lina Ojha / Sanjay Banerjee
    Em 'Como se tornar uma pessoa de sucesso', encontrará o seu guia pessoal para libertar todo o seu potencial e vencer os desafios da vida com confiança. Este livro redefine o sucesso à sua maneira, permitindo-lhe traçar um caminho único, adaptado aos seus sonhos e aspirações. Equipa-o com a mentalidade necessária para impulsionar a sua viagem, banindo as dúvidas e fomentando uma...

    61,76 €

  • The Moments Between The Apocalypse
    Lina Hailings
    Veronica Wainwright is the greatest soldier humanity has ever forged. And Sarah Torren, a small, dorky, and otherwise average mage, has somehow won her heart.The supernatural community trembles in fear as demon attacks rise, and even the mundane world struggles under the steadily growing darkness. Veronica, champion of an ancient order of monster hunters, is on the front lines ...

    11,12 €

  • Umsetzung der Bildungspolitik und ihre Herausforderungen an den Universitäten
    Lina Ojha / Sanjay Banerjee
    Dieses Buch befasst sich mit dem komplizierten Bereich der Bildungspolitik im Hochschulbereich und bietet eine umfassende Untersuchung, die historische Perspektiven, die Entwicklung von Strategien, Herausforderungen bei der Umsetzung, die Bewertung der Auswirkungen und zukünftige Trends umfasst. Kapitel 2 bietet einen historischen Überblick über die Entwicklung der Bildungspoli...

    60,44 €

  • La mise en œuvre de la politique éducative et ses défis dans les universités
    Lina Ojha / Sanjay Banerjee
    Cet ouvrage se penche sur le domaine complexe des politiques éducatives au sein des universités, offrant une exploration complète qui couvre les perspectives historiques, l’élaboration des politiques, les défis de la mise en œuvre, l’évaluation de l’impact et les tendances futures. Le chapitre 2 présente une perspective historique, retraçant l’évolution des politiques éducative...

    60,44 €

  • L’attuazione della politica educativa e le sue sfide nelle università
    Lina Ojha / Sanjay Banerjee
    Questo libro si addentra nell’intricato regno delle politiche educative all’interno delle università, offrendo un’esplorazione completa che abbraccia prospettive storiche, sviluppo delle politiche, sfide di attuazione, valutazione dell’impatto e tendenze future. Il capitolo 2 fornisce una lente storica, tracciando l’evoluzione delle politiche educative nelle università e il lor...

    60,38 €

  • Implementação de políticas educativas e seus desafios nas universidades
    Lina Ojha / Sanjay Banerjee
    Este livro mergulha no intrincado domínio da política educativa no contexto universitário, oferecendo uma exploração abrangente que abrange perspectivas históricas, desenvolvimento de políticas, desafios de implementação, avaliação do impacto e tendências futuras. O Capítulo 2 fornece uma perspetiva histórica, traçando a evolução das políticas educativas nas universidades e o s...

    60,38 €

  • How to Become a Successful Person
    Lina Ojha / Sanjay Banerjee
    In 'How to Become a Successful Person,' you’ll find your personal guide to unlocking your full potential and conquering life’s challenges with confidence. This book redefines success on your terms, empowering you to carve out your unique path tailored to your dreams and aspirations. It equips you with the mindset needed to fuel your journey, banishing self-doubt and fostering u...

    61,57 €

  • Un’indagine sull’applicazione del Building Information Modeling (BIM)
    Lina Ahmed AbuHamra
    Il Building Information Modeling (BIM) ha recentemente raggiunto un’ampia attenzione nel settore dell’architettura, dell’ingegneria e delle costruzioni (AEC). Il BIM è stato suggerito da diversi professionisti e ricercatori come il rimedio universale per affrontare le inefficienze del settore AEC. In numerosi casi di diversi Paesi sono stati riportati potenziali benefici e vant...

    98,53 €

  • Eine Untersuchung der Anwendung von Building Information Modeling (BIM)
    Lina Ahmed AbuHamra
    Die Gebäudedatenmodellierung (Building Information Modeling, BIM) hat in letzter Zeit in der Architektur-, Ingenieur- und Baubranche (AEC) große Aufmerksamkeit erlangt. BIM wurde von mehreren Fachleuten und Forschern als Allheilmittel zur Beseitigung der Ineffizienzen in der AEC-Branche vorgeschlagen. In zahlreichen Fällen aus verschiedenen Ländern wurde über potenzielle Vortei...

    98,51 €

  • Enquête sur l’application de la modélisation des données du bâtiment (BIM)
    Lina Ahmed AbuHamra
    La modélisation des données du bâtiment (BIM) a récemment fait l’objet d’une grande attention dans l’industrie de l’architecture, de l’ingénierie et de la construction (AEC). La BIM a été suggérée par plusieurs professionnels et chercheurs comme le remède universel pour remédier aux inefficacités de l’industrie AEC. Dans de nombreux cas et dans différents pays, des avantages po...

    98,50 €

  • Uma investigação sobre a aplicação da Modelação da Informação da Construção (BIM)
    Lina Ahmed AbuHamra
    A Modelação da Informação da Construção (BIM) tem vindo a merecer recentemente uma atenção generalizada na indústria da Arquitetura, Engenharia e Construção (AEC). O BIM tem sido sugerido por vários profissionais e investigadores como a solução universal para resolver as ineficiências no sector da AEC. Em numerosos casos de diferentes países, foram registados potenciais benefíc...

    98,53 €

  • Educational Policy Implementation and Its Challenges in Universities
    Lina Ojha / Sanjay Banerjee
    This book delves into the intricate realm of educational policy within university settings, offering a comprehensive exploration that spans historical perspectives, policy development, implementation challenges, impact assessment, and future trends. Chapter 2 provides a historical lens, tracing the evolution of educational policies in universities and their lasting impact on th...

    61,63 €

  • Out of Body
    Lina Hansen
    A skeleton unearthed, a coven in peril, and meddling villagers with a penchant for mayhem-Myrtle Coldron’s life is about to get wicked.Myrtle Coldron, owner of the Witch’s Retreat B&B and leader of the Magical Misfits, enjoys a hike and stumbles upon a skeleton. The unwelcome discovery unleashes a series of bizarre events that shake the quaint village of Avebury to the core. An...

    19,81 €

  • Intensa, Iníqua E Inócua
    Lina Lorenzini
    Conjunto poético reunindo parte dos poemas compostos pela autora entre 1977 e 2017, com seu teor ardentemente feminino, ora erótico, ora errático (nas palavras da própria poeta). A obra inclui também algumas traduções suas de poetas estrangeiras pouco conhecidas no Brasil à época, como Ada Negri, Robin Hyde e Adelaide Crapsey, além de verter Florbela Espanca para o inglês e o i...

    7,69 €

  • This Eclipsed Crown
    Lina C. Amarego
    Three hearts. Two Kingdoms. One dark vow. NO ONE TOLD Thera of Erebus how heavy her late father’s crown would be. But the newly appointed Shadow King feels its weight as she fights a war on two sides; against the Shadowborne, the vicious race of monsters terrorizing her people-and the vast, resourceful Luxian Empire. To end the bloodshed, the former ’soul eater’ lays down her s...

    21,15 €

  • This Eclipsed Crown
    Lina C. Amarego
    Three hearts. Two Kingdoms. One dark vow. NO ONE TOLD Thera of Erebus how heavy her late father’s crown would be. But the newly appointed Shadow King feels its weight as she fights a war on two sides; against the Shadowborne, the vicious race of monsters terrorizing her people-and the vast, resourceful Luxian Empire. To end the bloodshed, the former ’soul eater’ lays down her s...

    28,49 €

  • Considerations on sex work jurisprudence
    Prostitution has long been considered one of the oldest and most stigmatized human and economic activities in the world, for Reyes (2019) there are two visions surrounding this activity, one of labor order based on the signals of the International Labor Organization ILO and another of criminal order in which it is perceived as an activity that transgresses human rights. This is...

    112,96 €

  • Considérations sur la jurisprudence en matière de travail sexuel
    La prostitution a longtemps été considérée comme l’une des activités humaines et économiques les plus anciennes et les plus stigmatisées au monde. Pour Reyes (2019), il existe deux visions autour de cette activité, l’une de nature professionnelle basée sur les directives de l’Organisation internationale du travail (OIT) et l’autre de nature criminelle dans laquelle elle est per...

    113,03 €

  • Considerazioni sulla giurisprudenza in materia di lavoro sessuale
    La prostituzione è stata a lungo considerata una delle attività umane ed economiche più antiche e stigmatizzate del mondo. Per Reyes (2019), esistono due visioni intorno a questa attività, una di natura lavorativa basata sulle linee guida dell’Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro (OIL) e l’altra di natura criminale in cui viene percepita come un’attività che trasgredisce i ...

    112,96 €

  • Überlegungen zur Rechtsprechung im Bereich der Sexarbeit
    Prostitution gilt seit langem als eine der ältesten und am stärksten stigmatisierten menschlichen und wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten in der Welt. Für Reyes (2019) gibt es zwei Sichtweisen, die diese Tätigkeit umgeben: eine arbeitsrechtliche, die auf den Leitlinien der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation (ILO) beruht, und eine kriminelle, bei der sie als eine Aktivität wahrgenomme...

    113,09 €

  • Considerações sobre a jurisprudência relativa ao trabalho sexual
    A prostituição é considerada, desde há muito tempo, uma das actividades humanas e económicas mais antigas e estigmatizadas do mundo. Para Reyes (2019), existem duas visões em torno desta atividade, uma de natureza laboral baseada nas directrizes da Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) e outra de natureza criminal em que é vista como uma atividade que transgride os direit...

    112,96 €

  • At the Crossroads
    Lina Belar
    Lina’s poetry inspires us to read her words aloud, vibrantly celebrating beauty in the world we love, by tasting her delicious words as they roll off our tongues, luring us into images that brilliantly flash before our eyes, and observing details we might not otherwise see. Lina’s poetry is open, warm, welcoming, and thoughtful, recognizing the ongoing cycle of life, like the r...

    20,48 €

  • Jax and Ren Are Jets
    Lina Miller
    Jax and Ren books are perfect for NEW Readers (pre-K, kindergarten, first grade, or struggling readers)Do you have a young reader who knows consonant and short vowel letter sounds?Are they working on blending the letter sounds together to make words?Decode by Heart presents Jax and Ren! Follow the adventures of best friends, Jax (a tan bear cub) and Ren (a red fox).Jax and Ren ...

    13,45 €

  • Some Cars
    Auston Stamm / Lina Li Stamm
    This children’s book engages young readers with its use of rhymes and illustrated car stories. The book highlights the many varieties of cars and that each is loved by someone special. The book ends by encouraging children to be safe when crossing the street. The book also reminds children that they are also loved unconditionally. ...

    13,22 €

    lina Dimitrescu
    Bine ați venit la „Aroma Bucătăriei Cehe', o călătorie senzorială prin 100 de arome din bucătăriile boeme care definesc lumea bogată și aromată a bucătăriei cehe. Această carte este o sărbătoare a tradițiilor aromatice și reconfortante care au modelat bucătăria cehă, invitându-vă să explorați mirosurile, aromele și moștenirea culinară a regiunii. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce ne...

    35,35 €