Propiedad y bienes raíces

Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión / Finanzas y contabilidad / Finanzas / Propiedad y bienes raíces (1530)

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  • Immobilienfinanzierung für Eigennutzer
    Alexander Goldwein
    Kauf, Neubau und Finanzierung eines Eigenheims stellen langfristige und weitreichende Weichenstellungen dar. In diesem Ratgeber erhalten Sie umfangreiche Informationen und Checklisten für den Kauf einer gebrauchten Immobilie sowie für den Neubau in Eigenregie. Als Bonus ist ein Excel-Rechentool für Immobiliendarlehen verfügbar. Mit diesem Ratgeber werden Sie in der Lage sein, d...

    48,13 €

  • Affordable
    Tayo Odunsi
    Affordable delineates the roles of the five essential participants in delivering affordable housing: the Government, the Private Sector, Professionals, the Community, and the Individual. Each chapter describes what the particular participant needs to do, or to view differently, so that sustainable affordable housing can be achieved.  Affordable is action-oriented, with the vari...

    8,70 €

  • Die GeldSchule
    Stefan Serret
    Finanziell erfolgreicher werden durch systematischen Vermögensaufbau! Dieser Ratgeber vermittelt das dazu notwendige Finanzwissen und die konkreten Umsetzungsmethoden. In 7 Schritten werden mit Hilfe des als Bonus erhältlichen Excel-Rechentools die privaten Finanzen auf Vordermann gebracht und Vermögensaufbau ab sofort ermöglicht.Ohne Vorkenntnisse kann das in diesem Ratgeber e...

    48,22 €

  • Strategie zum Reichwerden mit Immobilien
    Alexander Goldwein
    Auch Sie können Erfolg haben als privater Wohnimmobilieninvestor und Ihrem Vermögen eine neue Perspektive geben und finanzielle Unabhängigkeit erlangen. Diese Buchreihe setzt keine Vorkenntnisse voraus und ist auch für Anfänger geeignet. Sie gliedert sich in insgesamt 5 Teile, die jeweils als Taschenbuch und Ebook erscheinen. Sie können die Teile hintereinander durcharbeiten un...

    20,94 €

  • Ideia de correspondência imobiliária inovadora
    Matthias Fiedler
    Este livro apresenta um conceito revolucionário para um portal de correspondência imobiliária internacional (App - Aplicação), com o cálculo do elevado potencial de vendas (milhões de Euros) que será integrado no software dos agentes imobiliários e que inclui a avaliação de imóveis (potencial de venda de milhões de euros).Através deste portal é possível partilhar de forma rápid...

    11,60 €

  • Konceptet innovativ matchningstjänst för fast egendom
    Matthias Fiedler
    I den här boken förklaras ett revolutionerande koncept för en världsomfattande matchningsportal för fast egendom (app – applikation) med beräkning av dess avsevärda omsättningspotential (miljarder euro), som integreras i ett program för fastighetsmäklare med fastighetsvärdering (biljoner i omsättningspotential).Detta gör det möjligt att på ett effektivt och tidsbesparande sätt ...

    11,60 €

  • Idei inovatoare de matching imobiliar
    Matthias Fiedler
    În această carte, este prezentat un concept revoluționar pentru un portal mondial de matching imobiliar (aplicație), împreună cu calcularea potențialului considerabil de vânzări (miliarde de euro), integrat într-un software de intermediere imobiliară care include și evaluare imobiliară (profit potențial de bilioane de euro).Aceasta înseamnă că imobiliarele cu locuințe și sedii ...

    11,60 €

  • Idee van de innovatieve immobiliënmatching
    Matthias Fiedler
    In dit boek wordt een revolutionair concept voor een wereldwijd immobiliënmatchingportaal (App – Applicatie) met berekening van het aanzienlijk omzetpotentieel (miljarden Euro) verklaard, hetwelk in een immobiliënmakelaarssoftware inclusief immobiliënschatting geïntegreerd wordt (miljarden Euro omzetpotentieel).Hierdoor kunnen private en voor commerciële doeleinden bestemde onr...

    11,60 €

  • I
    Matthias Fiedler
    У цій книзі викладається революційна концепція порталу підбору нерухомості (застосунку — програми) з оцінкою значного потенційного обороту (у мільярдах євро), який інтегрується з програмним забезпеченням агента з нерухомості, включаючи оцінку нерухомості (потенційний оборот становить мільярди євро).За допомогою цього інструмента можна ефективно й швидко підбирати житлову та ком...

    11,63 €

  • Batu Dangane da Dacewa kan Kadarorin da Suka Shafi Filaye da Gine-gine
    Matthias Fiedler
    Wannan littafi ya ƙunshi bayanai na kawo sauyi dangane da dacewar hanyoyi (aikace-aikace) na batutuwan filaye da gine-gine a duk faɗin duniya tare da lissafi na yiwuwar sayarwa na (Biliyoyin Daloli), wanda aka ƙunsa a cikin manhajar hukumar filaye da gine-gine game da ƙiyasin filaye da gine-gine na (yiwuwar saye da siyarwa na Tiriliyoyin Dala).Wannan na nufin cewa filaye da gin...

    11,60 €

  • Enlightened Real Estate
    Scherr B Barry
    A NEW DIRECTION FOR REAL ESTATE Does real estate evolve and grow with the times? Or does brick-and-mortar, by its nature, hold back progress, trapping us in traffic, low affordability, and endless rebuilding? Enlightened Real Estate will open our eyes to the astonishing potential of the man-made world. The reconstruction of buildings, towns, and cities will be the basis for t...

    13,03 €

  • Property Finance Made Simple
    Andrew Crossley
    This latest book in the Made Simple Series contains so much valuable information, you won' be able to put it down. Property Finance made Simple is the latest book from best seller, property guru Andrew Crossley. Want to you buy your first home? It looks at the challenges of the Australian home affordability crisis and steps you through everything you need to know. It remov...

    29,12 €

  • Shopping Center Dealmaker’s Handbook®
    Bruce G. Zimmerman / Bruce GZimmerman
    Shopping Center DealMaker's Handbook® (8.5" x 11"; 656 pages) and its Word® Forms CD (or download) gives you the electronic verbal building blocks for U.S. shopping center real estate transactions. The book includes 62 editable "deal-making documents" to make your own proposals and letters of intent creatively, quickly, and efficiently. It is a "thinking tool" you'll us...

    186,35 €

  • Instant Experience for Real Estate Agents
    David a. Thyfault
    Lessons, true stories and insider secrets for Real Estate Professionals. A great tool, especially for new agents, as it provides insight and wisdom from a successful 30 year broker. ...

    12,31 €

  • Têgeha Guncandina Emlaqa Nûxwaz
    Matthias Fiedler
    Ev pirtûk konsepteke şoreşger a li ser portala (app) guncandina emlaqa di asta dinyayê de, bi tevî hesibandina potansîyela firotinê ya girîng (Mîlyar Dolarî) ku bi bernameya komputerê ya ajanseke emlaq ve hatîye entegrekirin û nirxandina emlaqê (potansîyela firotinê ya bi qasî Trîlyon Dolarî) nîşan dide.Ev yek tê wê maneyê ku sîmsarîya emlaqa niştecihî û bazirganî -çi hatibin k...

    11,60 €

  • Idee des innovativen Immobilienmatchings
    Matthias Fiedler
    In diesem Buch wird ein revolutionäres Konzept für ein weltweites Immobilienmatchingportal (App – Applikation) mit Berechnung des beachtlichen Umsatzpotentials (Milliarden Euro) erklärt, welches in eine Immobilienmaklersoftware inklusive Immobilienbewertung integriert wird (Billionen Euro Umsatzpotential).Hierdurch können Wohn- und Gewerbeimmobilien, eigengenutzt oder vermietet...

    11,60 €

  • Idea del innovador matching inmobiliario
    Matthias Fiedler
    En este libro se explica un concepto revolucionario para un portal internacional (app - aplicación) de búsqueda de inmuebles que calcula el potencial de ventas (mil millones de Euros). Este portal está integrado en un software de gestión inmobiliaria y de tasación de inmuebles (con un potencial de ventas de billones de euros).Aquí se pueden gestionar, de forma rápida y eficient...

    11,60 €

  • Mortgage Matters
    Sylvia M Gutierrez
    The Only Guide You Need to the Mortgage Loan Process If you're like most people, getting a mortgage can seem like a confusing, overwhelming, and frustrating process. You have lots of questions and need guidance in selecting the best options to fit your financial goals. Imagine if you had a close friend who could share with you all the answers without adding sales pressure or m...

    23,10 €

    Kris Lindahl
    BORN IN MINNEAPOLIS, Kris Lindahl overcame a childhood marked by tragedy, addiction and financial struggles to become a nationally recognized innovator in marketing, branding and real estate.Having moved seven times before the age of 12, Kris has always understood the importance of 'home.' Today, he owns multiple real estate companies, including Kris Lindahl Real Estate - a bro...

    12,51 €

  • The Fundamental Investor
    Jeremy Dyer
    Unlock the Secrets to Passive Wealth Building in Real Estate!In The Fundamental Investor, Jeremy Dyer-Founder of Starting Point Capital and host of The Freedom Point Podcast-shares his wealth of knowledge from investing in over 5,000 multifamily units valued at $750M. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting, this book offers a step-by-step guide to building lasting ...

    26,30 €

  • The Fundamental Investor
    Jeremy Dyer
    Unlock the Secrets to Passive Wealth Building in Real Estate!In The Fundamental Investor, Jeremy Dyer-Founder of Starting Point Capital and host of The Freedom Point Podcast-shares his wealth of knowledge from managing over 4,000 multifamily units valued at $500M. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting, this book offers a step-by-step guide to building lasting weal...

    33,39 €

  • The Ultimate Real Estate Investing Beginner’s Book
    Frank Eberstadt
    Struggling to figure out how to make money in real estate without losing your sanity and savings? This is the ultimate guide designed just for beginners, simplifying every step toward financial freedom with rental properties!Did you know that over 90% of the world’s millionaires earned their fortune by investing in real estate? In truth, real estate generates more money than al...

    18,94 €

  • The Ultimate Real Estate Investing Beginner’s Book
    Frank Eberstadt
    Struggling to figure out how to make money in real estate without losing your sanity and savings? This is the ultimate guide designed just for beginners, simplifying every step toward financial freedom with rental properties!Did you know that over 90% of the world’s millionaires earned their fortune by investing in real estate? In truth, real estate generates more money than al...

    32,56 €

  • Building Optimism
    Coby Lefkowitz
    Building the world of our dreams has never been more attainable than it is today. Our society is the wealthiest, most knowledgeable, and most technically advanced in history. Yet, why does so much of the modern world around us feel dispiriting? In this hopeful work, Coby Lefkowitz details how the design of cities and towns is shaped by a community’s beliefs, and the decisions m...

    41,04 €

  • Principles of Real Estate Practice in Michigan
    David Cusic / Ryan Mettling / Stephen Mettling
    Performance Programs Company’s Principles of Real Estate Practice in Michigan contains the essentials of the national and Michigan real estate law, principles, and practices necessary for basic competence as a real estate professional and as mandated by Michigan license law. It is based on our highly successful and popular national publication, Principles of Real Estate Practic...

    55,47 €

  • Michigan Real Estate License Exam Prep
    David Cusic / Ryan Mettling / Stephen Mettling
    Features of Performance Programs Company’s Michigan Real Estate License Exam Prep (MI-RELEP):National Principles & Law Key Point Review (60 pages)Real Estate Math Key Formula Review & Practice (20 pages)Michigan-Specific Laws and Practices (22 pages)National Practice Tests (500 questions)Michigan Practice Tests (100 questions)Michigan Sample Exam (100 questions)We know the real...

    33,78 €

  • Home Inspector License Exam Prep
    Bruce Barker / Ryan Mettling / Stephen Mettling
    Performance Programs Company’s Home Inspector License Exam Prep (HILEP) is a 240-page, state-of-the-art learning learning tool designed to prepare home inspector candidates for the National Home Inspector Examination® (NHIE®). HILEP is comprehensive in that it contains both key content review and testing practice. The text review specifically follows the National Home Inspector...

    46,31 €

  • The Power of Partnership
    Clyde N. III Cook
    In the dynamic world of real estate, success often hinges on the power of collaboration. 'The Power of Partnership' delves deep into the synergistic relationship between real estate agents and wholesalers. This compelling guide explores strategies for creating win-win partnerships, leveraging the unique strengths of both parties to maximize profits and streamline transactions. ...

    21,98 €

    Brooke Ceballos-Pinero / Migena Agaraj
    REAL Women in REAL ESTATE Volume 3 Dear Reader,Welcome to the final volume of 'Real Women in Real Estate ' aka REWIRE where 31 extraordinary women share their heartfelt real estate journeys. This 3rd volume completes our trilogy, celebrating the courage and relentless drive of 66 women. We are showcasing the diverse paths and vibrant tapestry of women’s roles in real estate wit...

    26,95 €

    Brooke Ceballos-Pinero / Migena Agaraj
    REAL Women in REAL ESTATE Volume 3 Dear Reader,Welcome to the final volume of 'Real Women in Real Estate ' aka REWIRE where 31 extraordinary women share their heartfelt real estate journeys. This 3rd volume completes our trilogy, celebrating the courage and relentless drive of 66 women. We are showcasing the diverse paths and vibrant tapestry of women’s roles in real estate wit...

    24,72 €