Religión y creencias (infantil/juvenil)

Infantiles, juveniles y didácticos / Infantil y juvenil: no ficción general / Religión y creencias (infantil/juvenil) (1960)

Libros Eliminar filtro Infantiles, juveniles y didácticos Eliminar filtro Infantil y juvenil: no ficción general Eliminar filtro Religión y creencias (infantil/juvenil) Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Al Ghazâlî El Libro de la oración para niños
    Facultad de Estudios Andalusíes / Fons Vitae Publishing
    La versión para niños de este libro de Imam al-Ghazali se esfuerza por mostrarles la oración canónica (al-salat), que además de ser uno de los Cinco Pilares de la religión, es ante todo una oportunidad para la comunión con Dios, ejercitar la concentración y atención, y expresar gratitud a Dios a través de palabras, posturas físicas y estados interiores. En este libro niños y ad...

    18,96 €

  • Las crónicas de íñigo
    Rafael Martínez-Echevarría Castillo
    A las 20 semanas de embarazo, la vida de Íñigo y sus padres da un vuelco inesperado.¡Algo va mal!Entonces, Alexia, la mejor amiga de Íñigo, viene para cuidarlos a todos.Cada día le cuenta a Íñigo un cuento, y con ellos le va ayudando a prepararse para ser buena persona cuando nazca y se haga mayor.Muchos amigos se van uniendo a las historias que Alexia comparte, a la vez que re...

    22,22 €

  • La novia elegida
    Pip Reid / Bible Pathway Adventures
    ¡El rey de Persia necesita una nueva reina!Tras rehusarse a presentarse ante el rey en un banquete, la reina Vasti es desterrada para siempre. El rey Asuero busca una nueva novia. Una hermosa muchacha hebrea llamada Ester llama su atención, y la elige como la nueva reina de Persia. Pero el malvado Amán planea, en secreto, destruir a los hebreos. ¡El pueblo de Ester está en peli...

    13,63 €

  • My Picture Book of First Confession
    This beautifully illustrated book, with its companion, My Picture Book of First Communion, was originally written by a Dutch religious, Brother Maria Cassianus Versteeg, as one among a series of books for children printed by their Orphanage Printing House.The original Dutch needed a good deal of adaptation during the translation process, so in reconstructing the text, we borrow...

    27,60 €

  • My Picture Book of First Communion
    This beautifully illustrated book, with its companion, My Picture Book of First Confession, was originally written by a Dutch religious, Brother Maria Cassianus Versteeg, as one among a series of books for children printed by their Orphanage Printing House.The original Dutch needed a good deal of adaptation during the translation process, so in reconstructing the text, we borro...

    27,60 €

  • The Divine Liturgy
    Vladimir Luchaninov / John Hogg
    From the series "Orthodoxy for Children," this book helps to teach children about the Divine Liturgy, the center of our lives of worship as Orthodox Christians. It explains the structure of Liturgy, starting with the Proskomedia, so that children can follow along better with what's going on. It also explains why Liturgy is important, and how all of Liturgy revolves around t...

    23,86 €

  • Dr. King Is Tired Too!!
    Janaka Bowman Lewis / Mac A. Bowman / Mac ABowman
    Dr. King is Tired, Too!!: A Family’s Walk, chronicles a real family’s journey to see Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for the first time in Albany, Georgia. A story to pass down through families, Mac Bowman’s telling of finally seeing Dr. King and observing his exhaustion is a reminder that we are all human, even our heroes. ...

    17,09 €

  • I Will Do Great Things
    Jilly Bean
    From our beginning, we are destined to do great things. Our only limits are the ones we place on ourselves. “I Will Do Great Things” is a book for children of all ages. Discover and rediscover your innate value in this easy to follow A, B, C format that speaks to the hearts of the young and the young at heart. ...

    12,42 €

  • Collected Studies, Letters and Meditations
    The Elder Brothers of Humanity
    AS THE SERPENT chases its tail, one can try to catch the elusive Sun to take in a global sequence of perpetual sunrise. Development has its rewards and when you are asked, 'For what am I working towards?' you may take us on our word that you are working for the day when you may witness the perpetual sunrise in all its glory! There are mysteries and there are Mysteries. Above al...

    39,52 €

  • Collected Studies, Letters and Meditations
    The Elder Brothers of Humanity
    AS THE SERPENT chases its tail, one can try to catch the elusive Sun to take in a global sequence of perpetual sunrise. Development has its rewards and when you are asked, 'For what am I working towards?' you may take us on our word that you are working for the day when you may witness the perpetual sunrise in all its glory! There are mysteries and there are Mysteries. Above al...

    43,31 €

  • Sansón, el guerrero poderoso
    Pip Reid / Bible Pathway Adventures
    Cuando los israelitas comenzaron a desobedecer a Dios, Él no estaba complacido. ¿Por qué no podían, simplemente, obedecer Sus instrucciones en vez de adorar a dioses falsos? Decidió castigar a los israelitas enviando a los temibles filisteos para que los oprimieran. Pero Dios todavía amaba al pueblo de Israel, y tenían un plan para salvarlo: uno que incluía a un niño llamado Sa...

    13,77 €

  • Witch of Endor
    Pip Reid / Bible Pathway Adventures
    The great prophet and adviser, Samuel, has died. King Saul now rules the land of Israel. As the Philistines gather to fight the Israelites, Saul’s rule is about to end. He prays desperately to God for help, but all he hears is silence. God, it seems, has abandoned him. Taking matters into his own hands, Saul takes the risk and consults the witch of Endor for answers. But even k...

    13,77 €

  • My Kiss Won’t Miss
    Lesley Rieland
    AWARD-WINNING!* Moonbeam Awards Gold Medal* Feathered Quill Awards Gold Medal* Illumination Awards Gold Medal* Reader Views Literary Awards 1st Place* Five Star Publications Award for Best Children’s Illustrated* INDIEFAB Book of the Year FinalistA bedtime or anytime story! 'My Kiss Won’t Miss' demonstrates the constant and pursuing love of a mother when her son sneaks out of ...

    16,71 €

  • Scripture Kinesthetics
    Monica Hayman / Valerie Harrison
    Scripture Kinesthetics: Bible Learning for Youth and Young Adults is an interactive instructional text designed to help the reader develop spiritual maturity and to provide a means to study the Word of God and apply it practically. Through multimodality activities and mnemonic exercises, the reader explores the Bible, makes personal connections, and memorizes its content. Our d...

    12,98 €

  • Vendido como esclavo
    Pip Reid / Bible Pathway Adventures
    José, hijo de Jacob, ha recibido una capa especial como muestra del amor de su padre. Llenos de celos, los hermanos de José lo venden como esclavo. Tras pasar años en prisión, José llega al poder y se convierte en el poderoso gobernador de Egipto. La escasez en Canaán obliga a los hermanos de José a viajar a Egipto en busca de alimentos. Comparecen ante el gobernador de Egipto....

    13,35 €

  • He Told, He Did
    Agnes de Bezenac
    Come and learn about 4 parables that Jesus told and 4 miracles he did.Includes:• Parable of the Sower - Matthew 13:3-8. • Parable of the Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37.• Parable of the Rich Fool - Luke 12:16-21.• Parable of the Lost Sheep - Luke 15:3-7.• Jesus heals a blind man - Mark 8:22-26. • Jesus raises ruler’s daughter - Matthew 9:18-26.• Jesus feds 5000 people - Matthew ...

    9,65 €

  • He Told, He Did
    Agnes de Bezenac
    Come and learn about 4 parables that Jesus told and 4 miracles he did.Includes:• Parable of the Sower - Matthew 13:3-8. • Parable of the Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37.• Parable of the Rich Fool - Luke 12:16-21.• Parable of the Lost Sheep - Luke 15:3-7.• Jesus heals a blind man - Mark 8:22-26. • Jesus raises ruler’s daughter - Matthew 9:18-26.• Jesus feds 5000 people - Matthew ...

    18,25 €

  • I Pray, He Leads
    Agnes de Bezenac
    A paraphrased version of The Lord’s Prayer and Psalm 23. Suggested for ages 2-4. See more of our books & free downloads at  ...

    10,96 €

  • I Pray, He Leads
    Agnes de Bezenac
    A paraphrased version of The Lord’s Prayer and Psalm 23. Suggested for ages 2-4. See more of our books & free downloads at  ...

    19,55 €

  • Get Well Soon
    Agnes de Bezenac
    Though you’re in bed a bit longer,Let your faith and courage grow stronger.Here’s some comfort for when you’re sick,And some fun coloring to do the trick.Let this little book bring you some cheerBecause you are loved so dear.A coloring book for times when your children are sick, with rhymes that encourage and build faith.Suggested for ages 6 and up.Get more books & free downloa...

    10,30 €

  • Get Well Soon
    Agnes de Bezenac
    Though you’re in bed a bit longer,Let your faith and courage grow stronger.Here’s some comfort for when you’re sick,And some fun coloring to do the trick.Let this little book bring you some cheerBecause you are loved so dear.A coloring book for times when your children are sick, with rhymes that encourage and build faith.With extra blank pages in between, for a better coloring ...

    17,65 €

  • Arrojado a los leones
    Pip Reid / Bible Pathway Adventures
    A pesar de las advertencias del profeta Jeremías, los hebreos seguían desobedeciendo a Dios. Y Dios no estaba contento. Permitió que Jerusalén fuera destruida por sus enemigos y que se llevaran a los hebreos a Babilonia. Tomado prisionero, Daniel es favorecido por el rey Darío. Pero los magos están celosos de la amistad especial que Daniel tiene con el rey. Así que traman un pl...

    13,77 €

  • Die Sintflut
    Bible Pathway Adventures / Pip Reid
    Wenn Gott Dir sagen würde, eine riesige Arche zu bauen, würdest Du dies tun? Nun, Noah hörte auf Gott und baute das größte Schiff der Welt. Obwohl er nicht verstand, was Gott geplant hatte, hörte Noah auf sein Herz und vertraute darauf, dass Gott sein Versprechen halten würde, ihn und seine Familie vor der Flut zu verschonen. Begleite Noah und tausende von Tieren an Bord der Ar...

    13,49 €

  • The Chosen Bride
    Pip Reid / Bible Pathway Adventures
    The king of Persia needs a new queen! After refusing to appear before the king at a banquet, Queen Vashti is banished forever. King Ahasuerus searches for a new bride. A beautiful Hebrew girl named Esther catches his eye. She is quickly chosen as the new queen of Persia. But behind the scenes, the wicked Haman plots to destroy the Hebrews. Esther’s people are in danger! Will Es...

    13,63 €

  • Aprendiendo Hebreo
    Pip Reid / Bible Pathway Adventures
    Disfruta enseñándoles a tus hijos los nombres Hebreos de los artículos del hogar con nuestro Libro de Actividades Aprendiendo Hebreo: En la Casa. Desde la cama al baño, del cuchillo al tenedor, tiene 23 palabras Hebreas para enseñarles. Además, muchas oportunidades para que tus niños practiquen coloreando y escribiendo lo que han aprendido. ¡Tarjetas didácticas, actividades de ...

    11,35 €

  • Kid on Purpose
    Sarah Her
    What am I doing here? What does God want from me? Where do I belong? What do I do with my life? How can my life make a difference?Kids ask some pretty hard questions, not just because the answers would take a long time to explain, but because you might be wondering the same things, too. You can both now discover the answers to these questions together--with plenty of art, puzzl...

    26,86 €

  • Lessons from Within
    A.LFaulkenberry / A.L. Faulkenberry
    Lessons from Within is a new take on the traditional story of Jonah and the big fish. It is based on Jonah 1-4 and tells the story of the lessons that Jonah learned when he tried to run from God, instead of going to the city of Nineveh. Written in a poetic and rhyming form, the words flow nicely across the page, along with the beautiful full color illustrations. This book is mo...

    12,84 €

  • The Adventures of Roger the Chicken
    Glenn Cox
    Imagine if you could colour in your favourite chicken’s adventures. Imagine creating your own adventures with Roger the Chicken and Barry the Duck. Now You can! Colour in The Adventures of Roger the Chicken and draw your own adventures with 'How to draw Roger the Chicken and Barry the Duck'.  ...

    4,78 €

  • The Goshen Chronicles
    CongressWBN / Elijah Centre Project Heritage
    The Goshen Chronicles'The Goshen Chronicles' is the first book in our three part 'Living in Goshen' collection. The Goshen Chronicles is a compilation of poems narrating the experience of the Israelites during the plagues in Egypt, their triumphant exit from captivity and God’s ultimate victory over Pharaoh at the Red Sea. Through beautiful storytelling, memorable songs, and re...

    9,06 €

  • Pharaoh’s Lament
    CongressWBN / Elijah Centre Project Heritage
    'Pharaoh’s Lament' is the third book in our three part 'Living in Goshen' collection. Pharaoh’s Lament tells the story of how God broke hard hearted Pharaoh during the plagues in Egypt and Pharaoh’s fall from his position of power and pride, as told from Pharaoh’s perspective. Through beautiful storytelling, memorable songs, and relatable characters, the 'Living in Goshen' seri...

    8,93 €