Psicología del trabajo e industrial

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Psicología del trabajo e industrial (428)

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  • Happy About an Extra Hour Every Day
    Nicolas Soergel
    Every day has 1,440 minutes and they pass quickly regardless of whether you are salaried, self-employed or own a business. Everyone who wants to achieve goals needs to carefully manage time. You can create a lot of extra time by increasing your efficiency. If you can save one minute 60 times a day you can gain the extra hour every day required to make your dreams happen.Every p...

    22,50 €

  • Research in Occupational Stress and Well being
    Focuses on processes related to recovery and unwinding from job stress. This book demonstrates that recovery research is a very promising approach for understanding the processes of job stress and relieve from job stress more fully. ...

    226,93 €

  • Stress and Quality of Working Life
    A volume in Stress and Quality of Working LifeSeries Editors Ana Maria Rossi, International Stress Management Association,James Campbell (Jim) Quick, The University of Texas at Arlingtonand Pamela L. Perrewé, Florida State UniversityThis book offers twelve chapters organized into three major sections that address occupational stress andquality of working life. The authors are a...

    71,43 €

  • Stress and Quality of Working Life
    A volume in Stress and Quality of Working LifeSeries Editors Ana Maria Rossi, International Stress Management Association,James Campbell (Jim) Quick, The University of Texas at Arlingtonand Pamela L. Perrewé, Florida State UniversityThis book offers twelve chapters organized into three major sections that address occupational stress andquality of working life. The authors are a...

    127,70 €

  • Leadership in a Changing World
    Robert Klein
    This book elaborates on leadership dilemmas and solutions within real-life contexts utilizing a ’systems’ perspective in which leaders and their followers co-create their mutually interdependent relationships. Included are issues of political, corporate, educational, terrorist, and diplomatic leadership. ...

    148,43 €

  • Voice and Silence in Organizations
    Jerald Greenberg / Marissa SEdwards
    Are employees encouraged to speak up or to pipe down? Do they share ideas openly or do they remain silent in ways that are hurtful to individuals and harmful to the functioning of their organizations? This collection of 12 essays addresses these and related issues from a variety of scholarly perspectives. ...

    251,07 €

  • Principles of Topological Psychology
    Kurt Lewin
    This antiquarian text contains a comprehensive treatise on topological psychology, being a detailed exposition of its principles written by Kurt Lewin. Written in clear, plain language and full of information fundamental to understanding this branch of psychology, this text will be of considerable utility to the student, and it would make for a great addition to collections of ...

    54,85 €

  • Retention Management von High- und Top-Potentials
    Antje Reichert
    Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Arbeit, Betrieb, Organisation und Wirtschaft, Note: 2,3, Hochschule für angewandtes Management GmbH, 60 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die deutschen Unternehmen stehen mehr denn je unter Druck: von der Globalisierung und dem damit einhergehenden verstärkten Wettbewerb, über den Klimawandel...

    36,12 €

  • Technological Innovation

    63,59 €

  • Understanding Paranoia
    Martin Kantor

    31,42 €

  • Working with Cultural Differences
    Richard Brislin

    95,74 €

  • Mapping Dialogue
    Knuth Marianne / Mille Bojer Marianne / Roehl Heiko
    In a world of increasing complexity, answers have a short life-span and people have a growing desire to solve their own problems. Sustainable social change is increasingly depending on successful dialogue. This book provides a closer look at transformative dialogue tools and processes for social change. It profiles ten dialogue methods in depth, and another fifteen more briefly...

    29,41 €

  • Emotions, Ethics and Decision-Making
    The rapidly growing recognition of the importance of emotion in understanding all aspects of organizational life is facilitating the development of focused areas of scholarship. This volume includes articles, which represent a selection of the papers presented at the sixth International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life. ...

    227,96 €

  • Bedeutung der Arbeitszeitgestaltung für die Produktivität und das Wohlbefinden von Organisationsmitgliedern
    Manuela Pugliese
    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Arbeit, Betrieb, Organisation und Wirtschaft, Note: 'keine', Université de Fribourg - Universität Freiburg (Schweiz), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Eine optimale Gestaltung der Arbeitszeit bemüht sich, die Interessen des Mitarbeiters zu berücksichtigen und die Ziele des Betriebes zu unterstützen. Um aber solche bestmögl...

    23,04 €

  • The Appreciative Organization
    David Cooperrider / Harlene Anderson / Kenneth Gergen
    Authors: Harlene Anderson David Cooperrider Kenneth Gergen Mary Gergen Sheila McNamee Jane Watkins Diana Whitney A Taos Institute Publication, The Appreciative Organization is based on the authors' diverse experiences in organizational life and they are unanimous in their view that the appreciative construction of meaning is essential to the efficacy of an organization and the...

    17,44 €

  • Habitualisiertes und impulsives Kaufverhalten
    Fabian-Carlos Guhl
    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Arbeit, Betrieb, Organisation und Wirtschaft, Note: 1,3, Freie Universität Berlin (Psychologie), Veranstaltung: Marketing-Kommunikation und Konsumentenverhalten, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 1. EinleitungDas Wissen darüber, wie Käufer Entscheidungen treffen, ist von elementarer Bedeutung in der Markt- und Werbepsycholo...

    24,03 €

  • Corporatism
    Jeffrey Grupp
    Monopolistic mega-corporations control all basic resources and items that world citizens depend on for their daily survival-not just food, resource-goods, or medicine, but also things like water, information, transportation, education, and even consciousness. Each of these corporations is controlled by tiny numbers of unelected, militaristic, fascistic labor-lords-called corpor...

    26,93 €

  • Social Chess
    Christopher Beverly / Dr Christopher Beverly
    'For anyone uncertain in social situations, Dr. Chris Beverly is the answer. His ability to view social interactions as a strategic game provides a great guide to help the rest of us navigate. The book is not 'psychobabble', but rather a straight-forward approach to negotiating the difficulties that can arise in group dynamics.' Kristen M. Wolfe, MBA Are you a social wolf or k...

    12,59 €

  • Principles of Topological Psychology
    Kurt Lewin
    This antiquarian text contains a comprehensive treatise on topological psychology, being a detailed exposition of its principles written by Kurt Lewin. Written in clear, plain language and full of information fundamental to understanding this branch of psychology, this text will be of considerable utility to the student, and it would make for a great addition to collections of ...

    43,52 €

  • Psychologie der Dienstleistung am Beispiel des Call Center-Arbeitsplatzes
    Benjamin Behrens
    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2003 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Arbeit, Betrieb, Organisation und Wirtschaft, Note: 2,0, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover (Institut für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie), Veranstaltung: Sozialpsychologie der Arbeit, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten hat sich in den sogenannten Industrieländern ein Wandel von pr...

    21,44 €

  • Theorien der Arbeitsmotivation und ihre Bezüge zur betrieblichen Praxis
    Bianca Hofmann
    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Arbeit, Betrieb, Organisation und Wirtschaft, Note: 1,7, Hamburger Fern-Hochschule, 17 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Unsere Wirtschaft befindet sich zurzeit in einer konjunkturellen Flaute. Viele Unternehmen sind dazu gezwungen mit ihren Finanzen sparsam umzugehen - oftmals auf Kosten de...

    20,17 €

  • Affect and Groups
    Cameron Anderson / Mannix
    Affective phenomena permeate group life. This title examines how groups influence individual members emotional experiences; in turn, how a groups success depends on the emotions and emotional capabilities of its members; and, how moods and emotions mediate the effects of demographic diversity in groups. ...

    254,26 €

  • Change Management am Beispiel einer Landkreisverwaltung
    Brigitte Keller
    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2003 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Arbeit, Betrieb, Organisation und Wirtschaft, Note: 1,0, Hamburger Fern-Hochschule (Betriebssoziologie/ -psychologie), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Ziel des Change Managements ist die Schaffung eines veränderungsfreundlichen Klimas, in dem neue Ideen und Konzepte entstehen können. Daneben ist auch die Unternehmensentwi...

    16,69 €

  • Functionality, Intentionality and Morality
    'Functionality, Intentionality and Morality'. ...

    254,38 €

  • How to Stay Cool, Calm and Collected When the Pressure’s On
    John NEWMAN
    Pressures, problems, and conflicts are a fact of life. But the manager who can face problems head-on and deal with them calmly is way ahead of the game. How to Stay Cool, Calm and Collected When the Pressure’s On offers a systematic approach to dealing with a world that often seems a chaotic confluence of tough decisions, difficult situations, and combative people. ...

    19,93 €

  • The Psychology of Genocide, Massacres, and Extreme Violence
    Donald G. Dutton / Donald GDutton

    77,37 €

  • Exploring the Work and Non-Work Interface
    Examines occupational stress, health and well being, with particular emphasis on the multi-disciplinary nature of occupational stress. This book explores the work and non-work interface which discusses, amongst others, social anxiety, the importance of coping, working with family, women in the workplace and work addiction. ...

    211,71 €

  • Insurance Ethics for a More Ethical World
    Explores the central and unique role of organizational ethics in creating and sustaining a flourishing, pluralistic, free enterprise economy. This book examines how profit seeking and not-for-profit organizations can be conceived and designed to satisfy legitimate human needs in an ethical and meaningful way. ...

    211,75 €

  • Social Psychology of the Workplace
    Part of the 'Advances in Group Processes', which publishes theoretical analyses, reviews and theory based empirical chapters on group phenomena. This volume includes papers that address fundamental issues relating to the Social Psychology of the Workplace. ...

    211,58 €

  • Individual and Organizational Perspectives on Emotion Management and Display
    Presents a selection of papers presented at the Fourth International Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life. This volume concerns the management by organizations of the emotions of employees and the effects on individuals. It includes research in the field and contributions from established scholars as well as ’rising stars’ in the field. ...

    204,50 €