
Artes / Cine, televisión y radio / Television (1863)

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  • Marvin Kaplan
    Ken Rotcop
    ISN’T THAT WHAT’S-HIS-NAME?!  Maybe you remember him as a regular on two of the longest running sitcoms on television. On ALICE he played Henry Beesmeyer, the telephone repairman who hung out at Mel’s Diner. And before that as Alfred Prinzmetal, an aspiring poet, on the sitcom MEET MILLIE.  Or more recently as Mr. Gordon, the long-suffering patient, on the sitcom BECKER starrin...

    30,33 €

  • Minstrel Magic
    Eleanor Pritchard
    The Black and White Minstrel Show was one of the greatest shows the BBC ever produced, bringing the BBC international plaudits and awards. Sweeping the board at the first-ever Golden Rose of Montreux, it was snapped up by nearly fifty countries worldwide. It became the first television show in the world to invade and conquer the live theatre, running for an amazing eleven years...

    11,50 €

    C O W B O Y  B E B O P THE ANIME TV SERIES AND MOVIE by Jeremy Mark Robinson   Sex + drugs + rock music + comedy + Westerns + crime + drifter lifestyles + space battles + bars + casinos + fashion – and more music – what’s not to like in Cowboy Bebop?! – and how it wittily and cleverly mixes all of those elements, and many more.   This book focusses on the celebrated, hugely ent...

    43,01 €

  • Breaking into UK Film & TV Drama
    Gallagher Matt
    The book also includes unique contributions and advice from leading organisations such as AMPAS, BAFTA, Creative Skillset, Film London and WFTV, as well from Oscar and BAFTA-winning talent including Amma Asante (director, A United Kingdom), Steven Hall (VFX DoP, Star Wars: The Force Awakens) and Rebecca O’Brien (Producer, I, Daniel Blake).   Adrian Wootton, Chief Executive of...

    22,72 €

  • How to Avoid The Cutting Room Floor
    ACE Jordan Goldman
    What steps can an actor take to avoid being cut out of a movie or TV show? Emmy-winning editor Jordan Goldman, A.C.E. takes you inside the cutting room and pulls back the curtain on how and why directors, showrunners, and editors decide whether your performance makes it to the screen. He explains the key things actors should do - and shouldn't do - to avoid getting cut out...

    11,03 €

  • Under the Mistletoe
    Liz W Faber
    When you think of holiday romance in popular culture, you probably imagine the formulaic made-for-TV movies we all love to watch: a career gal moves from the big city to a small town, where she finds the love of her life and the true meaning of Christmas. Yet, as with so much of the romance genre, our favorite holiday movies, books, TV episodes, and plays are so much richer tha...

    71,81 €

  • Yuya Show
    Cleber Vinícius Lima De Brito
    Vindo de uma ilha grande, Yuya caminhava com seu amigo por uma praia. Então, sem que o amigo perguntasse, ele disse: Não sou elo perdido. ...

    13,52 €

  • Crisis TV
    Wide-ranging, in-depth analysis of Spanish-language television fiction after the 2008 global financial crisis.Crisis TV addresses the motif of crisis that has come to dominate contemporary Hispanic televisual production since 2008 and the onset of the global financial crisis. In almost unprecedented fashion, the global economy came to a standstill, reshaping both geopolitical o...

    126,88 €

  • Analyzing the Marvel Universe
    Douglas Brode
    Marvel, like other media 'universes,' is a collection of highly profitable and audience-satisfying products that exist not only as individual items of popular culture but coalesce to form a unique and all-encompassing identity. Within media studies, elements of popular culture once dismissed as low-brow entertainment are now studied with the seriousness that has always been ...

    71,96 €

  • Starlost Unauthorized
    D.G. Valdron

    20,43 €

  • Is Harpo Free?
    Matthew Cipa
    Is Harpo Free? is a lively appreciation of film and television’s ability to artistically explore concepts typical of philosophical metaphysics, such as free will, causality, and personal identity. Rather than using films and television programs as vehicles for philosophical arguments, the book instead celebrates the artistic ways in which they give life to various metaphysical ...

    31,20 €

  • Reintegrating Severance
    This edited collection is an interdisciplinary examination of Apple TV’s Severance, in which employees of a biotech firm consent to having their brains severed so that their work selves and non-work selves do not retain each other’s memories. What transpires is a reckoning with the very nature of the self, consciousness, and memory, through a series steeped in explorations of c...

    193,65 €

  • History of Motion Graphics
    Michael Betancourt
    Expand your knowledge of the aesthetics, forms and meaning of motion graphics as well as the long-running connections between the American avant-garde film, video art and TV commercials. In 1960 avant-garde animator and inventor John Whitney started a company called "Motion Graphics, Inc." to make animated titles and logos. His new company crystalized a relationship between ava...

    31,97 €

  • Retelling Jane Austen
    April Van Camp / Tammy Powley
    Jane Austen wrote for a Regency-period audience and could never have predicted the lasting success of her original works. The slew of variations and adaptations of Austen’s works in both film and novels has grown into an industry with a fan base clamoring for more. This collection fills a gap in Austen scholarship, examining universal and contemporary themes in the origin...

    72,06 €

  • Issues and Singularity in the British Media Volume 2
    This book offers a historical, cultural, political and socio-economic analysis of the British media. It examines how facts and events are reported and interpreted, but also how ideas and opinions circulate and are recycled, with attention being paid to British traits and tropes in these domains. This in-depth study of 'issues' and 'singularity' aims at understanding how the Bri...

    193,67 €

  • 99 Episodes That Defined the ’90s
    Chris Morgan
    How can you define a decade? Through television, of course. The 1990s featured many memorable TV moments, providing a fascinating picture of the decade. In this book, 99 episodes across all major television genres are discussed--from police procedurals, hangout sitcoms, and cartoons to game shows and much more. Some of these episodes became iconic and helped define the ’90s;...

    42,62 €

  • Beckett’s afterlives
    Jonathan Bignell
    Beckett’s afterlives is the first book-length study dedicated to posthumous adaptations of Beckett’s oeuvre. This collection analyses the remarkable diversity of creative engagements across different media and cultural contexts that have ensured the survival and continuing relevance of Beckett’s work in a constantly changing world. ...

    43,40 €

  • The Asian Family in Literature and Film
    This book investigates the ways in which the family unit is now perceived in South and Southeast Asia and the Asian diaspora: its numerous conceptions and the changes it has undergone over the last century and into the new one. The prevailing threads that run through a significant part of the literature and cinema emerging from these societies are the challenges that confront t...

    246,03 €

  • Good Old-Fashioned Values
    Melissa Vosen Callens / Olivia Vogt
    Seth MacFarlane has made an immense mark on popular culture through both his live action and animated television series: Family Guy, American Dad!, The Cleveland Show, and The Orville. While MacFarlane has garnered a large legion of fans, even those who do not personally watch Family Guy, this longest running series, will be quick to recognize images of Peter and Stewie Grif...

    72,19 €

  • Das Gesicht im Film
    Frank Thomas Meyer
    ​Das menschliche Gesicht gilt einerseits als subtiler, „schwacher Code', das sich im Alltag den Deutungen der menschlichen Wahrnehmung immer wieder zu entziehen scheint. Andererseits wird gerade in Medien wie dem Film das Gesicht strategische eingesetzt, um unterschwellig Botschaften zu vermitteln. Die Bild-Werdung des Menschen hat, wie diese Arbeit zeigt, nicht erst mit dem Au...

    99,27 €

  • Angsterleben im Horrorfilm
    Julian Sittel
    Die multimodale Studie zum Spannungs- respektive Angsterleben im Horrorfilm ist Teil eines von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft geförderten Kooperationsprojektes zwischen Filmwissenschaft (Universität Mainz) und Informatik (Universität Hannover), das dem Ausbau der digitalen Infrastruktur dient. Dies erfolgt über die Entwicklung einer Softwareplattform, die es Forscherinnen...

    105,55 €

  • The Asian Family in Literature and Film
    This book offers a key analysis of the changing perceptions of family in East Asian societies and the dynamic metamorphosis of 'traditional' family units through the twentieth century and into the new millennium. The book focuses on investigations of the Asian family as it is represented in literature, film, and other visual media emerging from within China, Japan, South Korea,...

    246,38 €

  • Dystopien in Serie
    Serielle Dystopien sind omnipräsent; sei es in der Literatur, im Spielfilm, der Fernseh- bzw. Streamingserie oder auch im Videogame. Das Buch verbindet ein wesentliches Erzählverfahren (die Serie) mit gerade kontrovers diskutierten Themen (u.a. Diversity, Covid 19) und dem Genre ihrer medialen Verhandlung. Die Serialität dystopischer Erzählungen ist ein transmediales Phänome...

    111,80 €

  • Cómics rompetaquillas. Adaptaciones al cine y tv (1990-2022)
    Héctor Caño Díaz
    Tras el anterior volúmen Cómics en pantalla. Adaptaciones al cine y televisión (1895-1989) publicado por Unizar (Colección Humanidades Num. 175) llegamos al final de nuestro repaso en un momento en el que los cómics adaptados copan la mayor parte de audiovisuales en el mercado: tanto los grandes estudios -Disney, Sony, Warner- como las novísima plataformas de streaming -HBO Max...

    20,00 €

  • The Film of the Islamic State
    Yorck Beese
    The film of the so-called Islamic State is part of the still relatively opaque history of radical Sunni Islamist video propaganda, a field in which it is simultaneously its strongest exponent. Through its imports of aesthetics in the age of digitalization and the concurrent de-professionalization of film, this violent propaganda film has interestingly drawn attention for its se...

    133,56 €

  • Bosnian Literary Adaptations on Stage and Screen
    Sanja Garić-Komnenić
    Bosnian Literature on Stage and Screen aims to reconcile theoretical approaches with theatrical and cinematic practices by examining two adaptations based on works by the Bosnian author Meša Selimović. The book is informed by scholarship in film and theatre adaptation theories, and is grounded in a comparative approach that focuses on the interplay of sign systems and codes uni...

    169,19 €

  • Unity, Ambiguity, and Flexibility in Theme Music for Game Shows
    Christopher Gage
    With flashing lights, bright colors, and big money, game shows have been an integral part of American culture since the days of radio. While the music that accompanies game shows is charming and catchy, it presents two unique, opposing challenges: first, it must exhibit unity in its construction so that, at any point and for any length of time, it is a tuneful, recognizable sig...

    54,05 €

  • Authors and Adaptation
    Annie Nissen
    This book studies British literary writers’ engagement with adaptations of their work across literary, theatrical, and film media in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It considers their critical, reflective, and autobiographical writings about the process of adaptation, and traces how their work was shaped, as well as delimited, by their involvement with adaptations...

    159,09 €

  • Adapting Television and Literature
    Adapting Television and Literature is an incisive collection of essays that explores the growing sub-category of television adaptations of literature and poetics. Each chapter questions inflexible notions of film / literature and adaptation / intertext, focusing judiciously on emergent or overlooked media and literary forms. These lines of enquiry embrace texts both within and ...

    196,13 €

  • European Cinema in the Streaming Era
    This collection examines the impact of streaming platforms on European cinema. It is structured from three distinct points-of-view: the policy issues related to streaming platforms, equally at the European level and in individual countries; the impact of platforms on the circulation of European films, including some of the global players, multi-national and single-nation platfo...

    196,28 €