Religiones y mitologías antiguas

Humanidades / Religión y creencias / Otras religiones / Religiones y mitologías antiguas (669)

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  • Himalayas - Abode of Light
    Nicholas Roerich
    Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947) is known first and foremost as a painter. His paintings, of which there are thousands around the world, explore the mythic origins, the natural beauty, and the spiritual strivings of humanity and of the world. But Nicholas Roerich was as prolific a writer as he was a painter. He wrote books, poetry, and almost-daily essays on life and events (called...

    14,91 €

  • Ciudades, lugares y continentes desaparecidos
    Massimo Centini
    Atlántida, Sodoma y Gomorra, Avalon, Thule, Lyonesse, Lemuria, Mu... Estos y otros nombres han fascinado al hombre desde siempre con sus historias, a caballo entre la leyenda y la realidad. El misterio de la Atlántida es el misterio del hombre, y por esta razón ha captado y sigue captando la atención de muchos. En la mitología de muchos pueblos aparecen tradiciones que narran c...

    37,39 €

  • El sendero del Druida
    Philip Shallcrass
    Philip Shallcrass, sacerdote druida y miembro de la Orden Druida Británica, nos cuenta los orígenes de este antiguo camino espiritual y nos revela los secretos más oscuros: la adivinación mediante las varitas de Ogham, los signos y augurios del mundo natural, las tradiciones curativas, los rituales druidas tradicionales (ritos a la luna, celebraciones estacionales, ritos de pas...

    16,59 €

  • Entre en… el misterioso mundo de la quiromancia
    Charles Mistri
    Una mano puede denotar amabilidad, autoridad, timidez, generosidad o cualquier otro rasgo que defina a una persona, por muy escondido que esté. Basada en la experiencia acumulada con los años, la quiromancia es una verdadera ciencia que no sólo desvela el presente o el pasado y predice detalles del futuro, sino que estudia las líneas y montes de las palmas de las manos para ofr...

    9,88 €

  • La Magia Wicca
    Cristopher Wallace
    La Wicca ha bebido de las fuentes de la sabiduría druídica con el fin de recuperar ideas, tradiciones y elementos del folclore, y reelaborarlos siguiendo unas creencias según las cuales cada individuo puede profundizar en su relación con lo sagrado. A través de este libro podrá descubrir una religión que tiene sus raíces en épocas muy lejanas.Gracias a esta guía conocerá una tr...

    16,59 €

  • A Dialogue With Death The Teacher Of Life
    Erhard Vogel
    A Dialogue With Death The Teacher Of Life was not written for the ordinary person, and everyone should read it.It challenges even those who think little of themselves to rise to the level of perception that frees them from ignorance and the consequent suffering.Ask yourself, Who am I really?To be fulfilled, you must know who you are. We can overcome the crisis in which we find ...

    22,41 €

  • Bhagavad Gita, The Holy Book of Hindus
    Bhagavad Gita - ’The Song of God’- is collection of 700 verses from the great epic Mahabharata, composed millenniums ago by Veda Vyasa, a prehistoric sage of India. It is set in the narrative framework of a dialogue that takes place in the middle of a battle field between prince Arjuna, and his guide and charioteer Lord Krishna. The Bhagavad Gita is a synthesis and compendium o...

    6,80 €

  • Astrology in Mesopotamian Culture
    A. E. Thierens / AEThierens

    10,63 €

  • A Tale of Two Circles
    David Musser
    A Tale of Two Circles: Retelling a Very Old Mathematical Creation Story is a rather light-hearted, sometimes whimsical account of how a particular intersection of two identical circles establish the source of Geometry and how the patterns tumbling from them create (at least in this story) the architecture of creation. The geometric shape is commonly called the vesica piscis and...

    13,98 €

    Muata Ashby
    This volume covers more texts from the Egyptian Book of the dead and features translations of panels from the Temple of Amun-Ra at Abu SImbel. Understanding the Mystic Path to Enlightenment Through Direct Readings of the Sacred Signs and Symbols of Ancient Egyptian Language With Trilinear Deciphering Method ...

    48,28 €

  • Didache oder Apostellehre
    Franz Zeller
    Die Didache ist die älteste der überlieferten Kirchenordnungen. Die aus dem Jahre 1056 stammende Handschrift nennt in ihrem Inhaltsverzeichnis die Schrift einfach „Lehre der zwölf Apostel', während der ursprüngliche, über dem Text stehende Titel die vollere Form hat: „Lehre des Herrn durch die zwölf Apostel an die Heiden'.Die Didache, in deren sechs ersten Kapiteln wir offenbar...

    16,54 €

  • Magic In The Bible
    Ken Goudsward
    Inductive analysis of ancient biblical texts yields shocking conclusions in this controversial, in depth look at the magical practices of such well loved characters as Moses, Abraham, and even Jesus himself. ...

    11,21 €

  • The Secret Adam
    E. S. Drower / ESDrower

    17,82 €

  • Egypt and Bible History
    Charles F. Aling / Charles FAling

    18,73 €

  • The Magic of Yggdrasill
    Yves Kodratoff
    This book took its start with the author’s realization that what Old Norse calls 'magic' can be understood as 'unconscious', as stated by C. G. Jung: (we find) "magical means everything where unconscious influences are at work." This book reveals the existence of several Norse words specifically dedicated to magic, as are 'sköp', for instance, and it det...

    33,01 €

  • The Teachings of Zoroaster and the philosophy of the Parsi religion
    Shaporji Aspaniarji Kapadia
    ZOROASTRIANISM is a religion much commented upon by a few enthusiastic oriental scholars, and less understood by the general public. Out of the millions of believers of this faith in the bygone ages, there now remains a handful of devout followers, known as the Parsis. I have, therefore, ventured to put before my readers a brief sketch of the teachings of this divine prophet. I...

    15,32 €

  • Revisiting Delphi
    Julia Kindt

    34,60 €

  • The Hostages of the Northmen
    Stefan Olsson
    The aim of this book is to investigate the taking and giving of hostages in peace processes during the Viking Age and early Middle Ages in Scandinavia and adjacent areas. Scandinavia has been absent in previous research about hostages from the perspectives of legal and social history, which has mostly focused on Antiquity (the Roman Empire), Continental Germanic cultures, such ...

    36,07 €

  • Rendering Divine Names on Coins
    Brad Yonaka / David Bentley
    After Jesus glanced at the temple coin, he said, ''Render to Caesar.'' This book’s title and theme are based upon Jesus’ command to give allegiance to both the state and God.Coauthor David Bentley is the historian-theologian who reads and translates the coins’ messages. Coauthor Brad Yonaka is the geologist-scientist who finds the copper, silver, and gold coins which are on dis...

    20,51 €

  • Rendering Divine Names on Coins
    Brad Yonaka / David Bentley
    After Jesus glanced at the temple coin, he said, ''Render to Caesar.'' This book’s title and theme are based upon Jesus’ command to give allegiance to both the state and God.Coauthor David Bentley is the historian-theologian who reads and translates the coins’ messages. Coauthor Brad Yonaka is the geologist-scientist who finds the copper, silver, and gold coins which are on dis...

    37,60 €

  • The False Gods
    George Horace Lorimer
    'The False Gods' is a 1906 novel by George Horace Lorimer (1867-1937). Lorimer was an American author, journalist, and publisher most famous for being the editor of The Saturday Evening Post between 1899 and 1936. As editor, the paper’s circulation rose from a few thousand to over a million. This interesting novel offers an insight into contemporary journalism and Lorimer’s exp...

    16,14 €

  • Plotinus on Beauty (Enneads 1.6 and 5.8.1-2)
    Andrew Smith
    Plotinus composed the widely influential Neoplatonic work On Beauty (Ennead 1.6) in the third century CE. This volume includes the Greek text of and English notes on this work, which demonstrates Plotinus’s systematic argument and engaging exhortation to foster the inner self. The volume also includes the text of and notes on Plotinus’s complementary statements in On Intelligib...

    22,51 €

  • Plotinus on Beauty (Enneads 1.6 and 5.8.1-2)
    Andrew Smith
    Plotinus composed the widely influential Neoplatonic work On Beauty (Ennead 1.6) in the third century CE. This volume includes the Greek text of and English notes on this work, which demonstrates Plotinus’s systematic argument and engaging exhortation to foster the inner self. The volume also includes the text of and notes on Plotinus’s complementary statements in On Intelligib...

    39,58 €

  • Sounding Sensory Profiles in the Ancient Near East
    Eighteen essays offer insights into the meaning of the senses in ancient Israel, Mesopotamia, and Egypt and show various questions and methods with which this topic can be approached. Experts examine the classical senses (seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, tasting) as well as other senses (such as kinesthesis and the sense of balance) and sense-related issues (such as disgust...

    58,23 €

  • Sounding Sensory Profiles in the Ancient Near East
    Eighteen essays offer insights into the meaning of the senses in ancient Israel, Mesopotamia, and Egypt and show various questions and methods with which this topic can be approached. Experts examine the classical senses (seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, tasting) as well as other senses (such as kinesthesis and the sense of balance) and sense-related issues (such as disgust...

    76,86 €

  • Prophets and Prophecy in the Ancient Near East
    Martti Nissinen
    This volume brings together a representative sample of ancient Near Eastern written documents of prophecy from the second and first millennia BCE and provides nonspecialist readers translations, transliterations, and discussions of oracle reports and collections, quotations of prophetic messages in letters and literature, and texts that reference persons with prophetic titles. ...

    38,45 €

  • Prophets and Prophecy in the Ancient Near East
    Martti Nissinen
    This volume brings together a representative sample of ancient Near Eastern written documents of prophecy from the second and first millennia BCE and provides nonspecialist readers translations, transliterations, and discussions of oracle reports and collections, quotations of prophetic messages in letters and literature, and texts that reference persons with prophetic titles. ...

    47,75 €

  • Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection
    E.A. Wallis Budge / E.AWallis Budge
    2019 Reprint of 1911 Edition Originally Published in Two Volumes and Now Bound into One.  New introduction by Jane Harrison.  Two volumes bound in one.  In this book E. A. Wallis Budge, one of the world's foremost Egyptologists, focuses on Osiris as the single most important Egyptian deity.  In Ancient Egyptian mythology, Osiris was the god of the beyond whose death and res...

    57,82 €

  • XVI Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies
    This book includes papers given at the XVI Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (IOSCS), held in Stellenbosch, South Africa, in 2016. Essays from scholars from Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America identify and discuss new topics and lines of inquiry and develop fresh insights and arguments in existing areas of research into the Septua...

    42,84 €

  • XVI Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies
    This book includes papers given at the XVI Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (IOSCS), held in Stellenbosch, South Africa, in 2016. Essays from scholars from Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America identify and discuss new topics and lines of inquiry and develop fresh insights and arguments in existing areas of research into the Septua...

    56,47 €