Navegación y marinería

Tecnología, ingeniería, agricultura / / / Navegación y marinería (94)

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  • The Mystic Poetry Of The Sea
    Andreia Santos
    The verses of this booklet evoke distances, sadness, joys, and some passions.Poetizingthe sea is not an easy task.The sea has its mysteries, its secrets. It is wise and teaches us what we need to learn, often in a very painful way.The Mystic Poetry of the Sea also portrays an authentic and profound spiritual journey, and this journey has no end.These verses are dedicated to all...

    12,43 €

  • Novos Rumos
    Geraldo Souza Pinto
    Novos Rumos, uma continuação de A Trajetória de um Piloto, aborda ciclos de vida numa aviação em constante evolução, abrangendo empresas aéreas, aviões e tripulações. Além de relatos cronológicos das diversas fases que compõem o desenvolvimento de empresas iniciantes, como Webjet, Lynx e Whitejets, seus desafios e tensões, o leitor encontrará reflexões sobre o desaparecimento d...

    11,39 €

  • As Navegações No Extremo Oriental Das Américas
    Ticiano Vanderlei De Siqueira Alves
    Navegações no Extremo Oriental das Américas: 1850-1950, de Ticiano Alves, desvenda a rica história do porto da Paraíba, traçando sua evolução desde os duelos franco-britânicos até o fim da era áurea dos vapores, passando pelas navegações do algodão paraibano. A obra explora a influência das transformações tecnológicas, os desafios enfrentados e as soluções encontradas para mant...

    28,80 €

  • Off the Grid
    Jack W. Peters
    Off the Grid, Drive, Navigate and Survive Off-Road   This book was over ten years in the making and is ideal for beginning to advanced off-road and overland enthusiasts.  313 pages and hundreds of photos for practical off-road setups, international travel, driving techniques, getting unstuck, GPS navigation, communication, emergency repairs and survival.  Also the pros and cons...

    12,02 €

  • The FAA Flight Navigator Handbook - Full Color, Hardcover, Full Size
    Federal Aviation Administration
    THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO PRACTICAL, SAFE AIR NAVIGATION FULL COLOR THROUGHOUT: the theory and practice of air navigation cannot be fully explained or adequately understood with black-and-white illustrations; color is vital. This edition uses full color from start to finish. FULL-SIZE 8.5' x 11' edition: large, easy-to-read text and illustrations. CASEBOUND: hardcover binding ...

    63,27 €

  • A Treatise on Navigation and Nautical Astronomy - Including the Theory of Compass Deviations - Prepared for Use as a Textbook for the U. S. Naval Academy
    W. C. P. Muir / WCPMuir
    Celestial navigation refers to the ancient practice of position fixing that allows a navigator to move through a space without the need of estimated calculations to know what their position is. Usually, the Sun is used for this, but the Moon, Polaris, a planet, or one of the numerous other navigational stars can also be used. First published in 1918, this book contains a detail...

    33,68 €

  • A Chronological History of the Origin and Development of Steam Navigation
    Henry George Preble
    This vintage book contains a fascinating history of the steamboat, exploring its origin and evolution with a particular focus on American steamboats. A steamboat is a boat that that relies on steam power for its propulsion, usually powered by driving propellers or paddlewheels. With the increasing reliability of steam power, it was also eventually applied to larger vessels that...

    29,45 €

  • Trammel’s Trace
    Gary L. Pinkerton / Gary LPinkerton
    Trammel’s Trace tells the story of a borderlands smuggler and an important passageway into early Texas.Trammel’s Trace, named for Nicholas Trammell, was the first route from the United States into the northern boundaries of Spanish Texas. From the Great Bend of the Red River it intersected with El Camino Real de los Tejas in Nacogdoches. By the early nineteenth century, Trammel...

    26,28 €

  • Light List Volume IV, 2018 - Gulf of Mexico
    US Department of Homeland Security

    76,04 €

  • The Captain's Guide to Hurricane Holes
    Captain Dave Underill / Stephen J Pavlidis
    The Captain's Guide to Hurricane Holes is a navigational aid designed for yacht and boat captains transiting the waters of The Bahamas and Caribbean.  If you are so unfortunate as to find your yacht or boat in the path of an oncoming hurricane, this book will provide advice on the safest locations to flee to as a last resort.  Sitting out a hurricane on a yacht or boat in t...

    47,75 €

    H. Frank Foreman / HFrank Foreman
    Malcom returns home after months in Afghanistan, only to have his life turned upside-down. He decides to check-out of the rat race, get a boat, sail away and find a different life, maybe some well-needed balance. He survives the hard knocks of life and finds that balance in the islands of the Caribbean. Before long, the tug of friends and family brings him back to the Pacific N...

    21,16 €

  • Coastal Navigation Exercises
    Dominique F. Prinet / Dominique FPrinet
    Coastal Navigation Exercises is based on the notes and exercises prepared for students during some 15 years of teaching marine navigation to sailors and professional mariners. The data tables needed to do the exercises are given in the Appendix of this manual. Most of the exercises require the Canadian marine chart CHS 3463, Strait of Georgia, Southern Portion, published under ...

    37,78 €

  • Coastal Navigation
    Dominique F. Prinet / Dominique FPrinet
    Coastal Navigation for Class and Home Study is based on the notes prepared for students by the author during some 20 years of teaching navigation, initially to private or commercial pilots, and then to sailors and professional mariners.The book is copiously illustrated with graphics which explain chart projections, scales and symbols, and describe lights and other navigation ai...

    40,51 €

  • GPS Systems
    Ben Levitan / Lawrence Harte
    This book covers satellite position location technology and how the GPS system has evolved. You will learn the functional parts of GPS systems, how they work together to provide position measurements that are accurate to within centimeters. The operation of GPS is described including satellite acquisition, signal reception, and pseudo-ranging. Discover how time reference and e...

    27,98 €

  • Celestial Navigation Exercises for Class and Home study
    Dominique F. Prinet / Dominique FPrinet
    About the Manual Celestial Navigation Exercises for Class and Home Study was designed to facilitate the work of instructors using the free PowerPoint slide presentation available at This exercise manual, available in hard copy and in PDF format for tablets, reproduces the questions posed at regular intervals throughout the slide presentation; it pro...

    33,71 €

  • Shipwrecks of Maine and New Hampshire
    Gary Gentile
    SHIPWRECKS OF MAINE AND NEW HAMPSHIRE ISBN 978-1-883056-52-0 softcover with color covers, 6 x 9 vertical, 220 pages, $20 U.S. 4 color photos, 126 black & white photos GARY GENTILE'S POPULAR DIVE GUIDE SERIES Over 300 GPS and loran numbers included As suggested by the title and series name, this volume covers the most well-known wrecks sunk off the coasts of Maine and New Hamp...

    20,23 €

  • Operaciones de varada, estadía y desvarada en diques secos
    Policarpo Alfonso Machado C.
    Mi nombre es Policarpo Alfonso Machado C, nací en el corregimiento de Almirante, provincia de Bocas del toro, República de Panamá, egresado de la escuela de aprendices, programa de formación profesional de la Comisión del Canal de Panamá (hoy Autoridad del Canal de Panamá) como constructor de buques y Buzo III clase. Obtuve un diploma en tecnología en el Panamá Canal College y ...

    70,90 €

  • Nautical Log Book
    Speedy Publishing LLC
    The nautical logbook is a very important tool that contains technical documentation of maritime journeys. Should there be issues in the journey that would require proof, the logbook can be used in the investigation. Use a logbook that is effective to use as much as it is sturdy. Keep your records intact in this sturdy record book. ...

    14,85 €

  • Boat Crew Seamanship Manual (COMDTINST M16114.5C)
    United States Coast Guard

    87,25 €

  • Boat Crew Seamanship Manual (COMDTINST M16114.5C)
    U.S. Department of Homeland Security / United States Coast Guard
    The Boat Crew Seamanship Manual presents the approved methods and procedures for the conduct of Coast Guard boat operations. The Coast Guard Auxiliary, for the conduct of vessel facility operations, also uses this Manual. Fully illustrated throughout. 3 ...

    54,20 €

  • Celestial Navigation
    Dominique F. Prinet / Dominique FPrinet
    This manual has grown out of all the courses given by Dominique Prinet, a certified Instructor-Evaluator for Sail Canada who has been teaching celestial navigation since 2000. It has benefitted from the thoughtful contributions of over 100 students. The aim of Celestial Navigation is to give a sufficient grounding in the subject to determine position at sea using a sextant for ...

    30,43 €

  • Mobile Technologies for Activity-Travel Data Collection and Analysis
    Rasouli / Soora Rasouli
    As mobile technologies become ever more pervasive in modern society, users find increasingly innovative methods to take advantage of the newest developments and mobile devices. Data mining, in particular, has seen a vast shift as a result of wireless technologies. Mobile Technologies for Active-Travel Data Collection and Analysis concentrates on one particular and fast-growing ...

    310,18 €

  • Formulas for the E6-B Air Navigation Computer
    Frank Hitchens
    Formulas for the Air Navigation Computer is written for pilots and air navigators at all levels of experience from the novice to the professional. The book is self-help on how to use the E6-B Air Navigation Computer. An E6-B Air Navigation Computer is a circular slide rule with a wind slide on the reverse side. It is dedicated to performing all calculations related to pre-fligh...

    13,26 €

  • Pigeons to Peshawar
    Kenneth F. Schanke / Kenneth FSchanke
    An amazing story-even more so because it’s all true. City-born and country-raised, Ken developed a need to fly and found a way to do it. While recalling his career as a USAF navigator, he relates to the history of the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s-linking people, places, aircraft and adventures that circled the globe. In an early chapter, Ken describes in detail crossing the Atlantic, so...

    31,23 €

  • Pigeons to Peshawar
    Kenneth F. Schanke / Kenneth FSchanke
    An amazing story-even more so because it’s all true. City-born and country-raised, Ken developed a need to fly and found a way to do it. While recalling his career as a USAF navigator, he relates to the history of the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s-linking people, places, aircraft and adventures that circled the globe. In an early chapter, Ken describes in detail crossing the Atlantic, so...

    37,64 €

  • Brothers of the Fire Star
    Douglas Arvidson
    Joseph, nearing his thirteenth birthday, was exploring the jungle near his home in Guam when he heard the planes and the distant thunder of bombs, and knew that life would not be the same again. He hid as best he could. He awakended the next morning to a voice telling him he must escape to the sea; that he must find Napu, and together they must learn the ancient ways of navigat...

    13,15 €

  • New York to Okinawa Sloooooowly
    John Barnes
    Over many centuries, wars have been lost due to lack of food and proper supplies for the troops. Without a way to survive, the troops had to retreat rather than stay and fight. The same need applied to ships at sea. New York to Okinawa Sloooooowly is the true story of a soldier who served on one of the supply ships that were vital to the survival of the troops in battle during ...

    12,45 €

  • New York to Okinawa Sloooooowly
    John Barnes
    Over many centuries, wars have been lost due to lack of food and proper supplies for the troops. Without a way to survive, the troops had to retreat rather than stay and fight. The same need applied to ships at sea. New York to Okinawa Sloooooowly is the true story of a soldier who served on one of the supply ships that were vital to the survival of the troops in battle during ...

    23,85 €

  • Astro-navigation from Square One to Ocean-master
    Alan Murray
    'Astro-navigation from Square One to Ocean-master' is an impressively dynamic and understandable book. It is clear and concise with a large number of excellent diagrams that admirably compliment the text, demystifying and simplifying the art of astro-navigation. The excellent glossary of terms and language used, together with the highlighting of important points make this book ...

    43,01 €

  • Map Reading and Navigation
    U.S. Army Department
    The purpose of this field manual is to provide a standardized source document for Armywide reference on map reading and land navigation. This manual applies to every soldier in the Army regardless of service branch, MOS, or rank. This manual also contains both doctrine and training guidance on these subjects. Part One addresses map reading and Part Two, land navigation. The app...

    19,10 €

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