LIBROS DEL AUTOR: justin p j

6 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: justin p j

  • Des puits qui s’assèchent, des cultures qui s’étiolent
    Justin P. J / Merin Jimmy
    L’étude visait à approfondir la question de la pénurie d’eau et la manière dont elle affectait les moyens de subsistance et l’agriculture dans le Muttom Gramapanchayat. Elle a cherché à explorer et à mettre en lumière les différentes façons dont la pénurie d’eau a eu un impact sur l’économie, l’agriculture et les moyens de subsistance généraux des habitants de cette région part...

    85,21 €

  • Trocknende Brunnen, schwindende Ernten
    Justin P. J / Merin Jimmy
    Ziel der Studie war es, die Frage der Wasserknappheit und deren Auswirkungen auf die Lebensgrundlagen und die Landwirtschaft im Muttom Gramapanchayat zu untersuchen. Sie sollte die verschiedenen Auswirkungen der Wasserknappheit auf die Wirtschaft, die Landwirtschaft und den allgemeinen Lebensunterhalt der Bewohner dieser Region untersuchen und beleuchten. In der Studie wurde ei...

    85,27 €

  • Pozzi che si prosciugano, colture che svaniscono
    Justin P. J / Merin Jimmy
    L’obiettivo dello studio è stato quello di approfondire la questione della scarsità d’acqua e il modo in cui essa ha influito sui mezzi di sussistenza e sull’agricoltura nel Gramapanchayat di Muttom. Ha cercato di esplorare e far luce sui vari modi in cui la scarsità d’acqua ha avuto un impatto sull’economia, sull’agricoltura e sui mezzi di sussistenza dei residenti di questa p...

    85,21 €

  • Poços secos, colheitas que se desvanecem
    Justin P. J / Merin Jimmy
    O estudo teve como objetivo aprofundar a questão da escassez de água e a forma como esta afectou os meios de subsistência e a agricultura no Muttom Gramapanchayat. Procurou explorar e esclarecer as várias formas em que a escassez de água afectou a economia, a agricultura e os meios de subsistência em geral dos residentes nesta região em particular. Através de uma abordagem quan...

    85,21 €

  • A Study on Play and Playground Facilities in Schools
    Justin P. J. / K. Prashanthy
    The purpose of this study is to better understand how play and playground amenities affect child overall development by looking into their roles in schools. The research uses a quantitative methodology, integrating surveys, observations, and interviews to gather information from various educational settings. the suitability of the current playground infrastructure and the relat...

    62,02 €

  • Drying Wells, Fading Crops
    Justin P. J. / Merin Jimmy
    The study aimed to delve into the issue of water scarcity and how it affected the livelihoods and agriculture in the Muttom Gramapanchayat. It sought to explore and shed light on the various ways in which water scarcity impacted the economy, agriculture, and overall livelihoods of the residents in this particular region. Through a quantitative approach, the study utilized a que...

    85,65 €