LIBROS DEL AUTOR: concordia publishing house

23 resultados para LIBROS DEL AUTOR: concordia publishing house

concordia publishing house Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • My Prayer Book
    Concordia Publishing House
    God tells us to pray to Him about everything. No matter how your day has gone, or what emotion you may be feeling, it’s important that you have words to bring it to God in prayer. My Prayer Book is filled with more than 200 prayers that help you find the words for any situation. Want to rejoice and give gratitude that you are a Christian? Need to pray for help on forgiving some...

    22,05 €

  • Thirty Days in God’s Word
    Concordia Publishing House
    Between getting kids to school, cooking dinner, and doing laundry it’s difficult to find time in your busy schedule to continue studying and learning God’s word. Well known Bible stories such as the Creation story, Moses’s parting of the Red Sea, and David and Goliath are easy to remember. But many smaller Bible stories are forgotten over time. 30 Days To Know The Bible will le...

    19,81 €

  • Male & Female
    Concordia Publishing House
    Men and women alike have a fascination and eagerness to discuss sex and gender, but those discussions can be uncomfortable, and for some, can bring up painful memories and assumptions. Perhaps the reason this topic is so alluring and so challenging is because it strikes close to home. Our identity as a man or a woman goes to the core of who we are. Our experiences in the world ...

    25,64 €

  • Engaging the Psalms
    Concordia Publishing House
    From struggle to jubilation, the Psalms reveal the human experience. They exhibit a broad, stunning range of human emotion from God’s creation and serve as a summary of the entire Bible. The Psalms also serve as a wonderful tool for devotion and reflection. Engaging the Psalms: A Guide for Reflection and Prayer guides you through all 150 Psalms to find quiet devotional time wit...

    41,56 €

  • Blessings and Prayers for Women
    Concordia Publishing House
    Women today are busy balancing all of their different vocations, hardly having a minute to rest or spend one-on-one with Christ. You need a book that works with you: portable, brief, and easy to use. Blessings and Prayers for Women is a pocket-size devotional filled with comforting words to get you through your day. Daily prayers meant for individuals and small groups let you s...

    10,51 €

  • My Confirmation Memories
    Concordia Publishing House
    This book is ideal for collecting treasured memories from confirmation day. This book contains information on Confirmation as well as pages to record date, time, place, and other important information. There is also a section to paste photographs of the event and the family activities surrounding it. ...

    36,57 €

  • The Christian Difference
    Publishing House Concordia
    The Christian Difference details the basic history, personalities, and beliefs of the world’s major religions:JudaismIslamMormonismJehovah’s WitnessesScientologySkepticismHinduismBuddhismConfucianismShintoismSikhism.Each of these religions is compared with Christianity, providing ideas for how to talk to neighbors, family members, fellow students, or co-workers who follow one o...

    39,81 €

  • Defending Luther’s Reformation
    Concordia Publishing House / John A Maxfield
    Over the course of history, many critics have attacked Martin Luther and brought many false claims against him. Defending Luther’s Reformation directly addresses those controversial views of Luther, and equips readers to defend the existence of Lutheranism as a confession, dealing with both the successes and failures of the Lutheran Reformation.Defending Luther’s Reformation wi...

    47,11 €

  • Necessary Distinction
    Concordia Publishing House
    The distinction between the Law and the Gospel is an often-overlooked necessity when comprehending Scripture. Law and Gospel are not meant to be balanced or coordinated; rather, they should be rightly distinguished. This distinction is not a theoretical abstraction but a functional necessity for preaching and pastoral care lest sinners be left with their own attempts at righteo...

    39,53 €

  • Lives and Writings of the Great Fathers of the Lutheran Church
    Concordia Publishing House / Timothy Schmeling
    The wisdom and biblical teaching of the early Lutheran Church has been locked away in German and Latin for centuries. A key to this treasure chest, Lives & Writings of the Great Fathers of the Lutheran Church is a handbook that introduces the chief confessional Lutheran theologians from the era of Lutheran Orthodoxy (1580-1700).Short biographical sketches reveal the little-know...

    39,60 €

  • Concordia’s Bible History Teacher Book
    Concordia Publishing House
    For use with the comprehensive Bible overview, Concordia’s Bible History and its accompanying student workbook, this teacher book includes answers to the student workbook questions, reproducible tests, and answers for each unit’s discussion questions. ...

    36,38 €

  • God’s Word for Today
    Concordia Publishing House / Lois M. Engfehr
    Each study in the God’s Word for Today series provides an in-depth exploration of a book of the Bible. Each session includes:background information on the book of the Bible, its author, audience, occasion, and purpose;learning experiences that promote exciting and challenging discussions;notes for leaders that answer questions, suggest a learning process, and provide additional...

    16,99 €

  • Confirmation Basics
    Concordia Publishing House

    36,55 €

  • God’s Word for Today
    Concordia Publishing House / Julene Gernant Dumit
    Each study in the God’s Word for Today series provides an in-depth exploration of a book of the Bible. Each session includes:background information on the book of the Bible, its author, audience, occasion, and purpose;learning experiences that promote exciting and challenging discussions;notes for leaders that answer questions, suggest a learning process, and provide additional...

    16,99 €

  • The Chief Theological Topics
    Concordia Publishing House
    In honor of the 450th anniversary of Philip Melanchthon’s death in 1560, a second edition of his Loci Communes ('Commonplaces' or 'Common Topics') has been issued. Originally published by CPH in English under the name Loci Theologici 1543, this book is actually Melanchthon’s last Latin edition, published in 1559. Generations of Lutheran pastors learned theology from this book i...

    79,49 €

  • God’s Word for Today
    Concordia Publishing House
    Each study in the God’s Word for Today series provides an in-depth exploration of a book of the Bible. Each session includes:background information on the book of the Bible, its author, audience, occasion, and purpose;learning experiences that promote exciting and challenging discussions;notes for leaders that answer questions, suggest a learning process, and provide additional...

    16,87 €

  • Great Women of the Bible
    Concordia Publishing House
    These are only a few of the women mentioned in God’s Word. In it’s pages we learn of their weaknesses and their strengths, their trials and their triumphs. Above all, we see God in His abundant grace forgiving, sustaining, and inspiring His beloved daughters for service in His name.In this four-session, small-group Bible study series, participants will look at the lives of only...

    10,30 €

  • Lutheran Book of Prayer, 5th Edition
    Concordia Publishing House
    Lutheran Book of Prayer has assured and guided generations of Christians in their personal prayer life. This fifth edition speaks to the unique needs of contemporary Christians, and strengthens and informs readers as they go to God in prayer. Personal prayers are included for almost any life circumstance, including for morning and evening, worship, our world, our neighbors, our...

    24,99 €

  • Blessings and Prayers for Men
    Concordia Publishing House
    A pocket-size devotional resource for men to use when meditating on God’s Word and His forgiveness and grace through Christ Jesus. Blessings and Prayers offers a suggested order for devotions based on the Daily Office.Blessings and Prayers for Men contains:Daily prayersPsalmsHymns and canticlesScripture readingsA brief summary of the Christian faith ...

    10,45 €

  • The Lord will Answer
    Concordia Publishing House
    Grow each day through this timeless collection of heartfelt requests and the Lord’s faithful answers presented in one-page, easy-to-use devotions. The Lord Will Answer: A Daily Prayer Catechism includes:Questions about faith, life, and eternal lifeAnswers drawn from God’s Holy WordPrayers of the Bible Prayers and meditations from great Christian teachersThe devotions are arrang...

    34,61 €

  • Catechetical Helps
    Concordia Publishing House
    A 26-lesson study guide on Luther’s Small Catechism. Sections cover the Law and Gospel, Apostles’s Creed, the Lord´s Prayer, the sacraments, Martin Luther, The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and more. Lessons provide hymns, prayers, proof texts and a review. ...

    28,36 €

  • Answer Key for 100 Bible Stories and 100 Bible Stories Activity Book
    Concordia Publishing House
    This resource contains suggested answers to the reflection questions found in 100 Bible Stories and also the activities contained in 100 Bible Stories--Activity Book. ...

    29,17 €

  • We Confess Anthology 53-1037 404969/01
    Publishing House Concordia
    These essays define a Lutheran approach and understanding of the Gospel. The book is divided into three sections (previously published as separate volumes).Section 1 includes essays on Jesus Christ, the theology of the cross, and church and confession.Section 2 offers essays on the Sacraments.Section 3 presents writings on the Church, the Holy Spirit, ministry, last things, and...

    52,17 €