Textos clásicos

Literatura y estudios literarios / Textos clásicos (1953)

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  • Alfred the Great
    Jacob Abbott
    Jacob Abbott was a prolific author, writing juvenile fiction, brief histories, biographies, religious books for the general reader, and a few works in popular science. Check out the following list of books to take and exciting, informative, and easy to understand stroll through history               Alexander the Great, Alfred the Great, Charles I, Charles II, Cleopatra, Cyrus ...

    20,32 €

  • The Diamond Sutra
    Autri Books
    The Diamond Sutra: A Guide to the Perfection of WisdomIn this profound exploration of Buddhist philosophy, 'The Diamond Sutra' illuminates the essential teachings of the Buddha on wisdom, compassion, and non-attachment. Presented as a dialogue between the Buddha and his disciple Subhuti, this timeless text challenges our conventional perceptions of self, reality, and the interc...

    11,55 €

  • Classical Samaritan Poetry
    Laura Lieber
    This book introduces the evocative but largely unknown tradition of Samaritan religious poetry from late antiquity to a new audience. These verses provide a unique window into the Samaritan religious world during a formative period.Prepared by Laura Suzanne Lieber, this anthology presents annotated English translations of fifty-five Classical Samaritan poems. Lieber introduces ...

    31,08 €

  • Apología de Sócrates
    Platón / Patricio de Azcárate
    La 'Apología de Sócrates' es una obra de Platón que narra la defensa de Sócrates durante su juicio en Atenas. Sócrates fue acusado de corromper a la juventud y de no creer en los dioses de la ciudad. En la obra, Platón presenta el discurso de Sócrates ante el tribunal ateniense, donde defiende su vida filosófica y su búsqueda de la verdad.A este texto le sigue en esta edición '...

    11,35 €

  • Antigone
    Dans la tragédie intemporelle Antigone de Sophocle, l’histoire se déroule au lendemain d’une guerre civile brutale à Thèbes. Antigone, la fille d’Œdipe, est confrontée à une décision déchirante : obéir à l’édit du roi Créon, qui interdit l’enterrement de son frère Polynice, ou honorer son devoir familial et les lois non écrites des dieux en lui offrant une sépulture décente. ...

    5,73 €

  • Antigone
    Dans la tragédie intemporelle Antigone de Sophocle, l’histoire se déroule au lendemain d’une guerre civile brutale à Thèbes. Antigone, la fille d’Œdipe, est confrontée à une décision déchirante : obéir à l’édit du roi Créon, qui interdit l’enterrement de son frère Polynice, ou honorer son devoir familial et les lois non écrites des dieux en lui offrant une sépulture décente. ...

    12,72 €

  • La WU LYF
    André Ducrós
    Vestidos de una forma muy particular, chaqueta azul y pañuelo blanco, buscan alcanzar su propósito mediante actos sorprendentes, sencillos y poco comunes. Unas actuaciones muy distintas a las reivindicaciones de movimientos sociales y partidos políticos contemporáneos. Este relato es la crónica que el periodista realiza del seguimiento que ha hecho de las acciones de la World U...

    13,00 €

  • Mitologia Nórdica - Os Mitos e Lendas do Mundo Nórdico
    'Mitologia Nórdica: Os Mitos e Lendas do Mundo Nórdico' é uma exploração aprofundada dos contos encantadores e formidáveis que formam a base da mitologia nórdica. Este livro oferece aos leitores uma visão abrangente do panteão de deuses e deusas nórdicos, desde o todo-poderoso Odin até o travesso Loki, e o valente Thor.Através de seus capítulos detalhados, o livro revela as ori...

    16,78 €

  • Jung and the Epic of Transformation - Volume 1
    Paul Bishop
    What have the Middle Ages got to do with us? For Jung, it seems, quite a lot; after all, he tells us: 'I must catch up with a piece of the Middle Ages - within myself,' adding: 'We have only finished the Middle Ages - of others.' In Wolfram von Eschenbach’s 'Parzival' and the Grail as Transformation, Paul Bishop considers the significance for Jung of a masterpiece of medieval G...

    37,63 €

  • Jung and the Epic of Transformation - Volume 1
    Paul Bishop
    What have the Middle Ages got to do with us? For Jung, it seems, quite a lot; after all, he tells us: 'I must catch up with a piece of the Middle Ages - within myself,' adding: 'We have only finished the Middle Ages - of others.' In Wolfram von Eschenbach’s 'Parzival' and the Grail as Transformation, Paul Bishop considers the significance for Jung of a masterpiece of medieval G...

    48,87 €

  • Crime and Punishment
    Crime and Punishment is one of the greatest and most readable novels ever written. From the beginning we are locked into the frenzied consciousness of Raskolnikov who, against his better instincts, is inexorably drawn to commit a brutal double murder. From that moment on, we share his conflicting feelings of self-loathing and pride, of contempt for and need of others, and of te...

    26,28 €

  • The Invisible Man
    Herbert George Wells
    On a bitter evening in the depths of winter, a mysterious stranger arrives to the remote English village of Iping, his face swaddled in bandages.The Invisible Man tells the tale of Griffin, a scientist who has found a way to make himself invisible. To his anger and dismay, however, the experiment appears irreversible. Freed from the constraints of the law and rejected by a soci...

    12,50 €

  • Seneca and the Self

    35,43 €

  • The Call of the Wild
    Jack London
    First published in 1903, The Call of the Wild is regarded as Jack London’s masterpiece. Based on London’s experiences as a gold prospector in the Canadian wilderness and his ideas about nature and the struggle for existence, The Call of the Wild is a tale about unbreakable spirit and the fight for survival in the frozen Alaskan Klondike. ...

    8,52 €

  • Lady Guest’s Mabinogion
    Charlotte Guest
    A cornerstone of Welsh folklore, this new edition of the Mabinogion features Lady Charlotte Guest’s original English translation of the medieval collection of Arthurian legends and Celtic myths. Sourced from Lady Guest’s 1877 English translation, this new edition of the Mabinogion features twelve tales of heroes, gods, and magical creatures in an exciting odyssey of early medi...

    42,65 €

  • History Of Famous Orators
    Marcus Tullius Cicero
    Cicero is considered to be Rome’s greatest orator and prose writer. His writing is some of the best classical Latin still in existence. Cicero introduced Rome to Greek philosophy and created the Latin philosophical vocabulary. This book contains two selections. Cicero’s Brutus or History of Famous Orators was written during the end of the civil war in Africa. It discusses all t...

    17,10 €

  • Ancient Society
    Lewis Henry Morgan
    'Ancient Society: Researches in the Lines of Human Progress from Savagery, through Barbarism to Civilization' is a seminal work by American anthropologist Lewis Henry Morgan, first published in 1877. Morgan’s book is considered a foundational text in the field of anthropology, particularly in the study of social evolution and cultural development. The central theme of 'Ancient ...

    21,25 €

  • L’umorismo
    Luigi Pirandello
    In questo saggio, pubblicato del 1908 e significativamente dedicato alla memoria di Mattia Pascal, Pirandello elabora i fondamenti della sua desolata visione del mondo, nonché della sua poetica. Dopo aver illustrato le varie definizioni di umorismo, Pirandello polemizza apertamente con Croce sostenendo la necessità della riflessione nellarte. La sua presenza ha funzione critica...

    15,08 €

  • The Code of Hammurabi
    Leonard William King / Robert Francis Harper
    This singular edition uniquely combines translations by both Leonard William King and Robert Francis Harper, offering readers a comprehensive perspective and enriched interpretation of the ancient text. The Code of Hammurabi stands as one of the earliest and most comprehensive legal codes in human history. Engraved on a stele, it dates back to around 1750 BCE during the reign o...

    13,82 €

  • The Homeric Hymn to Hermes
    Oliver Thomas

    77,39 €

  • The Fairy Godmothers and Other Tales
    Mrs. Alfred Gatty
    'The Fairy Godmothers and Other Tales' is an ancient children’s literature story book written by Mrs. Alfred Gatty. This wellknown book falls to the category of classic children’s literature, supplying children of every age with an attractive break out right into a universe of creativity and magic. Mrs. Alfred Gatty, sometimes referred to as Margaret Gatty, turned into a prolif...

    12,03 €

  • The Golden Asse
    Lucius Apuleius
    'The Golden Asse' is an ancient classical story book written by Lucius Apuleius. The plot revolves spherical Lucius, a younger man who experiments with magic and is transformed right into a donkey. As a donkey, Lucius embarks on a sequence of strange and frequently fun adventures, encountering witches, robbers, and one-of-a-kind magical animals along the way. Apuleius makes use...

    14,47 €

  • Un corazón murió por amar tanto
    Félix Bello Vázque
    El autor de este libro da mucho de sí mismo al transformar en materia literaria unos sucesos que le preocupaban desde hacía tiempo. Tales experiencias son más ciertas al valerse de la primera persona para la creación artística. A modo de confesión, nos cuenta el drama interior de María Isabel, una mujer de naturaleza romántica que no ha hallado en el matrimonio lo que esperaba....

    20,75 €

  • Far from the Madding Crowd
    Thomas Hardy
    Far from the Madding Crowd (1874) is Thomas Hardy’s fourth novel and his first major literary success. It originally appeared anonymously as a monthly serial in Cornhill Magazine, where it gained a wide readership. The novel is the first to be set in Thomas Hardy’s Wessex in rural southwest England.It deals in themes of love, honour and betrayal, against a backdrop of the seemi...

    17,32 €

  • The Importance of Being Earnest
    Oscar Wilde
    Here is Oscar Wilde’s most brilliant tour de force, a witty and buoyant comedy of manners that has delighted millions in countless productions since its first performance in London’s St. James’ Theatre on February 14, 1895. The Importance of Being Earnest is celebrated not only for the lighthearted ingenuity of its plot, but for its inspired dialogue, rich with scintillating ep...

    11,67 €

    J.A. Hammerton
    Authored by J.A. Hammerton, 'The World’s Greatest Books Vol. IX' is a set of short tales that suggests how wealthy and varied writing is round the arena. As a reputable editor and literary figure, Hammerton puts collectively a group of works that span genres, cultures, and time durations, taking readers on a literary journey thru a number of the most well-known works ever writt...

    15,90 €

  • The World’s Greatest Books Vol.- X Lives and Letters
    J.A. Hammerton
    'The World’s Greatest Books Vol. X' through J. A. Hammerton is a set of works from many unique fields and time durations, cautiously selected to be timeless masterpieces. As the 10th book in a famous series, Hammerton skillfully puts collectively a set of literary gemstones that show how rich and varied human expression may be. The collection consists of works by way of well-kn...

    15,90 €

    Legh Richmond
    'The Dairyman’s Daughter' with the aid of Legh Richmond is a poignant and inspirational narrative that unfolds against the backdrop of rural England inside the early nineteenth century. This traditional work tells the genuine tale of Elizabeth Wallbridge, the eponymous dairyman’s daughter, and her adventure of faith and redemption. Written by using Legh Richmond, a Church of En...

    10,81 €

  • Human Intercourse
    Philip Gilbert Hamerton
    With the help of Philip Gilbert Hamerton, 'Human Intercourse' is a notion-provoking study relationships, communicate, and the way society works. Hamerton, a famous English artist, art critic, and writer, wrote this book in the 1800s. It appears at the complicated nature of relationships with a keen and involved eye. In this book, Hamerton is going past the standard approaches o...

    18,09 €

  • Hard times
    Charles Dickens
    Charles Dickens’s tenth novel, which was first published serially in Dickens’s own periodical journal 'Household Words' in 1854, 'Hard Times', is a work that sought to highlight the social and economic divide that was growing between capitalistic mill owners and workers during the Victorian era of Great Britain.  Set in the fictitious Coketown, 'Hard Times' is a critical examin...

    16,31 €