Veterinaria de equinos

Medicina / Veterinaria / / Veterinaria de equinos (40)

  • La fourbure
    Remco Sikkel / Anouk Silvestrini / Catherine Taks
    La fourbure. Beaucoup de propriétaires de chevaux se retrouvent un jour confrontés à cette maladie. Et lorsqu’elle survient, vous vous sentez totalement démuni face à votre cheval, poney ou âne incapable de marcher. Vous voulez l’aider, mais vous ne savez pas comment. Intervenir rapidement peut éviter beaucoup de souffrances. Ce livre explique précisément et en détail ce qui se...

    70,82 €

  • How To Be an Equine Therapy Assistant
    Dana Feiwus / HowExpert
    If you want to improve other people’s lives as an equine therapy assistant, then check out this "How To Be an Equine Therapy Assistant" guide.A person with a disability is only limited if they allow themselves to be. Where doctors’ methods fail, horses are there to help provide results. Equine therapeutic riding (commonly called horse therapy) is a fairly new form of therapy de...

    37,34 €

  • Antwoordenboek hoefbevangenheid
    Remco Sikkel
    Je paard, pony of ezel is hoefbevangen. Het is de eerste keer dat dit gebeurt en je schrikt je rot. Of het is al de zoveelste keer en je wordt nu wanhopig. Gelukkig zijn er internetsites boordevol informatie over deze rotziekte. Facebook puilt uit van het goede advies. Maar nadat je dagenlang achter het scherm van je computer hebt doorgebracht, duizelt het je voor je ogen. Er z...

    19,17 €

  • Adventures of the Horse Doctor’s Husband
    Justin B Long
    When he wedded a veterinarian, chasing horses down the Interstate wasn’t in the vows…Bestselling author and painter Justin B. Long never dreamed he’d become a horse person. But marrying a passionate vet plunged the self-confessed numbers nerd into the wild world of equine emergency care. And just when he thought he had a handle on his new life, his close-knit community gained I...

    19,53 €

  • Adventures of the Horse Doctor’s Husband
    Justin B Long
    When he wedded a veterinarian, chasing horses down the Interstate wasn’t in the vows…Bestselling author and painter Justin B. Long never dreamed he’d become a horse person. But marrying a passionate vet plunged the self-confessed numbers nerd into the wild world of equine emergency care. And just when he thought he had a handle on his new life, his close-knit community gained I...

    25,01 €

  • Hooves, Muscles and Sweat
    Katie Bloom
    An eastern European father, a Yorkshire childhood, 6th form at a boy’s school, events officer for Young Farmers, student physiotherapist at Manchester Royal Infirmary during the Yorkshire Ripper years, intrepid pioneer of sidesaddle hunting, commander-in-chief to a notorious political husband - these are just some of the themes that make this new book so compelling.But what rea...

    25,13 €

  • Hoefkatrolontsteking
    Remco Sikkel
    Hoefkatrolontsteking. Het woord dat elke paardeneigenaar de rillingen over de rug doet lopen. Je paard zal per direct afgeschreven zijn en onbruikbaar voor de sport. Als je niet snel ingrijpt met therapeutisch hoefbeslag, stollingsremmende en kraakbeenbeschermende medicijnen of zelfs zenuwen laat doorsnijden, is het gedaan met je paard. Maar is dat wel zo? Het is zelfs de vraag...

    62,94 €

  • Hoefkatrolontsteking
    Remco Sikkel
    Hoefkatrolontsteking. Het woord dat elke paardeneigenaar de rillingen over de rug doet lopen. Je paard zal per direct afgeschreven zijn en onbruikbaar voor de sport. Als je niet snel ingrijpt met therapeutisch hoefbeslag, stollingsremmende en kraakbeenbeschermende medicijnen of zelfs zenuwen laat doorsnijden, is het gedaan met je paard. Maar is dat wel zo? Het is zelfs de vraag...

    55,03 €

  • EL CASCO...Desde Una Perspectiva Moderna
    Monique Craig
    Mantener los caballos cómodos y sanos puede ser un proceso complicado y, a menudo, estresante no sólo para el propietario, sino también para los profesionales del cuidado del casco. La autora comenzó su viaje de aprendizaje partiendo de la frustración personal causada por estos problemas. Su objetivo inicial era, exclusivamente, encontrar soluciones para sus propios caballos. F...

    88,64 €

  • EL CASCO...Desde Una Perspectiva Moderna
    Monique Craig
    Mantener los caballos cómodos y sanos puede ser un proceso complicado y, a menudo, estresante no sólo para el propietario, sino también para los profesionales del cuidado del casco. La autora comenzó su viaje de aprendizaje partiendo de la frustración personal causada por estos problemas. Su objetivo inicial era, exclusivamente, encontrar soluciones para sus propios caballos. F...

    64,75 €

  • Lyme Disease In Horses
    DVM Dipl. ABVP (Equine) Reilly / DVM DiplABVP (Equine) Reilly
    Lyme disease is a contagious disease that is a common and troubling medical dilemma for horse patients. Learn yourenemy before it attacks you and your prized horse. Basic and thorough knowledge about this disease and its relatedillnesses, its sources, and remedies can help stop its potential spread into your homes and stables.Deal with Lyme disease the right way. ...

    9,56 €

  • The Senior Horse
    DVM Dipl. ABVP (Equine) Reilly / DVM DiplABVP (Equine) Reilly
    The twenty-first century brings new technologies and discoveries to prolong the lives of humans and horses alike. Consequently, this century also brings in new challenges to horse owners as their horses age. Dr. Mark Reilly offers quick, practical, and detailed steps to caring for aging horses. He reveals the basic but often neglected responsibilities of the owner, and he answe...

    8,24 €

  • Top Ten Strategies To Prepare Your Horse For Winter
    DVM Dipl. ABVP (Equine) Reilly / DVM DiplABVP (Equine) Reilly
    The winter season brings new challenges for your horse. Learn how to keep your horses comfortable and warm by using the practical tips formulated by a veteran equine veterinarian, Dr. Mark Reilly. Within its covers, this book will help you perform the following necessary preparations:• Barn inspection• Winter shoeing options• Appropriate vaccinations• Storage capabilities and m...

    7,30 €

  • The Working Horse - A Guide on Equestrian Knowledge with Information on Shire and Carriage Horses
    J. Prince-Sheldon / Professor JPrince-Sheldon / Various / Various.
    'The Working Horse' is a fantastic guide to the horses of the British Isles as used for sport and work, including a wealth of equestrian knowledge on such subjects as breeding, breaking, ailments, history, and much more. Profusely illustrated with photographs and diagrams, this timeless volume is not to be missed by horse lovers and owners alike, and it would make for a fantast...

    24,55 €

  • British and Foreign Horses - A Comprehensive Guide to Equestrian Knowledge Including Breeds and Breeding, Health and Management
    J. Prince-Sheldon / Professor JPrince-Sheldon / Various / Various.
    'British and Foreign horses' is a fantastic guide to horses and equestrianism, exploring in detail different breeds and traditions from around the world. It looks at horses used for sport, pleasure, and work, covering many different breeds and how they are to be selected, managed, housed, treated, and more. Profusely illustrated with vintage photographs and helpful illustratio...

    33,91 €

  • Equine Multilingual Dictionary
    Jean-Claude Boulet / Steffen Runki
    English, French, German, Spanish and including many entries in other European languages and in Latin. Over 23600 entries and 2900 definitions about coats, markings, training, anatomy, farriery, equipment, breeds and breeding, health, feeding, riding, racing, driving etc. Since first edition in 1995 the dictionary have been recommended by many reviewers and journalists.  ...

    52,43 €

  • Hoefbevangenheid
    Remco Sikkel
    Hoefbevangenheid. Te veel paardeneigenaren worden op een dag met deze ziekte geconfronteerd. En wanneer het jouw paard, pony of ezel overkomt, sta je met de handen in het haar. Je geliefde dier zo veel pijn te zien lijden is afschuwelijk. Je wilt niets liever dan helpen, maar weet niet hoe.Snel ingrijpen kan veel leed voorkomen. Dit boek legt je precies en uitgebreid uit wat er...

    70,88 €

  • Hoefbevangenheid
    Remco Sikkel
    Hoefbevangenheid. Te veel paardeneigenaren worden op een dag met deze ziekte geconfronteerd. En wanneer het jouw paard, pony of ezel overkomt, sta je met de handen in het haar. Je geliefde dier zo veel pijn te zien lijden is afschuwelijk. Je wilt niets liever dan helpen, maar weet niet hoe.Snel ingrijpen kan veel leed voorkomen. Dit boek legt je precies en uitgebreid uit wat er...

    75,10 €

  • H is for Horse
    T Lee Sizemore / Terrie Sizemore
    This is a book for the  average horse owner. It describes the major diseases of horses and the vaccines available to protect them. I also covers dental care, breeding with mare and foal care, testing for horses- including stool exams and other tests and disorders affecting horess, a brief discussion on vices, nutrition, senior care and a horse exam.  ...

    23,03 €

  • Whole Food for Horses
    Tigger Montague
    Tigger Montague takes the seemingly complicated question of what to feed horses and clears up the confusion. Whole Food for Horses is a simple, straightforward guide to nutrition fundamentals and feed ingredients, along with expert advice on how to feed for performance, for gastrointestinal stress, for immune challenges, metabolic imbalances, and overall well-being.What began a...

    37,23 €

  • The Handbook of RIDING ESSENTIALS
    Francois Lemaire de Ruffieu
    The natural aids-the seat, the legs, and the hands,-are the most important means a rider has to direct and control his/her horse. Mastering them is the key to good horsemanship. The Handbook of Riding Essentials focuses on the natural aids and explains in detail, not only how they are applied, but why the horse responds to specific aids and when they should be used, providing t...

    40,46 €

  • The Science and Art of Riding in Lightness
    A biomechanical problem-solving approach to training challenges. Every action of rider has an impact on the health and well-being of the horse either positive or negative, looseness or tension. But what are the causes? The Science and Art of Riding with Lightness reveals the interplay between the biomechanics of the horse and the dressage exercises in a coherent manner. It will...

    91,07 €

  • Equine Journal
    Speedy Publishing LLC
    Specially made for equine trainers and students, you can fill this journal with inspiring thoughts and beautiful pictures to document your quest to be champion. This journal has a lot of pages that you can write on and with the absence of a vertical margin, you are ensured that you can use all available space. Keep a memorabilia. Write. ...

    12,04 €

  • A Modern Look At ... THE HOOF
    Monique Craig
    Keeping horses comfortable and sound can be a complicated and often times stressful process not only for the owner, but also for hoof care professionals. The author started her learning journey out of personal frustration with these issues. Her goal was initially just to find solutions for her own horses. Eventually her hoof research provided results applicable to every horse. ...

    98,52 €

  • A Modern Look At ... THE HOOF
    Monique Craig
    Keeping horses comfortable and sound can be a complicated and often times stressful process not only for the owner, but also for hoof care professionals. The author started her learning journey out of personal frustration with these issues. Her goal was initially just to find solutions for her own horses. Eventually her hoof research provided results applicable to every horse. ...

    74,63 €

  • Equine Er
    Leslie Guttman
    'Equine ER is a wonderful hook, wrenching, uplifting, and a powerful window into the great love, empathy, and connection humans have for horses and other animals. It is an emotional thriller, really, a roller coaster, as dramatic and well paced as it is well written and brilliantly observed. Anyone who has ever loved an animal will be hypnotized by these wonderful stories.' - ...

    14,90 €

  • Since the Days of the Romans
    Geoff Tucker DVM
    No one understands what it’s like to fail so much, that success is the only option left.As a young boy, Geoff Tucker struggled with an undiagnosed learningdisability. School was difficult and no matter how hard he tried, his gradesnever improved. As the son of a Manhattan corporate lawyer and the greatgrandnephew of a president of an Ivy League school, expectations were highbut...

    21,88 €

  • Equine Osteopathy
    Dominique Giniaux / Jean-Claude Racinet
    'This book comes as true information on the existence of an alternative way to experience and conceive medicine, whether animal or human. It is a real testimony of a distinctive quality of the relationship between practitioner and patient, and its authenticity is not its lesser merit.' -Jean Josse, Osteopath DO, MROA central premise in equine osteopathy is the pathological effe...

    51,63 €

  • Equine Laminitis
    Edwards M. Jenny
    Equine Laminitis is a reference book for all horse owners who are struggling to help their horses to recover from the devastating effects of laminitis and founder.Written in clear, simple language that is easy to understand and implement for both beginners and experienced horse people alike.It will guide you through the issues related to the laminitis and give you practical way...

    25,34 €

  • The New-England Farrier; Or, a Compendium of Farriery in Four Parts
    Paul Jewett
    The New England Farrier: A Compendium Of Farriery, In Four Parts; By Paul Jewett of Rowley, MA. 1826 - Produced from the rare original in the collection of Gary Roberts, Publisher - www.toolemerapress.comThe New England Farrier: A Compendium Of Farriery, In Four Parts; By Paul Jewett of Rowley, MA. 1826. First published in 1795 and remaining in print through 1840, The New Engla...

    18,99 €

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