Régimen jurídico: general

Derecho / / Régimen jurídico: general (765)

  • A Practical Guide to the Care Case Fee Scheme for Family Lawyers
    Philip Dewin
    Essential reading for practitioners dealing with cases under the Care Case Fee Scheme, this book is written with the busy practitioner and other legal professionals firmly in mind. The book is a clear and comprehensive guide which explains how the scheme works in practice, includes practical advice in relation to managing live cases and claiming costs at the conclusion of the m...

    77,89 €

  • A Practical Guide to the Law of Deprivation of Liberty
    Ben Troke
    When arrangements are made for someone, in their best interests, that amount to a deprivation of their liberty - for example placing someone in a care home against their wishes - how does the law protect their rights?The law in this vital area has been a mess. In 2014, a parliamentary committee described the current legal framework - the 'Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards' (DoL...

    115,17 €

  • Perícia Judicial Em Apuração De Haveres
    Fumaux Edilson Anderson. Aguiais
    Esse livro surgiu da necessidade de capacitar profissionais contadores para atuar como peritos judiciais em ações que envolvem apuração de haveres. O objetivo principal deste livro é proporcionar a esses profissionais o aprendizado efetivo das principais questões que envolvem o trabalho do perito contador na apuração de haveres, desde o entendimento da forma de atuação do perit...

    9,53 €

  • Perícia Bancária: Casos Práticos
    Aguiais Edilson (org)
    A maioria dos executados não terminam suas defesas por não terem como pagar custas dos processos de embargos à execução, que se iniciam apartados do processo principal executório no exemplo das ações de títulos extrajudiciais, em razão de seus pedidos de gratuidade de justiça normalmente não serem atendidos pelo juízo de primeiro grau. Não se enganem, as desistências processuai...

    21,32 €

  • Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; 2024 Edition
    Michigan Legal Publishing Ltd.
    A concise and comprehensive edition of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and related selected statutes for quick reference. Updated through January 1, 2024. Perfect for your briefcase or desk and a great format for the attorney or law school student who simply needs to refer to the rules. Supplement for all casebooks.Contents:Federal Rules of Civil ProcedureTitle I. Scope of...

    22,26 €

  • Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure; 2024 Edition
    Michigan Legal Publishing Ltd.
    A handy pocket version of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure (5.5' x 8.5'), as amended through January 1, 2024. A Perfect quick reference for your desk or briefcase, for both attorneys and law school students. Supplement for all casebooks.Contents:Title I. Applicability of RulesTitle II. Appeal from a Judgment or Order of a District CourtTitle III. Appeals from the United...

    14,19 €

  • Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; 2024 Edition (Casebook Supplement)
    Michigan Legal Publishing Ltd.
    Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (2024 Edition) with the full Advisory Committee Notes, selected statutes (venue and jurisdiction of federal district courts, along with removal from state courts), and all official forms for civil suits in federal district courts.  ...

    41,24 €

  • Revise SQE Dispute Resolution 2nd ed
    David Sixsmith
    Updated for the 2023 SQE1 specification, Revise SQE Dispute Resolution is written for anyone preparing for the Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE1) assessment. The book covers the life of a civil claim including the different options of dispute resolution available, commencing civil proceedings, responding to a claim, making interim applications, case management, evidential...

    23,99 €

  • Participação E Legitimação
    Maércio Dias
    O Estudo Da Legitimidade Das Decisões É Indispensável Na Atual Conjuntura Político-Jurídica. Em Tempos De Dúvidas Fundadas Que Recaem Sobre As Instituições Democráticas, Faz-Se Mister Buscar Compreender Quais Os Critérios Legitimadores Dos Atos Estatais, Dentre Os Quais As Decisões Judiciais, Pois, Sendo Esta Um Ato Estatal De Império, Está Submetida Por Consequência À Legalida...

    11,75 €

  • Avaliação Para Fins De Apuração De Haveres Nas Sociedades Limitadas
    Renato Vilela
    O Livro Cuida Da Temática De Apuração De Haveres Do Sócio De Sociedade Limitada, Com Especial Atenção Para A Apreciação E Avaliação De Ativos Intangíveis, Escrituráveis Ou Não, Sob A Ótica Do Código De Processo Civil E Dos Pronunciamentos Contábeis Pertinentes. 10 ...

    15,78 €

  • A Aplicabilidade Do Código De Processo Civil No Âmbito Trabalhista
    Fabiane Sena Freitas
    Com O Código De Processo Civil De 2015, A Constitucionalização Do Processo Ganhou Destaque, Haja Vista A Previsão Do Artigo 1º Dispondo Que O Processo Civil Será Ordenado, Disciplinado E Interpretado Conforme Os Valores E As Normas Fundamentais Estabelecidos Na Constituição Federal.Nesse Contexto, Insta Ressaltar Também O Diálogo Das Fontes, Que Busca Compreender O Ordenamento ...

    11,87 €

  • Cooperação Jurídica Internacional No Âmbito Do Direito Processual Civil
    Driele Lazzarini Malgueiro
    A Obra Traz Um Estudo Do Tratamento Dado Pelo Código De Processo Civil À Cooperação Jurídica Internacional Em Comparação Ao Código De Processo Civil De 1973. O Conteúdo Inclui Um Estudo Sobre As Regras E Limites Da Jurisdição Nacional Nas Obrigações De Alimentos, Relações De Consumo, Ações Relativas A Imóveis Localizados No Brasil E Ações De Inventário E Partilha. A Análise Cla...

    11,87 €

  • Des Exceptions De Procédure En Matière Civile Et Commerciale...
    A. Joccoton
    Cet ouvrage présente une étude approfondie des différentes exceptions de procédure dans les procédures civiles et commerciales, avec un accent particulier sur la jurisprudence. Il aborde également les questions liées à la recevabilité des exceptions, leur nature et leur portée.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge ba...

    42,41 €

  • Código De Procedimiento Civil Anotado Con Todas Las Leyes, Decretos Y Acuerdos Del Tribunal Superior De Justicia Dictados Hasta El 31 De Diciembre De 1902, Que Reforman, Interpretan Y Complementan Su
    Uruguay / Uruguay. Tribunal superior de justicia
    Este libro es una guía completa del Código de Procedimiento Civil de Uruguay, que incluye todas las leyes, decretos y acuerdos dictados por el Tribunal Superior de Justicia hasta el año 1902. Una obra útil para estudiantes de derecho y abogados. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it...

    39,61 €

  • Coleccion De Formularios Arreglados A La Ley De Enjuiciamiento Civil
    Baldomero Blanco / Santos Hidalgo
    Este libro presenta una colección de formularios judiciales adecuados a la legislación española de la época. Los autores, Baldomero Blanco y Santos Hidalgo, proporcionan una guía exhaustiva para todos aquellos involucrados en casos legales, desde jueces y abogados hasta ciudadanos comunes que deban comparecer ante tribunales. Esta obra representa una valiosa herramienta para co...

    33,84 €

  • Die Civilprocess-Ordnung
    Moses Bloch
    Dieses Buch ist eine unverzichtbare Quelle für Juristen und jeden, der sich für das deutsche Zivilverfahrensrecht interessiert. Der Autor beschreibt die wichtigsten Vorschriften der Civilprocess-Ordnung und erklärt ihre Bedeutung und Anwendung in der Praxis. Ein Standardwerk, das in keiner juristischen Bibliothek fehlen darf.This work has been selected by scholars as being cult...

    33,73 €

  • Manuale Delle Prove in Materia Civile
    Carlo Lessona
    Il Manuale delle prove in materia civile di Carlo Lessona rappresenta un corposo e dettagliato saggio sulla materia processuale civile. L’opera offre una panoramica sui vari aspetti delle prove in giudizio, analizzando norme, giurisprudenza e dottrina.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we k...

    35,59 €

  • L’exceptio Rei Iudicatae Nelle Azioni Popolari
    Vittorio Scialoja
    Questo libro affronta in modo puntuale e articolato il tema dell’eccezione di cosa giudicata, ovvero della possibilità di impugnare giudicati in presenza di nuovi elementi di prova. In particolare, Scialoja esamina la materia nel contesto delle azioni popolari, fornendo un punto di vista originale e inedito.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, ...

    29,56 €

  • Forms of Procedure in the Courts of Pennsylvania
    P Frazer 1808-1882 Smith
    This book is a reference guide for lawyers and court officials in Pennsylvania. It provides a comprehensive collection of legal forms for use in various types of court proceedings, including civil and criminal cases, adoptions, and estate administration. The author, P. Frazer Smith, was a prominent lawyer and legal scholar in Pennsylvania and his expertise is evident in the cla...

    46,95 €

  • Forms Of Common Law Declarations For Use In State And Federal Courts
    George Craghead Gregory
    This book contains a comprehensive collection of common law declarations that can be used in state and federal courts. Written by George Craghead Gregory, a respected attorney and legal scholar, the book is an essential resource for any lawyer involved in civil litigation.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of...

    35,53 €

  • Entwurf eines Gesetzbuchs über das gerichtliche Verfahren in bürgerlichen Rechtssachen.
    Nikolaus Thaddäus Gönner
    Dieses Buch ist der zweite Band eines Entwurfs für ein Gesetzbuch über das gerichtliche Verfahren in bürgerlichen Rechtssachen von Nikolaus Thaddäus Gönner. Der Entwurf ist ein wichtiger Beitrag zur rechtlichen Entwicklung im 19. Jahrhundert und bietet wertvolle Einblicke in die damalige Gesetzgebung.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is ...

    42,60 €

  • The Law and Practice Appertaining to Originating Summons
    George Nichols b. 1844 Marcy / J. Theodore (John Theodore) 18... Dodd
    This book is a comprehensive guide to the law and practice surrounding originating summons, complete with forms. It is an essential resource for lawyers and legal professionals seeking to understand the intricacies of this area of law.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work ...

    42,38 €

  • Das Deutsche Civilprozeßrecht, zweite Abtheilung
    Wilhelm Endemann
    Die zweite Abteilung dieses Lehrbuchs zum Deutschen Civilprozeßrecht behandelt Themen wie die Vorbereitung des Verfahrens, die Mündliche Verhandlung und das Urteil, und vieles mehr. Dieses Buch ist eine unverzichtbare Ressource für jeden Juristen, der eine gründliche Kenntnis des deutschen Zivilprozessrechts erwerben möchte.This work has been selected by scholars as being cultu...

    43,09 €

  • Des Restrictions Au Droit De Plaider En Matière Civile
    Ferdinand Roy
    Ce livre est une analyse approfondie des restrictions imposées au droit de plaider en matière civile. L’auteur examine les différents obstacles juridiques qui peuvent empêcher une personne de faire valoir ses droits en justice, et explore les moyens de surmonter ces obstacles. Cet ouvrage sera utile aux avocats, aux juges et à toute personne souhaitant approfondir ses connaissa...

    27,09 €

  • A Practical Guide to Clinical Negligence - Third Edition
    Geoffrey Simpson-Scott
    The right to compensation for injuries caused by another’s fault has been protected for over 3,700 years since The Code of Hammurabi. The expanded 3rd Edition of ’A Practical Approach to Clinical Negligence’ provides clear guidance for practitioners from funding through to trial and settlement using over 400 cases supported by legislative and other reference materials. New topi...

    115,74 €

  • A Practical Guide to Adding or Amending Parties or Causes of Action to a Claim in Civil Proceedings
    Ryan Hocking
    This book provides a practical, user-friendly guide to help navigate the various intricacies and potential pitfalls involved in amending statements of case or changing the composition of the parties. There are few factors in civil litigation of more fundamental importance than who is bringing it, who is defending it, and how they frame their respective cases. Whether due to ina...

    97,27 €

  • CIVIL = Conspiring Individuals Victimized Innocent Lives
    Andrew J. Friedman / Stuart Friedman
    Alright, well the best way to satisfy the curiosity of the inquisitive, seeking in a nutshell, as to what could this book be about, please let the following serve as the Senior Author’s description without having to let the cat out of the bag. CIVIL is about Stuart Friedman having been asked by his dad to accompany him to a resort in upstate New York. CIVIL is about Stuart went...

    17,07 €

  • Common-Law Pleading [1897]
    Richard Ross Perry
    Intended for students, the core of this book is a synthesis of Joseph Chitty’s Treatise on Pleading and Parties to Actions (1809), Henry John Stephen’s Treatise on the Principles of Pleading in Civil Actions (1824), Albert Venn Dicey’s Treatise on the Rules for the Selection of the Parties to an Action (1870) and the third book of William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws o...

    35,69 €

  • A Nossa Justiça
    Israel Foguel
    O pleno exercício democrático só é possível por meio da compreensão dos direitos e deveres por parte do cidadão comum.No entanto, a complexidade da estrutura da Justiça brasileira torna, por vezes, seu acesso difícil àqueles que não possuem formação jurídica.Através deste livro pretendo aproximar o cidadão do Estado, apresentando, de forma clara e didática, em linguagem acessív...

    8,83 €

  • Ética, Responsabilidade Civil E Penal Do Médico
    Caio Vinicius Merces Sa
    Este livro busca trazer à baila, de forma simplificada e objetiva, os riscos inerentes à prática médica, bem como informar procedimentos e punições que eventualmente o médico possa se submeter.Obra indispensável aos médicos e estudantes. Diante do exponencial crescimento da judicialização da saúde no Brasil, faz-se cada vez mais necessário à atuação do médico buscar por conheci...

    14,31 €