Reptiles y anfibios como mascotas

Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio / Historia natural / Animales domésticos y mascotas / Reptiles y anfibios como mascotas (52)

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  • Axolotls, Mexican Salamanders as Pets. Axolotls Care, Facts, Diet, Aquarium, Habitat, Breeding, Diseases and Where to Buy All Included. the Axolotl Co
    Elliott Lang
    Everything you need to know about Axolotls as pets and more. This book is a must have for anybody passionate about Axolotls.Care, facts, diet, aquarium, habitat, breeding, diseases and where to buy all included. Axolotls Complete Owner’s Guide.The book is written in an easy to read and understandable style. In a straight forward, no nonsense fashion, Elliot Lang covers all asp...

    12,43 €

  • Quem Tem Medo De Um Lobinho?
    Sheila Ferraz
    Quem tem medo de um lobinho? narra a descoberta de um novo habitante do sítio da Pedra Branca: o cachorro-do-mato. ...

    6,98 €

  • Dragones barbudos y de agua
    Simone Caratozzolo
    Los dragones barbudos y de agua se encuentran entre los reptiles más interesantes y que mejor se adaptan a la cría doméstica y en cautividad. Estos animales son especialmente dóciles y siempre están muy atentos a todo lo que les rodea; de hecho, son considerados los animales de terrario más inteligentes, fuertes y fáciles de mantener. Esta guía le proporcionará todos los detall...

    22,83 €

  • El gran libro de las rapaces diurnas
    Gianni Ravazzi
    Las aves rapaces siempre han ejercido una gran fascinación por poderoso vuelo, su forma de lanzarse en picado sobre sus presas y sus majestuosos planeos. Sin embargo, también han tenido siempre y todavía tienen una mala reputación. Durante muchos siglos fueron perseguidas, acusadas de numerosos males (como, por ejemplo, de ser ladronas de ganado e incluso de niños), y hasta la ...

    38,43 €

  • Las Cacatúas
    Emmanuelle Figueras
    Las cacatúas destacan por el penacho eréctil de color que adorna su cabeza. Pertenecen al grupo de los loros más grandes. Tienen un carácter afectuoso que atrae a todos los amantes de los pájaros. En este libro la autora nos aporta sus conocimientos etológicos sobre las aves de compañía. En él descubriremos el origen, la historia y la evolución de las cacatúas, sabremos cómo so...

    19,71 €

  • Nuevos animales de compañía
    Florence Desachy
    * ¿Ha pensado alguna vez en tener un hámster, una tórtola o un conejillo de Indias? ¿Se atrevería a cuidar una serpiente? ¿Le gustaría disponer de un terrario con un lagarto?* Cada vez son más los aficionados que tienen en casa como mascota, pequeños roedores, aves, reptiles, etc.* Tener un hámster puede ser educativo para un niño, una chinchilla puede convertirse en una compañ...

    36,35 €

  • Las Cacatúas
    Emmanuelle Figueras
    Las cacatúas destacan por el penacho eréctil de color que adorna su cabeza. Pertenecen al grupo de los loros más grandes. Tienen un carácter afectuoso que atrae a todos los amantes de los pájaros. En este libro la autora nos aporta sus conocimientos etológicos sobre las aves de compañía. En él descubriremos el origen, la historia y la evolución de las cacatúas, sabremos cómo so...

    20,75 €

  • Los camaleones
    L. Brunetti / L. Giandomenico / LBrunetti / LGiandomenico / M. Millefanti / MMillefanti
    El encanto exótico que distingue a los camaleones ha llevado a muchos aficionados a buscar las mejores condiciones para criarlos en cautividad, operación que hoy en día es posible siempre que se sigan algunas indicaciones fundamentales. Esta obra incluye una clasificación científica con más de 150 especies y una detallada información referente al hábitat y la distribución geogr...

    31,15 €

  • Pitón real y boa constrictor
    Massimo Millefanti
    La herpetología está calando cada vez más, incluso entre el público más joven. Si usted es aficionado a estos animales y quiere criarlos en casa, en esta obra encontrará toda la información necesaria para conocerlos a fondo y ocuparse de ellos correctamente: distribución geográfica y há­bitat, morfología, dónde y cuánto tiempo viven, cómo y dónde adquirirlos, cómo se debe prepa...

    23,87 €

  • Los gecos
    Massimo Millefanti
    Los gecos son saurios salvajes que pueden ser criados y admirados en hermosos terrarios biotopos. Desde siempre, estos animales han estado envueltos en un halo de misterio, ya sea porque son nocturnos o porque a lo largo de los siglos han sido considerados enigmáticos. En la actualidad, los gecos gozan de mayor atención e interés por partede los amantes de los animales de terra...

    26,99 €

  • Reticulated Pythons
    Sid James
    This book provides comprehensive illustrated information for you tokeep a healthy reticulated python safely and responsibly. It guides the reader through the basics ofowning and caring for a reticulated python, how to provide the ideal set-up and maintenance for ahealthy snake and introduces the more in-depth topics of genetic morphs and typesof reticulated pythons by locality....

    28,36 €

  • Mi... Tortuga
    B. Tenerezza / BTenerezza
    ¿Necesita mucho espacio? ¿Qué come? ¿Cuántos años vive? ¿Realmente es tan lenta? ¿Puedo cogerla con la mano? ¿De verdad cae en letargo? Discreta, silenciosa, arisca pero simpática. Es mi pasatiempo favorito. Es... mi tortuga. ...

    17,63 €

  • La iguana
    Massimo Millefanti
    * ¿Le gustaría vivir con un pequeño dinosaurio en casa? No estamos bromeando. Si cuenta con el espacio adecuado y con la posibilidad de instalar un terrario apropiado, puede hacerse con una magnífica iguana verde, de un maravilloso color esmeralda con reflejos y rayas preciosas: turquesas o anaranjadas, ocres, grises o negras, según las variedades* Desde luego, nadie podría cri...

    21,06 €

  • Las tortugas acuáticas
    Massimo Millefanti
    Esta guía práctica se dirige a todos aquellos aficionados que deseen ampliar su conocimiento sobre la cría de las tortugas acuáticas, desde su clasificación hasta su morfología o el funcionamiento de su organismo.Gracias a estas páginas aprenderá a preparar un hábitat adecuado para estas criaturas, ya sea en el interior de su casa o al aire libre. También encontrará consejos pa...

    29,90 €

  • Las tortugas terrestres
    Marta Avanzi
    Las tortugas son los reptiles más antiguos de la Tierra, unas criaturas que todavía hoy resultan desconocidas, fascinantes y misteriosas.Esta obra describe cómo funciona el organismo de las tortugas terrestres y proporciona información completa sobre la alimentación, el letargo, la reproducción, la salud y las enfermedades. Además, incluye fichas que detallan las característica...

    38,43 €

  • Breeding the Vampire and Other Crabs
    Orin McMonigle
    Own the ultimate crabber resource! In Breeding the Vampire and Other Crabs, you will find detailed husbandry experiences for a wide variety of fascinating pet crabs. In-depth reproductive data for the popular vampire crabs are presented, while many other beautiful and fascinating species are discussed and depicted.Crabs are arguably the most widely kept group of pet invertebrat...

    86,09 €

  • Tegus. Tegus as Pets. Tegus care, behavior, diet, interacting, costs and health.
    Ben Team
    tegus petsTegus. Tegus as Pets. Tegus care, behavior, diet, interacting, costs and health.Tegus are interesting and hardy lizards that make great pets for those seeking a lizard that usually tolerates a moderate amount of handling. Most tegus become quite tame over time, and they display a number of unique behaviors that are fascinating to observe in person. Additionally, tegu...

    14,38 €

  • Anoles. Anoles as Pets. Anoles care, behavior, diet, interacting, costs and health.
    Ben Team
    anolesAnoles. Anoles as Pets. Anoles care, behavior, diet, interacting, costs and health.Anoles (Anolis spp.) are attractive, interesting lizards that make great pets for both novice and advanced keepers alike. Many become quite tame over time, and most are small enough that it is easy to provide them with spacious, visually appealing habitats, in which they’ll display a number...

    14,49 €

  • Bearded Dragon Care. Bearded Dragon Pet Owners Guide. Bearded Dragon care, behavior, diet, interacting, costs and health. Bearded dragon.
    Ben Team
    bearded dragonBearded Dragon Care. Bearded Dragon Pet Owners Guide. Bearded Dragon care, behavior, diet, interacting, costs and health. Bearded dragon.As the reptile-keeping hobby has grown, keepers and breeders have sought species that thrive best in the captive habitat. Bearded Dragons are one of the best examples of this. Beautiful, tame and interesting, bearded dragons cert...

    17,62 €

  • Carpet Python. Carpet Pythons As Pets. Carpet Python daily care, pro’s and cons, cages, costs, diet, biology and health.
    Ben Team
    carpet pythonCarpet Python. Carpet Pythons As Pets. Carpet Python daily care, pro’s and cons, cages, costs, diet, biology and health.In many ways, carpet pythons are one of the finest snakes a reptile-enthusiast could desire. They offer a unique combination of traits, aesthetics and tendencies, which make them wonderful pets for those with the necessary dedication and resources...

    16,58 €

  • Rainbow Boa. Rainbow Boas as Pets. Rainbow boa, biology, behavior, husbandry, daily care, enclosures, costs, diet, interaction and health.
    Ben Team
    rainbow boaRainbow Boa. Rainbow Boas as Pets. Rainbow boa, biology, behavior, husbandry, daily care, enclosures, costs, diet, interaction and health.Named for the rainbow-like sheen cast by their scales, rainbow boas (Epicrates spp.) are among the most beautiful snakes in the world. In fact, because they are aesthetically appealing, possess calm personalities and remain smaller...

    17,74 €

  • Painted Turtle. Painted Turtle Owners Manual. Painted Turtle Pros and Cons, Care, Housing, Diet and Health.
    David Donalton
    Have you always wanted a turtle - particularly the lesser known Painted Turtle - but didn't have enough information on where to buy one or how to raise one? If yes, then this book has been especially written for you! The Painted Turtle may be tricky to domesticate and care for, but given the right kind of environment, attention and love, can make for an interesting long-term co...

    13,22 €

  • Panther Chameleon. Panther Chameleon Owners Guide. The Captive Care of Panther Chameleons, Including Biology, Behavior and Ecology.
    Ben Team
    Given their unique body plans, independently mobile eyes and unthinkably long tongues, it should be no surprise that chameleons are some of the most popular lizards among reptile enthusiasts. Throw in their ability to change colors in spectacular fashion, and these lizards rise to nearly mythological levels. But this unusual biology means that these lizards require rather speci...

    17,80 €

  • Red-eared Slider Turtle. Red-eared Slider Turtle Owners Manual. Red-eared Slider Turtle Pros and Cons, Care, Housing, Diet and Health.
    David Donalton
    red eared sliderRed-eared Slider Turtle. Red-eared Slider Turtle Owners Manual. Red-eared Slider Turtle Pros and Cons, Care, Housing, Diet and Health.Have you always wanted a Red-eared Slider Turtle for a pet, but didn’t have enough information on where to buy one or how to raise it? If yes, then this book has been especially written for you! The Red-eared Slider Turtle may be ...

    15,50 €

  • Box Turtle Pet Owners Guide. 2016. The Captive Care of Box Turtles. Including Box Turtles Biology, Behavior and Ecology.
    Ben Team
    Few turtles are better known in North America than the charming and widespread box turtle. While they are frequently seen walking through forests and crossing neighborhood roads after summer showers, they are also among the most popular pet turtle species in the world.Unfortunately, many people acquire box turtles without first learning about their needs, which often leads to f...

    17,76 €

  • Sulcata Tortoise Pet Owners Guide. The Captive Care of Sulcata Tortoises. Sulcata Tortoise care, behavior, enclosures, feeding, health, costs, myths and interaction.
    Ben Team
    sulcata tortoiseSulcata Tortoise Pet Owners Guide. The Captive Care of Sulcata Tortoises. Sulcata Tortoise care, behavior, enclosures, feeding, health, costs, myths and interaction.Most large tortoises are popular with turtle enthusiasts, but Sulcatas are undoubtedly the most beloved of all. Given their impressive size, gentle personalities and attractive markings, this should ...

    18,91 €

  • Snapping Turtle Pet Owners Guide. The Captive Care of Snapping Turtles. Including Snapping Turtles Biology, Behavior and Ecology.
    Ben Team
    snapping turtleSnapping Turtle Pet Owners Guide. The Captive Care of Snapping Turtles. Including Snapping Turtles Biology, Behavior and Ecology.Despite their ubiquity in some areas of the natural world, snapping turtles are somewhat rare in captive collections. This is not surprising, given that snapping turtles grow to be quite large and their dispositions often range from irr...

    16,61 €

  • Panther Chameleons, Complete Owner's Manual
    Richard G. Shaw
    This book is a must have for anyone owning or thinking about owning a panther chameleon. It includes the following chapters: Introduction What makes them amazing pets? Is it the right pet for you? Its origins General information Buying one What you need to buy for it Handling and caring for it Feeding it Its health and yours Breeding them Prices, costs and where to buy them C...

    9,00 €

  • Monitor Lizards As Pets. Monitor Lizard Comprehensive Owner’s Guide. Monitor Lizard care, behavior, enclosures, feeding, health, myths and interaction all included.
    Ben Team / Marvin Murkett
    Monitor lizards are some of the most exciting captives that reptile enthusiasts can keep. They are always the center of attention at zoos and pet stores, where their dinosaur-like form captivates and entertains adults and children alike. While many species are inappropriate pets for all but the most experienced keepers, several of the smaller species make wonderful captives. Ne...

    17,74 €

  • Green Tree Pythons As Pets. Green Tree Python Comprehensive Owner’s Guide. Green Tree Pythons care, behavior, enclosures, feeding, health, myths and interaction all included.
    Ben Team / Marvin Murkett
    green tree pythons Green Tree Pythons As Pets. Green Tree Python Comprehensive Owner’s Guide. Green Tree Pythons care, behavior, enclosures, feeding, health, myths and interaction all included.Green tree pythons are simply amazing animals. Wildly popular among snake enthusiasts, these beautiful animals are truly unique. Starring at one of these emerald green snakes transports t...

    15,46 €

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