Planificación urbana y municipal

Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación / Planificación regional y zonal / Planificación urbana y municipal (1821)

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Planificación regional y zonal Eliminar filtro Planificación urbana y municipal Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • New Approaches, Methods, and Tools in Urban E-Planning
    Carlos Nunes Silva
    Recent advances in information and communication technologies have enhanced the standards of metropolitan planning and development. With the increase in mobile communication, this will help to deliver innovative new services and apps in the field of urban e-planning. New Approaches, Methods, and Tools in Urban E-Planning is a key resource for the latest academic research on rec...

    269,29 €

  • Creative Urban Regions
    In a knowledge economy urban form and functions are primarily shaped by global market forces rather than urban planning. As the role of knowledge in wealth creation becomes a critical issue in cities, urban administrations and planners need to discover new approaches to harness the considerable opportunities of abstract production for a global order. Creative Urban Regions: Har...

    236,45 €

  • Handbook of Research on Modernization and Accountability in Public Sector Management
    The effects of recent economic and financial crises have reached an international scale. A number of different nations have experienced the fallout of these events, calling into question issues of accountability and reform in public management. The Handbook of Research on Modernization and Accountability in Public Sector Management is an essential scholarly publication that foc...

    374,24 €

  • História Geral Do Córrego Do Jenipapo
    Vinícius Barros
    O Córrego do Jenipapo, terra na qual se vive, se trabalha e se perpetuam gerações após gerações, andada corriqueiramente pelas mais diversas pessoas, integrantes dos mais diversos leques sociais, é um verdadeiro poema em processo de escrita, tendo aos poucos evoluído graças à caneta empunhada por seus moradores. A eles devem-se as conquistas da urbanização, hoje tão triviais ao...

    20,75 €

  • Tehran’s Borderlines
    Jaleh Jalili

    133,10 €

  • O Reurb Como Instrumento De Garantia Do Direito À Cidade
    Cesar Roney Gonçalves De Andrade Filho
    O crescimento urbano desordenado no Brasil revelou profundas desigualdades no acesso à terra, infraestrutura e serviços essenciais, resultando na marginalização de milhões de pessoas e na degradação ambiental. Diante desse cenário, o conceito de direito à cidade desponta como um paradigma essencial para promover cidades inclusivas, justas e sustentáveis.Neste livro, analisa-se ...

    8,84 €

  • Recent Advances and Prospects in Urban E-Planning
    Carlos Nunes Silva
    The increasing integration of digital technologies in urban planning offers transformative opportunities for improving governance, citizen engagement, and operational efficiency. However, it also presents significant challenges, including ethical concerns, data bias, and potential inequalities in access and outcomes. Understanding these dynamics is crucial as governments and pl...

    447,90 €

  • Recent Advances and Prospects in Urban E-Planning
    Carlos Nunes Silva
    The increasing integration of digital technologies in urban planning offers transformative opportunities for improving governance, citizen engagement, and operational efficiency. However, it also presents significant challenges, including ethical concerns, data bias, and potential inequalities in access and outcomes. Understanding these dynamics is crucial as governments and pl...

    342,85 €

    This monograph presents a summary of theory and good practices, research results, and a model and strategy for the development of a smart tourism destination using the Varna Municipality in Bulgaria as an example. It begins with a theoretical overview and analysis of the characteristics of smart cities and smart tourism, sustainable development of tourism and tourism destinatio...

    107,65 €

    This book discusses smart city implementation in 11 smart cities - Auckland, Boston, Copenhagen, Gothenburg, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Melbourne, Milan, Seoul, Tokyo, and Vancouver. The cities encompass a range of smart city development on selected critical issues in economic prosperity (future digital economy, smart retail, smart tourism), social inclusion (digital inclusion, digit...

    142,28 €

  • Building Optimism
    Coby Lefkowitz
    Building the world of our dreams has never been more attainable than it is today. Our society is the wealthiest, most knowledgeable, and most technically advanced in history. Yet, why does so much of the modern world around us feel dispiriting? In this hopeful work, Coby Lefkowitz details how the design of cities and towns is shaped by a community’s beliefs, and the decisions m...

    41,04 €

  • Os Lusíadas Na Escola De Salazar
    Flávio G Vichinsky
    Os Lusíadas na Escola de Salazar é uma análise profunda da educação literária durante o período do Estado Novo em Portugal, revelando como o poema épico de Camões foi instrumentalizado para reforçar valores patrióticos e conservadores. Flávio G. Vichinsky explora as reformas educacionais e curriculares promovidas pelo regime de Salazar, mostrando como a leitura de Os Lusíadas f...

    22,36 €

  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to Transportation and Urban Planning
    Interdisciplinary approaches to transportation and urban planning are vital when addressing the challenges of modern cities. As urban populations increase and environmental concerns rise, traditional methods of planning often fall short. By integrating insights from diverse fields like sociology, environmental science, engineering, and economics, planners can develop better sol...

    373,87 €

  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to Transportation and Urban Planning
    Interdisciplinary approaches to transportation and urban planning are vital when addressing the challenges of modern cities. As urban populations increase and environmental concerns rise, traditional methods of planning often fall short. By integrating insights from diverse fields like sociology, environmental science, engineering, and economics, planners can develop better sol...

    281,89 €

  • Subjectivity at Latin America’s Urban Margins
    Extreme inequalities, uneven planning, and unruly environments have long shaped individual and collective subjectivities at Latin America’s urban margins. Yet these same margins have frequently given rise to new forms of community organization, cultural practice, and social mobilization. This volumeframes the urban margins as complex and multi-layered sites where ongoing transl...

    183,93 €

  • A Luz De Santa Rita
    João Alberto Brentan
    Santa Rita do Sapucaí se destaca como uma cidade singular, renomada por suas empresas de tecnologia e empreendimentos bem-sucedidos. Este livro busca desvendar a história da essência inovadora da cidade, explorando por que seus eventos de sucesso não são replicáveis em outras localidades. Utilizando como pano de fundo a construção da primeira usina hidrelétrica de maior porte n...

    22,83 €

  • Turf War
    Steven Robinson
    'A richly detailed and lively account of a community victory against an unscrupulous real estate mogul...the author works the minor miracle of turning largely procedural real estate wrangling into gripping reading.' - Kirkus Reviews'Robinson’s upbeat and detailed account is less about the future president and more about community organizing and what it takes to put together an ...

    19,83 €

  • Implementing Sustainable Cities
    This edited volume brings together international authors to explore how cities around the world are implementing their commitment toward the UN SDGs. Of great interest to students, researchers, and professionals of urban sustainability, planning, smart cities, and sustainable communities, as well city and government stakeholders. ...

    66,32 €

  • Implementing Sustainable Cities
    This edited volume brings together international authors to explore how cities around the world are implementing their commitment toward the UN SDGs. Of great interest to students, researchers, and professionals of urban sustainability, planning, smart cities, and sustainable communities, as well city and government stakeholders. ...

    240,81 €

  • Nacionalismo Brasileiro
    Felipe Maruf Quintas
    O nacionalismo é a doutrina de defesa e valorização da soberania nacional e de tudo que faz o Brasil ser brasileiro. O nacionalismo jamais se tornará obsoleto, pois, enquanto houver brasileiros, haverá Brasil e, portanto, a necessidade de proteger e realçar a nossa nacionalidade, que nos torna únicos no mundo. Sem soberania, não pode haver cidadania, de modo que o nacionalismo ...

    23,40 €

  • Public-Private Partnership Monitor
    Asian Development Bank
    This report assesses trends and developments in India’s public-private partnerships (PPP) landscape as the fast-growing economy seeks to build an estimated $1.4 trillion in infrastructure to support sustainable economic growth.This key ADB publication examines the evolution of India’s PPP sector, analyzing the national landscape, local government policies, and key sectors, incl...

    63,56 €

  • Buffalo’s Waterfront Renaissance
    Gene Bunnell
    Recounts how preservationists and environmentalists ultimately succeeded in persuading a powerful state agency to abandon its plans for privately developing Buffalo’s waterfront and instead revitalize the city by enhancing opportunities for members of the public to use and enjoy that same space. ...

    126,76 €

  • Buffalo’s Waterfront Renaissance
    Gene Bunnell
    Recounts how preservationists and environmentalists ultimately succeeded in persuading a powerful state agency to abandon its plans for privately developing Buffalo’s waterfront and instead revitalize the city by enhancing opportunities for members of the public to use and enjoy that same space. ...

    29,15 €

  • Indigenous Peoples and Forests
    Mitsuo Ichikawa
    African tropical rainforests are in rapid decline, and their conservation is an urgent priority. However, forest conservation efforts have typically neglected the rights of people like pygmies, who have long and strong connections to the forests on which they depend. The forests that they have long inhabited have been designated as protected areas, the people have been forcibly...

    68,20 €

  • Urban Governance in Southeast Asia
    Ambe J. Njoh
    The book draws from regulation theory to explain urban planning policies and outcomes in Southeast Asia as a function of governance structures and processes. A considerable portion of the book is spent re-tracing the historical roots of planning dispositives, including the totality ofinstitutional entities, which together constitute an apparatus of government in South-East Asia...

    170,04 €

  • Municipal Solid Waste Management and Recycling Technologies
    The issue of overflowing landfills and environmental degradation caused by municipal solid waste is becoming increasingly pressing. Despite the importance of recycling, challenges such as contamination and the need for market demand for recycled materials persist. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive understanding of waste composition, innovative technologies, a...

    635,70 €

  • Municipal Solid Waste Management and Recycling Technologies
    The issue of overflowing landfills and environmental degradation caused by municipal solid waste is becoming increasingly pressing. Despite the importance of recycling, challenges such as contamination and the need for market demand for recycled materials persist. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive understanding of waste composition, innovative technologies, a...

    478,40 €

  • Evolutionary Urban Development
    Katarzyna Sadowy
    Drawing on a range of disciplinary approaches, this monograph explores the drivers of urban development. Through an evolutionary lens, cities are shown to find a development path amidst an ever-changing landscape, sometimes facing extreme externalities such as wars and economic crises. ...

    73,46 €

  • The Routledge Handbook of Small Towns
    Jerzy Bański
    The Routledge Handbook of Small Towns addresses the theoretical, methodical and practical issues related to the development of small towns and neighbouring countryside. ...

    80,77 €

  • The Routledge Handbook of Urban Studies in Latin America and the Caribbean
    This handbook presents the great contemporary challenges facing cities and urban spaces in Latin America and the Caribbean. The book is designed to meet the interdisciplinary study and consultation needs of undergraduate and graduate students of architecture, urban design, urban planning, political science, and more. ...

    81,47 €